SCHNABEL |e i of Barney Oldfield bays ad age I wrote abut Tow § RE pl gl And at that time REPULICAN NOMINEE [imine si) IIE 4 En = STEERING EASIER a] a Anon The peta Hite i ei brie s 1 2 : 3 bE fle gront ¢ | spend § fey te ! i To Breaking has mad sc patitully ‘spay. » x1 : Biher few months hs : 1 ‘ . EP y i $ g s gaakers will os kos Burope Dan R. Schnabe i nr d CAE NL 4 | 3 | be su. five i He has never held offic jn HA § a ; fpventy - iv : £ ba wn + S95 1 ¢ rw hes! iE RO CANGIOaS > & “ ¥ ! ne oid : y EIS Ine TS & XPT ’ LE : fs. ¥ . al Fr a A | I J i) “Brakes son titian ily he fou whepl ¥ fiere hao : orf V ving Fh ’ : £ af vidiculbus VOTE FOR SCHNABEL ein Lt facnd with ihe A shat | : be. wheel Drakes BE New York | Home sind mainiaining f well an pix 1 z Beh WAN Ee Bf Schnabel's father died when Dan was af infant x f btn crs Fh GER ; ¢ Forde whvble on nroperty were lost in the great flood Dan was forced 18 Gu ! . C awhiel Bapilr rela ] 3 \ i 1 Beard the nehpot and went ts work with the Camber:a Steel Company at Sipe . i : : : the age of 14. All the money he earned tt he way 28 way 1 (58 i bie : i Branch in regulariy as he got ¢ fad in hig mother 8 40 Lan hail 9 Ei hands 8 swt i Shit and Be pe : A 2 ; heard simiiag imarried sand began st onte the support of wife, children ARG phere mre ” we pre 1) 4 i git gio th a are & slreuiatead As § child Dan plaved in the gtreats and alleys je was 5 stranger e bis ¢ 3 . £ ; | \ 9 Tike oo. £3 aginst fue TH sd 5 hs grassy daar yards and the great oper i rE be agianaily 3 - a ; } hie b sb os bi Bs 1 ow These woitthbor played tha role of father by spanking uae neighbors Who are now bo eto shake it of servies td | i 7 : ‘ LE Cenprous, loving in spirit, delightful in service he has been Calis . | : : ‘ EE You might as WUNCLE DAN” by those whose paths have been rade Moo si hone ml ; : 5 | : E sy hig kindly help : of all good Pesace and TH 2 » rs % Dan when forced to quit publi schon! went So jhe 8s : nas nhasound To iE 3 78 RE 3 li : LY The a 4 & good bookkeeper pnd aceuontant an #13 sogh f i Sbgib a es ots os ia $2 ’ t 1 : : ; ; Based Lely napible. successful business man saavsiid Pant the holes : i ai a bread Dan B. Schaabel has actively supported pred pvery charity and public apirted mov He holds a8 Certificate of Mann from the Nations! Government Ineiin ie i 1 itn ; A oo : : : , ] | Muck of Dan's pathway in Life has been rough nnd rocky. but he Fid Serived feos tow y ) : ! : Eo *. ." k 1 sas always kept a cheerful, hesthial spirit, ar f when the 8 ’ # | : ey : % 11 wit ®l! i - WW | Tr S was bard snd the pull wag NeAvVy for | Dan, hs nevertheions sisviy mud state for all fipme i ] aa 4 - 4 ec b { | i A ee a e whwaye pul Mus shouider to the wheel for others a vr mean wg ect mer ups wren rs AEE LET US DEMONSTRATE DAN Bi. BSCHNABEL is deserving, capable, respons bie » 4 1 ¥ OLUNTY TREASURER i ie Warren 4 Hating, 3 “4 4 ie a i A 4 VOTE FOR DAN Rt. SCHNABEL FOR COUNTY EASURE Har irs United Stuton) thought aa LB A! "X ! 4 | ; | crematy and as Hgieally wpns the great 8 a aa i Pgueatins of read constractim and jo : oe ; : : d ¥ Dan PB Schnabel deserving, capable, responsible | provement su he Hid Bpos ther public has saver hed. offen, Tae | | auestions of far-reaching importance | H FE The Car With A Home | Now that death bas Bode empties ie tee words of wisdom bel ettered. it} for a Ying tite to nome (nd the CPEs futon In very difficult ta visuals» in ftw great posaliiition, : “The highways are sal only fool. ern to The railroads and afford relief] TH oo cones ow & . LRT Ne ’ ono the” rind and aiid root | 1 Comer ; | GROSS_ADDITIONS TO detaadty Hbes of motor triflic in ina: | iagepuinte paniin oil por: B = P EN Fan stall comimeres, They ar the seualler A I ENNSY Sstarien of the larger pation of our et Lo the whole : 1 SYLVANIA conimerce. sad the mibtad oar has Le. Chm for tail i» Ld ” | 8 i 1919 na 192 3 Eames an indiagwaibie i Etrarnent ini | of =t w sory : : aig . ne i iif : : Jo The Usted ile of 0 wel a A and 18 Mc a WSCA SS Win supe. political, social. smd industrial There is begun a pew eri in high. oh po. | . , Way coaeirgoetion the thy for which Rigen ' PN 3 Bm | ~ ) Wa runs far Inte hundreds of! millions of ® dollars. Pond fwaes by road distriots, ] ities, wna stiten wiount to enormous §, ool aid in ot Figures and the coumiry ia facing such We co a outlay that it 38 vite] that every MAE MURRAY mn : effort shall he Arectid apainst wasted the ee road, i | erort and unjustifiable expenditure itd tir ONE he Podersl Government can places : ¢ ‘ ’? ne inhibition on the expenditure in hr. ran, & : : | | ihr several states: But, siace Congress | of the total - han embarked Upon a poliey of aasint- ids the states in highway improve. meant, wisely, | Helleve 1 can assert oi wholly becoming infldence in shaping sate Hi ae. but pltiey Fda With the principle of Federal pare ius dud, - ipation acceptably entaliiishied. aol. aves x y - ily never to Ihe abandoned. It is Ime fo 4 8 Fant to suert Pe Ik » Edncein High Salovetoping comprehension plans look. | ied v0 douge le the pratetion of immrerce nd : afiply our szpenditure his the surest a Coe { Rly oue azpondit ine the_ surest | hat 1h peel Bl We started the year with plans for the greatest mamey expended.” | ee than | Bl telephone construction grogram ever attempted in \ — yo | Meant! Bl Pennsylvania. Expert Ws ey— { rendif cotta : Co We expected to add twenty-five millions of dollars The administration of fhe Federal { sont Bell Ald road acts ure fn the ARGS of the | oe a " {zi new equiptment to the Bell System in this state. Breas of Public Hoads Department . hi 3 ea ] po Asvicalture. on which organization SmA———— LEE Cl ee ns money Pa - 5 state road the ‘whole po wh ; : i | i a ER ten contrib: enise Bee sights -l BH By December 31, 1923, we will have placed in one ined by the ala . B year $30,200,000 weeth: of new equ t, new telephones, new wire, new switchboards, new Cen- tral Office equipment, and new buildings. And our 1924 construction program will probably mn to $40,000,000, All this in spite of the fact that the three preced- ing years were greater than any six years in the : history of the state. We are building—building to keep pace with the demands of the peayle of V'ennsylvania for tele- phone service. En i hp oo hs emo igh nS