Beginning This Week THE STRENGTH OF THE PINES on Second Page autem SISOS a SBR ih NO. 35. VOL. XVIIL Bont i a OPP TOUTH, Ish Feng Lhe $ iabhout as thi x B8 & » th «Line La Our | sh & gil Rew | There ‘ap 8 : : : Broads of this jones and th aut Gian thie Stole fu sikPie Be Unfaivly Object to Made by {'mpire When Pat- ton Led by One Ren. Over 6000 Fans, declared to be the! SORBONNE largest rowd 10 witness al game on the Patton grounds, were present at hye Nye ler-Patton setts were Labor Dey only to see the game end in the Bost hell of the sixth in ning, nent fhe Spangler players left the ehpiming that the umpire | had te im ihis decizion on 8 butled ball in the vicinity of first base when he called it 8 fond : Throughott the six tanings a good game was played by tse two clubs. Patton scored the only run in the second inning, when Callahan got on first and wal put seress the pistter by Farrell i three-hase hit The sere Like 5 Spang oma. Young, H ox Ww. Hiwks, o Fox, aH ER Dewey, ie = Mebal, i McCarthy, of Leadbetter, 4b Porham. « € ay 4 5 0 4 0 8g 6 a Hb 8 g 0 6 pb © 8 5 2 & © 8 0 1 § 0 9 ¥ 9 YS 8 8g i i 8 6 1 & 0 w SRNL wr Smith. po... 0 6 06 % 6 . : " : a : "3 ~ | let, who quite likely was not near first {&ll removed grew mapidly without B 8 5 1} 3 dP ou Totals . Patton. - 12 J. Kristoff, of Swabb, 1h 0 Looper, 3b Noanan, 20: Peacock, If Callahan, #4 White, of Farreell, ¢ Robertaon, 9 : ®, 0 re 3 a i i o & Oi PERS ee BP ee yx Bh oo i. of os: basemen, jussped into the air while t (tanding two feet inside the base, and strong kerosene emulsion or with Totals |. i “w §= & oof thew but that the ball was from two | i permitted to be parked in that v dnity ons, were saffiel ent to control ; od this should have 'S good | i ————————— = — Bal ate Sali te vutn It PRESEYTERIAN CHURCH FARMERS COMPLAIN THAT POTATO HOP. PERBURN WAS VERY | B. AD THIS SEASON! hadi green buy iE An i Decision | angular burned area | eal, followed } RDPB rate of 3s Gl % less trangia Ms Aayed Milvils Tm bien Rabe yp pitem whG DEAL NNR J y . Be by Eg p i , GRE Lhe {80 money or support out of the Moun: | vive margin of leaf isdbrow § tan City But | up. The . take the mane te Bh ant it triditown Fale Grout : PO robe & i they Can be BCCORTMOGAT ad i 4 om 3 i in the worst chee, thie stri ip | or mor i midrib burn, the taal des, the plant succumbs, stand- ATT ad ang dry i se hoe barns Williams Homes y, of Emeigh Run, i pe that grow a hasehall A 5 gi five HE LREs were | : | EXPE ERCE | well-known Thee lod by the ae sad brood 0 foul the norih of 5 ty tad as § appeas © ai ¢ 4) AR uae umpire. A lat ording to | Hence also late suffer just us the early} divintoresing spectators, envi) ¢ tigh-1¥ arietiss teen inehes ontside The first base fa I Ril srhed lndives show on Cher was justly declared a 5 0 fF. | i $ce of ther the leaf pers. Romgay. However, Spangler imme [their cost skins (the oplt five diately took apth he pd 4 | } egy stars; ofted all three, and Semanded that it be reversed, while green jones show ne trace of which the ire rieuned lo do, with | thew Cage experiments abywed |} the result ti the Spangler team left t the leafhoppers could burs andi} the field, and disappointed the crowd [rel leaves ‘n three days and that} Yet with all this the writer rom Span plants from which lealboppers were} ase, says that be is willing to go before [signs of hopperbarn,. This learbopper uny justice and sweur the bali was aisise attacks dablins, water sprouts {foot inside the chalk line and makesiand fast growing tips of box elder upether statement that Swab, the first fivees and prodices the waonie buming. | Coriell Spraying with a rather % touched the ball with hia fingers, and that the ball deflected though the farowd sud gader 8 machine Une of the representatives of nORSPAPeT | wis within a fow feet of first base at the time a8 wire several other and there |, lis no guestiof in the minds of any ove ack {wal 405, he pint to a hundred of water, to Which Hive pounds sonp have been added, war found eet ve in killing both aymphs x, The spray wus be ups . by meses of a shepherd's e from 1-2 joel gan pipe, to four feet patside the first base line i i . yy Ee or Shove fle ghe § ps and absolutely far beyond Swab's|5 = “TOWN OVEF BY 8 saw peided RL. rench, The hall could not have golled |’ 7 *PTaS Nas 4 week or ten cays under @ machine for no machines were POT. Applied from oppeite direc. EMER BER FAREW ELL PARTY The affair is a poculiny one, ball can only tm puis Pig Immense | “fai. ph” Weber, Clair Ey Pe v crowd that gathered at fhe ball Young. Camillus Detrick, jeresiad to lave disappointed. Just|ys, harles et Paul ho n doe when | oF , Hurry Chaplin, Jerry | Dick hid several inmi ama Beso stood 1 to © hn Fone. Wiliam Puteriek snd Patton and Spangler havisg | Messrs, Peat Dwilomier, Ha my Inds of the management of the «fir. Day celebration motors. The fire French M, MeAfes, Pastor, Morning sermon at 10 Sanday school at 11:45, Evening sermuin at 7:30. Mid-week service, Wednenday at 8} pom Emons bud bees heard Jong fans prior te the game HOSPITAL NOTES never finish the A LER Mr. Anple Orosa, a aged 21 years, of art, this nw sievious | ¥ here at the | aan ETE =e " in the on ard 4 ava Shit wn CEE iin, Johnstown, for Beginning Chapter of THE on Second Page mommies sii 61H OF THE SU BSCRIPT ION $2.00 Fox \ IT0 DISTRIBUTE MOTOR TRUCKS Tha Cos Li Ahi pany i nh an § mansger, 8 ch 2 still in the felis, sivon growth of over : {year in Tarms sthing of ral aatahl # malinm § track tim the {doe 4 bi 3 Thin 4 Hig 8 tr i ferpitory thal = Cm pPriseg band bunt by § 2 vrs of Song wil cent. of The low makes i these 4: 5 “81 Belency FE Bowe af Li hewor of 4 dred wha 0h Lael where » at ihe Magee way spent. in duneing 2 fu Preteen ra 08 J 3 hy eed ‘5 Bsn ber i Te Courier pres at the Tall election At the Calvary it] Chapad meslingsy on Bombay as JH Bune day sehoal 10013 A MN a abip. with serenan by Pastor Dwiyer, 8: 35. > Nn. enjoys these £ re the bless. eryhady wel» footer. | Well- Known Farmer Dies at His Home Near Here; Funeral Andrew Link, one N the esl-Rown Siirmers it thie (ealiim, died at 11:10 ss To'elosk Friday morning st bis home in East Carrell Tosnship, death lweing felise to a stroke of parsivsis which he stulferal some tine ago. The decsss- ai was born in Hollwduysharg, Feb ramry 9, 1850. and was the me of Valentine and Rlisabeth Link, dvceas. od. He spent jiencticaily all of his life in this viehiity. He wav ymited fin marriage years gg ts Migs s | Catherine Hoover, of this phe whe sgevives Hit with the following chil dren: Mrs. Janies Phalen, I burg. B.D; Johm, Sire WB Switzher, Denis, Herm; Adolph sland Mes. Bd. Switaier, ail of this oe: gid Mise Clomenting: Lirk, BE Funeral! gervites were conducted | Monday morning with a solemn high fem at O ovloek ut Sb Benedict's anh. Interment was si made in the cliureh cemetery. Hat Does Much Damage in State, Bi BE Hail storm of Ge sys have done thousatuls. ot] € worth of damage to cory and fe the Stale Dupati-fo, dure. For ome time | wind yi i an a 1 t week were accompanied lv ed . balk that harm lastesd of bem i o'elock in a Bap mt when he was ith ding, miped wie hers ME Wits Fe AE SNe Lon (AE varus graces ae SEVERAL HOVS AND ailegrat Of Se sro ry hd at St WR We) Thomas B. Kollmer te Pay $1000 Fine and Serve Jail Term for Bootlegging. Monday entered 8 plea ST Spat fling bap aE. £ ia made in thie county, and was sentene. af by the Coumit th pe y the poste of grosecution, a find of 31.000 sad jel GIRLS HAVE HEARING | ox * aerve one wear in th caanty jue “onrt further ardeired that seid mith. faction shall forever release and dis charge ssid mortyaye to oll intent been entered by the legal holders of sul mortgages. : The petition usking for & discharge of the weortgage reprenented in part that the Shenil of Cambria County’ he was unable to find the Middle States Loan, Building and (Constrae. tion Company or is gal representa. tives, ov the hlder of the mortgage given to the petitioners by the sxid company, and hei seid matter was alee advertised ome » week fur four ronseciitive weoks. The fellowamyr eels in divores ve, Katherine Hllisabeth Pfeil; Jesus Mayer va. Joseph Jager: Floyd Maa. at] Gaybart wi. Biffle Gayhart Dragieh Vaekovich vo. Stancia Vuckovich, BAPTIST CHURCH Services at the Baptist Church as follows on Susdny.’ Morn ine worship | EL 30, stg werkhip 7:45. Sunday School 11:46 A. ML Pastor Fwnyer will preach as gsiasl moming and evening. The orchestras at Gehool and the cholr at the church services add Inuch to the spirituality and enjoymest off these sevviees Everybody is ocmdially invited. at Pennsylvania Coal & Coke Mine. south oy Puan, years, of his po, employ. wl | a the Punausbaitia Coat & Coke & Eh 3 i ; ¢ SPE ohn was se inscinly Ret about 10 v penught in a anid Baily evushed. The deceased widow andl sin ghilidven, five of whom _ Preside at home, Funeral serviies were heb ak 29 and purpose, us If satisfaction had? Bad made a return Mo whe eilect thas foe were filed Monday: Joba OC Pell} Thomas Peden Crusted hy Hoist | Service, serving in the World War as jan inatructod’ during the early years of the war aad lunter being one of the was namic i the Tyth Fork Come. ad SHS BR I Sy SU fr Tee Held for Court Teisl. CRES BON — Sumupsl Pape and Julia d Duluen, both of this plact, received a | preliminary jel the Pesce FW Veil Fron the suts of 15 A bay honring ia charge of violating thw te | Amendment and mE. arid Bai SCHOOLS OPENED | L AST TUESDAY | Lab I ay B 91 Ever SPIER i GS i rowds in Patton All Dav Mon- day. Everybody lad a Good Time. Day Was Ideal j Aat pve 4 Patios came Monday ww cele hay. i Yes a busy oH ablishmonts | at w a 1a tind us follows Parade Mas Lputer Laarivser i Band: ¥ ire read §3 bb i : e (Hoppel, lumber OAT ig prose bis 3 4 aw 4 thant, £ sPary k Department Bare: Girls four nstons portrave dAarparet Frank ¥ Ww slow sod | Ruth Nelmon as deiver Le BEware: George market: Pord sed wi hell's Saag Blsakfeldl Deg 3 H: ida ire & uh { i an deniers Edw. lank. home builder: i, hardware: Chas, FF. Pin eral mere And) se Patten Co we Stare: Heater & Haurmean ters and paper Sapgers: © Lafor 3] store: Cental Garage i the Junier Fire } for the best busi. rere awarded as follows PVE Bend 300 Hibope!: * second Patten Clay Massofacturing For the peetliest float & B mman, Bet: Bed Men fhe girls HPN] ng the slions wan the {vee Lire gward. y Diehl's Garage {br the best ap- pearing Ford Car in line of parade. (7% parade thy Patten Vaolun. Noi 1 gave an ex- ; ancert band, whirs - componed ty vy hoy, snd the best musi cians that could be proewsed, was WIRED bere at great expende to the Sremen, whi were wo charge of the day, and it was gresily appreciated by the wand erownd ol vistors, As 1: is the bund paraded to the athletic where field evenls were con. yard dash was won by J £ ath Ghanian second and Sun- i thind. The tise was 10 1.5 sec. onde, the Best in this swetion for many yours. The 20-yard cinah resulted in Suing fest; Christof! second and Howles of Wilkesbanw, third, the Gane being 26 340 seconds, being slow an sveown of the cmdition of the track. In the boys 100.yand dash Welty was first, Winslow second and Brien third, the time being 11 1.2 seppnuls. Two give mn with the boys bot were bandipapped. They en lest. Quins. snd Christof, i boys, are two of “he best spring. Vennevivanis. he Spangler Patten basbail dome PERE of pt dairs program, chronicled clagfrbere in this Ioan the game gofeg to Patton by forfuit 5 ey i 5 $f upon refusnl/uf the Spangler team to play following the devision of the um. Spire an & batted bail Sunday ; At 5 pom the Camer Yivers of Diaboin staged stant flving in sree planes. . & throughout the fying world as one of Parker Crapper 3 known the most daring snd Tewrless of men. Hix sxpevience datr= back to 19 at which time he entewd the U. 8. Air aces of Uncle Sam's 1heees in Prange. Passengers were cmivied throughout the day and many availed themselves of the Sppurtunity of experiencing the sensations of fying. Among local peaphs to avail them selves of 8 trip throtigh the air were fy dhe fully the ah Ry i Due, fh warvioy y : Toll ert Bd. Short 3 Ed yor Reape: snd M. H. Gard mer, of Patton and Leo Dillon, of Car rolltows and tw young ladies from Ih] elven Xonday aiirnoss fom the | Allon Peden Pome on B Cowt Interment} Boigrio A rarer gr Td place because ui! the seareity of water in this vicinity. AL 7 pm. the band rendered {mother before ite Jastien