ih, i SMS SA Chest Springs Rete) Tet we [OVER THE COUNTY) | Little Items of General Interent | K On ve Taken from the Exchanges a BN yY eep Trom the Exe PIE his Tax? Fvervbody expects to pay some taxes, ut why Lmpose unnecessary taxes on -~the kind that will make good ‘ | An & ; | | ST! oe : ged with & 1 rir | M. i ourself? Willing” taste better—is the kind 3 J. EDWARL Ti | Fairlane rf you always can make with King's . : if : Phe Assocation AJ t the bro Do you realize that every time you Castle Flour. Specially milled from hit it A ors) Ei ¢ " han - 9 a £ dri ve ar Car on an unpaved highway the best Spring wheat grown, its (1 YL | CARROL LTOWN, PA. | bendeuar pe Loh a hel ; vou afe. act sally (axing youreel] ie 0 wonderful quality insures uni. eld] ant | : : a : Plat Jenat . : formly good results on baking day Po ad | FUNEKAL DIRECTOR AND And here's another thing—you LIRA ( areful and up-to-date OT VI pei kn See 7 mitted 10. the he I: This is the co of increased repair, get more flour when you buy King's : ; g (E er 1 tire and gasoline bills, Cantle—-30 full pounds instead of : MODERN EQUIPH 8 49, and in the small sack 25 " cl Sl pounds instead of 24% ephone Service Office Full Weight and Best Quality -. : meg, tepartment relative | et Se fs Fach year you tax yours if in this way what more could you ask? : —_— ee : , # | a good many. dollars. “A Friend You Kazaa” | U G HE Ar y e i.e. o lowest hg : re : Sastead of send this ous for L. J. LAGUE PATTON. P | PLUMBIN hy SOHC Rl wes, or nner, arnt Rl ere Highware and Exclu; We Distributors AND TINNI h : . | » \ 1 ‘ (1 AY Rarsbs: - ¥ SY YiARLIWL nie dividends : 2A rk Concrete Roads and Streets pay for 0 JOB T00 BIG NO 4 themselves in the saving they eflect on jin trying tod £F TUSR ay the cost of motoring, : 4 3 ras front of Mr. We struck, : Their maintenance cost is so low that gv ariong ty MN King Fiour MI ) 4 s " i _ or dv ¢ Ht pop 8 if — : Cio. k i Yad § bp i btpnind a i ine 8 Ay he } 14% b y 5 } : § SOUT Cents a i Lhe Highway research has definitely established these facts. a his saving alone returns good dividends 5th ae 1 Situs on the in wnt, year after year. ) You are imposing an unnecessary tax ~~ o 3 A a — = — |e r n in er rhe ’ | on yourself from which you get no return, hereis not asingledoubt =~» = ha re S$ no & % g e OL : Gooriie Kept, of Bele ho | en werk for more Concrete | : rige of spes | Not in a long time have general con- but that every desira 0 B. Pattison, of Hastin m, who 1 ditions been so favorable for carrying on such pa iblic wots a8 permaneg high- quality good motor oil [irom A. B Clark the xarage baling | § way building { ythyon in ti we, and take i Your Lighw hori should possess 1s fou! our highway authorities are ready : 4 ga the same on the first of to-carry on their share of this great i Ti tr M TIE nubdic rk. But ¢ in Waverly “All Peng | Patey Martucei of Hastings, had : public work. But they must have your Sylvania Motor a. y aw 8 fall of roel ile be wits wor | fell them you are ready to invest in | | Hautings, the chief of police at t} PORTLAND CEMENT ASSOCIATION Alb bs : : Farme Bank Building due i | PITTZBURGH, PA. A National Orgomzation to Improve and | stend the Uses of Concrete ; 3 Ek w = § ) ¥ § Ys 1 x . » Hie My po dove a» on ed 3 : ay of orricas in 29 211s lank, and a large pened witnisasd the | BE evimt. The work of the drill team was | exoeptionally fine dnd drew appliuse | from nil Mic Jo sephine Conrad, duvghter of Ft Me i Rares Conrad, ami Clyde Last. wil: * Hon Of 4 ‘ sesel Mra J % week tin Frandis Xaver $1 Crnmnan. Lhesr attendants wer 1 i 1 WwW. H. Sandford Pres G.E Zrindible, Vice Freav Lied Lautl wail, xNatlel of ise : . : pomp, and Richard Nagle, cousin of | ¥. L. Brown, Cashier F. E. Farabaugh, Vics Pres. the aidegroan. The young couple will | i ankertown {a LR I ° Phe BO wilh » aff we Gf 5 re-read in the Lilly 1 ined’ jet ing the other urges Metionigie was 1 east the detuling vote | Fy in formed hE burges | . oii in of the voles and as ed PATTON, PENNSYLVANIA. The burgess volesl “yea” i thus f£ausng to ditasnee, ts eh IR Total Resources $2,000,00.00 ne Wash Liquid Com-18 Capital pald wp fois $100,000.00 t Gadlitzin started the making : . 5 hing uid this week and | Surplus earned ” er wr —-— ’ ” $100,000.00 HW) pases 8 dav. Five yed an the force and ¢ | . : ered os e\} The Oldest National Bank in we for the. produet The | ic b backed principally ; : » people, and may even- | Northern Cambria ! IOY fen fo Aa consi : i » prble pian of the town's people ii « i Phe sisson conducted by the Hedem- | ESTABLISHED 1863. 4 34 hp to Palrieh 's chureh | | at Galitzin, closed recently. args) A general banking business transacted. We invite per- smbers of Catholies in that vicinity | [Butnbers u' '@ sonal interviews or correspondence with firms and indi | Purtage had a wholesale clean-up of |B viduals wishing to establish or change their banking re- i hoatlegyer . : i me 0 hen dh w | lations. Police, H. 8. Dennery, and athers tabi: | 3 AND 4 PER CENT. INTEREST PAID ON TIME as weil as AND SAVING DEPOSITS. Large po untithes of | n ne wiilskey, o 3 y Peony Mi Wackamith and Steamship Tickets for sale, all leading lines; Foreig™ carpenter shops at Mine No. 10 of the |} 1yrogy and Travelers checks payable In the principht cities i Pen i iva wil i's 2 Gallitzin last week. of the world. ; a Waverly Oil Works Company To = v/ | L icensed in Ebensburg. 8 Safe Deposit Boxes for rent. You should hava one or od » Pittsburgh, [he following 1h arriage licenses are more of our Saving Banks in your home, teaching the Pa. | of recon Ebensburg since he lust childirer. practical lessons in economy. Have our | repa tO i a fourier ; Refiners of “All Pennsylvania’ Petroleum dared a with | Wittigm E Cou, and Fior-| 8 DIRECTORS : Lene A 3 ahr hoth of f Johmtown. Products for 44 years. Waverly, arc W_ Belmner and Edith Elis- |} Geo. E. Prindible . Samud, T. Brown | abeth Horner, both of Johnstown. | Reusl Somerville : . W. L Thampeon J {i Ralph Earl Murdock and hathryn : |E. Wagner, both of Johnstown, | M. B. Cowher a i. | Joh Sez ak and Mary Gerska, both Ralph E. Good CENA SAI, En EC i 7 3 : ’ : 4 i of F vankiin " i » Oo ; TH ——— : | ¢ harles Smith, Colver, and Thelma Jd Wm. H. Sandford oan IMETRICK i ii pul 4 Clesta McClellan, Cambrian township. ! | ChE Sak ; DIETRICK BROS. MLLER D Ahan 1 Johan A. Domonack, Marstellar, and {8 7 { Albina Cherinski, of Barnesbore. Jolin Pavio and Mary Gobvin, lof Johnstown. . Lo {George L. Stock and Anna Musk, of al rs i Cresson. - oy 0 V - John Koh ler and Ruth Marie Top- per, both of Johnstown. bot h — J A or a 1 A ARH ET —_- en