a | A Newspaper Devoted to the Interests of Patton 2nd the Surrounding Community. The Only Paper in A Wide Section. el remem vot oslo — er VOL. XVIIL. EER I AAAS a a a el FH A AEA SOE Ty SL N U. 38, \ : HOAD WORK IN THE PATION BF C Women Must |St. Augustine Res- | ident Passes Away Pay Tax Too| ... Amendment of Laws Makes | P ny ment of Same ( om > 14 1 : 4 : b rs 3 & H astings dha ¥ Tax coliertar Williams J. Gil this place; having learned that ters. including M Liberte Pliek. netite on of the women of Patton are gues | Carrolitow: f the rond. Trolley - tioning the Follection of borough and Phe haody w akeén overland to St. | section wore also mov schoo] persipal axes from th in, 3 h SER Us ed LTE 4 bio Fs Ehud f if veh and thie pRITONS ii as all. men Solers and taxpayers hs Fi | fom % evant iy : : siderable | been ac clas ned to pay, has ar 35 at hia ed The Collider the followi ing info rng ORNL tion relati®e tq the right of the bor grading on ough and sshools to coilect the taxes streteh of rond and further #tates that the Yeseml brick will like h school based and council holds him Gat hi | responsilde dor the collection of *he "same aototling io baw: An extract frm “Digests of Acts of Assembly of the Session of 1981 Amending Aha Rebhonl “ade ar AL focting KE dn tional interests” regils: §90U “Act anh Code Sec. 547. Section | Odin hid of tives Hp hood Camila has been fo Liang oekel Ce onstruction riabed } By y LA oe OIL THE WATER tion Bin PATTON VISITORS IN| peaied, and. amendments have bean | 80d | made to seftions 537. 538 541, 54%. Bdl, G68, 87 and 5K in clear up the confusion exi sting in regard to docupation taxes “The oocliipution tax, so far as affects se hae districts, bas been re. penled entirely and there has been provided in) place of iL 8 per capits : tax. School 'Besrds are not required Ms kine] 10 levy this tax, but they are author} "0 "1 ised fo tle ae if they wish If they bi o : do levy it,” however; it ray wt bells | Be p lens than $1. nor more than £5 as Roscoe Lv Luster last Tharsday “mom. the may diderni ih by resaiut on T : Ee ghd boat & small crowd of shall be leVied upon all persons liv.}’ ‘ag in the district, both men and Winen, over 21 years of age NI : shall be in wddition to all other taxes we paid by them for e nd must be uniform thin n rs al 6 Doe, of Winkie : - tu i (ton of Puedes. This pg JOHN DANDREA wen your visitor and your nha PURCHASES STOCK [snd Mn. Courter re \ t the $ ron hile good reason fo regret sitends fi fim, bidde F Wl 0 Paul fhe $110.00 FOOTBALL TEAM | sched ISORGANIZED night, wi pes ig ’ ae y eh simer Ho Sis apes %% HL. Met ann, of Khe cured and the of akairiat Ei 1 nn Worth Dalley, on 4 TEN 8% Lhe i 5 pid Eide ’ 19 IF ” wi SF Fa ¥ i Sv é | cially from en. ten, Frectics i» EW Ol BRET te bh. Twentieth hocnit 15 would be perfectly proper for od &' once. and _§ From Pwentiets halve # levy to bd made upon sny personal, fret game on Jroperty owed by a female for the Af plan waterialive, hg loenl boys | i of Sllert ns Shursout af Shy will purchase new uniforms, bet in | SRNES 34 nonpe d og tal aw SCARE Forder to do this the patronage of tht | ] ax 15 the ends a those of the opposite preple in needed #0 the games. All sex, : Sh players interontod vhosid hand their | Putten on the 10th af Ontobe names in| to Wall Williams at the | Loc Lodge of Red | vied te the | and 5 Jue i 0 al ber also, is an extract from | | an opinien furnished by an sttorney Pa bhi to hate ane of the policitors, governing the | os, i the ma collection of all persosal taxes, espe a 8 panne d iH October Rib, PLAN INS STALL ATION SISSON RR The Degree of Petabonto will be pa it Miners’ How | # pli was 30 that the gen. 5 an effort to save hia al of the Pavisiionses will performed but the vision of bath sven was vomupletely degtroyed. Bakerton Child Viethn of Aeeldlont. Roth, the S-yesr-old damphter of Me and Mrs. 1.1. Culp tnd daugh. ifr. and Mrs, C. P. MeCoy, of Baker. ter Meoriem are sy 2 the wee | 19, is a patient at the Spangler Hos end in in Altoons. pita), sul "tg of a fractwred woul Rose the small duaghier of Me. ond ronal of being struck by an ste | Eheme-| Mee. Pal Biller fol this week and |mobile Tuesday evening about 6 3 Histor broke Men arm. The injury at dress. o'clock. The accident was apparent by a od and she is getting Jory nicest ly unsvoidable. The [itthy girl was gp a fowl se and Mes. L fel Au Cupples few days at Dubisis. thi: this : i Marg Money is vied hihome of Mr. Mrs. H. Mr. and Mrs, John A. Noonan are Mrs. William neh of Va, this week,” pd . Borsa from bavhind one CRY ie front of an- at the other ih ene er BIG NEW SERIAL COMING saboan {ROBINSONCRUSOE FIVE YEARS Aco|Matinee at 130 TOKORROW | At the MAJESTIC THEATRE § $. : : 4 : 4 A Ly Ld | i 5 5 5 if i 9% 1 Fi % Fela g 5 & 3 a #5 3 i . a AF Order to i 3 § * ! : Wii 81% AEN 2 oe 1 4 § ‘ ¢ 4 4 le 4 Bima 8 % ry | riven by the women of that 7 The | oad aicrossing tho street and slipped out | dum Heist has Jurchased Hson lot on = i York, will Sow ¥ POR iE, ¥ angle Dr. H. He sand cnn Spass schools THIRD i Clmuieet, “iamd Mea 4 STUDE! ‘Patton . hard . fap fi Track and Ie Phen Ry. fae ow rerad | former ye {ability by A wm home of the oiber spend in mente aller Micha! BH the Misses [umd nag 4 hors of the Blige fill vaesiden waras Lok. the fumition E anited in owedk LE reeation perviade spent at {heir homes Bere, day afterm ables gS in He nn student al ol PY Hn ietphin, IBICK Wi | pa rg {tendunts were Edgur Gooderham and {Mise Bophin Hoyver, sister of tim brid ihe bose of the bride's mother, Mw i Mary Hoover, af which were presest ia number of reltitives, fmosn trip te tlhe west. fupend some tisue at SL fond Deeator, HL “THEIR do EAR Reveral losal students oft in the | course of The pulst week for various colleges pod wiversitisn Tol} Bolwrt W, Disimore Toft on Thuvs for the University of where eB 8 wm Harvey Dunegas, a stadt sf the 1! siversit y of Pletsbaren, Toft to me stopdial on Monday MOTH. Penna iE Cec Gill Ie ot Eiitnde ip in sow a GH 1S LEAVING PATRONS, 2 poi Baas a ! pon the —tn " epwiing! iH the grey Jarl plete, or A. pad . Malin | - 50 ma Nh min &t which Rev. hel ealebrant Rev. Pv, denne on ao Rev, Po Larivis upH- want to the father, fa A. ng break-§ ef wale pres. mtnediste ssomibers of ol tne conlracting brown marine antifully beaded in the same and trimmed in beaver i sirik-of. piirsdise ¢ crushnd vole ated with Bowers of 4 corre. ane af the oul crrssnries Sia MeCormiih was seas brown sell-trimmed srange sad silvir hal. and pridesmand ware gmets of daintily © roses, Me and Mr Mol ek left by meter for the Emit. Upon Qeir re turn they will mide In Baherton, where Mr. McComick is engnged in the bavdwave bupiness, HR DT RAR AO Miss Hegina Hoover Rride During a nuptial high masy in SE Honedict's Chureh T wendy Hiarning at § ovleck, Rev. PP. Clande. 0. 8 1.1 Ek Laue a wf Cresson, and Ming Regina Hoover, of | Townshin, The at} Fawised In ane an Both bride rarsags bogs A wedding dimmer wan served at Mr. and 3irs. Coons left on a boneyp- The will Louis, Me Upon their I i they will reside in Cresson Amang the spt-of town relatives | Matthias Tovos and H Vincent who were present were the following Mr. sod’ Mrs loois Hollse der # Mrs. Fred Frank, of Beaver Fal | Mins Mary Maly, Me. Coons, od “penton; ir. BIN Inlverity ol Fl yom xy Owing to hy Jodpe Selly Fruday months im 8 T UDIES}™ Thy Bes ~ lholon Trexhoy, of West poe Town el Twas totally disteopnd by fies Sef Amy night. Alomp with the buildl the sssson’s crops, a threshing » ching, wm gasoline u sschine, a grain a cull and three suse], rs The ovighsi of the pon Rug se ol sof Xenon cianight fire und iste to smve W day; # o'clock, the light of Es Was noticed niRny pen Hin. a ‘dian of [iain ried bund away. workin, a buy oer of town, it wap Dalit at ¥ paint that) at thy time wha prmumed to be the logical point for Patton's busines center. Se well knows was it te at. ton residents apd people of the mirth af the county that the . wevtbwn in which It was lpeabed wan always re ferred i a8 kaki 3 ld Mellon Hinkel Section” It I Me Goed's | ention to avert teu handione livlet reside properties on Hee gil CHEST CR RE E K SORRY LOOKING Cheat creel ia srry dend, ous dam. Lack a Jong time Mawr soduesd t while near river to practioally a ped (Ble pateh. Patton's swiping bh thin summer, despil improvemen didn’t amennt to meh Ib orecuives walter 16 swim SUNDAY SCHDOIL. TIME Om Sunday the Sunda ay School of the Hagtint Clinch will go back to two o'Gloek four the winter It is Nequasing that ail whe see this natice this abot the change in time. Pardon Bouril an Wary Canes HARIISBUNG--The wate enon with 15 capes. These vep- resend vases cantinund or held ar adviseraent st the Wednesday ses sion aml poms new amen Bled. Fines and Tmprisons Doeter. NORRIBTOWN De. I. A. Salts. main, of Philadelphia, wis sentenced three impriposment, with a fine of $100 and econtn. He pleaded uilty il - estartion ywsterduy. dor wert at Bike] Rey, Loo Pleister, of this Be wedi requiem wan board | of pardime willl star off ita October Father Michuel's “Cuthobic “hu t La fo Buck celobenoed don wedding snnversary two Boek is survived © hand and the following children: i sa Rose Buck. st home: C. J. Suck. of Alhson, Pa.: 8M. A. Pack wd Mra plage: J. Gr Hoek, of Brooklyn: 8. J. Buck, ge: ©. RB Boek, of i as Sack, B a Buck and Zeno Baek, of thin place; Srygey Buck, of St nedict, snd Ad Bud, of this Two danghters and ove son sed her to the prave. She fu len sgrvived by one brother, Alex fer Parrish, of Loretto, and twenty. by her has. two pramiebidren. deceased bad been 2 resident sis place for move than 50 years. was an active member of St Church and of the Alar aud Rosary societies. The fumeral took place yesterday morning from St Benedict's Chureh st % g'elock. A solemn high mass of cotebrated ut which v. Magrice Pak, of Spangler. a colative of the deceased, was the jebrant, assisted by Rev. P. Thomas, 1, as dedeon and Rev. P. Clauile, i 3. as sub-desscn. Interment was made in the family plot in the ehurel remetery. - a DR. PALMER HAD TALK Dre. Robert MM. Puimer, independent candidate for congressman from the Twentieth Distriet addressed a small wasembinge of Patton voters from the irate of fhe Paina House on Tus ~