mes T Patton Courier | nl ee 5 F fe E PUBLISHED sviRY THURSDAY | =F mn The Biggest THOS. A. OWENS, Ownor and gainer. {lll 8 fo CAE Picture o CERR GW INSLGW: Assieiate Editor | Hi [ / g . % oy k \ the Year! Entered in I TN Pen rome]: Nothing cam § | (ail and up-to-date service. Subscription ms — pec yen $200 In oN NE. co compare with § | | MIDERN EQUIPMENT | PLU MBING, HEATING RATE CARD. ah or a : b AY A \ : 1 ‘A : Lo Shi Bre ” : : : " - ence AND TINNING romance of a | | # f raction th wil for three Insertions i a & a py {bn ea hl i nc ; SEA . o, 60 certs. | Ta love thal | -~ ms 0 JOB TOO BIC NO JOB TOO SMALL 10e pey line. £10.00 per year. ie i Fl I 1a a . | . . . 1 A | 3 Pe _ ERS. ! =. 5 | i | R ¢ passion 3 i NT y : : b a 4 ® ® ; : any all orders for [1 | i PIR 1 8 a vv : 8 { wi A | oth Avenue PATTON, PA. mist reach this! : if pm uf on Wednesday's to | ‘ 4 a a Be. Presented by insure insertion of the sEme, { : : ig Wey INSURANCE | REVEL SOMMERVILLE “Good-bye Amiety” Attorney-at-Law | Parnen, Cowher & Co. (Office in the Good Building. ET ————— : da Inspiration A SS OY Ao 0 Ap AI A SR IN. § Pietures, Ine. HELP THE LEGION IN 1 \ dL Mh CASH DUEL ROLL OF HONOR BANK THEIR BENEFIT AFFAIRS — ONE iin iy nr res. } R dee BUI DIN( 1 1 ah The American Legion is fast hh, hh EN Tt BIE ww & - nw lea vi. nm earning for ita 5 name that %. "a . TY pe ! baad” W. H. Sandford, Pres G. BE ZFrindible, Vice Pres. $s i if wi ill go down through the ages as 5% ish| i ty BIE F.L. Brown, Cashier F. E. Farabaugh, Vice Pres, : ‘builders . 2B ( 1 i PERT OFING OF ALL KINDS ND T i . go ig # i # 4 x 2 al 38 § # ita NN hg A vi i i The activities of this organi | Sih TR i : L KINDS, AND a ‘ gation all over the land are those FICE WE GIVE YOU WILL MA that ave for good, and for civic a | Aa HEE ARTIS DIF EF X CHES Ey Sve sowie : betterment. | ; 1 Y: In production I 8 BAL IOEE AND PLEASED CUSTOME In the larger communitios U reall of the werk they intend is oe AFB i | Pr ’ already evident. In the smaller] y 78 TY : bho ¥ looring hamlets the evidence ix yet Lo : wo a 1 8 + a y WR bE PATTON PENNSYLVANIA JIE OV &8 i VE ALB IN STOCK RED CEDAR LINING, HIE A Ayia) Nils cone. FDAR A few manths ago the Ameri- By Ff. MAINON CRAWFORD : ig | : a . al mu. : ; _ ; can Legion | of Patton had « | : Ta I resaes with this. Guaranteed to keep § I'otal Resources 2,000,000.00 big open mecting night and r>-| - : EB the my ¥ arely this is a sufficient reason alone BIE Capital paid up $100.000.00 presentative citizens"of the tov.n} | 5 MONTHS ON BROADWAY P } | Surplus earned $100,000.00 were in attendance in plenty. | AT $2 PRICES ER era delat oh Prominent akers were pros eed oon . ent, the work of the Legion was | suthined, apd evervhody had good time, | foe boosters wel : | Spect ac { a Th ri l l B rr Dr ama plansty on that evening. $ B les : al : 'o 3 iot’s not foreet the American Action— Beauty a) sf JEL. Hoppel ’ ji NEED TO BUILD OR REPAIR US A TRIAL. We aim to please you [| The Oldest National Bank in SRC FIN, Northern Cambria rush of things. ESTABLISHED 1868. Vie SE BRD aw % , 5, p 7 : : 1. Z i vr 4 Pp LT TON FA is : sor of the Lew fi. 2 : £ its Se i N, PA. : A general banking business transacted. We invite per- ro. bo iy both a pri itilege and ——. A _— JE a a - BIE sonal interviews or correspondence with firms and indi- = enh the | lot of alt oa I urs £a vidoals wishing to establish or change their banking re- ‘add be members but they ean har- i : : HOOID IR T lations. bora Lr s Bo spirit by § EN | L 3 4 0 nents pink of NEC 2, || xoDAK FINISHING | | 3 AND 4 PER CENT. INTERES PAID ON TIME ; ar : : a 4 1 Four Name for Price Lat, ate. I. ; : . os : + of the Gif | | | ot ot Tey Our Lor Price Lit. or | Steamship Tickets 1 for ale all ! leading lines; Foreign IM 4 ramasavos, Phocos. | § Draft and Truvelers checks pAyabla | in the principle cities | CABROLUIOWN, PA. 8 of the ward, So ; | We mn MAKE BIG MONEY selling Wats 1 fom Re a a SS “ {Lin himdreds of 4