sw ————— The PattonCourice er on Cha W. Werder -— a 5 PEE 30 p America hos. A. Owens, Fditoyr & V "Q THIS? he ! : yo 4 "gr. HOW'S FHS | . HE secret of teiephone service reilaDiiity 18 HALL'S CATARRH MEDICINE wil 3 hy : ‘ 3} Go wingt We Jian for id youl syWem 3 3 “replies 1h Five 1) t pF pus i is Fa 1} ii > 1 of Catarch er Lealnees caused bY # A preventative Eka NICnAnNCe, 48 i115 Ldiita, or LC atmreh + gia 3 $e ny “31 - } . . i « 13 HALLS CATARRH MEDICINE of IE : v correcting troubles betore they occur. wats of an Halden! witch Nicky 3 A flelieves (he CRIRTIY infu rpmation jad : the Intermsl Medicine. a Tonle, SRC : 0 4 rr a Le y i i acts through the Blood ua the MUcECS : ” : non di The past ten years Have marked the height of ir | myrferes this armeting 19 restore nov : ; i v | $s 1 ‘ al conditiene vid on ‘ Lah ISI org TE sagt mal conditions o tor over 4 Years ro. : Fo accomplishment 1 this respect, ¥ J Cheney & Co. Toledo, © | here are still “trouble shooters'’ who are kept busy repainng the damages of the wind, sleet, ' C : : } ix 11s i boc a i}; bio } hghtning, Hoods, falling iimbs and hike cdisturb- ance. But there's a much larger force testing » § « 3 3 i ’ - agaist trouble that would become serous i not napped in the bud . 1 a b, w , Merry Christmas . y a CA Comphcated and delicate as your telephone Nd i 1 ol instrument is, it stands up well under reason- YP ¥ i ne Par ’ i "hristmas hI Re wh, rg ’ . y ” t 8 everybody mext year. Plenty of { 1 whether hry are on able usage. [he circuits and the switche ards, sede | or parsed un 1 ’ | oo dew tie wrevts, mast be conerdy the cables and the open wires are what require [his can easily he accumulating during the To weginct ther ses anemid pel dnoamtor Wo dhe : wirpheme sees. gharpest watch. money helps to do i. : - year if vou will Join Our Christmas Club | | Lo ., There are daily tests and nightly tests; tests for NOW FORMING | i rust, hidden dirt and moisture; tests tor ex- cessive wear, ncrion, and tor electrolysis, bad [he weekly payments are scarcely missed, ol . : id they grow into a comfortable sum of mousy |} . ; acdhustiment and “temperament” in switche timest before you know 1. BO L boards, open mes and cable plant. \