Pt smi T0 RELIEVE PAIN AND BACKACHE Women ‘May Depend upon Lydia E. Pinkham's Vege- table le Compound . Mimneapolis, oe Mith—1 had heard #0 mueh about Lydia E. Pinkham’s Ve 3 table Compound when | realized i needed to take some. thing to relieve my | pein and backache, and to help build me I began to take at. had been sick off and on for Et Em aE recornmending the. Vegetable Compound to every one.’ Mra. J. J. Bilger, 8580 5th Ave. South, Minneapolis, Minn. Finds a True Friend woman who values her health to hve a true Jrjend ie © * says Mrs. W.E 5 aw, 5227 Walnut Street. Chicag Hlinois. “I bad female weak- ness po y that I could not stand on my feet. Half of my time was spent in bed and | had pains in my back which were unbearable. 1 Hied ing 1 eould think of to helpm when a friend advised Lydia E. of 8 Veg- etable Compound I began taking i at ence. | recommend it without besd | tation.” A “Every shen b He Eke the Bad Breath Is Usually Due to Constipation When you ure constipated, not enough of Nature's lu- bricating liquid is produced in the bowel to keep the food waste soft and moving. Doctors prejeribe Nujol be- cause it acts lke this natural lubricant and thus secures reg- war bowel movements by Nas fure’s own method-lubrication. Nujol is a lubricant—not a medicine or laxstive—~so cannot gripe. Try #t today. Boa to ask for HANCOCK SULPHUR COMPOUND. It has been used with satis factory results over 28 years. . 60c and 5.1.20 the bottie a your deaggiel’s If be can't supply you, send Ms same and the peice in stamps we will send you a boiile direct ad HANCOCK 1IOUID SULPHUR COMPANY Baltunore, Mi. Bennet Suiphur Com sound - Omit jor and Gor Ry wir wwb & Lawid he! 2D WATCH THE BIG 4 Stomach-Kidueys-Heart-Liver Keep the vital organs healthy by regularly taking the world’s standardremedy for kidney, liver, bladder and uri acid troubles— LA HAARLEM OIL The National Remedy of Holland for centuries. At alll druggists in three sizes. J UArafiitg A ep mere Hairy Bamoved This EE ah Eh El a Be tory ewmstually ieagons the ves dlcin amor ; | we sand “lady Baie Apart) the new, Barmicsy Sate roolm : grit i1ten | mobility wars constrictive Cling. ¥ osall it he In may have heen bh i things P Away bark In the beginnin | tie he | & weapon work faction 3 which Ok js Eatin in | that arm | atid the hall of the hrain I the rig | shielded thelr i ing the hBeart- sily came ont victorious Down t | the ages this selection continued, safe and | age i tesy embarrassment will : Groer to i Lane, in the press dic was once Wu i of humor, twlhio Hy WEY. niprel : urred te | with my wmtyle : golefnnity, formulae nor learned smatterings, | pipe, he met MIGHTIEST FORCE IS LOVE No Other Human Emetion So Strength ens the Character and Makes for Alms That Ares Noble. We 8's whip ned 8rd ¥ what we lave "ew 4} wed bio sve fa £4 Peg tiny pd Love is the great pu it Bf rengt} ¢nn the huracter Otive sand s potion of life. It ed WEI say ; of strengt the mond guldes the |! WHEY Love i world Loven Inve ied sion true Nerenre ahase ann destroys gil this true lo ply loves, asding Bo purifies vs thing Sr rd shige Ar i ter with the togeh of 8 Midas: pever destructive jove is a force that is ever ap $ Geniuine arreg ven when sos fs not wastes! it ans. heantifies { the WHY RIGHT HAND IS USED Was Necessary in the Days When the Heart Was Guarded by the Left Arm The Pa: hinder : Beary Most persons are eyary Twenty 1% hy are people right Wir thn! but whys? There's 8 reas; if you can only ccupation of man was fg cared ted u ak ipl i the othe to rRrry rig : ped the n that goverted of the hody Those who jeft side thus protest were the ua through the right band gradually becoming more IN ee it allle ones who proficient, A 0 5 RI 5 5) Sacred in Albania. “Evervaliere ia Albans a woman ls “ucred These wild and sav looking people, in the mountains, will lives even from One's nly difficulty Woman farthest protect you with their the silghtest discour will be an for party in of attention men hemseives to your pImong the safety,” writes in World attach | travel mites in “NO IED GARY Go man Wht {ook ie & sand He en that was bh: «an ment the Clgnrettea from his griexy ¥ i 3 ne Jou an weil a — Fabre's Rebuttal Others sin hed hnve Teproac) wihileh hess not 4 Bay; beter, the dryness of the schools They fear lest a page that Is rend without fatigue should not slways be the expression of the truth. Were I to take their word for i it, we are profound ably on condition i of being obscure here, one and ng-bearers, and take ‘ome all of you—-you, the st! you, the wing. eased armor-cluds {up my defense and bear witness in my favor. Tell of the Intimate terms on which I ilve with you, of the patience with which I observe you, of the care with which I record your actions. Your evidence ip unanimous: yes, my pages though they bristle not with hollow are the exact narrative of facts ohserved pelther more nor less; and whoso cares to question you in his turn will obtain the same replies Jean Henri Fabre - AS Houses Was Divided, A northerner was hunting In the South and one afternoon he got drenched through. A southern farmer took him ip, gave him & sult of clothes te wear while his own clothes dried, and insisted that he stay all night The northerner, of coursé, was pro foundiy touched by this display of southern hospitality Just after supper as the contented northerner, full of good food was going upstairs to his bedroom for his the lady of the house coming down with a huge book under ber ari. As be had her hushand's | viothes on she mistook him for her husband in the dim light and brought the book down on his head with a hang. “Thar!” «hw hissed. ye git for askin’ him pight I"~Suvannah News “That's what to stay all THE PATTON COURIER I ——— | SR PH President Greeting His Friends in the West Girls Load Near Pe A Cowl of Dretis iegwea, garbed n overalls ftisns ommiin gatl Mexican st los Ang Grp at SETYeL Bs we s “ here b ¥ ies harbor for t girs tron desu % 4 the Near Faust East Relief Ship Bern pil orsie Bin we Lions and eLiore ad nga rew oten w hey RK) ellef were Baded ou the stoner SPOT Oversea Oregon Trail Od at Portland was dedicated as the openin Ore. Min Lucy Lee queen oO disses. were hauled | Old Family Custom Is Observed Thomas Reynolds Porter, Jr. of Omaha, being rocked in the “Samuel Fuller cradle” at Plymouth, Mass The little boy, accompaniad by Lis parents, Mr. and Mrs Thomas Reynolds For ter, traveled all the way from Omaha, 8 matter of 2.100 miles in order to {ui fill the family cust of having thelr son rocked In the old cradie which was used first 300 yeurs ago. LEsi Fa RN BITS OF INFORMATION i Life is very serious to M: hammedan | { men, who rarely smile or Joke i In spite of thelr entrance into pol | ties, the women of Egrpt are sot aban- | donlng their wells (Girls born to the old belief, amiable, good-look- ing, long-lived and happy. Members of the Women's party of | South Africa ar refusing to pay | taxes until they jet the bullet in May are according | II A 5 were freguently killed the tilting comtests of olden The unemployed In the States numbered 1.500.000 in When rock ig ralatively dry : greatly damageq by EXPoRUre ng 1! Knights in not {frees in the Inargest telegraph and tele i phobe compamy jn the world the ma- [ Jority of steehbholders are women Out of 12800 wemen students who | have passed gy of Oxford university, | England, only 57 have married. crdecget & Frderered -~. ¥ WHY MRS. LIND WAILS prehs ring; farnage 8 weuipton made and er oon yude Sgure of Deved Salus sod 8 porirall of ar Head Tee a wilhon 1 SA OI THIS MADE DOYLE ANGRY ngeies In nirary to thelr Arthur bedame very the dol the girth usly and tribote bd Log ringed a Suoure® Shue Fon Pon Bus a tise (RTOTmMIng # outed sped oll Boma in § Bins gpaand sk spirituaiiss serd Preciate thelr sata won ispmiches Boris of band of Princess daughter of Queen Marie of Ru She Is only sixteen years Kling 84% 2 has asked for Buigaris manin - SE ———————————_ | (The KITCHEN | | CABINET hme, IT sotftenad the TA OnR, youngest | ; of age. ani | | Uh King is twenty-ning pears oid harries where there pre the telde there wil spend for loruries stew With vepelaliok Boul Teen DORs A garden Teen vd N i srisl nent vegeta vies Suriog «© § 5 i“ ir # bile savis 1 Rinly of #0 WY prove § 2% aTean girrved Das Ce & ean snd vach had al neovided vere often is he wanted of his metho! wus septving foods mak easy Tor he mother ta the Jap sf the olll fren te sturdy owen gad and THR girepare with They WOLDEN with ha lunew menie foo yo day hat 32 fond einles are lackin in gihpenr in another off the spe there wil prin le men sane day, he Be fear «fF andersons hte children When ode is tip vitally mivrtant that the Ypows how 1 Pinot Rose Salad happend og why I Takis one Biv hed bard ine relay bee me oily ppd Aig with Fren “hy mall given anion Snel y and paraish with like 8 rho nests of watercress suarll enoked bests it CBs Aspirin and Insist fr MM » ars 3 a y LS Help That Achy Back! day sire + a wer ing wrong, and sey wesiness Dea th wh HHT # Jf Pills HEARD of = Toa ng oD TOY Ask Pour seg idee A Pennsylvania Case ait mf ying mye hal NT sRlirey a onped 1) § saying, aarp gatnt swemtedl to dig 0 Spssar My Ridasvs wears wesk ! need Doss s Kidney Pills Afra taking a bon of Dean's § was cured’ Loe Diana's at Asy Shove, Sie o Bow DOAN’S "Ion FOSTER-MIRBURR CO, BUFFALO, KY. po fe PA ———— WW EEN had fine ber they | poner it! mether | Donrishing | of : cus . Hokie egue | tressing : Save the saled a More wetld, 1 ON A PULLMAN Ws. put the ™ 4LS phat Wash ho ieeping al Sy by — n : a eS A AD PA AHI IR £0 0 - A pill made 1t possible t to | sieep restfully in a Puliman, | and leave the train next | orming with clear head, || pte eves— full of enthus- asm for breakfast and “pep” for the new day. Here's how: Just before you peel down the sheets, take two Beecham's Pills This is the pleasant, sure way to attune the organs of digestion and elimina tion to normalcy, and thus assure a nught of tranquil repose. At All Druggists— 25¢ and Sic ey a Sa FST LT 4.3 Comfort Your Skial With Cuticura Soap and Fragrant Talcum Soap ec. Ointment 35 wd Soc, Toews 3e |