The Patton courier. (Patton, Cambria Co., Pa.) 1893-1936, June 25, 1925, Image 1

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z+ - + AM PE) FAKING SUMMER (OU RSE YY... 3 1 rane LEAVE ON TOUR 0 A " = 'Q 1 .
Kiwanis Has WILLAR BEN WAL, i : . on RF ve IND. Edw. Morgan STATES IN THE BAND WILL HA 1. Lawrence
Meet ing At
Passes Away ow vo ee Fin | Tie an sed dota | Lady Expires
Barnesboro : po i en : Operation for Appendicitis At | | , “ | : re . 8 So . trovase At Altoona
Hospital Fatal to Patton aE :
Young Man. tu Fo iLimerae wih : rt
: ¥ I \ : ; rer ; os re Mrs. Mary Ann Dunegan Pass-
es Away at the Home of
Daughter in Altoona.
RA SN an
About Rixty Members and Then
Guests Attend Weekly
(;athering. LW
———————— |
! the oe : al BIRTHDAY PARIIY AT J rugs, Sed Totuduy
Hear Arguments Bit the Panes] THE BURKEY| RESIDENCE + dAmsehts BOT Adap
i $1 Mr i i dams
Zi ~ : . rir fu : 3 . ) “me i ar b i y toona
of Tax Collectors E Brother DoF. addy Rapid Progress in nt en held at the yiury leer eit The
arents. Mr. Morgan bad beer | [Highway Building ome «Mr. 0 3 Burkey. 505 Line | vera) mn
Test Case 1s Argued Before All , rT ont “1 Funeral service: will be eco
hree Judges to Determie Ihe ey a
i, nucle
satisfactory Progress is Being |
Made on the Road from
Here to ( hest Springs.
Legality of | evies,
COMMISSIONERS TO we tak woll ont erneon at 2:10 Wea on crs Paes ot Chat Borin) be. 4 F| funtion wus)! Rev: Father Joseph Fares,
SEER COURT ORDER vo by the thee MPLS. oh daa” nity Enignenr Owen to] oh The J TE ee Sana the Rev Father
Prospective Bride |
[ endered Party
Mrs. Barth Young Entertains at |
Her Home in Honor of |
: : : ai ie : oe Miss Loretto Gill.
ern (Cambria Street Railaan dmpany (ARe 4 HA § big ; +344 : :
Mark Barkwell of th
Vocal welections werd
Mr and Mre Burleigh Evi ‘
Nestrrs, td Watiam Henif f | there has boo from the ofl vor fare ; otto Gf ose [the wxception of the Menoher highway |p a RM BUREAU] WILL
this place Accompantst he | diate of 4 frend ard citize : 3 A : a2 ; arly Ju ‘ : Sip vty lated a ! r : : BANOQI ET JULY TH
singers were Misc Wilma rom. l ; Es bid e lant |) ( received man eh 41? ATP De the public. Buds r the
ef St. Benediet, ant Mis: F) a Ey he Phe. follow | ¢ :
Martin, of Patton All of the
numbers were well received an
4. Dune,
George [hinepgan, af
ya 5 Mars Ad
Pigs Sra f Qt Law.
ierine Collinge, Mrs
Mre Eimer Adams
Hvan, ail of Altoons
Ti | Margaret Breaks, of Eb.
: 3 3 © 1 ; vl 3 H ‘ sen : Wi ‘ ied Gt onrptta and (res
Prior to the meeting of the Kiwar o ht Pt it fan ; | f :
' 0) , ; enshurg. The lute Mr A. FE. Bender
[eitriek ro | gineer Be plans for the elimar. rn Tusa wy fuly Tth at .
: J iy sPMix hh RM lof Ebenshuare. was a
Littie, Mrx. I. A. Kelly, Mrs lation a » 8 curve on the Benscreek lg 15 harp vy on whe is interest. fr : A ind htest. Jen
h . Io UTWSSrAn Was a sister = :
fateinger, Mra Paul Biller, Mrs ‘ ne from Johnstown ts Rens ® “a sat of F. I i.
{ in the farm bu iy work i4 cor. je 2
IT : : ’ i ; a . ry, of Pittsburg... ¢
Barneshoro men for the purpose of ‘nr Hoa eq lo pay oxy Prose homes Donahue, Mrs Clair Smale, jereek. dindly invited to athend thie "wd , — —
organizing a Kiwanis Club at Bar. agreement cution aral go serve no le anoone | Mey Helena Swope, Mrs. John Lilly} Lamb's bridge, near South Forie fygisill |
neshore or affiliating with the Pat Im month nor more than one year in the fates Jam : dipesmiud = This been repiimd, and whi , bof
> he sesuita of the Biroestiors | Furaral services for the late Fm tis enaroed by Jumen | Hobart, Mrs. Karibeim, Mm Ed. Lit. jty in Incared.
meeting will be heard in then ear fu. 4 = ea Washington with felonions
. iz X in : shia assault file. Mrs Joseph Fisher, Mrs. rein The curves on the road between
x met Casspiay, aged 34 veurs & buy
ture ax it seems not all of the pro.
>. a # : i Gisela § rind . the pr Nhat : Winifred Fitzoa: wr biipred Glu bis wens £# Les t Fhensh : a"
ters of the give projec are of afternoon of last week, were hei kl . . ; { i : - REA PUI 4 i! Fn urg, Pa suctesdiing George Chapman, who has
the same mind relative to having a} . =... pois, gs Jeounty gi a prosecutar charged | rick, Fizabeth Little, Mattie Anna a A i
PEAR Et OO 3K (31) IRN FELER ii AR a
elab at home or joining the Patton
tgriiny, July Ath, A}, =a
' n . . been transferred ta a Chicago offen
' ‘ . : that the ¢, 4 ir Bo 4 Haley “en Youth Is I. rile Stan fn’ itn texeallent DrogTam | « 0 a ag ffiey
" : © Brigid's Catholie chured Fhe [ev | hl Pipa ; | ! a a a i a prog Mr Robert tetids to make hin see
elub. Nine prominent men of Bar Father Cy >. % # th 1 1 \ yaar old so ria 4
. iH Y i Fy fot % §
nesboro atterdded the meeting at the
hotel, and, as it were, formed a very
sabstantial nucleus for the building of
a rock bottom Kiwanis Club
“{3E1Y rid i 3 ¥ ? a . _ 3 A “jar ile wo bafauet at the Half}
ted much applause from the audience : nr oof A i ie Pross | \ . ha init ha nd . ia :
i« Club another meeting was held at
the Commercial hotel by a number of
3 re a A
Thomas CG Roberts, of New Yark
City ix the new manager of the Pro.
dential Insurance office in Patton,
that arrangements) can be made for
thir oecommsditidn, Heservations
iy ¥
: Fors Be sf hatiery, wa 1 tO pay w | IHetrick Mrs Fd Shannon Mrs fCroison and Fhensburg are being his hanouet mist be made ta the
died at his home at all n Tuesdav |
nreparmd for {3 COCARIONn
wiemn hig! ass : i : ‘ 2 ;
.. wee in Patton and states that Ae
Es Mere cont fbr cept] ricken with |C. M. SCHWABLBUYS believes the future in the iAMMFMNCe
En re formeriy Io : : the second of FINE BEEN CATTLE] SNe: bright. Mr. Roberts wax
; ; pe : ge former a sistant superintendent of
$4 i i TOU Crd ! v r ii g : i ne : : : re ; iin Lo - : Lge LT ¢ : 3 RUIN eattie ; MTD) 1 New
The men at the head of the club ; So ; 5 ’ : td . ' i i ’ : ' oa ad ; , . ’ ol : ag !
movement at Barnesboro are Rev oo Ye ea : o 5 : ! @ Tha e year}the YR SL {one Hy oye 1 af ¥ Toten Bs Do. :
Father O'Connor, Attorney William & : / cichiss.] y J | 4 ral c Hil oiEa oT, Sad ——,—,,,
Bill, Pr. G. RB. Andersen, Geargel 0 tt po i ates A The be jaan to Pattage toll fre paraisis of twalF" Nrarm sunerintend- RETURN. FROM TRIP
Wildeman, Richard Steele, Richard] Asks | to Ly t. job o of ati i Ary lies : Lhe I ctad 4 : n y a 5
‘ ter: if, Hishurg, TR. . . ‘ ’ ni . 3 iret ) O ) AND E ,
Suglion, Prof. E. D. Off, 1. Simon, {81 Oo 8 rR re ari Ton te pay the cats, | Riddett years of awe. Fu. [the loft limb t of the Sel tate at ro OHIO AND ERIE
a a 0 4 vio mar es ci nn a
York (it ¥ and
piontind for the past
B Greist. CC Greist and 1. Gruber
———— EE
Mrs. Laura M. Young
Mr: laura M. Young, wife of F
Ss Young, of Aftoona, ied al the
Visits in East Carroll.
5 \ Y CHE ou
> Mrs. Mary Jane Hon.
family residence on Tharsday night
: . I Mar ' J il
at 11 a'cloek. She hud been iil for a :
year. The deceased was born at Ber
nigton's Furnace in 1800 and was the
faughter of Wesley and Elizabeth De
Haven, both deceased She wax mar.
ried to Mr. Young in 1X9. Surviving
br. You Su i Uri by , wing hile | | ef jie ree J “ge a 6 e {ni ad Wide : i: e in ho pits Pe \dist Episcopal I PRINDIBLE GROUNDS
ve hn P Yor ive oe f te , NX IR= ih 34 of Fal Timber rd rs ; 4 { 3 § 4 $ g \ H ‘ ‘ i Wi RIL 3 i irch. BEING BE AL IFIED
(rlaidy « ung and the foliowing . . . r ‘ ; st { ei — hn do i a
Ori, dandbur ir {lar lex. 17 migtunt
hrothers and sisters: Alfred J. and Bearer-lackner. NEWS NOTES FROM 1 ot ¢ new Mmansian
! : i » ; Yin ; } i i rou bald kl
Mrs. Alfred Crawford, both of Gall. i . ‘ Pig . f v. } : 4 i 4 yg ae Deare fM A nr ON PATTON RLR ii : ; i \ : of Ge . Preise vat Mellon
itzin; Mrs. John Hughes and Harry Ie : ; 1: : 4 : f Badvar. nl reality Peart Wath: Colton
Ww DeHaven, both of Altoor a" =~ e Sh ?
was a member of St. Mark's chure!
where the funeral was held at nine
Lire piot
é 's » t I ght Fr aile ¥ «tthe fancy
o'clock on Monday morning
- m— Stns va Kible wihter of Sugun SEtehAler in. Bt, Ruphes Miss Margaret. Drags has gone 0 Lonnty ATTEN
Mrs. Edna Booterbaugh. I nn aaa hy “lma anil about one 3 hie Pit ri. The cer lawrence : ¢ r al \T §
Funeral services for the late Mr file A ae lowner en a ime ¢ vis perform eo Bev Fa. ]few :
Fdna (Trexler) Booterbaugh who die
| the eve
of heart trouble on Sunday afternoon + of
at her residence in Cresson, took iw 2 Morica at +) ba. | hi} Fanti : Lo 3 . wn rr aie) | #t Park ag rium gratified PAY YOUR SUBSCRIPTION
place on Tuesday morning at St 3 : 4 ' : . bl 4 . : ; : » ee , i Nere Liles ta ‘ 4 } 1 Pre reat t io y iY roefit | AT tendpnes t he WE NEED TH E MON EY
Francix Xavier's churct Interment ; pris Ah ob Eid phat (yoes to Penitentiary. 3 J ; i vir L o “i . « Sach Vii saris s cake x Fas.
was made in the cemetery at (o i : :
FL COP ' Ss + fan ad. } ht] Readers of the Courier se sabe
pon yr. Is go! p ! atendg | ie i . ; SEA ah ia : : . z aaratia Sg Veares . L. Fria . dGha = . : at kia will suve confer
The deceased ix survived by her mar ne BL SomilanhIE fers » Atlanta } tentia AriFa 4d n their return] fa a “2 Wilkasn Kitsa. of St 361 : Pa ) revar: if they. remit amripthe. 1%
husband and two sons, Henry and Ira? S1*ier ol ihe hricegront od ; yr gl ; Late 1 t * fia \ revs Ae Phi : sre | ¢ Fin vp “ of ralative boss al nate! pari LOT ght, and
hothi at home. Mrs. Booterbaugh i= : a nh ar 2 : iar Ker rice af ¢ i | é ; tha Rall] n . lage weak La o find oursslves ndicapped t
also survived by her parents, Harry |" Leswwis r the Mi £3} : tavern : i i ; . . lacolb Pauley. | creat extent in the tortion
and Susan Trexler, of Cresson, and p
the following brothers and sisters,
Roy, Herman and Fred Trexler and | : oe mts Portas v wn aaa Sas
Miss Alice Trexler, all of Cresson, = 3 g ' § vers fori Hauting representative of tig bib . F Pein ha pepsi e Ls IW al vrais ming t NUMEROUS ALTO
and Mrs George Kioney, of Lilly phone Compan j robbing fre : pmients ‘ ! je tate hoa . \4 A ffeh ge ' ial ot Pauls Leroy ! ATI PT MI=H A PS REPORTED
The lecassec, *us born at Achville Injured in Mishap nar ‘ rarer | enuntert ea ; Ed erick ! ; . y.} 1 ada srt aku: ; i
Sn November ln, JL.
Bile Lie Vis : £4 . : i, aaa : i ind f automobile mizkaps
Hurled from hi u te rol - i
a... a |
——— A SO 2
Papers ( ome Farlv. : 1 $1 / : oh - .
to Lake Conneaut
hel Ds
their hame 1 Piet
Reig i: employed!
aa ——————
a san { 3 }
when the hit
rc he vicinity of Patton
: er i il of the nal Al { onnell-Drass. | have heen reported au furing the
Nn WH ¥ . v t ¢ ' i
D A N C E worxing out in preparatio : ’ ) i i Drs 2! . . Ls bi! i mast week. 1 1s selaom hat weldents
races on the Faurth of July Hag ir i? { Philip Jd Fira 3 Tbe f X . 5 *; }
| or Pa A FAL! ' : ; ' Lary nd Phappen iT ail parties concerned are
¢ OL ALIMDGYS Peet SE ay : anniel] f Mr : 2 F ei NAKA for 4 ; alos Fv x Xt (wranes BA Han are recpnt to no following the rulex of the highway te
EVERY FRIDAY NIGHT [right shoulder dislocated, at the Eb. 'J H Connell, | Cesc ete) Banits ste mtendine tha
. - . at 1 ret ithe letter. Speeders are usualiy ore.
enshurg fair round : rom i Ps 2 riage r Ws t 1 osk Hao ¥ . $3
Goed Music Special Features
i 8 0 . . i A t agustine, fapansible. but there are others whe
nny May \ Ho nd hotme PAY }. 4, ’ pg % . & y F's . \ f » 31. yr 3 io g I , a vin mvpid hes : basi Fas Ls ' pg with i Hsregard ever little road rule the
Gentlemen, $1.50 Ladies Free toona r's Ca burch at Cressol ting frie: $ is ohn
tate has planned,