———————— SP A HO HAE n All Ladies and Misses OATS conn SNL SSSA BT A OR ~ KUSNER & BLANKFELD Department Store. A H and very wishes for a D HAPPY NEW YEAR PA TTON, PA. Ore hesien, af Harneslisra the Christmas dunce held { Ble ipal Hall Avenue i! Ethel Angas is | |& | 1 k | { | 1 | H with friends and relatives | maugh. Jone ph Chirstaff snd itaff were Hawtin gn UPR Y Hyman Hornenoer College, bs visiting rel ton. Thomas Larimer, of Ebenibung, is visiting his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Les. ter Larimdr. Jewel Paleho, of Pittsbareh is spending a few days with relatives and friends in Patten, George Dluzansky, student of Dickinson Law Schoul, ix visting hi 4 {parents, Mr. and Mv. George Diu zansky, of thin place. Edward Christoff, of Rassell aves nue, was & recent business caller in Westover. Elizabeth Bigos, fais holidays with ber parents, Mr. and | Andrew Bipos, of this place. F. A. Gord, of Buirnes WTO, has. for the past few days, Julius Goldstein is spendling the holidays with his parents in Portage Catherine Simpson J0 spending the ff ots in Somerset Aa TB Hi | facalt : Booty y EE wl with his SE Sa at gi Altoe y urer, of Mellon “ave. ret Crichy, ‘of Fifth avenue, was a recent. A 1 Lo Aba el pg Al own, pe | Priday evenin s with her parents, ms. got a lh caller in Westover. | Hing i paring the | nfidays with bis parental ss HS 2 HAA ACA SRA SE A EOP SH ABR SA 5 of Washington, is! n trapscting basiness in Pattes | op RSENS assel we prize most the good will of our mers, and we sin. value the business ave given us during past year. Our most st wish for you is the | New Year may lo vou Ht Tosadiey visiter in Extending the Compliments of he Season 3 he sands and ala TY iy ro ™ Ming FORT. IPR Ua Joo -g . F cou & Ne very Dest ol ¥ io Suid nord PPS Hh Price 5, Ais THI a promise to than we did Very Happy Mew Dear .L. THOMPSON Always Reliable Ee eeort § pale Ronald MeCormink arid Bud Strang ot Bartesbore atime the dance k the oe Monday Jimmy of Camcliows provi the on | SSaturiny and Matday which were] ft held here. : Walter Sherwin atended the dance Rove on Monday dvning Chie Willidnson of Elbensbury was a caller in Patten un Manday evenin Tom Smith of Bureabos the danwe hats on Manda Jimumy Wharte of (resson of ht rr. “Wil ham (add EM in tah Pitan Wns es bs! qi LF UASGEY Evel § Stew ons, Leona Thos i Fisker, Delphine imizirde FE Thiauss, Loe Griesley of Harness ed the Saturday night plate. ipearge Greenwood tended the Satunriiay this place. Mors Wiliam volltyern vizitor ou’ y Mrs E. LL. Paria of Spa neler i Tuesday shoppe in town, Sirs. Jerry Mel uurthy of 8 Ben- edict was a Tuesdiyy shopper In town Mra Clifferd | . Ii nurs of Chi cagy who was visiting hin shiter Mrs. Geo C. Hoppel for th past { four weeks | joft Monday for Elfiolo, N. Y., where she will visit & whool mate, Miss Marie Desbhuner fur uo few days bef returning: to Chien. Mra, EF. Dunite of Spangler was | the guest of Mrs, (he. (U. Hoppel this weikk. ‘fhe Christmas qustata rendered at {the Baptist Charith sa Monday even-| ing wus as fine wn entetainment as Patton has ever anjyed The house wis ‘well filled willy a delighted sud ene. It would ho difficult to des. evibe in words the besstiful scenes mented. It wal (anists so arrang- a od that sil the megnbery of the school | {who desired to do wy, cimid take part, | 1 The Christmas chiiyses rang out with | the joy of the Chirhhtnuns spirit. The Shepherd and ampul scones weere su perth. Frost Kingp and Santa Clan wyire as natural sn Life. The Christ mis ve scene wild the litle ones in thed was likee a 10 home scene. All these were prennted with tablesa {ettect by means cnlored Lantern faliles, Thame were | qluertetion, chor sind all were solos. dusts, perfectly vender, All the close the at tmas treat was distribated. bo offering of thw evening was for {the Crp pe nd the congregation | liberally. mm. Bud Brake snd two children of | {bores are Moding some time at Bon of Rev, lind 3 . W. A Gra | Bea! Batowakity Martha Mie Bbody, © dance at Hutbogy last Toesday img Hys lt Altoona stteniied ; Eatin) at the 3idhedint Charch Bere visiti PATTON, PA. SRO MAMET SU THE ANA Was Reid wre 8 Vadnais y “and Mrs, Andrew Rhody tre to Alioena today to meet Mr. and Mrs. Jimny iStrohm whe will spend the week end with them | Runeell Little in spending fas vyaration at the Boome fonts Mr 4 Mrs. Ed Lo 2 IS WaRY Show First Kind Ever Held The first All Wyandotle poulir HOW ever held in the: Bn ogalneelion late Show g attention throgghout i efitire vountry and will bring visitoes : from many states 1508 Lirds, reprrsenting struing of Wyandotte reed wit! {display and compete for 1 prizes tant have been affersdd. No poultry show has ever heen held connection with the Nate Farm Shows of previous years. This vear {the officials of the Department of Agricuiture and others in charge, do vided to inmugurate 3 breed pouitrs show, devoting the poultry exhibit ‘each year to one particular breed. Th Wyandotte was selected for this vear. ore than $1500 in prises linve bee offered. The show is unique in that ne ad mission will be charged Breeders of Wyandotte chickens who wish to enter birds in the show suid coramunicate with their coun. try farm agrents or wrile to the Penn. sywvania Depsrtment of Agriculture st Harrisbary. Entertainment Given At Bakerton en Friday night at Bakerton by the A christmas entertainmen), was piv. pupils oth the 1 sixth, seventh und eighth Sa the direction of Misses Monteith snd : ond Hib ack fnerow. ~ BiifAiriae' Kiibuim and Anu Murphy. The participants sequitted | Tonas ably and each wrdormed well his part. Miss R Mare Hike eh, berate of { University oF alifoemin