Wo 1L~Funeral of Arthur Grifith, for oficiule of | VIEW OF imate Distribution of Coal and Curbing of Profiteers Are Press- ing 9) Sroblems, MORE VIOLERGE BY SHIPMEN Szmi——— Senate Adopts Tie Important Amend. ments to Bonug Bill—itesuits of Cal- Hornia Primary Eluctionltatly and Little Entente Near Clash Over Austria Popes fC By EDWARD W. PICKARD JP REDICTIONS that the public would ‘have to pay for actual and boag inary losses due io the roal strike ave siready being fulfilled. The operators dealers, many of whom must be among the ronsiienceless prof itours, are ralstiug prices of fuel, de. Gloucester In threats of congressional ietion and the - protests of the Bainers that the mine ewners have ruffered Hrtie, If any, lows president of Dail Eifeann, in 8. Sehooner Ellgabeth Howard, New York's entry in Cetiober, ont Otfice department. | must come voluntarily be with him In this section, Psny he in blufing or fe planciog EE ne of A strikes of tralmmen marked the prog Trains of the Alton were tied up for 3 planned was to have been the wrecking | of the Twentieth Century Limited near Praablin 2 bm his because of desire to ourbh | profiteering; though he did not belleve | that kind of legislation would wholly perform its expected purposes understood that the Cumming bill with | the same objects would be taken up by (2 i Eressinen the senate as soon as ithe bonus bil was disposed of. In order to make clear the adminis tration’s policy In the matter of the raliread and snthricite strikes, Presi dent Harding authorized the announce | ment that he thinks It desirable and | pecesanry that congress, before ad journtment, should sutborize take over the raiinwmds and mines to | meet 8 great national emergency | should she develop. Buch from : We Harding will make ne | hin ta | jegislation | CONE ress however, formal reveest for iL i ps he ENRY FORD has announced fiat his entire plant at Dearbqen, i Mich. will be shut down on September | 16 because of the coal situation. He | says he could get plenty of coal—if he | were willing to pay the price. But he | deciares he will not stand profiteering of the dealers and that be feels he better than most manufactur ers can afford to make this Yorm of public protest aguinst extortion. If he is Mncere the Amertoan public wif) | | fiver Just au | Mayor Cousens of Detroit seys that | city will support him In It. Ferd enemies, fn Wall street and elsewhere, Ford earnestly dentes ali It was it IW. D | gubernnts i torgey T i. i for for the | f imve the ER instances of violence and several short and usauthorised reas of the railway shopmen's strike. several days at Roodbouse, 111, until the tralnmen, threatened with loss of their charter, went back to work. Al. tempts were made to hiow up several of the Alten's bridges. Dynsmite and bombo were used by the strikers in Florida, Alabama, Illinols and elm where, and In various places attempts were made to wreck passenger trang by pulling up rail spikes. Striking shopmen under arrest for wrecking 8 Michigan Centra) train af Gary, Ind, have confessed, implicating others, and have admitted that the dimax of the reign of terror that was Etta, Tog. tente nations | might be adopted. This tor : | 1 lwue of a. Toi provided tor | | conserence November to tas wan} filaher Himousin internatis Xow aerial Erie inal (ALIFURNIA 8 primary election wall tracted farpat of the county a af Incam Johifienn defenting lest week Benator Cl for Moore: all the resorninated Rieharidnon Republican Puistriet Al FRE ho Hiram reson ton incumbent em were Htate Tresstrer F. B bout (Fon Btephens for the rin nominstion Woolwine mitnated for governor hy the Denso Bore of these FRI results may be upset by Inter ret nrns In Montana partial refurns ind that W_D for senator by i ned Henkin had beens poaninated the Hepubil BK. Wheeler by the Routh Carcligs © i EOYernor, leading I. G thie gubernatorial fee fit to five ferinin = ta be held ane and B Ivemoerats In former Mcleod sination, bul tha jority was primary Hlense, Wis sehen Hiive 8 the ofthe candidates it coaidered Secu] would have and in every bevvirte 8 bate URTHIA, batitrapt wy distressed, has of serious contention ftmly and the little entente Plage for an economic unlon between Italy and Aun tris, which might result later 8 the bel ween virtual absorption of the lstier, have | Simon forward, are sald to approval put aud of (rest and France. The scheme would re lleve Austria's most pressing heeds and give her an outlet to the Adviatie, LADY Britain | | be was having Ore the Htthe him thine 1} ¥5§ sede Once enil on hits about “Last fairy, "ye wonder! ull ¥ anid . of touthy Sed net whe “Sou also roid? sat #8 many 4 Your owe weight to do this sv@ty “Then fob whiskers helped either &id : through eacupes you had B yon. tures than tail me sone 80 such a wondert “T'H tell 300 8 shrew, *T'H tll with 8 waley Everything 1 8 think there's & the truth shoul “After all } i the ways of of wR MN “1 think tos the true thi much/ more we my Hen one coud “Well, thet the shrew, "But conting with the sak “Ihe sunke fishes. Now and would satisfy the growing Dalian | 1 sentiment for Spanien, But Jogo | ropean capitals, and Jugo Slavia was | copstrained to demy any intention of | invading the district and to promise | te restralih the inepulsrs Creehpslovaks were credited with & hankering to seize the northern prow inces of Austria in cane of Sinmensber pest heard that troops throagh inte Austria, a Hopgurian tertiary i Count Andrassy, ehalrman of the Nungarien forelym af | Seclered Hungary | would resist this, adding that Hun | “niny prove dan | falrs commities, gary, though weak, gerous In case of such an sain” A pe ROBABLY before this reaches the | render it will be mown whether | pie as Austrian district of ae | C{Turt. Reomors that Serbian Irregulars | were about to invade that region | stirred up & lot of excitement In Bu | nt hung “He tried | stronger 1 | | ihe life hed | (the victor The | *Terboys But 1 Save | them | have | No ope Bb ment of the success BR republic. Bude. | ith these IHitle en | kre phinning to send | the allied reparations committee hay | | come to a decision on the question of & moratoriuz for Germany, bet dun ing the latter days of the week the situation was decidedly confusing. Ber lin made one offer of guarantees which Frases rejected. Then new plans were suggested by Britain, by France and by Germany, sli of which weve ay, The heme "| the se proposed | { by Delacroix of Belgium, though ad: cast aside by mittedly » temporary comprodiize, Hotes by the Gerzaan government, coun tersigned 'y three big German hanks | and paysile to Belghum within six 2 Tranater of 300,000,000000 goid marks (STLA00000,0000 from | the ‘relehsbank io the coffers of some for- olin bank outside of Cermany, to be i monthe o | held as security for thr paper Soles, | 8 Guarantees to France for vey ment in kind, 4. Convoestion of another premiere fake wp ROOM FOR BUT ONE THOUGHT welt to to nak evuid feel § reaning L ville eltltor | BDpiled, Benders One of the Cuticara Test Trio (Soap, | . Ointment, Tuleam) . yoursel! while Mm. i ghare the premises with tom's poodle, whe wan left in my aire Pen afratd the Intelligent animes! baw | Quite Impossible for a utters Ideas to Rise Above Consideration of His Stomach Henry Watterson" wld “was 8 pourn the Franch ike gina ln teri Foire. as be hated ginttony *CGlhuttons he thelr minds oF sll he once and the sme ing olin was crowded with skill In “A fat glutton was nmong the He, with the sg dmired dispisy of ant hosrne of thelr at fri 2) 8 fin the hunting fwid Ffeut. Bre tuln sheep. the elk. wild goat. moose there were shins skins tiger skins pheasants, wo wild duck “My lord” meld the glotion ~@id you eat all thle virdie turkey, yourself? ™ portant te Mothers Examine emref iy every CARTORIA fapivvtsm oid Sor Infants and Aw ats, and see that Beary the Blgnatare of ZT In Use for Over 3) Yioars Children Cry for will Went to have that Clean Mistarie Edifics neater shbey. London, is going ite first bath lor many a your ninent experts In old wood eare Inge of the Qothie Norman ole which AG parr) have fierovered = ean be run over the wood tage the old cholr stalls and an ter of tombia whi girt, without harming the besutifo work, bringing to light the wonderful color effects of the oll paints be the dirt layers A preparation of lime which. will give the having wiki histor gihlvpe the k how 2 wh i tow nrbed when will be painted on thie ou Bone of the aber tn gray hack to tn orighe At taovsent the black wor los n wow oiiteide is Freshen a Metvy Skin With the antiseptic tara Talenm Powder, an scented, economicni and dosting ot hape mee pow dey perfiines superfans skin, baby 4 Feil +h dvertisemegt, An ¥ a5) imitative Pet, “ell bavi the house ail te "Not quite,” mid Mr. Pee Mra, Poeeh | modeled ite bebarior on that of ite ta eo dpi a ™ es me with aiSed dinfuver 1g right | | Birmingham Ape llernid, and ull | 1 was | { 5 oo : turned In; ASN ei BT bY RE Guddan. A modest Mgh school girl | Oregon town while GpYIng & pussige | Hoe: “The horses 1eepped stress up fo thelr dupilien” And thia ts how hr teacher found ‘thie Hoe written whine the copy was "The horses stepped |» to thelr waists” EEE Peasonaibe Conclusion, *Goling to Hamp Umatber's funeral into the sirvam a wana , | day after tomer’ 1” inquired ss ac guahstance. “His toners?” suiprisedly revoroed | Gap Johnson of Rumims Ridge. “Why, fe ain't dead, is bel’ “Not presizely, bot Dec Smith say he can't last another day.” "Well, then, 1 reclion pore Hanp's a gomner. Doc probly knows what be gave him "Kansas (ity Size (of his «lila ot Grogwalid | hey F whieh ef ‘ marked Twice In mv ite |} 121i me i Gay.” t Bptardsy botthe of remindy | i Bt the muewr tu the batewiinoe whieh frees i hdvertivoment, Fletcher's Castoria | [ground The Cleveland woman pleled | " . i #8 i preps raf ion slates | in parting ; he | off the | eondemted herself to neath | | State bank, i § uy $ ? fascinating Oth | 1h start & savings wocount for hs Bittle exquisitely i the man's face, perfume. | F acknowleds [opened in the regular way with the { futher ns trontee Tor ArBur ue {eral days In | the dank and appromched Mr. Duvall Peckion is swny.” | tan. “1 I opened for Arthur a coniple of weeks where they're lie eo mn oan [with seven! other pents whose wives ero { from Bir Walter Scie. came to the | into the | | without ele seein’ of dome iE ; apodl 0c ALWAYS HIS UNLUCKY DAY | Dread of rnin Which sie Tragic Fate Justified. Tes weeks Sefors his marder x | Rathenan was ehafting with a few | friends afer dinner In the living room | The talk bad | the popular superstition | attaches to Friday, a day of | repute : “My anlnoky dav” MM "Hae always ghoul Mathenan re | bein Seturday have nearly heen whe a hild 1 was iy Injured In a ronaway. This wae Then years later 1! wks simost killed in a fall down wu | sigireay-—on a Ssturduy. I's my bad ified, {new f Naluriav M. Rathenso was assussinated on le Petit Parisien, Parlin "Dead het” ant only sepals Hoand Worse sad Tapersnes, Tre. Poary’s Pin Warns sty ot nesting! place In a theromghly shouted One dove proves Ne ellcaeye- | She Changed Mar Mind, A pgentieminded Cioveland woman arriving In New York one Say, gave porter at the station » Slime. The | porter In a threw If on (he the fury tap. At the sam time she explained | pently that this wan the only coln she | sppened to have in her puree, and | with it for a tip ghee had | waik two miles | of talitng the | ty her hotel instesd boa E This explanation meoilified the per. | ter, “In that case, lady.” he ssid = inks the Rp effet of | i fire: | talde | ripe re 4 Ihe | Dura jer, el No peer ming Write n sad the Cleveland | think Ih | (leseland Pale in her gent ihe by Wr way, *i Make It Deretivy fan int fired ae Wn i. De | president of the Murion County | recently. thet be wished A young vail poss, Me Duenil sreltig ihe goeened (ha new baby and offered hin congratale | tons, which (he patron snilingty The sorount was mile on it was & Sev. | ter the poulig man entered "Tey. Mr Duvall.” Se nid "Td Hike th change the name on bat secount ape. Mak it Derothy.™- Hews. indianapeils “Is Zeke working ot lest? “Na. it aint thet sdieus Tehe's kinder superintenden’ Join, wiong were to ny 8 Briel arf rules ® bin Herald day." Blrashighan rh se Sp) FH Wn. “A SS RO The Cloned In “Toar window qxhibit of bathing sults wore by live 1nodely made 0 BIL i bemr.” “It wus poor business” regilled the peerchant, gleomily. “Owe ohject was to sell the welts to women. Ho woman got within forty feet of that window." filrmingham Age Harald PAYER BSH BI Cuts Stumps te Chips Moanted in frost of & tinetor, which sapplies the power, 5 four-binded re | tery cutter for cleiring land reduces Makes Old Waists Like New —— Fadeless Dyss--dyes or tints us you Wish | HARD 10 GET BELOW THAT Once at Least Getter Hed a Chance 9 Turn in a Boove Mis Opponent Could Net Bast. Pogene 4. Grace, prmident of Oe Rethishem Bfeel company, plays » Bretclase game of golf Between hams ‘end his "Big ebief” (haries MN. Belrwad, exists a keen friendly rivalep, the two playing regularly together, in the steel trade they tell Be story of a match ance plaved between the ten. On the Sret hole. the story gon, Schwab, who was beeping score, be connected with he business men when a masculine vores cheerils called eat, "Helle™ “lz Mr. Jens WT shed the Woman “When 4d Be come In? replied the pasernline voles, At Bat, the Woman sevend seething wrong and inquired. "What namber ia this?" "This I» the morgue.” replied the voles The Woman gave op and decided to write 8 iter lestead Chicage Jouraal, The Leisurely Unrightssus "sre there any mospiliners in thie part of the country? “Kot aay mere” replied Farmee Corntespel, "You ran them omtV “No. They got rich snd moved away” Howsmooth snd level the pals seemad to be when we wert younger. that hull to a smooth | naturel food on Why ool try AP