| { i repten a ta Newspaper Devoted fo the | Interests of Patton and the arrounding Community. The Only Paper in A Wide Section. ry | Frme Job Printing Promptly Executed in a Modern and Up- | to-date Shop. Try Us. Nothing too Large. Nothing too Small. _— ter | 'Everybody-at- Church Day vera y, November 26th., M Eelx died] At The Patton M. E. Church {primis sono Le SSA. I SUBSCRII IPT TION Sa. wii bmn ee hr PATTON. PA. XVIIL FTIETH WEDDING ANKIVERSARY NO. 46. Ge JCP AO Young Lady May Be Musical Re in Re litown Boy Killed By Auto| Lid POW? Focal Phillips I'rio; KF olks Joseph = pt fe A World's C hampion 1922} fon cil Couple Married Years snd Ob TR Ay i MET) vanbs fo td coded were Ismdore ; Westrici: i Pe gr. of ¢ lH ven; we 81 Jewedh's (rier. Baden Marin Link, af Patton and Sim Link, of Hellidugshurg. Mr. and Mrs Link are grandgurents to 27 grand children among ‘whom were Stanton sind Warren Gran, vietims of the Reilly Mine disaster of E FaRiiiE GeSHETence Thee on NINTEY ol pdr evening the many Criends be; Mis. FF. M. Tate gathered at ler home hols celebrate hey birthday. The party was an alto gether surprise; to He, Tate. The evening was spefit im om gic find pames A delightfal logch was served at a late hour. Those present were: Mrs, Hornee Willinmi Mrs. Adam Smith, Br, Mrs. And Turnbull, Mrs. Roy flan, Mrs. Clyde Luens, Miss Elizabeth MeClellsn, Mrs. Adam lita uaa Ears oes mapa EEE aera * May Become World « { ham pi byeak the record for womer Pittsburgh Sun The girl datighis ro of Patios school at) baseball 2 ahead the event, Miss Kariheim is ar sf. A oa: David 1 ji Mrs. Thomas Crook, Mra. M. F. Tate, snd the Mewsrs. fehned Hettzel, Mrs. | lete, being noted thr county ax a runher | wan the star of the high ae hoo! trac] and Tield team Jost sommer, jehl : Eade, Crooks, Philip ounce the hivth of 5 son. apending flor Mrs. Marcellus Adams i 5 days at Wis home bere, Me, sod Mrs. W. G. Adsms an Mr. and Mrs. Urb Stolz, of ¢ ofltown ada Bundsy visitors at Manion hone. Miss Gertrude Kriee home after spending Cresson. BED Lhe hae returned a few weeks in Adame of Al 8 few days with her daugh- Ben rine of Cresson wie a iness caller here Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Farabaugh snd children of Patton at the bome of Mre Farsbaugh's |, Father J, W. McNulty, of this place Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Altoona spent the week-end al tome of Mra. Helfrick's parents Mr, and Mrs. I. A Burgoon, Miss Mary Baker and Lawrence Cretin, both of this place were mar. vied at 7: id o'clock Tuesday moming | in In at A "s Catholic church by | the Rev, ir Farren, their attend. | fants were Miss Orlena Donegan and | Lewis Nagle. A wedding dinner was! served at the home of the brid, the! left on an extended wedding | Jorip and upon their return will reside | on a farm near bere. | throtigh the ates | Toa is : spent Sonday | | Holfriek of" s 1 Qs the | ming. unable’ © wall ine id the (opboitition while Clearfield suoreeded in droaning the Patton goal post Late i Ww Vedding Belle | AE RS MeConmall and anitied mw ay evening of HET id the hride’s | | wid performed Lwnyer, i mony. He Misa Maud Ban andi dressed amber aT ey of Tine weeds bestowed, The to hdusekntping womb Clack Pasty # Radeon, CEREIRRRA ! the mh & cinch and brides party for he benefit of Br Mary's h lant Friday evening. Toe «i pris Were Rirded an fol- wan, For men, first John che; ne ond W. L. Thompson: booby, Irvin Shoss: ladies, first lars | Ana Je ond Marcelie MeC oy; poby, Brand. The prand prize in was awarded to Fdward BE Cire second, Barbara Ow wr; baoby Mrs, F. B. Morey. Big Mr, snd Mrs, Sims Entertain. Mr. and Mn James Sama enter. #itained ss umber of friends at their Bome on Beech avenus viday hg The evening was spent in ing bridge sed other games, ing which a delicious anche was served by the hostess. The The Jull were present Mr [Er Lt rT, Ho 0 KE. land Mrs. os Mr. | Don Coder, My. Blair Kelly, Mr. and Mr. _— ef ehell, asd Mrs aries Me. ud Me James Simons tlhe | dames BR. BE. Good and Julia son und Avwilda and Misses Syivin Fink and "rsaly The Courier. Cin fox - from Ine LL News" ihe bazaar day as weil number of ¥ hea rd, Iathon of the 8 pay suspended A soit Arey death Bren) § abile truck Br adley died the following The accident way it is oa earveliss Bradley wis rand making machine whes State police #5 the Susunit of enrs ware registration « reason the looking for people fared with them bas fold, of this in Altoona on nen zation of dis plea of pullty | sentencid to Sylvester was : sfane 1120 maira. ' $Friamopn BEw aay BL Peon b interest fecal | EE UC hureh i "motatoes Toe: slaw Eranberries | i8e: ple safer He a= Thurs. io sory @ Dio charg. entered for sentence is hod behavior, te evover dam GL 006 for the ett Bradiey, i at Ebens. of { resson water, of ar auto the defendant hounital ; of the high- and Gallitzin. | ba hi =i unday i je i law. vind ht Lien Ghee dies Yer if fied Orisa Wulvehill zaff Mien ow pi Eset at 1 ih. VAR i. A coy and den. VIREIne fumily 00g anf Teme y rirmilie at Ved wie phen 5 allitain Conple sndl Hin giace, y morning in chureh by Lhe pastor. Their Mrs. Will flaw and sister Ly heir return from Mr and Mrs. Gillispie ir some in Gallitzin, Ebhensbury. Rodgers and lrvin mine, were maeried sinitaday noon sl thed £ ons regalo Thomas, afl a y Married at Mise Mare A. Miller both of Wil at Eberly We DA TRON ALY LP the churel, the Rev. John fieint Ing. The ring ged. Mr. and Mrs thelr home Wilmore where ihe bridegroom bb empltived by the Penns syivanis ratbroad. SR RR BER Ee le from. the de partment, after a delegation rep resenting the strikers had called there. | # This delegation, headed by James Mark, vice president of distriet Ne ? of the United Mine Workers, also lealled st the White House to sk Prowbdent Handing to call a conference of spokesmen for the strikers and op- erntors in Washington with a vive to ending the strike, They were mumble to sew the executive, but ssid they would return. The men now still out, it was stated wore left out of the coal settlement made last August. They are employed in former non-union flelds which were organised during the strike and Mr, Mark said this wat an jssue. Hu as sorted that seme of the smaller per. ators had shown a willingness to set tle, but that they vere restrained by the larger companies, much ss the Hillman Coal snd Coke Ca, the Her. wind. White Coal Co. and the Rieke feller Consolidation Coal Co, Nominate Officers “for 182 At 3 recent meslling of the stock. holders of the Cambria County Agri cultural Association Ltd. the follow. nominations were made: Jomes extrick, president; F. N. Donahue, vice sident: G. Bl. Hipps and J. V. Maucher, Seeretary-Tressurer; Alas Grieff, C. C. Adam, G. E. Hipps, G. H. Dumm, ¥. K. Beurer, D. A. Tr, W. FP. Comninghan, B. M. Lather Serenus Miller, e (C. Strittmatier, J. P. Shere, Philip Kirkpatrick, F. N. Donabe, Hoover, C. A. Shar h Fd wil ih Miller, Adan Fees irsch, J. 8. Springer and C. J. directors. : election will take place In the room Fridoy., December 1st, & to 3 pm. A. Pe Te 3 SOUTH FORK. ohn Deis 3 who was inju y an a a fall of vock in the mines of the South Fork Colliery Cn. here Friday at noon, died st the Mem. § arial seg rg in Johnstown Sunday at 12:30 o%ioek. The re. | mains were brought te South Fork Sunny afternoon and the (wsersl Tuesday morn from the Catholie chmeh, rrment Col. was made in the Pulish cemebiry, In. Hien a charge of powder or dy- namite, and when the explosion had iailed to come a sun ss he arpected, : | he re-entered the mom just in to 150g mee the tile and to be unger the fal srl Ba aed ey of the blast iatraek him In the side, piercing his ie } + Jack Winder, any of the Bek feld : ds i Fork Olympics and t ] WI a a athlete, was sly infured by a 1 Xe : PETTING wand Miller will a Total 112 Aare Fan CHURCH November Programs {sraham RINE UDon Ihe com. En iegy the Med ak RETy pal church Mri we % BPOn ii Nit its Deora ite Was estion munity Why CHURLUH EMBER uh, Holklays Patton Bowlers Trim Nantv. fie # y ‘ in & hotly #f NantyvAsio Wh agpregalion OX pins, good and any CRN Arrange ber of the 1 Nanty Glo A. Kendall BF A. Solks Ed. Kirk ¥. Hessong 2 ry mata h TET radenger Totnl Patton Honk MeConnel i Wilkie White 4h kh a nid £3 3 WR TRE aR a BV See Large Rava Buras ise Deliroski, | tion has shown that Debroski rok. His three right foot hit 210 1 Sho of rock in South Fork A blaxe ef unknown origin Thurs. destre the § mente. Thete had wen no fire or} lighan about the barn, but as tramps frequently tought permission to the night thers it is thought that one of them may have crawled in for the night and secidentally set fire to the place. The barn was a large frame stroe. tare. It wan filled to the roof with hay, fodder, straw and both threshed vad unthreshed gram. The loss is estimated ut about 5000. Mr. Reill gntil bis retirement 3 few voars po was a locomotive engineer on the Pittsburgh Division of the Pennsyl. vania Railroad Company. Mrs. Reilly was visiting at the home of her son, Austin Rally of Hldorado, Blair county, when ‘the fire broke ont Johnstown “Contractor Gets Job, The Road Supervisors of East Tay. lor township have swarded the sane tract for the constroction of three miles and MO fest of improved high way, knoem us the Prospect road, leading from Jolwastowrn city lino to Good's comner, to E. Arthar Jgmes, of Johnstown, at bis pontrect price of $183, 656.50. He subunitied the low. ost and best bid when the hide were opened in the Commissioner's (fice inst Monday { Diverves Arve Granted The following divores were hand. ed down by ihe Court at Ebensbhurg Mn Seott va, James Seoti. Me Sie ve, Mav's White olay Be va. Arthuy Musee. Fannie es ve. Charles Mardis va. Hengamin F. Verna E. Grogan vs. Lee J. Grogan. Anna C. Christ va. Cloyd C. Christ. Catherine 8. Gabbi va. Sam Gabbi Frank Crompton vs, Jessie B. Crom. Adolphus Peter Kosan- Caroline 8. Study ws Study. Sermh Kosanovich ovieh, Bestrice Jones va. Harry BE Jones DR Coly va. Byvills Cole. County Ald tviven for Prospect Road. The Commissioner while in ses sion last Wednesday sgreed on he yak 15 RESPON manaprment of NE entilation guste svouianhie et Lhe fed mae of mine. They mv ampe he used Aes sguIpment a sufficient Lt damag ne Lured at rad pion made discharged d DOR 16 say on the ro abou “the presence of dangernags gas #8 in the calliery. Don't Forge: “The Dasa, that the annual Math odist Bazaar will be held in the base. ment of the M. BE. Charl on 7 and Saturday, December Bh asad ith Wateh the Courbir for sdditiona! an. nouncementia, EE l,l Couple st Flinton Marvied #8 Year won't forget at Smiciasare. ay Nov, 14, INTE by the Rev. Mr. Loe, § stor of the Lath. oran Choreh of t place, Hat Ts the last 18 yesrs have resided ae Flinton, where Mr. Schafer has been following hs trade as blacksmith letters of congratulati gifts Were received #111 bet among whieh 1 80N- Mr and was Mra. Beh well preserved and many more Veurs happily in the community which to respect and esteem (hem ary iy. BER Wl A AARP WATER IS SCARCE! Save it in every possible way 'Fhe use of hose, motor washers, and the washing of cars is strictly prohibited off. penalty of being shu 0 FOR SALE A A living room suit, four dining chairs and two bummer ofl stove Also » furnished flat, with bath. at Courier office. Old Papers ‘or sate at the Courier office. x FOR RENT. Two houses on Pale mer avenue. Inquire of A. Aaronson. Ee RE PE FOR SALE An organ, in excellent condition very reasonable. Inguire A. B. C. Courier Office. The Remington Typewriter Com: pany offer an exceptional opportunity 16 some men or womsn on thon to very materially ivereans hin or her income. We want a resident salen: person to handle the Remington line, pull or part time. No investment necessary, but we require a person of honesty, ability and broad scaguain. tance your community. Apply. fall particuinrs to C. B. Doyle, Sjwtios Company, 108 Sixth Pittabuth, Pa. SALES ADY Wane Young half of the county 4 contribate 98 | cent, not to oxeoed $231.871.50 J bond funds towird the improve. ment of thy “Pospeetl Road.” located in East Tuylor Township, This road extends fiom the Johnstown city line to Good's corner miles and 500 feet, will be 18 feet wide und constructed with concrwbe base atl | brick surface. Mrs Walburzs Geis: died died last Fri. Bi abana of Sls n fem, incident to old age. org gh tien * A distupnes of |, The ready Tours hd wd for ak yearn sal of | Indy either with or without exper. Juines, Apply Ratowsky's Depart 8 Cp eR 4 FOR SALE-L Trespass Not 4 ices at Comrier LOST— Brown and Tan Cati Reward if returned. Angora Ingaire ai : SORE FRAMING—.z nS — ly of p frame mouldings § - Fat Curriel’s studio. ” your selections ny a: the assort. Sompiute. Ea ;