- AA EN a a EA le a onsging Beeler FFE PRAY Thanking you for patronage during 1921, and respect- fully soliciting your patronage during the year to come, we wish you all A HAPPY AND A PROSPEROUS NEW YEAR W. L. Thompso Patton. Pa. gts apd RE Tow: ab REey » HE Dr. C. I. Baldwin REUEL SOMERVIL Dentist inet LAW Palmer House Patton me —— —————— I ot rr (7 afm = I? EE NR Nee gr ROLL OF HONOR DANK { W. H. Sanford 2. Prindible, Vice Pres. FI. . Farabaugh, Vice Pres. W, i ati co a AT PATTON, PENNSYLVANIA Total Resources _ Capital paid up Surplus earned The Oldest National Bank in Pa Northern Cambria \ \. i ESTABLISHED A general banking business transact sonal interviews or correspondence wit viduals wishing to establish or change thelr nl | ol . y a and Tes y 3 AND 4 PER CENT. INTEREST PAID GN TIMI I . | b AND SAVING DEPOSITS i Ny | INF Steamship Tickets for sale, nl Safe Deposit Boxes for rent. You shoul RE P. { RIN DIRECTORS: r Joh it M. B. Cowher om OW} opposite Good Bldg. patton, 1 more of our Saving Banks-in your home YS tn oa OI IS 18 Geo. E. Prindible Samuel 1. Brown Ralph E. Good * FE. Farabaugh Draft and Travelers checks payable in the prind le Citic le HOU SE Wi IRING and children practical lessons in economy. Cecil Mit h ql Reuel Somerville .L. Thompson C GC f C C i Wm. H. Sandford . i tC Wy HS _ nis rs ea a apt - ee ne 0 A a. a , & ab & Hynes « Was piven {4} men were > TET teed Attrac JAYS HURSDAY Present 1 head lupert Hughes spa rkling comedy of married hfe. A Goldwyn picture of exceptional merit. One that have seen a Very iu Cily Pa pers recently. At popular prices. Don't Miss This.