; : ray oe Wo Fo er A A OM Sr Een ATTRACTIONS THEATRE ALTOONA THEATRICAL ILEF I DISTINCT] MISH SATURDAY FEB. 10 MATINEE and NIGHT MR. MRS JOHN LESLIE DREW CARTER And an all Star Cast IN THE MODERN COMEDY "THE CIRCLE’ SEATS NOW ON SALE COME: 52520 Racumaninars 0AK FLOORING AMERICAS BEST FLOORING cimamet M:kes the home more attractive. Cost no more than cheap floors Always in stock at LEO. C. HOPPLL LUMBER YARD PATTON, PENNA. and rugs. In the long run— you judge your shoes by their service - not by their style or price. Ralston Shoes gare time tested values. They give—and have given for over twenty years -—good lasting service sind satisfaction. Here's one of them — a popular French-toe model, made of hand- some dark brown calf, and equipped with rubber heels. {sk for The Essex Sevle No. 727 WAL L. Thompson ] ‘Always Reliable” PATTON, PA. ——— A Courier Ads Pay KILLS R ATS and mics—that's RAT-SNAP, the | old reliable rodent destroyer. ar staying at a hotel in a small Comes in cakes—no mixing with! Pennsylvania town. - wit! Early one morn- Yther fond. Your money back if it ing I went to the stable te hire a rig alis, 35¢ size (1 cake) enough for and was shown a pile of dead rats Pantry, Kitenen or Cellar. Killed with RAT-SNAP the night be- 65¢ site (2 cakes) for Chicken | fore. Looked like a battle-field in House, ¢oopse, or small buildings. Europe. Three sizes. 35¢, 65¢, $1.25, . : Sold and guaranteed by C. J. C r- $1.25 size. (5 cakes) enough for all | 4.11 Hardware and th Miners’ Co. farm and out-buildings, storage | Opérative Store. buildings, or factory buildings. Sold and guaranteed by FOR SAl KE Brid g " : we . SA LE~ ge Score Sheets, 1 CORDELL'S HARDWARE in pads of 50, for gale ut Courler MINERS CO-OPERATIVE STORE office, tf “I Looked Like a Battlo-beig in Europe,” said Mr. C. Nunster. vine in 'ATTQN COURIE] i — sen ———— PELLET LI Pppa pt tt One of the strongest fraternal or ganizations in the world has as its symbol the linked chain which shows the strength to be found in unity. Buying where you hive from those who are your neighbors will forge a linked chain of strength that will build up your home town and your home district. HHP rrr errr bbb Tord Yet, there is another story about the linked chain. It is as strong only as its weakest link. When you send your dollars out of your district you weaken the chain and imperil the prosperity and advancement of all its inhabitants. If you must go out of Paltlon for cer- lain needs--come to Altoona. Booster insti- tutions, all of whom disploy the emblem of membership, are worthy lo serve you. Pes Pe a a é & 5 oo Je ; $s + 4 > & Altoona Booster Association LLL 555 P0P wv Sppbis As LEE POPPE PEIE LEBEL THB a a { i : i in § i vv “Worry - Proe! INSURANCE "Good-bye Anziety A ———— a. Parnell, Cowher & Co. | § wl | ao ’ For sale in Drug Store and Gunn Drug Co OAs sso HOW'S THIS? HALLS CATARRKRH MEDICINE what we claiesh for it .rid your systen Catarrh or realness caused PF Caturrh HALLS CATARRH Lo Lhamtinie nt Ite BRITT & Med! fough {hie} # B85 9 : « EB IO] TES BUCS HIODOL Ls »OrNs vii af PEE TRAY 8 Patton at Fogerty's| RATS DIE (YTY A PINT YT . ry se do mice, once they eat RAT RATS DIE Vale 0 hind. Den’t take our word for it— JB | ib A