The Patton courier. (Patton, Cambria Co., Pa.) 1893-1936, December 22, 1922, Image 7

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    The atton Court | Third arade of te 1 nion trot schol
er) etons the thin jee for the pur.
— ! ? oe foe of giving » what id he ould, on
; » 5 n the ey £rs 8 perisi
i a BY ERY FRIDAY. | aiongaide as pal, {has the famous
eae <b i: “blue ¢". of the Stonyeréek in days
; ar TON ¥ UBLISHING Co, | gone by claimed two Nietims at
THOS. A. OWENS | Owners and Editors | 4:30 o'clock Saturday afternoon.
DERR CG. WiHBLOW, i Secietary | James A. Reagan, i d SS atte NM ensaamen DS SP
Entered in the Post Office at Pat-| James A. Reagin, a. prominent
5 poesiiid : ; ERNIE LOUISE wis mak
inh Peana., ws Seeand Class Mail | manufacturer of Pottstown. Pa. who : ng EREIE | i Ba mak
¥oitrer !
| was horn al thie Summit, neur (resson 5 : RB great fen o tyes ROW © Akvis, ¥
‘ ’ this county, died at midnight Wednes. p Fie ¥ rom hie. 110 er som thin welll. a
Svueeription Hates... $200 Per Yeor day of last week in the Hotel Marl | invalld npether had WANTED. Gil
ih ADVANLE Fhorough. Blendheim Atlantic Ly, brought Tessie 10 the ot work. (rong w EERE
i ; after an illness of more than a yesr spite] to be treated for al the d her
v3 having suffered a genersl breakd bol he Epine, tl gis ru. Hem Fi a
: A 2 : i The deceunsel waz 5 veteran of ; hafred baby | Sat of B
oR Noles, $id per ich orf) $ 5 hoa : To
‘ p , Civil War, having served sevir
ioe + erpit £ ¥ fLipee insertions h : '
; PEtIneEnis
Business lucils, 10 cents per line :
Business Cards, $10.00 per year Mr. Regan wan horn at the
Fall position, 0 per cent. exirs mit in 1845, He served as a
Mi th aryge, hs i ger brakeman on the Pittsbur :
Lash must accompany all orders [or | Yision of the Pennsylvania Railr
vis Mrlver! ming following the war and Inter engage!
Advertising copy musi reach this
office by Tuesday evening, for sure !
ngertion ¥ RCIUN
Iain ie ind
: leiphin f
Two leys Drown in Stonyereek to Pottav
: iter Hallet, age i ilithe Rs
waters of the Reagar
y the {pntral iH gh several ii fi, f 4 i i ‘ - . A Bas fb , " e ’
Lemon, sped BI phew, Scott Reagan, employed in the Cy . Oh a ol FlnGay " in this
eipanion im the : A Loo Hl : Wh : : > i
9 sper |
ell ave.
week, | CEES meme ee ed)
FOGERTYS DRUG STORE % 1 AA f acting Jars Friday Be | s one of our most valuable assets.
| we of N\A |r rear types ner: ict 1e spirit of the Season |
FIFTH AVENUE PATTON, PA. 32) BRR navies at the Pulls" Ages us renewed appreciation
s and of the Jalte
For good cigars, see our selection
in boxes of 25 and 50.
With cufesnt ayen, 4d colon rere visite Bon. this | ay your Christmas be a Happy
Special in Hard Candy. Fine filled | sist oer canner io cone an | SiaRGY 3 ay ove | One and success attend your New
p : : " ~~ 5 " Doctor |} oe Tro 4 8a i of Hae ib x $a LF i » . i 2% PE $e ww ew ou Fig
confections. Special at 0c per Ib. | macs ws pmesces ve com |, GS Toes. ne | ‘ear, 13 the cordial wish of
berg and food
5 The pleasant nurme harried
One, Two, Three and Five Pound Boxes a ad 0 J.B
should esl! Miss Dean & phifs
if she Were 1g 4
We have a fine line of JISportad and The pleasent surse pa
domestic Perfume Sets, Toilet|Waters A NTH
and Vanity Cases. he
: The puree sold
CHRISTMAS CARDS, TAGS AND SEALS “Her uncle was sn old ses taphs
she oid him. “Miss Nora pudde heir
- ee with thin winide and aunl www
he wan ay small sx Tessie hevw.
#1 "Row she tives tn In the bouee |
| the water's edge to take ears of hn
{ anit, vho Is old and erippniel i Herman v i
t still that gird" Pon Bint
| The pleasant sgrse chokod op sneer | holidays
: vountabily ! l osm] 3
| "Well she's always :
i thing for others” she fin
iM the way Nera Dewan
| pean” |
| “Great Seoft™ interrupted {ast Thursias are Ldasce was | Altoona shopers
t tow, “there ad Tease wraln Gant held boy the it f RL aa.. Mr. and Mors
badge mast be stopped :
§ rt % gag il. ne a ron Hues i Blace were Alo = 1 MOppET 4 dat. S C S
aisturh the sick ones.” conn. Everyone wi | seemed | arday : t } A t
"hie fire {fient fllires fun i 3 sa! 4 tt YY H : 5 ti x . . = / ¥ gs 5 i 1 n PO as ore
Kathryn Garvin
“Tenis ua rs abis won't stop wists Mle
i ; ; tan, Ma
{i taken to Miss Nora. | really wily | BOAT SRSGE. Wy
§ ip pf & TE 8 ¥ s ¥.98 * : : 3
i we had made artupgemesis yesterday wf. BiG ARES. ; ph HL fisie i XY y 4
{1g have her detven out to the lalie | SEEN ve pent Cenig jrvenwood of Harnesben | : J :
| ahiwe for aver Christies” rs ay -; Wis 5 Nao y night caller in Patton J
LC “How far oot Is 11 Docter Prose | 707 BE SEE ; , er, Thel- | Sr. and Mrs MoClure of In ik "1 ; :
Fis Ne ee : " # od : . .
aalied briskly, y £5 | ; | Mr. Botta and formerly of this
” RET om wr,” be 2 2 : s ow . 1tarsed home after spending some {im r. I cee tha 1 %
| pio I hd ar - ¢ : Lf a $= of St Boni. A home of Mr and Mra Jess Y ou are sure of geting the lowest Dri ice here.
i a: + Te EER #4 FORT aT (dam iE BP J ; or BE sy h a i Bho 94 SH my 2 and sam x i .
| ablie {Miss 3 ; I Starrett For quali ity « pmpare them and see. A DIF line to
: : ¢ ; ad : 3 p ardinisal of Fills ave
Donald Brace wighted | (he cottage a8 | wy ) BEE relatives and| Mr. P. A. Yousgquist of ¢ hoose from.
ibe brought his car to 8 stop In the [fr n : on yi see is serving on tise jur
: i Bylea Flegal Mr. Derr Winslow Vinits d friends | Groceries. Suga ri 1-2¢ ib. ’ Not- a-seed Rai-
i os Carroditown on Sumas . ?
yi Ha_—t visitors os of Barnesboro spent!] sins 16¢ 1b., Peeled ens hes 16¢ pkg., Pears ina
| Mr. anil Sunday evening calling on friends inl large can well filled 20¢, Rolled Oats 1%¢ pkg,
Vintondale | at the home | this place. il Sardines can 5¢, Baked Beans no better 10e,
of Mr. and MUERReld over the! Miss Florence Kame was a Carrol Pye s. poke Sa. Jello 10¢
town caller on Sanday. Corn Flakes, pkg oC, Jello UC,
of Seton Hit ba heen 11 far, 5 hs 3 # rb am -
ee svt oko op 25d warding Nuis, all new and sound Walnuts 25¢, Mix
3 A Ml aoc, Peanuts o ID8 for SoC, 3 =
ropdatde. Then he gathered bis sunll . aos , th Cala “hapel will be held on! : uts Sr B
charge in his arose and made his way 4 . so 4 " BNE Was an Sunday evening at Bix o bn WE HOW prices
te the white door, ght st ; UL ikd fr. George LaBirun who was coti- : 1 Ea
“Come 10," Nor Erawtinl choerily, “the Mil J elerking ut fined to his bed for more Than & wedi i Candies, Buy here and ; oc all pure and
Therw Viet an of your coming. (he hulida TES GUTINE lis on bis way to nwovery wholesome. Mixed candy 12 1-2¢ a Ib, Chocolate
ire’s a pew Christmas doll § o Me a ips Ww. : mmm co ‘i Qe 1h
st Louise In the oven, snd ot Cresson. | Y Christmas| Gallitsin Youth Aequitted | Drops 19¢ Ib
wb tke back.” . ha ida a 1 : 4 . rn A verdict of “ndit guilty, but ply | nd G n VY etables. Tan er
It was a broad, white Sitchin, raby | ber Ma s BN the costs of prodecul: 0% Was Teg Fresh Fruits a ree ex Eg
Jest of sugar and spices, aod an od arold J BRerton hos re [tured Saturday in Judge Samuelll jneg ie doz, Oranges 35¢ 40e¢ 5c doz, Good Ap-
i a i £4 fhe ££ 19% 3 3
laly in « rocking chair sear the win- pending | Lewgmen, Reeth co in, chard || ples $1,50 bushel, Cranberries 20 and 25¢ qt.
iw. relieved Teasie of her winppings, i Tn TO Erith involuntar manslaughter wharh | bg BOometning good -2¢ ib, Fresh leaf an
“You must give the doctor & mip | and ey out of o sotomobile accident (rape b
of coffee; Nora dear.” the oid Indy mild, | “3 Wnndertui Line | EN Slat: Bradicy of Cressen,]| head lettuce, Sweet Potatoes, Cauliflower, Pep-
“before his “of Appe g Spe down and fatally mjured by ors, Tomatoes
ety” ou ve back - he RSH Sw 2 CL a. ue ile driven by the defend } :
But Donald Brace seemed nme | |roe » vis : 5 a foie | The accent sccurred on the Lots of good things to eat.
20 lust on the brick
a Cresson and Gnl-
RY rndies did in the Altoamn!
, ® short thee followiog fhe!