Se Ro pp The Patton Courier : % | a . : " - —— Sm : —- | . Fp SE igre of Administiontion hart boon | PUB, ISHED EVERY FRIDAY. re HP —————————— i THOS. A, OWENS. Owner ard EF DERBR 4. WINSLOW. Ass Entered in th 9 Post (aff Lo gary Ma ail 9 $ & & & tin EP RE Maemad ? #4 ! 4 -~ 14 y 5B tar re hut. Standard De Lux L Xe Legal Notices, "5150 pe inch or : ; ar, Fl prams is hn f Yat gen i alee FE Sis 1550 Business Locals » 320 Fer tins Fy 4 VEY Saney HY Vea Felurn in an wl Can ps i i — ; py “ote Fob Velude Fob Divde Diaplay advertising, 80: ver ine ! y pa ‘ vii fi id Ant aur wit elev samiain al Behl Bi aa h. : : d ; he ; : hat : : position, 259% extra. | ents. prosumablv. were alms home to helt | ol t Jocal Entry Sebbarann | h Diff a * tn Bop 4 3. exis vel tor the folks oo prosperity, we urgiigmery res | Sots or men rio, 1a ne ifrrerence 1s dvert oles copy must res h this art’ Ronis ka wiry af ome i partner, wilh ga. : WE 0 ABEUE Droenner wf 5 F sk ® before noon Thurss "y y | ; nt 8 th n of ne «- wi by, thi ¢ a y ly b : | be Sd - « ; Prat EL 1Nnis } i; : Sis CIRVEALOr W v= in black Vaz yoursel! of 1 Ee flr. a _ fiend, | Site Tema it h Willvs-Kmight Coupe-Sedan is now Cambria County Paid $30. | i 31,00 or 1} four savings planes thoug PLS ol : 1 | ik wi amber sxinnd Em dur Siri 1 Fielage La ade id . SHE oe AVELLED in rad hins $ / Xe In rich blue, 000 In Gasoline Tax ge profits 7 hare, You need plifut 85.0 Heme rc ofoSieh. Letters fms 4 ickel trimmed. with black superstructure and ‘PE iq : Fone : Stan- WN habe - AE Bi«iD Laas di @ Stil Rs eal er ¥ £ p y Lioors front and rear — no sear climb y 1 : i " 4 $4 + Wis Teveal he reason or s great populariry. Haluska Bros. Patton, Pa. af and Shares Shower Far elakbtial Hallow Bel Hed Toes Crushed Birthday Party He 1 Tourrandda 4 A LTA hitomi) meh wriis morved. © enn ventre Lig nt & 0% CATARRH A Customer Swned Utility A - als oh Hheuss grently fn. hg : i : Sl LE TTT Oe ot es 1 xy aH 4 Ly Bwselare ad {Be bo bing So Linder goes Ose Shinn RH MEDIC i | : uk : og ye : 1 hd VE, : : gid % ne en fu a ¥ aris. dant bs i A 4 intel of Neaws Bind BEd W HH Mn CAT ARR MED CIN # 2 3 > 3 ad ibe a ¢ i ‘ . : : = : > : : . > is ga 3 oe : fy : : : u ha? dy § Roary while, & Mints of yn Olnteent which gives Quick : Canine has ; . mae 55) Be Bigs as By rosie ind SET 8 4 = Relief bv — AF pliemiion. snd the | gue : . ine. 8 Tonic, whith sets 1 Without sbi - ood Bs Hood on the Mucous Sur |8E ditional ipating mre Jinan prs 9 Ahatints in ndding your Systym = ional information F @ruguists for over #0 Years, : ney & Co. Toleds, o : § Name I es TOR A ARS Adress | serving Cressson. Gollitein Slate : mpeif, Lilly, Mastings Rocks snd Postage, MILES OF BELL TELEPHONE WIRE ADDED IN PENNSYLVANIA 1919-1923 ROLL OF HONOR BANK iE IEE EEE | | v2 SN os A re Sassi ur W. H. Sandford. Pres . BE Prindible, Vice Pres F. L. Brown, Casnie F. E. Farabaugh. Vies Prep A TONSA, 200 VS, iota TPUROBS S04 =F Winker Total Resources .. ._ _ _ __ . $2000,00000 Capital paid wp ...___.. . + ante Surplus earned ... To the moon and back again with enough left over to wrap around! the earth. That's how much new wire is being added to the Bell System in Fennsyivania this year. And in 1924 we expect to add 630,000 miles. New buildings are being conutructed, twenty two of of hewn, thirty Lge sdditiony to other buildings, ten millions of dollirs’ worth of new swiich- Soards and Central Office equipment, seventy-six thousand new |lelephones. Factories ar working day and night, train after train is hauling the equipment. To what end!'~-That the telephone system in this state may keep pace with the needs of the people. dl