ian Te Na T— Si — I ——————— THE PgproN COURIER § BI00001 0800400000099 50 5550055 Er LL Le # 2H # The He-Man Met | His Match 'IDATTON 5 {4 33 | F C a Oh | | Wad in | i : 4 } va - 1 A Gb 3 : 833 ¥ “op ow aod ' vaya bard av ; 4 3 » OF I tO A 8. dey " COC ICCCCTEL | a { Value Than Ever at CHAS. F. PITT C Dollar Day Tuesday Jan. 23 Exceptional Bargains will be offered. Let us prove it. a Big A A pr CEPR PPPPPPLBIPIBL LLP PDEIPLI PDIP ELA GLP SFPD SEIM BSEI SHH D0 0000 LEAS Bead Hello, Central fe all Barton’s Values up to $5.00 at $1.00 coe ty our chur, ages + I Hat Trimming, 2 for $1.00 Tom anseuted very | ni wie wie win || Ribbons 7 to 3 yards for $1.00 above resis M iz the red blows) sith sui Bont of aknhond tive Money ot + tell Camisole, Grosgrain ribbon, live 3 Gods Frew: unaine Joel in ¢ Rhody of we a er a $1.50 value at per yard $1.00 reed “The big su gies toe» juin, wid | “1 Childrens Stockings in black, brown Larry vio : tandin ca : a : ‘ bad nos quite got over Tous neers | Ct Jeg oes teennel] and white, 3 pairs for $1.00 Roane tment, ‘ome lg, oe toika went to She dwnen | Ladies Silk Hose per pair $1.00 twice they had wet . . a house. CT "ori Sets "oF spangier wae o|] Ladies Lisle Hose 2 pairs be $1.00 Tou overheard th ued eFlmson, He desched & Su [ning viviwon oo! Ladies Vernan Union Suits $1.00 ike a horses Knee gr fee eee” 7 PE TH Ladies Vests $1.00 “A red-blooded ow wesking” the temas auf * “nie ne ahr Corsets, all sizes, pair 8 $1.00 $4 9 pa tla F j y “ piione Cais Il you have 4 “ iy a in the grocery line tered, and turned This Incident produ Be ym, nds wt place on sunday || Bragsieres, all sizes, 2 for $1.00 claimed that Tom Ewing hed s AE , ! 4 his redl-Lloodedness © hl Ti; .l “By R w uk) 4 1 ha M : % and ! Bungalow Aprons =. $1 00 ru Way i ’ 1 "114 vy Way we are Ly Ing VOU the very hast vn tha vaaskat. WAH n the market. When eq um yb § ty | s v want qualit goods Ou Ir Sukie, ive it 4 a Saturday of each boy x roa h . idve (resi Cream {ream that will [ }vy Pr a all ream that will Qur groseris are all want com alla Talades Casles Wan: dh lable Toledo Scales. lg 0 behavior; the other ad ery that he had stinply il Still, nobody interfer Wit i ’ Hy —— : Si He weit en his hemnan wal pie | a ! v4 pLLaliele he Lass t i day. opined Issa: Nagy reac ap, | Dl Rams Barnes nokriday some one would come along and twas SAF y A a : . det 1 * > ve CY) £ him--but what was everybody s busi i a kh. Pay Seas i hin 44 , mal C =) \ ’ ness was nohedy's business and ne | Vas Putt Wi hs di Yehin: body hothered Howard Davison Jack Swyers of Patton, Penna. But Nemesis is never far away. | diet attended 1 ‘1 here on Miss Dalsv's coldness toward larry |S since the Tom Ewing episode was the | sublect of genersl comment larry weit nhout with a permanent grouch. | He wint lesa often to Miss Dalsy's | house, and when he did they quar | reled bitterly, according (eo Kate, the | yh NEN hg + ¢ br Sixteen ounces to th ‘1 2 ® MG OUr Store i i lave trai i ity of our goo goods to sell at 5 this special sale but Quality Groceries and honest weights and ttended Scandinavian cook general On. the | iy id 1:5 i 4 . ether hand, the heman was there b at 3 ; : il 3 F Veber [Baad the Se ses Sen rac wan sven coe || Watch Our Windows For On this night the he-man Is cowl : Alb ol Hina Lars his be sn thel . up the path when he hears the sounds | . Tiet thie weel } R of a violent altercation. The beman| re: Fa VERY i sughter | Rea argains On quickens his steps Latry tof J ph and IEA mithbaurer ing. white with rage, confront Dalsy, whe ls erying here i last Friday WENN if | “I'v done with youl” cries la fscariet ever al parents ho { ; “All women are allke all false" i Privat 1a ry id sere held “AY women are not false Chival. [&F the uly > 3 ay i el hoa! : rous American men protect tliem™ | ® J . : : - a 3 Ary wi i ] says 4 volce In the doerway. “He off ro lt in and never darken this house ugaln, or I. hat aa ! o . e + ge 3 ul Le ! I'll give you a lesson you'll remem- | eh Iv: CE . : S , ht : 3 i . | i ber for the rest of your days prices. BARTON'S KEYSTONE CASH It is the ke-man Miss Daisy | Spang ler Koghit AN at ramped’ ; | 4 screams. Larry turns round, puts up lkim home January 1 was first] his fists. The he-man slaps his face. |hélieved that Mr. Lanaon had suffered | ; Next instant the great bulk of the bh Ia fractal it} Gisl ve Is man les prostrate on the ground. |- Miss Julia Boba k, a student nurse | : Larry's punch had gone home jat the Elizabet Magee Hospital in| The he-man rese, shaking, all the |itisburgh, spent Ways with her, PHI EREISELEL ILL LLIILL DRIED L DET ILE PIPPI LIL DEDEDE rib bbb ig od fight wut of him, He rose to confront Ha Ie Pkg i in = i i | i+ 3 VE LES AY i as ! 3 PH A Miss Dalsy, vibrant with indignation |. 2 * 10000000000 000000000000 00000000000 0300000000000 000000000000000000000000800000000 08000 PEL PESO HE PIII LPI LEPLLPORS 8, Se “rt PEP00PP DEPP 00 9020000000000 00 CPP IPPPPPPPEPP EPH 140471 FEI F PEEP 000400000000 PPPRRPRRP RIFF REP RR PIV IRIERY “Ol, how dare you come liere and | Gordon |] LiTay ang lem vith : Ai i strike Mr. Hill whe isn't half your | atrick of Spangler were social call-| u ° | I : size I" she cried ters in Patton Wednesday evening. | st t e t 11 g h | a | “r...1 thought he was insulting Mr. and I's Norman - duck of 4 } ou ave | ; you—" stammered the cowed heman | Cresson, announce the birth of a son, * : : “Wall, what if he was? Hasn't a suck, WAS e her marnage| b t CY f t | | | man the right to insult a girl when | ¥ 158 UPAEHA ah suih of Alexubdiin] een wal ing or oO he's sngaged to her? Ob, Larry, 1] VTS VUE 8 0D bu Fran Th =. a only wanted te make you j-jealous to he don \ : Lor - th p M PR Mary | $ find put if you really I-leved me r a1) 8 save you money. ! 3 Th-thirow that b-big st-stiff eut of the Swan Johnson of Highland Grovel h-houise.” 8 C0 ed to his home with an at-| pi : , | But the heman had vanished from {tack of tonsilitis Tr —— the house already-—and from Red} igs Elvira Borgorson of Pajmet | J ] lozer Jewe ry Co. itor in Johnstown and while there] i | i THE STORE WITH THE BED STRer 71 Y K ” Hel ‘1 4 atended the Thurston performance | ey STREET LAAN giving i pari CieN Of fui! § get at ‘oe Cambris Theitre t » oT aN i at the Can 3 Enis i PAT TON, - = PENNA, RN ea a a Guleh. | avenue had "the misfortune to scal imei Sama i dneaday evening. SE .r my Cairns was a week-end vis inexhaustible. ) “They say that radium Is constantly never gets any less” The cinch party which was held at | “Gash! That's the kind o Concord Grange proved a great sue- 8 batk roll.”"—Bos 1 cess Prizes were awarded to thel winners, : REN LARP Wan RSA