PATTON COURIER Ee a. ls ‘The Pattonouricr 77 Td TREN CONTINENT AD (A pm—— SEDAN a Pa i FEF SO IS SNR SRT Indoor Lo DeFORRES | —wwanit | RIFFFLEX Season Opens During ithe month of February this A PD ril I5 [ n ° was accomplished many times Results obtaind - no matter what the weather conditions are i il demonstration will de Chas. FF. itt Co... J. Commons & Sons) | P.O B DETROIT Still Greater “Value SPRINGS REPAIRED On all makes of touring cars or trucks. co. FOFt aid 81 We have high tempered steel for siz: s of springs. AGETYL NE WELDING AND BRAZING A SPECIALTY Ford price have never bers RT LEA TEL, Step en Jacobs Diehl $ Ua dld(e trom 1 elector {i cane by exper! rod makers Notary Public. | Application Blanks For Fishermen 4th. Ave, | tton, I "nw - 7a (3i} od. sxpires Jandary| : Fe BINDER & STARRETT lee——em i Nunmher of Farmers Arrange To Improve Quality and Yield Hardware i Wil: | TME \ VY vam WINCHESTER THE PATTON DRUG CO. Dr. Ira Davis, Manager Grange Bank Building, Magee Avenue d ortage. Interment wi HOW OUR REPRESENTATIVES Courier Ads Pay | was born near | MAKE THE NATION'S LAWS What happens to A ——————— a —————— ——— I es troduced in Congress BE —— Victim of Venturesome are finally passed su Spirit : slo Bb . ihe fallW ine i gy ay 1 sy > $ » : . A OUT WIEST DOOR ES we tell the story of just ho work, together with customs which | gislation his booklet is the last ment. We are contemg that will be equally shall be glad to put on « Me 1 Escape Injury Ne : ; thus CoOfnimunily w on BF gag ig BRE ae 1 Pa 3 yea the a or wif ' 4] Iry £ ! : I ; Suh road, Rony ga ; 1 ~st N ationa an ONE sack wiil prove eas uroposed. that they test . Stock Fakes Fouic: for Mest CW D I | to you that you can I treneth, Victor R : : (re n, CATQERIETS Imp er ; Patton, Pa. bake better Ee Lar and tired , i : ent Lear i He ena and i ; ‘ Viandey Barr PIES, CAKES and [| 12 rc fore the jcc. melting under fn | | ry snd | PASTRIES with [| 0c of hws | oth meals som : axpne ou ; ; . cpg Rie in iad, WHOS LT i t : i ; i py the River ra , whith were { water, ie n ken FR RRR I 5 . . . . 3 neg, in struggle, was submerged In eigh et | og i § . ; ! as of water. The othe school 1 ‘ : : zl ; sup nt | ‘ of ARTE of wate h 3c | 1 : : ; ov of the y Re ns i Fie’ RM : b W P Hang anside down BOVE the impo 8) : ! a : it . i . : 8 : f « i fee . : : i } wi iy n si 12 { an the Ice 10 TeUuVR : : 3 £310 i i be gi Housel sn } ; 3 i y i : ai for Be Ni those soon on Lhe scene Werg rd : komen alle ingstone and Lonskanc rs | On the! : RAVICe (ie truct eis ¢ ‘ t a i i Housel breast 0 Ee ; i . \ {aiise played Ti decided upon as the only way to re-| Mi John ct auley Dies : 1 in being ble ! ; Cal | is body peFeElT | | KODAK FINISHING cover the Y aiid > Aids i ii IX tied § ei] Mod i ‘ i hs idhouad i i iil Ai ; i floeted Ponisi Sary gtrong construction J s : i explosive were require i | eX ed Wednesday night at the Me- | 1 he llanfa ¥ sWilinm Ng POG i i ) . fie1 : 34 Ma reel We'd i 5 r 2 \ ma i rl : i ok Friday mornise ini Interment Was Made at Wi ilmore : Ys Wma Tie u ; y Our Enlargemen structed last summer as a municipal } Dea. ock Frid ning fr TO to BO feet wide |5t Brigid's Cathoi hurch of which Wil, MH 1 eral Li é i po dommunicant HE hTyocs ~ J 4 : i iT MJ FARABAUVGH, 3 BE TUWN. PA ¥ . enterprise, 18 irom Your Grocer ‘and about 300 fe«t long, the iepth of water al the point where young | solemn nign 1 5 y gauiem WR : i edie ® Ct i he R | loath occurred Thursday at Barne Rossman went down being aboul lehrate