The Patton courier. (Patton, Cambria Co., Pa.) 1893-1936, December 22, 1922, Image 2

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    RN grilling croms-taamine
Chief Beines T Testifies That Both |" Mr Ruse, “Joe,” #5 the ab
+ : : % 3 in enlline bia. sb
Girl and Her Attor fi vy Protes. : ¥ ig 3 ‘ 3 HEDR very meekly and
ted A, i Medical Attention SR 558k ae of fart 2: Ww ards calm
: : or, heever,
hy Mr Rowe
ty mapistraie
g {i 5 EL
J HE Holiday Season
affords an ample op-
portunity to express
again the pleasure we
derive from our busi-
ness relations with you
and on behalf of our
i entire organization, we
Where can you find a goiter wish for you and yours
value than the F
about at this ne
We believe, with
that it 1s the most &
means of transport:
men can employ. Tis
—absolutelydepes”™ !
at the minimy~ CO%
if desired.
Mon. & Tnes. Dec. and 26th |.
Matinee and Night Both Days E. Briney, corroborated the story of |b oy ma pe i boos | AGG QC ccc cette
Christmas Matinee starting at 2:45 [is ho: tra und modest in bin con. |'0 MpporkR ER. 0 | RED DNDN
polite, di
The Masical Comedy Revue duet of the « Bersomsky
paiice dec a ed
* : ’
Cs 5 4 of her arrest admitied to
0 relations with Claman
: | denied by Mary.
Chief Briney, on the
10 BIG SCENES = Elaborate Costumes roboratied the contention
ompa 50 ecution thet there had
© ny of ” protests from both the girl and
her attorney to her submitting
; ~ Special Added Fe eature examination.
Judge MeCann in a very there i
12 London Tivol Girls Ji aoa impartial charge to the jury re. |
viewed the testimony on beth sides |
about 8 o'vleck, and gave the tase to
the jury. The jury was out only
short time, Judge McCann explained:
that leniency should be sccorded the
man in kis capacity ar a magistrate
and instructed the jury as to bow they
could find the defendant either guilty
SRR "Lor innocent, :
| nimi iE 1922.......1923
The Legislative Committee of the : ; fussvans ®
Cambria County Citizens Goud Roads | :
League convened at Ebemsbury Mom-| § © i
day. A luhetiwon wat given ut: the gd) | VER since the three wise men bore gifts of gold
: cl dT and frankincense ind myrrh to the lowly man-
rer at Bethlehem, oe Christian world has com-
memorated Christmas time with gifts and expres-
sions of kindly sentiment.
The message which we would b
this time is one of thanks and apy
good will and your friendly
year now fosing.