Your Skin is So F ‘ragrant and Smooth Each cake of Cashmere Bouquet Soap holds the perfume of a thousand fra grant petals. For three generations, lovely women have enjoyed its purity. A sensible recipe for lovely complexions is rain water and this pure soap. COLGATE'S Cashmere Bouquet Soap Large sie . 25¢ Medium size, 10 | Lasting Refined Not Conny Enough An expedition was movieg through reputediy; unexplored African bush Chicago to London, special Ursin will carry freight Chilengo New York In A from | to Ther emerged one day from the dense | hours, observa Capper's Weekly. This tropical bndergrowth inte = small tearing. where they were astonished | fo see a Jlle of smpty whisky botties { built by the Germans snd sow “There's bives a Seoteman here” re tearked ane of the party, himself = fleot, and proud to think that ont of tis hation had been first In this lonely pot, singer, for another voles broke nn: “Nonsense! If that hed Deen a fleotsmen Be'd have takes the bottle Dipcke 1 ‘How Is your new radio set? “Fine, bat my wife is kind of jealous of it. I have a loud speaker.” Judge. EN A tusk of good Afriesn ivory sells for as much as $830. TO KILL R RATS His pride was soon turned to | freight will be rushed aboard the great ship Majestic, the world's lnrpst boat oper ated by un English company, sad if AR goes well sevens days after the fretght is loaded in Chicage Bt will be unloaded in England. What would Os lumbus think if be could see this mod. sre shin. says W. Dn Boyes, sccording to Chpper's Weekly, The Majestic cross the Atlantic in about he-sev. enth of the time It could ewrry the ‘three ships Colombas used, kis entire crew and 2000 other passengers. to say nothing of the tons and tans of freight. Four bundred yesrs hence send freight from Chicago te England In serves days and wonder why we were. se slow. Probably alrships as big a8 the Majestic will be making the Chiloago London trip in cneseventh of Soday's time, Ci AR a Canny Bost. AB. Amiriean, who has spent och {of Me time 1 Scotland, tells of & | oomlenl igs Mb ap promched ly the city fathers “Aye a very guid suggestion” suid one of the citisesie. “And as the thea | & Nelgdn is close at hand. micht we Bo Julst wry. Udnegow to Nelson, tox Imflen’ so that 3 mieht serve for af | Resumen std milestons, too?” RT Se Er ed to the Allegheny théy may read abodt our trying to fwhich sdministers po np ni ita river, Sve miles Me, will ak for a Eo Bites Folen Prigh ’ tor of Can. af Fustiae in eeving PENNSYLYANIA BRIEFS sfefetatele dotalutmotufudobulole "a Jeravy and towed him Emer sha sve twee jf from drown wok tens of antheasits Ruse ha nng iv. y fifioen dredyew iv ta New York yf from DPmn- 18 of it. Finy hamars a Ee wen and Fiven sa. g § hu Tors 3 5 og the plone mobile a riing hE he a Lik one oti LARET 1 RE the rodeos’ eek #1 py thar w ari 2 wad an ! and ww of BUN iv sd ae by 4 it even nance $1 (EE RG 8 Wh py hae i Brit ieh emmbasandor Park M4 k the lew Hroad + wi It l= plans wa ; pew ground hy In order to beak op the practi of booing In the ranks gree? ana Janus:sy 14 and! Pen the hip snd Filenm (eairalin i , of North I's Lire ahr sudy Suis ty daa geraas af the adhe, IE different cami #rrike H Rep nav) FUBras +n FEE ot Eh ay pert made an ers ny the (3 a Burns detedtive 28, at Repagblic Bis pomsession ‘meoiouted (Le Laren w ie. where ww ithata ding William A Mi Xands, the latter od sentene CORNY wo aE th %, { on Jone sy 3 emoring the low, FR Son, with 8 ¥s he WES | | LE af wh fa trad vif the propery of while gwarded of low cresm he in “iiew and Endertaken by Bureas of foods ng nwpections ed wen! by Repel = Nee Atiarney @® es | for was Boed $10 gd Pa fat that IMwiries jer made SHEETS 8 opm fo ae i hae af Pe wy: ¢ Brow —— 4 i, IR years # of rec fo desth ick, armall in Me teanis does pot | pay for damages bey Ix Eilbid by Sogn, bat not | by Farmer wm. Ly : ing and other upstate rodhiles wrote to the department af Agncuitue, : a the dog leone fund, sabing abow ting paid 1 sheep that had bein killed by bears, | which sre so Bunieveus 58 0 be a rulsance IR some northern counties | The state pr vip as TE pass Tor sheep tab va When her Her seveanms at ¥ Yiets souple lived, but ey fhe t 1 Pres. Hi nie: Silas Denes. Lancas | | from Frevmensbarg and the other two | 3 Wary 1 of 4 bardadwlled reptile Dearing marks They wate iufursed there Js so state ! Never Be made to get b dati on Penn files. The by the bu ail the ba he ter: Louis Hosenweig, Pottsville, sod | » | Mrs. F. Doherty, Lascaatar. The wo | man was released on her ows recog | | nlsaew and the men were committed Poadopany ; "te Swill | come ol; | uy Phavid Wilests, Harry Cunonings, | ... a Ee Ralph Andrews and Joseph Blackbarn, cof Johnstown, whe were pomvieted in the Biair cousty eours of robbing the | ‘ Firve National Bask Claysborg, | | were refused & Dew he Ruslen se | eurities of the bank, aggregating #21 000, were traced by detectives to New | York and Boston and recovers The Niky Hill Cemetery suthorities | 1. fre determined to break up spooning | { The pollor enprured three couples, who | were haldd before Alderman Baum, 0, Bethishens. Ome of the woman Hered a Penn falas will he Hy hogn cattle is Pesnwyivania state and where Bhat Barber's ohalr 3 WH of Rothe a i dled hetors administered, banker. has Sept amnd | were North Side married women, who | sevorapasied by South Side | geen | fritide while their husbands were at knight It is mt often that = lend tarde} 3 || gota: recognition in & state report, but! on (the foresiry departivent Nas Just re | ig, i celvid 8 communication from 8 gang | [of its men eagaged ia building & road | # In MiNi county telling o te 30E | county Indlintive of oMd age. The date “1842 Was earvind on the tartid’y bitek. i Harkelrol, of the same plas, In which {the offpet of relationship bh 8 cositract | Tier and teols and lay track. He was fe iy Snducting the » Blom fund fom an ae. patntan | Be Io Am = roled upon. Bchreckengust bad &, eOBtrEet io mine coal st five conts & bushel, hire his own pen, forsish pow. Se Dart 5 a slleged. | he nme charsoter | iSiing swtablich- | make analvers | WOrSAn Was Dour. Hoth | was bovribly obtained ' rattle, sheep is shipped was sirioben ng pear Amesbury, | great | I--Nam HM a devoreling the » ihright Maw it $a wan Menmative drawn the treaty to arbitrate the 7 NEWS REVIEW OF: CURRENT EVENTS A President Harding Still Tries to | Bring the Railway Strike to an End. yy CONFERS WITH THE LAE Government's Plan for ¥ wir Distribu. tion of Fuel ang Food and to Curd Profitesring Put Inte Operation. Bavaria \v Revolt Against Con trod By Berlin By EDWARD W. PICKARD RESIDENT HARDING asd bin ad glu ratin fives deveted hens feivel last weed abmost acissively te | the problems srisbig from ¢ snd cond strikes. That he railway | atm presumatily wis to Todues the alt axecutives fo medifly thelr Sra atts ade converting he senlovity vale and | to persuade the shopmen 1» recognise | be decision of the railway uber bard | and retars te work pending s rebear sig of thelr jprievances et ieavieg the White Bouse Mr, Cuvier seoounesd hat the executives | ‘of 148 of the largest ralivoads ia the | country would mest ia New York on Augeoat I to taik over a tentative plan | He lor settling The shopmen's pirike would net ol what Me larding had | sasgested, BNI dabivd et be ad (asked the evpcutives to recede fromm . that position on the sendority rule. The | presidents of western ropds insted . with full seniority rights restored | Having shandoned for the time be Bg any bope of ending the coal mine | are sirike the Prostilent und his side: turoed thefr attemiton to ‘Se question | of averting the tiiveatensd fel fw (ine and followed up the enll on the, earions state exedutives to facilitate {snd protect the resumption of mining with messures designed to insure a fair distribution of such conl as may be produced and to curd profiteering. is plan whic way promptly adopted (and put Inte effec with the legal ap ‘provel of Abwesey Getersl Dangher | iy It rests upon the powers of the | interstate commerce commission, which body, dechuring the esistesce | suilon of fos! and food. The plan pre | vided for a comnitioe of general super vision ty Washington, to be pamed by the Presideot and which will estublish | i every conl prodsving district a rp | resentative bd a committer of oper | ators, Sdn, ther ie an sdministon- Hive committee cotnpriniig representa. ves of the presddentinl committee G0 pvther with representatives of apoe of the larger consuming gronp. The basis of rices sgresd upem | Satweeny the operators snd the seve | itary of comnierer on June I inom be maintained, xvept where varied by | jhe. meeshisaitial Sumanitinn, and thin } Ww Yellow thelr efforts | might result io th ondiag of the fen | | wer was tu renewed dope at the | the strikers would bot be (aken hack | Secretary of Commerce Hoover devised | Wrasse NMEti Wiki Arica Apt w anh ‘nite . Slaten ¥ which have large bitumisdus fe posite willl Bn coal nates of obtaining it other fBelds Under the emergency order I | in | brighter President Parvingtad of the | Nilnols miners, wiways an gdvorate of | | separate stale giirestoenty, came to the | sonclusdon thet the thse for putting | | that policy into setion Bad come and | Csnnen. he sald, ordered Norris called a convention of delegntos of | every focal union in the ate to meet | un Peoria Aogunt 3 te consider peace prvaponmis of the operators. Next day | he rescinded the call becdose of “pre | matare” paldiclly, Acting Governor | Sterling asked Warrington to [the proposal that the miners of Hitnols | | return fo work at ones st the wage | | pemle and unser the wwrking condi | tons exiwting when operations ceawed | | Apel 1 last, ponding a readiustusent | fof the same by an agreed tribsnsl and That represuntativen of the miners | , and operates of Hilnots should meet | god endeavor ta ative Bt & ssdtiement, | Farrifigton plied that tis plan was teapraetivable, cv a fir Lnmense goastities of have been Phiced in B England by t XE J. Ceve Dean, chatrman of | anm—cintion pent to President Harding | | 8 telegram icterly attacking the sup | | posed sttitude of the administration © toward the Des pest strikes He said: “For you or snp gover to attwect | to sperate (he mises or rallrosds hy military fores oF to attempt to draft men Inte mdulug or ralivoed service | woul be an stivespt po establish in | - veluntary servitnde,’ and be predicted | | soely an attempt would bring on the | "long predicted wait between capital stud inbor" He saserted, ales, that the Americsn farmer and Inher and | that “the hard times that now mist is un premeditatind pins te bring the farm Ler nod Jabar dows to thelr Moen” Mr. Harding's reply to this outburst, while dignified, was a scathing reboke of " Nas "politienl partisan refer | * and of his falve sssussptions. | The Presidatt explained at length the | sttitude of the government andl as messes plus aspirator pes "the American people ae & whole and the common pool of 8!) its citivenship™ to strike wns recognized, the goveny Sg would Tully protect those whe | gived to work, The lstter. be said, a *uspendh our 0 the oall of the coun of & suthosal emergency. took charge | TV ITE exercising thelr rights “wed iof the routing of "ss and the dsird #2 Ho sxe thae making Delr casi. bution te oir cannon Aberian web : fen HICAGO'S street one strike was SH I Be aking leer week | tertintionn! President Mahou whe told voli on 8 new pripossl made by the stors, represmtativen of the railways, | tompailen, nod thi ntter due to the [amd wheres necessary. representatives pewdinizm of lovel President Quinlan, who said te saployeoss would anveg: uo oifer the employers were Ukely to make. The wirkers were called to HE 8 mar uoeting 3 It was stated there that ! the Be pxpieted te aitoe thelr from | | to make sumed 8 threst HAINGIS the prospects for sad i details snd was supported hy Watson g the nine strike were slightly | fend other publishers {to make Jos Canson A AA HA SAAN I Ws AN the rat bony iplovees’ publicity | the Republican party was hostile to | He made it clear that while the right | Hope and despair slternated, the fie | me fosteret By tle optimbean of Tn | dha tien: they mast take a referendum PET sed Miss Ane AUEer oF the Nulions! Editorial ussoels lof at the golden snniversary of the park p streets of Homedula, 3-Dr. Porras for Pera and Bence Aldlunste for C So Ehriowrs of United Sites Hille power.” This, Mr. Smoot supposed was basis of McoComber's statenient, But be, Smoot, did sot Mink Norris had been autbortzmd by the publishers MeCutaber relteonted Bin statements with sided of Indians whe related Dow Narels in WS aftered president of Le | eronid put through a bill plarisg news {print and wood pulp on the free fier, {ross his office. Al of this whether trae Car not, was highly entertaining to the Democratic senatots, Ho sae ComassioNER BLAIR of the in terns! revenms buresy dealt the { lguor industry a hard Mew by fun | bidding farther Imports of wines and fuers anti] the supplies siready in the country for sonbeverssy uses sre | lnsutlictent for national requirements | Secretary Hughes selted, and press. ably was promised the aid of the Bee sh governtwent in the suppression of Hauer smagyiing from Bermods asd {the Bahamas The Beithed governs. went, however, has refused he wells J request of the United States for { the right to seanrelt sutwiide the ites Fooming AR winds Bit Pe a | ing modified dnilpothe preposition is that for every dollar paid by Germany com the repamitions sevean ang for every JuBiar of the willed debe whieh is camielad Frabws wi] cancel an | squad mount of 4 eertadn class st ; bende. In the second week in Aspe, Lie somber If the Hallas goverment Lerisie ts cleared up the Morssu cons | mittee of bDaoiers will sweet agein in Parts, and it Ix Boped her wesntitge the Leasgoe of Natlome council will have prepared the way fur the dani MUS 10 PIODOSE & NeW reparations set. iement. Poluncars ans Liovg Cionrge are to Bold thelr conference In Lodged August 14 HE Bavarian government t In apen revolt seisst the centeal Gorman government at Bertin and bas fasued a decres the’ iets and supe plants the recent legislation by the relchatag for the defetise of the re public The Bavarise sinister at Berlin war Betructed to Inform Chancellor Wireh that say outside problem, and If Beveris does set suppress ity bew ew President Ebert may summon the stuntsgerichtabinf, of tribunal of the states. th deal with the case, Chaseellor Lenilwsfeld of Ba varis says Be is copped 1 and ses. arstist_metement bat that his wate