A Newspaper interesis of Patton Surrounding Community. Only Paper in A Wide Section. Devoted to the ang the The ar —— NO. 45 Ty Ba VOL. XXIX* PATTON VOTED | IT DEMOCRATIC Both Larimer and Gill Had| Huge Margins in the Borough The result of the tne Boroueh nm Tassday an overwhelnilse victory Tov orate with thy exception of & manic offices |B the second we whiteh Claire Kelly running dependent wal elected. Bath © GIN nad Laster Larimer sunning for Jounty ofleos corded exesilept tributes Dy liv tow nerpsd, The SINT rewntiited thie Demo "Feitord Marat he reall Digiirict Attorney 2 P Welmer, 1 tien. BE Wille D Alvin Sherbime, ¢ Prothonotary. Clean Walker Willlame RB Edw. W. Walsh, D Bacirder of Dead Foss Hanne Clark of Courts. Hols, B CHL Apqnater of Wille. { has Maclnitire County Contrglier, Juco MM. Heffman = Warren 8 Kise, D County Tratsurer. fan BB Relpmabel RB : lester Lavimer, D EK 2d . Frank OC. Telford C, 164 3x3 155 449 MW. Bwabh RN 153 Wee 8 Demgherty, D $80 FU. Perguion, = % County Commissioner, Jobin DD. Wilker, BH Famer CC Uheorgs, B We J Cavimsssh, D FF Campbell, D $92 Jus A. Pambaugh ¥ L 34 Jos A. Daugherty, ¥ $4 : County Surveyor. 0. P. Themanr R A BB Cwm. D Thos BE Wan, ¥ oer Director. Ww. " PaVine B Alive Liewipn, ® Mary H. Damn. D it 2 Nedimypie. D A.B. Westayer, Ind : rid 14% jiy 353 ize #3 mens fic tail the \Patton Local Union Sends | Resolution te Com- missioners oahu il baice IN GREAT BEAR MUNT. Poa Bunt STORE in the mountains of tive dlapleasare gd (hur stows noted for, 1 a fsile Bearer anid asked Lew after thew, Wat five oF apweingdy. ¥O Lebue B Labi £R 10 oft. while Earl tends to of his Bunting on Nigger Hil ST. AUGUSTINE NEWS vicinn of New Je sere Alew Varner has retuned fred rey ia ting £ warp | £5 the hittsbargh gape] a8 operat of hier tonsils and pot hes fwarkin fee Toor The Ferndy Dsmbitad gee adenoids nis Feneaey of uy spon Bundey with Mrs, Nagie's parents, Mr and Mes Prank Dietetek of Carslitows. int the aevime Laon Mr. and Mra Julisn Purley of Cape rolltown were recent visitors here | Frank MeDermoti of Bestidale is ibending a few days with his brother Cimries MeDermont A is EABANT AFFAIR. fin Wed ay November 7, a birth. diy party was held at the Uhristoly home on Vilth avenue in honor of Rae elt CUhristolf te celebrate Bis four. teenth birthday. Lunch was served Blue and plak favors helped 10 decorates the table. Those present were the Mis {mv Romiayne Weakined, Kathryn Lari- mer. Eugenia DeVries, Louise Young. Hinamary 18y, Cavolins Bauires. Der hy Bommerville, Leopore Christof! and Elmer { Christof! Boyd Coder, Harold Crome miller. Glibert DeVrles, Badph Corby | ; | and Suentine Rowland. © WANTED. : ‘Man or worann desiring larger In {come to soll Watkins Products in Pat: jton. A fow good openings in other near | ed cities. Watkins Products are well aay. to sell, needed in every humoe, and with a record of ever Gh gute at once. Write today. J. R. Wat- Dept ». 1-15 Perey 80, {bad « mesting in ne Porm Wo Sohost ard thst ¢ remind ai pation for 3} P ATTON. PA. HIGH SCHOO [tems of Interest Caught . By the High School Re- - porter During Week ow babe de ioe Sena Pete Welry 3 saat Ml Gipwonsburg 8 Tow days wiih bis sewiher, Fusellay Tosoos MaUstlerty Wis Ssctted 17 Limibennta whee a heen wrbelarsbls [for the mise plisne see “Hae Margare! Cowpay. Madeline Buwer albinded @ perl in Noosaler Thoreday svoning Mim ITweswer asd were Aloima vindters Suaedat Ken sys People wi Phones wired sot Nive in Mines Mathvye Carte righl Fran Crowell aa Sime of 1b Papuite plu ween at Yuenduy evening Francis Besinberger ralled as w one in Ehensbgry. Teenday nigh Mra. Dusegsn spent the week { Cresmn. Advices to See MaMa Man ed Fo Psat Hirai wed in Jurk Williams: The sow doors. your clsmnaten sre Teady give you be seorsnury teslstines Mismex Hue and Anse Bochmeeh were Johpstows visitor Studia Mian Lowise Monteith spent (he week ond 2 bir heme in Hisder Margar fia Crwedl Was an Allcaes visitor Raiturday, Ming Kathryn Gibbons Carterigbl, spent in Carrelltown Lather Baavuewon, a inemsbay of he Bockkeeping Department reports 5 shortage of U9 bhi. of Apples in a Fa cent shipment. Maybe meme of the boys Baaw? wml fT lmak Banlay wlrernone Jwere a Srangier Friduy evening. Junior Chasm ving ia vepocted LORY. 3t contain the Snitiate 1. 1. The vueher's of (he Patton Behooln Ma hulls. Mondiy aftrncos. athe Ivory he % Cromon Caller time you find triable in chineing the | in seboo! diseclpbioe | wanrk fulimLe Ag. i ae drags BE & lpasdeonng The Patton © buat wesk's ihe de a Belial and ¥ mew nbont aed evar pat ia aie the ¥05 wo We shall pedwiving pose Keep the An thes tony, whee FRIE try | ‘betore nant al the De weary Conl Com RER BY SAFE MARGIN Patton Bank Cashier From All Sec- County Rally to His Sup- on ' Tuesday Last ALL co T0 REPUBLICANS AA a a A a. " Fe Additional Patton liems Ee AIT ECT? {derinner Winslow Seine Cathey sta Ten pve vein Eomatge Bt er and Bobs sntminn of Fhe EEE Dandie Lge 3 We A de iv fosivned Li {148m MEAT BE DDeT = ohurenh Na i NGper bh sad on Fei. ad ryoasm GF oe will el fie will vwellaily in ited Sh Line io {ateenielarig are thin weal FOR SA LET a Mew past J Rodgers of visifing Father Adrian bad POOER suite, b Bohmadeid, , HH the Pola I the! 3 ie Raturn comming Uy f plicatiun ad swith. Tn nes iret Gn Fu i SEY sono ET et lab ohitee this ry a Veil, Den Deianey, gs prested 1 rink 5 writh holdup diy pear Asbeille, thw gr twee nfendnnty were discharged by Ow SH Iustios of the Peace, Devietse of Boo suifiient evilanon Delain and Delaney Se ee ihe Years PEPES:. fOuerge Griffith of Ebensbury, whl '§ Assistant Disteict Attaengy Clarenon Durty of Ehensturg represented thn Coonmonwendth. Following he hearing ‘the defimelasts. who Had been well fm the Barough fechup, wer g Hite chureh tb Bolesd pee Sd Delan op. Were charge LY eaneaduy tod with holding up ¥. EB Pratt sup. reed fof ouny. aid taking from hm the mine po tor wade, payroll Emeunting to §4.360 Victim of Pneumonia Mlebasd Boblesky. spell #1 yeurs & at bis bome In Bakerton Thuo § {day wareing at 1.80 olde of poe | manis. He is survived by bis wider, A sight ehildren all nt home. He win of the U. 3. of A. atid Pune tool place this mwrning a oleledk free Saceed Henrt chueeh, | Bakertih in charge of Undertaker jamahma. | Interment wu ine In the sented By Attorneys Welton Jones andi b teen thelr i : ; wee api 9) ending : nether tosis Rome With seve EER s8 whl thesy will wen Tor the pemetit of ithe Pouthndl view. Any Bale gee aller given to fina The Daath whe face fhe busiest ball team evew wish te thank all ve Belped thems in thelr ities sad alee foe Be mBY Poot for they hadp & loi Todk tos hie ease mon of Mv. and Nee Pdanriek Ba 0 st the arena Somme on Jillian avira Boathren Little 4nd theliae Lilly think they spent Witdey in Philadel piia Paul Te ORS evening Me. Metumine maid Spots Carcl aad Tom Mofile were husifng in some of the surrounding moastaiss the first prt of the week Jazsen laird and Cospord Haves of Nant-v-Glo wees In Patton Soandey Jobin Willer off this phe was ba Al { Bone ET Bits Foo da VED Rivhardesen of Wanbkisgton, an Pats ends. Monday tsp. Ba bariay. Mes Frisil Sponsice left fie a weell's visit with eelativer in Alone Foe Hopldns whe has been ssmploved ni Hastings for the past few weeks | was fo Puetes ue aleethon day. Se. andl Mr Hey Doaalipe eta. ed Boome Tuceday night from Philadel. phin where they upeiit tha ast Tew dave M.OW. © Bae sae 8 Hantiags vie tae Tawny. Jabs Desrchak st weal. Andrew Seals, Br, friends Gn Barienivors, Tesla, Soha Miehfleh wus 8 Portage callie Bunday De. Haney Dusegpin nis a Pittsburgh visitor, Hatuerduy, BE Douglass vised Ebenshary Sus day nighil Hubei visited in Hastings firadteon) of Bapedier wus calling on clsmsrabie. Teesiny evening | Had Quine of (idlitgin vas a vig ter fn Dawes Tuesiiss oveaing. Flovende Shunwiler, Cierine and Swisher ang Beals Prowd were seen Tat Sussit Park TNuasiay seening g John Dverchail, Je. of Hastings vie- | ks pusients Mr, sod Mes ites willy | guar {Charles NM | Will Be Biggest Meeting Yet Held by Patton's Newest Organization he regaisy Weekly Patton Kiwasls Clgb sa hwalgle Heeling if the was held as lant Monday ev foes. and Seams ien 4. Kelly Siren ride SHINE 21 the Fulyoey the peincipal fen ture of vd Lunes ¥t Monday sviening =i be he Wiehe fur the Man ase their canmesgnenily it will Se a thin irae they algirter. sod sieting sensi Tem Age no Moadas Naorvenas of Hreonew Litas Pane 3 3s Puppy af the Fewbow ins chute shard af he kind Lieutenant (overner A full attendan oval members lv ay. ER Sask Ties FEE RG Sraeram wii he ia a CRESSON BOY Paul seved-vear oid EE INJURED son of Mr. and wely njur- when he yutomeabile driven sims of Uressnn ve wuld ated dow The Foes w= ws Wadnesday stride by snd 3 Sy Hlaughtery tie wuliersnd a {raat a fractars of Bre wf 1h ibe wii eu inured bew Flospital in wer as new The Wie Petnaveat fa (he Mlesury tive. Flim eosdition vy The Foodie shdevenl into the BOY Was paving an he Hear nis homie wireat Jdh iv in ihe ded rea out path of biveodil le Enocked hinge ta i iE viele Erne raising EAT was af a Bun sh bot ithe of © og Wedieaday, of tar fhe Rtas Haws EET and AwrR Usrdend greeted on while him Sie & Brey foe 0 sl reel in the worse frataetionr His Mave Pruak A. Myers takes bellore Alderman Rephart, of Altoun sed po ft kh Tine af 818 wiatleE Of seh of the sharges haw Chkme fanrdemt wa and AT ARPA Ser Teacher Entertains Pugin The pupils of hte Byvss schol Cleans held the football semsen will be | eng whieh she atveet, little Aes Guplos, #laht year oll -dutghter of Mv Caplan, ward had hee right aad badly mal Hated Wednesday. Noe was broapht = and smputation wf foamed Daveamary day evading aller In was enlling om} Anos Witters. Liretie Shepherd, Iva jy Sarshls ove over tie week-end. “The Pa ee tr A i SEIS gan. hick | Haman Cammenn, = Mr aiid Mra MiB. Cowher, Me. a unday Tight Mra W, A Dinsnery went to Johns! Dennis VWestyisk snd town Winesdny Vat Sit wisest, Sit in tows. Migs Halen Brown it Thueadng townie Enithersd at the hom of Minn Nndlie Edty, oo Be ater pet of Whe eventing sores. Thi ess sow Baw a BRIANNE £ onan wees pheyed asd hunoheos wk mervad Ghvild Mes Mesg Injured Using & roel to explode 5 dynamite found ving In the and Sra. Joseph af Charleen Nine near Mes Jobastows fingers Was five Homeopatsie Hosgdtal iwe Lilly Man Killed by Train The bady of John Cooney of Lilly & brakeman on the Pennsvivania rail oud was found 198 vais west of he Copeland stathm shortly after 7 o'vloek Tuumdny morning IE is believed that Ciaoney was strovk Br as train Mis pikuil was fractured and his Body was Badly beuiied, The bady was brought to Litty for bYurial were: Jay Pox, Jack Puvierk of Spang - ter and Owsle Wilkinson of Ebensburg. Mr. and Mrs Philip Kine, Miss Marvhelln asd Bliss were Ht Augus- tine visitors Bussiay svening. Jack Blan of CUslver was a Sun» Patton, Tod Dunixp of Bonifiuce spent Sun day in Patton Roy Jones of Bakerton stieaded the donee hers Saturday seening $e. and Mae Bat NoeCune and “Seets’ Carl Jolisstowsn spent he week-end at tel Bomse of Mes Mary Mr. snd Me B Osctwright and son Cluster ang dasghier Bhisley were enlines roentiy. Mrs. Jolin Hidkeen and daughter Norms were Philipsburg visitors over the wesk end, fiarry Bames ind Jim Oephart of Philtpsburg were eniling on Patios friends over the Week snl Glen. KE Prindibis was & Ra nl BE BM win a Maenashom: sale ee won. Eironer of