I=Gendols of new Bavy bilmp J.1 as she was af wrting erevuils which the class is naw wearing al committee, who hus come from Hawsii for the & teag flight wham Ron, Cleveland convention BeePrincess Ka 8 BH WS REVIEW OF CURRENT EVENTS IT SN bie Tax Reduction Bill Goes to the President—Immigra. tion Measure Signed. By EDWARD Ww. PICKARD NLESE the Washington Rre wrong, eduction bill will be a Inw before this reaches the reader report on the mearure was areepted hy the senate by 8 vote of 60 to €& and by the house by & vote of 870 to © Backed by these overwhelming mia dors. tien It went to the President. and com Sressional leaders were confident that Mr. Coolidge would sige it. Fiver, of conse, be saked the opinies of the | Treasury department, analysed the bil It Secretary Mellon Bad #4t no time ad vised the President to vets the mess ure and that be had come to the con clusion that It =~iald be signed as representing an improvement over the aid law, or the hd tamatols whe vated ‘whose experts frognosticators of | the tag The conference | was sala that! 4 Rlpounting wo y no far Foals hangs Saiares between S3.000 ai iy from. $2500 $400 Attached 8s 8 i an gmendment whieh requ potitieal eomtributiog | ten days during all campains Hon officials of the g eution 88 iN morensed er fo this bil iW erad by RNenator four plas of members of congrem and sil WerTninent, Toi of the smounm of an the gud of the Bouncement BiOURIS received REDS) thereafter mont From toe 10 wipe out the deficl TiLl. exer “WF the exciusien of instead of be J RYm Bee by I at {uel idge signed the lmmigratie came 8 law, He justified his set by the general excellence of the bi gad the luperative trent y net of 1021, exp to the Jepanene sxelusion "1 gadly recognize that ithe ment of this provision any change in sur satimen| iritig on Ne said enact Hoes Hot of ad Japanese people, 8 sentinent bas had und will eontinge te have, | | abundant manifestation, Phe Hil} { rather expresses the Avisemination of 208 heyan hasting the sharges Amine) the comgrom to exercise prevogs: | Was drafted, aeons by thy cabinet and eubled to Anibasaador | Hanihars for presentation fo Secs tary Woghen Tiss dignified protest, hased on the alleged vinistion of sn existing treaty with the United Staten { ~the gentlemen's sgrosment. Tn Tokyo and slsewhers there were big was maetings at which the American law was denounced. Af one of thes Pro fessor Uremng! of the Imperiil univer sity concluded a fiery address with the words: “A storms Is coming: prepare.” Comments in he Japaneas press sm bitter and Inflsuumstory prt hiets are tumerous, Premier Kiyours told the ¢sbinet be the next premier. The presest govern. | nest will resign about June 8 mann © BRING the navy wp fo fhe 563 ‘ratio, the Bouse passed 3 Bll an thorizing ronstrection of eight scout cruisers and six river mobosts snd ex tensive improvements to sti battle average [| © in Brat laws 5 Mit and lB i need of the legis intion to take he places of fhe gouots | i Jure 3 Ag i BES foply | si | Creed, ration and cordial friendship for the whieh | 0 Yereitly sen per of (he Republi A. TE A SO MS Bh SA ANS bins YEP Ren loin § and a! i in even i may Yeon Fou Jennings Bryan as [ts le The Methods eo § Hifted Wil erensd he Lun sed Jenun'’ 1 the special ad ere giteved Hy de of wars arly againal ERE BG A propossl te change the Apoatien' Hl ing the words "OUhrint Holy Church” for "the Holy Chard,” was rejected by a close volta, The trial bourd of Episcopal church met In Cleveland] BL Bev. Willa Jursate ubiep REATOR a roLLETTR oe warned both Repablicans and Desy | semis In wesistakable ianguage that | be «ill bead 0 third party teker thin | year ssiess the twe big eesvestiony | et a i TE fay Cathal) | the Protestan| bor of look ap fteiy fo Tee AD one SOR receiv His bediside wil f iirtle ¢ the dingh flotlee the u pent bhorinis "demonstrate to the people whethey | either of thess parties con snd wil || purge ftaell of the evil lofluenced | which have long dominared thew | This he says in & letter to Attorney General Eker of Wisconsin He alba | Genounces the communis snd charges ; that they are seeking to take contesl of the farmeriabor progressive Sle & vention that will meet June 17 is 8c | Paul. He declares that ali progrecalves dhould refuse to participate in snp movement whhth males commen cages | with any comiaunist organisation A ae. | received inforisution that the McAdoo forces In the Demeerstic convention, if and when thelr candidate falls to ob tain the nomination, will fall back on | Carter Glasw of Virginie and try to put This Is somewhat slare- bite acrous. ing to the Bmith coborts, for they ad mit that Hesator Clase would have great strength as a cundidete. He wos | one of Woodrow Wism's closet | friends and his record, both as secre tary of the treasury and ss senator, iy | j excellent. Among the McAdoo leaders | Who wre mid to faver Glass ax second | choice are Col. Bdward M. House, Ber. ar Them L Cus: bourne, eter of F Bve fuond ; i i from serv. Be bug been Beane, where are now BE him te 20 whips he poarforam the CB mack te tion to {hess Uwe *o vial i In lslls and after the ol the SPP P2002 20 PPR PLR PPPOE PRR RPV PORPRRPDY : FO EPP PPP Ph oPile 3: 8s NN 8 Aistes 8 I SINNOTY Represent Oregon T iis _ PEEL IPLRPLLPP PPLE P PPP PPREL EPL LLP 0b FEPPPP PLL 00 080059090200 KANSAS BONUS LAW HOLDS UP MEMORIAL rat dereed sad | eloriag Cared for by Legion |. Af Chatenie Tikerry, with Ameriuns | 1 toe close fur comport, Mormaas Selaide, i fe & promibent y of the Legion fhe state. and riet Americas Columbus 8 & meahinial Pik present to Fie wan Lemp. where glen agains saere & German soldier, saered a whartyred | hig Troan the explosion of a shied % a work months ago Sehimidl went whitened few Polat ivew for bim wales Fave Hig con imagining Bad been 3 Gersssn sol ihe Americas Legion 3 deported Infection wed fan's fe wan end fangered ik, hls protests § Dredd bar a. member of loan The next day the Atperiean members of Be La uiciad Behenidr bat this Hoe 1helr presdpos WEY 4 Nw fort te hits an they caveindl Bim 0 ar ambiance and sot hig to 8 hoe pits Now Rehonbdt regards Re for mer enemies as men of hmean quell Hew, and the Légion as 8 ninistering angel lowa Flag Decoration Plan Given Approval | of uniforss | The Ehenandosh plan : Sag decoration, originated In lows by & member i sietione of the country. "ts the sidewslks of the business dis trbtn of eities at regular intervals in i which Sagstalls of equal beight wee | {ipmerted and from which emblem of } exe pize are fawn. The plas was | | Sew tried in Shenandoah, lows, and re | ports now indicate that I fs fo we in | Florida, California, Michigan, | Sota, Nebraska, | states as well 3s in the state of Re | | origin. Texas Post Offers to | Help Houston Mayor ton, Tex. have been proffered te | epidemile of Gres in the city. many of Be Jamectud Tu have Sew or | "| incendiary origin. Firemen bave een | RUE Sap Soaring his SA) , Pool Is Donated ; erin, glide fuahioned aioon. of the Americas Legion | ‘ saxiiiary, a rapidly spreading to all | This pias | L ealls Tor placing of un fron reveptecis | Hine : the Dakotas and other | Services of members of Dismmke | | pout of the American Legions in Hous | "Mayor Helcymbe of that city by pest | x | Oficisls to aid In Aghting Gres or in | helping te sprebesd “Hrebuge” i "ie offer wos made following an . City by dake Pow THE SHARPLES SEPARATOR Cone } PANY, one of the largest and oldest Cream § manufacturers, will send o Sharples Sty 12 Months RS 0 Separator lO "ay 5 5 your furm, olf charges prepaid, eo that you can try it Thirty Days Free at our risk. No Send No Money obligations on your part. Now is your - chance to try the larest improvement in the Separator worid. Write saday for details. Liberal Allowane fo . 41 Alle RNS Agrivwiard Collage Prslessors snd Tosches ow ensbusinetie or Old Machine ond unsiswd in thelr posi of this wonder Sepasstes, THE SHARPLES SEPARATOR CO. ‘Went Chester, Pa, Thirty Davy’ Free Trial AFFLICTED wire REY ATI, #Y0MN.- Ad BB ironies ar wile § BET ea TEER Oi Ey F ae as Fire Chief on Warpath Wosthaes asa a Meadiatne Man fed 8 Bed we ; i rman, FOR ER. mo WONEY ma were NYE FROV YEW JuRaey RY EL RATATE INVESTMENTS ti iw Teen . Ho iy BREIGHTEN BAT O60 DEpss uy WEARING om ALITY riow "RRS Ap Vielet HINDERCORNS mp we fr, ons | Te pe =H Discoverer of Tat s Tomb Searched for Many Years Hae " af Bis proasinent Bay Bian #1 Amen, has Deen | of Howard « { Regrehing for the 8 How news gt thst ruler, Tat Ankh uteessing offoet WN venrs tomb of he cule world thay any other king that stipitier In the Nile Hiwed in op valley, Americans pisyed 8 large fpart 8 the eventual dJdacovery of i the great areheadogiont Trensure an sarthed by the Engle ; prter. whe End iv nlaies RKivwrn ta thie ofy iF tiled gud it is | Cay batter held Great ide Female additional fae | sver ihe Wing wil bai i} fhe wine maa oe A a we Rlationship Murid—1_dln't know 1 re Whee df you dink, Hoard bens and saotte ha nia ord i ve en at PY | unt for * [ihe fo af I A ace he oe sth ls rotor Heaton Tran | tale lave considwrntion the hesole pe ik thence that iv willing te sped 8 ile sme without any certainty of & nol eT opward, swel as nme fo My Cartes Unstoppable i when be opened the sualocted tomb Magistrate Not even Solomon with | 411 his ‘wisdors could stip a woman | from stapiming the door wien she is | «London Tillis pen IOS A a Carrying On “And Cow's yer ‘ushand Resping Mim ‘lgnias? te POE ain't beepin’: ‘e's on stolke Is Was a Great Relief mi that's doi’ the keepin” “What 404 on think al the ending REAP of Serihliler™y intest sowed | The mes: brilliant qualities become | WHE & jest relied” Lnselons when they sre not sastaived “ sd nt thy Tore of character, There sre at as EGY MR serpents | —r———, is a dng ali an weer Cain af of an | When sur Butred | iH vialent ime even helow Those wa hate & Tener ro BR Be pk Fa A it sinks SORE 1 BE Age 31 Has Tragic Meaning for Average Man or Woman U. 8. Life Tabi show health span exteads only from 18 to 31-~Earnings fall off rapidly a after 40 Phyieal freedom andl ail wigt what are {hy worth to yout ana question the average ase oan saswer from bis own bitter wxpurianey ~for at ag 31 the avers» Americas beging fo slip. After 42 his sarsing power drops of mpidie These ap- ping facts are shows by’ the United on Lil's Tables, 20860 | Agr 311 The age st velileh mon and woman should be entering thelr pert of greatest wwfainess sid } The Heggianing of the pg S.400,000 bomen like or Ble nay Try Postum for daye~irou arn't expert to rid yourself of the effect of & habit of yours in & day or | twa, Hi at Jou Sw sajey a drink which contributes, rather tha mobs, veserve stromgth. We will give Py a - Nol the (rime of His, The age of | LL cent, : Secays bat cuasen soteicute fo this fearfel sndithon? fleinasonn. The! Uwwise siting. HW leading of th body + h drug stime- Ee Bais whieh ys wo | give Foe added | uk sebally de thin