SPENT HALF HER TIME IN BED Farmer's Wife Tells How Lydia E. Pinkham’s Vegetable Compound Madle Her a Well Woman a Carter ‘a Creek, Tenn. - “Three years » | waa almost an invalid I spent penal of my time in Hii bed, being afflicted Twith a tr ouble whish women © {a certain pt to have godin E ham'sVegetahie Compound abiets jand used Lydia FE I Pinkham 's Banative HH Wash. . 1 am a well woman now and have been for two years : I can work sa well as any one who is younger and as | am a farmer's wife | have plenty to do for | utivaite my own garden, raise many ui % and do my own housework Ye 4 tay § bl uh Jas letter as 1 am ready to anything to help other Ome &8 | 1 have [a so well ard happy since ny roubles sre past. "Mrs. E. GALLOWAY, Carter's Creek, Tens Most women find plenty to do. If they are upset with some female ailment and Soul ed with such symptoms is Mrs. Galloway had, the smallest duty . Seems a momniain, If rou find it hard to keep up, if you are mervous and irritable, without adi. tion and out of sorts ly, give the Vegetable Compoend a Tue trial. Wa beliews it will belp you greatly, for it bas belped others. . INTERNAL REMEDY RELIEVES PILES Taken lke any pill. COLAC PILE PHLLS resth the trouble from within Quick sure, harmless Do away with spives, oiltments, suppositories snd aperations, fie at druggists or 85 by hail plain wrapped from COLAC cg MICALCO, Ine _ Glens Falls. N.Y. The wha ink sand steppe difficulty in ermenting & fried Bhi = jus have i indian Vi ota) ie Pills contain but vegwiabhie ingr srivieh et 2% 8 tonic and pergsiive Wy stidsg nd mgt by irrtiation Advertisr rant a a | Wright's Apt bing! whet inion wid lente Mews, thnt xs nn ne Yi have, | Mewlyrie ion. hls it, resily?} ure Relief | vording to reports renching hers The tremors shook buiidings #d homes. $120,000 LOSS AT UNIONTOWN FIRE TS, Ho'el Guests Routed b by Flames in the Business Section of Fayette County Seat OVERHEATED FURNACE I OI tos CAUSE Furniture Piast Desgtray Awe $n Bs sop Fheilling Es Foréed To NERY antiraly CRISES Wis cauied he is bs Erase of mi souri aa and erste intensity in carters M gEotithera [Tlisols, wettern Indi sorthwestern Kentucky, ar Tenidences, | | broke windows, knocked chinaware E { i Lg i 4 i { land, Ind. 10 from shelves and frightened residents sald. " ’ Irish Mesting Brings On Riet New York. — Twenty persons were | | Injured and four are under arrest as | 100000000 which we are pay | the result of rioting where 5.000 Irish | i pd hero, Republican sympathhers routed fire men and police | po renerves here. An, on hall, approximate! effigy of King George as burned at the height of the fighting. which was i precipitated when the police tried to prevent an overflow mesting outside the Carl Carroll theater held to de Dounce (xedution of Erskine Childers | | and “murder” of Mary MacSwiney, Moonshine Pound In “Stuffed” Bear. New York — “Izzy” [Einstein and : "Moe" Smith, famous prohibition | sleuths, have discovered a new hiding plsce for liquor. They say & taxider mist got to work at the “Half Past | Nine Clab” and filled a stuffed bear | With moonshine. The fire water fur sled out upon application of pressure | at the proper point. “However. the stunt wand so good” said “fexy.” "We always look in the unusual places firat™ P. RR. Train Derailed; One Hurt. . Indianapolis, Ind. — Passengers on Yannis twin No. 30, known as the *Piyer, " were severely snaken up, and the mgineer slightly injared when the thglee and four conches of the treats loft he rails nesr Cumber ¥ | figures made public, The greatest & | sequin for all dwellings in the Unit | od States waa lssued by Postmaster | | (henersl Work. . i pp pemition, : gud [aad third, destructive, | sacrifice and scrapoing lone." Lier extending from Jan | larch 1, 1923, the time in Whi a IA BS Ss. NO WE {ROR SR PRESIDENT OUTLINES ACTION OF CONGRESS Says Passing of Shipping Bill Will Put America Front of Nations at hips £43 RE CG ERE west the # fhe pevpuiay “subsidy siressed, the he sald by or PRESIDE 10 Harding an President © seseried hn tat goveriment aid woshl be § fairer oo terms thin subsidy bo defining whist be ; See | definite plans ure was seeking to do for wpbailiug of tthe Amerioan merchant isurine is parts of four states, the reports | “Pl eal 1 subsidy’ sined there are { those who prefer to appeal (6 mis { taken : frank and logical arguments rather thas take "We might so eal] the anneal loss ne 7 wh pra adic, without protest by wi fight as well call that ‘subsidy’ If 80. 1 am proposing to of oe hoa e ont yi Des nss ing the problem erting Congress, (he President outlined (hres | onifaes of action. The first. he said i was comstractive, which embraced i pasaags of the blll second obstrue Hye—voentinued government operation sittending government losses imvipivieg of the the hey Pehant Beet. “1 have come to urge the comatrue tive alternative, to resssert an Amer loam “we will,” Be exelsined, which : brought the first applages during de livery of the speach. Tha nest ap plause greeted the President's decla ration that he mjoiced thet higher standards for labor on American whip bad bien established aod that mevest fostics) segpestad that “when Con ress izes these standards, it is fale | lo extend government ald in mals tadutagr them * * * until our shipping | limes Ki'e Bo firmly established thas | thay can face world competition | the President Senator Walsog sgricaltursl srw for tena hastened in A 4 A Crash of Li Constantinople. ratings orp warkers the steainehip hy the Near ) with the frNn York sat the Bosphorus th the scene. children fives were loal ried Be Lari ’ ers aboard the Betta, Towandl beth Muriess of vai hal the "Moted (Colle Winnipes. ome of the mosh tions in Cans fire. Thy its Hteraty & Father Bourke nadiun press | palace, Hi BRS Were fire. Four Washington. —A vomprehtssive sar ia implement situation in Qetabar ro frealed that of 43 representstive ere | facturing industries, 29 registered increanns and 14 decremies hu the | nember of persons employid as com | lesa sity pared with September, soroniing bis trense reported was 13.7 pir cian for ihe car bung and repubing indus Ary. fh | Timp Extension For Mall Benes, Washington. — A Suppisinenta} or | 3 te door | tots or other mall receptuiies wilt be CTW bef. ii, W. Vn—A professions! beg: CAPTAIN ANDREWS a SOT SEVENTY KILLED IN BIG MINE EXPLOSION Colliery Blown Up When Cars Striking Electric Wire Ignite inflammable Sub sats Fai EF i § boawy ceonld mall se tt clin baie faces in U.S. SUES ARMY CAMP BUILDERS Government Starts Action fo Recover $20,000.000 on War lg hr hud Contrac EE WASTE IS CHARGE" Sa - Mi 3 i Sh ol i 28 Farle charges were made that “large sdiounts of cselens anal brimmed wih, wae done —— tha - band of 1800 gue Thousands. be : thousand We American thartered Rellwt, collided jimer Now dispatehed but no York car relief work 5 are Paul 4 Miss Eliza Coun. ; way to . land,” {pia The “Mayor” | *Iriah Cabgret” in Coney's Bowery. In the days before prohibition be alftem | sold from 258 to 100 kews of bes on | busy days. but last season he reflised | to open his place Benjamin four automobile bandits charge 1 | povesment trach and Acvording to coOmpRayY ofictals, the | sxplonion occurred simaltanectsly | with crash of three “skip” cars whirk wild dows the slond to yards,” approximately 1106 9 the anirasce Theus carn. g cable while they were bidng t Bae ran the one fend Ir hrea kin Bauled ap the sine érashed downward ire trent This cous » and the ears rréaabed Into yErds is ihe starior of (he mine. the explosion ox enirred great was the biast (hat the Bawmes bheleded all the sion approxi mately 1.106 feed. and thes ront fis 28 feet Darther fo 1h setting this on Me Fifty men were caught nader the wreckage of the vars CREWE found mangled Bilis and a scorit of injured men entingled with twiited steel and splantersg wood The pen were skilled workmen many of the sab-foremsen and electricians emglay sd in the wndergiround “yard” ia the #uirRine, gevering an ales Spare, AR Ne gpward thn entra» = edd ke Figgmt Lipa, Hessen i Merrow ' diag “Mayer” Te Quit Coney island, New York Paddy” Shea. popular fy known as "the Mayor of Conay Is and one of its wesithisst pes dents. lof it be known that be is quit ting the resort for good. snd hence forth will make his Bowe in Califor for years ras Ns Sn, 80 Families Fine in Detrpit Fie, Detroit. — Nearly 50 families rere | routed from thelr Bomes here In a | $350.000 firs thal swept 3 twobleck | sven of the Thomas Foreman Lasher | | Company and threatened destraction { of a hundred hotness and buildisgs in . | the neighborhood. More than 111.000 | spectators watched the conflagreiton | Mall Trock Rifled By Bandits, Chicago, ~— Kilpaping the driver. held 4p 8 Sed several mail bags believid to contain wiles | | ple mafl for thy Maywood avidion | | field. The smoust of their oat is Bot | Boy's Foot Shot Away. Praakiin, Pa ~~ Remarkable eth ude was shown by Prederick Halmleit | of this city, who was accidentally abot br & companion while out hunting A [dget that | Machine Company nine the BRE Bole of wigan a skilled workmen and artisans, As & result of dellsy Wm completion | of Camp Sherman. the government al lemedl the cout was ni only enhanced. bat Tsirkoess and diail of ssa al dlore” snstied AE ABA IN IA Firma Robbed of 20.700 Mich Five arsed robbers the vaubier of the Oepneral Chany on Bast Poarest aw sue. took the compesiy’'s payroll of $10.038 in cand anil escaped in an umobile The mibery ocurred a ites after ie en brought snder police proatectios fromm a Bragih bank Not a shot was Bred and rest ry ching ppexrid before pursuit conlf be started Detroit held up Company gat Fim a Money 1 nearby the ma had dia Efforts te Save Nan Unsvailing Abbas Notwithstanding the relatives siibimitied ta translation to sav tite of Sinking Waller a at & hospital and loan of bShsoad been drawn nio 5 Bein Juha farmer Pere fromm shoek Hs left arm bad & ¢nirn shredder He ‘suffered great loss of Blood while the apart In machine was Being lehen order to relegate the arm ma ean Bit by Tani: Awarded $10.000 Piiliadainbin Margeerite Hunter, aged 30. of Eptirsta, 5 student at Ten | ple Universally, of 310.800 In wad [veh 8 verdict down Hy a txiead, December Geurge 1. Hunter, father. was avwsrded $2.00 san verdict EI SCAG 80 Nr Bt foi Man Crushed by 1 IRO Pound 'Whest Erie. ~ Jacob Ohmer. 3 years old, | araployed at the Skinswe Bagine Com pany works, was killed when an 1500 | pound governor whl on which be was working toppled over oa him. Coltppe Haak firings Strike. Mimtninl Fifty sndents ad Presbyterian Collegn | Say arsed B ghost | that there woald be fit mare meals. simi A 1 RO St HO | Fire Rares Foundry) Damage Sen000: | Nirs, Pa—Beveni| mers of timber | wary burned and th bundry snd pat | torn shap of the Ville Foundry wed | of 8 gears meal Blood . Federal District Court for induries sustained wien she was | | pun C188, the girl's by the the | marched out om | | stride as & protest ajminst hash, which | promptly posted a notice Cheeks Sunken, Bones Were Sticking Out—Her Health Was Bad, SIMPLE REMEDY MADE HER STRONG AND WELL vistas BY GREEN MOUNTAIN ASTHMA COMPOUND iY aves the Slates sing. Loed fu Mew PO Prwegmt toad 5 theoat sind Sl a Pe J BR Ou FREER OX a RAT sha Ye Sie Festive at, ols dd wn Ba and $ E RUPERT VR Baron w Feared ¥Erlewse in Prog Fey veel ws draggiens i GUILD oO . i Proad Wile (ie oerveus friend in stomobiiel-~F feet 8 le with Genrge driving bow that be haw fined the Red (Crows. He ix learning fired ald snd knows where all the hae | pitiless ared andes Ontalon DYED HER DRAPERIES, SKIRT AND A SWEATER WITH “DIAMOND DYES” "Pamond ym” con THA Sny wousan od. shabby shuts, comin swasters, stork hangings draperies, everything lie Bay hemond Dyes” 80 othe bind then perfiet bome dyeing » guar toed, even of you have rr ot before, Tell vou drape whether the maters pon wish te dye = wool oF silk ar whether i in Been, cofton. ar mized gods he mond Doss sever wrk mat. Gade, oo run. So enaw te wie Advertisement. Rong’ Words PORDECT Toy Fach pschage Sane Divertions we BEroh CAB if dhrwnmes Tew wswle in guthorities egitiinate words wos aires that few iB rank comes ant disestpiaishmeniarianism” (38) letters, followed by “housert sabiiitadinity wt lerdd ry Lan have rina or binder. i isle aml never Women's enmpinints aftes prove te be nothing «se but Lideey trouble. or the resnll of kiduey or hisdder disease. H the hidpers are not in & benithy com dition, they may case the other ongpans to beeome doensed. You may suffer pain in the back. head seh and low of mebition Jone Bealth makes yeu servous, rd table snd mavbe dewpondmt; maken any ome so Pout hundreds of women clubs thet De. i 7