The Patton courier. (Patton, Cambria Co., Pa.) 1893-1936, February 26, 1925, Image 4

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ov i a Sa Sa $id
0 0 RRR
g of Decogrvher 29th at Lie Mine
ospita. at Spangler Dealh way dm
per loritis superinduesd by a rup.
turer. append x He ad urdergone
REPORT ON DEER. According te
came Pootectar BF per B Trompmns.
Le K ~f leer [nr tne past seeses
vas BI winding sin legal deer
[lore were A lagu deer, males wily
AL least two prongs to ene antler, 2
re than for thre 14 wemson Of
f fFa eer (vp were females and
r ware «<p xe huyeks
MICHAEL LYNCH, aged 78, died
i how ‘ &t + home at the Sun.
trone of apoplexy. He
v widow, Mra. Cath.
El ar a a
tell Lyrer Funeral ser.
Wie al nine o'ehock
martung of last week in
church. irterpwent was
Srl ceunelery
Leo oof Westover, sustained patuful
[hurts of the right am snd shoulder
And Lead, wher re was caugit in a
TY namite explosion while at work is
ihe Hastings Fuel Mines on Monday
1of ast week He wus taken to the
| office of a Hastings phygecian and
{Was ater removed 0 hie hemne in
Altona, wife of Waiter A Tomlinsvo
[Jed at the family residence ob Dex,
| <8Lh, death being due to cornplics-
[tons The decensed was born in Lo.
rette on July £1902 She in survieed
By George Ethelbert Waldh | . hasbani an! one son, and by
—— — her parents, Mr. ant Mrs William Ru.
’ (duiph, of Larettc, ani severa! broth.
Gold! ers ar siilers
But it mostly » in the i
| MER AN 3 :
Strent Falmer, of Portage, was named last
fwwer Ly Auditor eireral Martin, as
Pirates ! Mercato Apprainer for Cassbria
. Leunty for 192% In two counties wo.
Pring the modern mer were appointed appraisers Ao.
sort do thelr seut- ponte ts have been made in furty
* o { atnki in the counts: Holand G Davis, of Ebens-
ps) market.
Wty, wae mercartile appraiser in
this eOunty in 1915
Kidnapped Marden ! STOVE EXPLOSION. On Monday
z morning of ast week the kivhen
Yes, but she ray ove in the Central hotel at Hastings
more than a blow:
bi ow Ww pwces The foreq of the
tor the kidnappers. explosion was so great that the win. 1 § ; 4 " : . " £4 i "J |
’ : Wm panes in the kitchen mere blown L ™ b EBA Bo ” i: kl od” ol J
Lovers! bf oul and hat coals were waltered in hd i
Hud” fis
Indead, yoo! AH che every Jirection No one was in the J MN 1.2 4
i; i i} 4 ye
roam al the time of the let-ge, which ws iY y ; h ne did 3
world Wwe the two atribute! to fronen water pipes sive firmed ol Bed
in this story
a # 9 x 4 i : a ify pi
. : . SEIMA FORS, caughter of Gost f : : J b yy Sey | Te & "hd Ia
Villains and Plots ! Fors. of Hastings, died at Chitago on wt Wo rt £5 tl Sl Br Noma de Met 4 Jud
Moniay evening of last week, where
Just as wicked as any tn sie nal been employed Tor the past
cider ales of the een, four years The remains were Drought
with rads: aad other to Hastings where burial was made
modern Fhe dewessel 1» survived by ler
fairer and Lhe following brothers sid
sisters Mr Axe! Pelarmon, of
tege, Adolp Fors, Louie Fors and
Mrs Jerk undberg of Chicage, snd
‘Hime Form, Alma Fors snd Elmer
‘Fors, at heme
* ;
Th C de! at hp hwme nn Carrolitewn on
e ourier ee 26 dealn being due to 8 sega.
‘cation of dismasms He is survives by
N t W K hie widow. Mra Ethel Winnings Al
ex ee berter twa children, Cert] and Ma.
‘rie. his mother, Mrs Catherine Al.
smvers!l brothers and sis-
funeral was conducted at!
os Tuesday morning of ia
with 8 requiem DLgh mass Gb
Benedict's Catiwiw churen ter |
ent was in the church cemeter:
BEENARD DUNLAP, aged © rty- |
ded of a complication of - 1
Sous, on Decenber 24th at us home | ¢
iz Carvolitown. The funeral services
wereh ald at nine o'clock on Monday |
of last wenk io St. Benedict's churcr |.
lateroant wes made in the church
comnotary. The deswesed, Who Was un- ii
married J i . Carrols |
twwpstip. He ls survived by sever
rothers and stars, and was & son of |
re late Charlies and Magdeline { Mil. |
ler) Duslap.
the county were well taken care
over the Christmas holidays The
Commissioners instructed Charles B - :
ney, io charpe of the Childrens home vr
thst the kiddies be given a turke:
dinner on Xsan and the commis rv.
witha ut ruinous ll or also wig BE pre. |
Soin balanced ogg maker . . vidis resamitis, a ng Othe
Ele N sn Chatn of Butters LA er oe oys that go with lhe Yule
ihe i mber—oee ~ NN - tide. Prisosers at the county jail wot,
: ed Larns -tiie yr » chicken cdiuner. and the inmates ol
Emel 00 Coney s in the Original Palengt 3ST the ceunty home received i speci
sid : JOBN_BENNESSY. aged ol, 4
: . : { 3s! week ul
WHOLESALE DISTRIBUTOR | | atminer prwenroy of gt wpet =
Hennessy, of Clearfield township Ho»
death was Jue to pneumonia and “ee
28 SER bad bees ill only 8 few days The fu.
BR ] services were held al rine oo.
1 §
* -
I ow
clock last Ssturday morning in St
JK ' | Augustine's Catholde church. Buri
ASK YOUR DEALER em in the ehurch cemetery He
M C i 4 is survived Ly his Dotin:, a Brother,
mm Patrick Hennensy, dred, "a al
. J. oO ons & ons tires balf Lrothers, Frank, of Fal
' ton, Clair, of Johmstown, and Jose
PATTON, PA. at home.
year old oon of Mr and Nrs K