The Patton courier. (Patton, Cambria Co., Pa.) 1893-1936, August 04, 1922, Image 1

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TR ——— A——————
ai poi a
For Patton's Bie Celehration on | res
~~. Labor Day by the
§ Tha program hay been pmriis
nounced for the
on Labor Day wider the auspices of |
the Patton Volunteer Fire Company,
No. 1, and the lish of evans scheduled | { Lawrence
promises to makes the guy the be at | ;
tsarvived by his fold Mrs
| ver,
The Mileshure band Hut been en
paged by the firemen t6 furnish band
mmeis for the pargdes, for tencorts and
for the big street dance that will oe.
eur in the evening. This organization
g, Hod £174
msi at 8 large amber of eelebra-
tilhe central section
of the state this smmer.
The Hogram Be anhotneed is as
: in. Thiustrint parade,
HAO a pe] Hil hy the Patton
- Fire Company DH team.
1:00 0 1:30 Bnd concert.
se to 1:00. Rield events, eunsist- |
® Sumber Ld races, fap. ote,
up wi greased event,
| 3:30 Baseball game. A Ne team
will cross bats ho Patton,
a Nun duit "Pas i
rade. 2
B00 to 900. Breet Dance.
The water paste will bw contested
by the Spangler ghd Himlinge teams
and promises to furnish amusement
for the vixitors, fe emun has boom |
- wigped up as vel lo ¥ tton, dul
! Ha re likely that it will be either
n ty am or he Induns
* with
iro debratio on he re | and
P: atton Dea aths| Patton
[Andee sw Colberg and
Leary Summoned
RE a
VET 10 §
wT aid sc
gERiisiol 4
eg, ail atl hohe ir Sol erg
ting Coltere, of
ers, Charles and
lone sister, Mrs
all of Patton
Andrew Unlhe
the Bad Men. lndeperdd
Odd Fellows, Fraternal Ord
Eagles, the United Ming §
Ansvies and was an golive
the Swedish Luthe
place. Faneral sery
duited Tuesday
Swedish Lutheran Chu
of the Hev. 4. VF. Satine ison. the pase
ir was
flor, interment was made in Fairview
i emery.
WR gp
Funeral BEEVIOPS for the late Mrs
Frank M. Leary, aged 44 years, who
sraplication of
3 o'clock Tues
a aihaln
Homans of
rede. Sra wa Vie in ithe
chitreh ceme
‘The deceased was born in Philips
burg. on dats. 20, 1878, She in sur
i by | rock § the follow.
Lenry nino
being due fo
disqanes, were h
int edn ;
Harry ang Fdwin
is survived by the Io wing trolbhevs
and sisters: James Taylor, of los
Angeles, Cal: Howard Tayler, Cres.
son: Mary, wite of W, L. Jones, Ak
yon. £).: and Lucy, wife of H. 1.
Meifit, § ranklin Bowseh. Her moth
or, Mes. Hunnak Tavior, of Akron, 0.
{also wilrvivos,
A ——
{ Rodmas ta take the Long Trail to the
ki the distress of the widow and A
8 recompense for his service, HL
dhe wd “WwW Well done” |
nd, whereas,
be} marker tn the Tribes laburs of Free-
as they me ind $Y. and Mra. John Luther of
, Yours | very truly,
; Nations] |
-JuLy 28¢ h,
Ones again the Great Spirit bas
through Death a Brother
Happy Hunting Grounds to the K
dum of Ponemab to Ife In §
He has been a dient and faithfil
and Charity and has
y of aid in relig
died here last Saturday evening, death |
Laobite rip in the East. The trip will
bap, |
Is Defeated
A er HO
of Five Rums n
¢ Is Too Big a Handi
gp for Home Team.
Bae three Hits
finder, #
i" dob, if
5 nines
Patton 134
Btarfordl ;
Thread base hBitao}
T hase Nils
Rite Swab,
Stolen Bases ~ DD,
yhdoe L
A a 3
St. Wilfred Piller of town
oft Init Monday for an sete
welode » visit tn the battlefields of
Fi ard ook hed per Leama iL
First |
North Ca :
Know iL.
there kiew
Friend Kul
iO Carry. i
Was AgTe wih
be found ma
three gies
side, Fon
there was
when oul
girls and
ote had the
a ed pe
that eon
My Cute ihe
nas ah
furnished |
belles 1
ensy to he
§ (7 Serdl
knoe i
womde via;
JdHe still w
rotien Wie
ap an A |
Lasky to Wass, ALD
in after the
the Mounts
carnival ae
192 190
AUG. 5
‘Contract Let
for Road: Stri p
| Road win Be | B nil a Distance of | MAHAF FE) Y-
Ww ide: tor Re of Concreic.
w ere present:
{svswrbavr i Py
siehein Mw
AL Bemisle
More, & 3
PARTY |the
i The contract stivalated that
¥ a . 3 . 6
RYE, w : started 4 4
S———— en
Suicide Vi ietim
a i
When Wife 1. on Visit
Thomas’ Miller. aged
BE years, road supervisor of
mahip, Charfield County,
suteidn lant Thursday
Miler firm, situated
wm here, His, fife.
dangling from an
hurd an the Milley
igrhtisrs Hop t
ow ehIn Un hanging
; ah ¥
v i 5
i a sand
Williamapeat 4 init
His two daaghters accom.
athar to the ratirosd
t some shop
wl iis Genevieve
Mr and Mra
4 Ince and
were tharried here
Manien's Catholw
Father 4. P. Dugan
Al Ciooiiram and
ther i brother of
the attendatita The
sterun of the Warld
Mes, Crossman will
{Hest Boring
High Medusa butid-
Bom sed By thy viters st 8
Lr inl election an Pelmare Pay. was
awarded to William Disraonsd. of
Johnstown, Tor ithe sum of TREO0O
the build.
ing ie to be fnkhed in [20 working
We. Diamond bs the codiivsetor who
specie hie new Pallon Ate Com.
DENY Earaee thin spring,
ir. a
Thomas Miller Hangs Himselt
cotch Club
Will Picnic
Northern Cambria Seots to Hold
Big Outing August 19
Near Carmiltown.
The tenth annual plenic and ganies
of the Northern Cambria Scottis'
Club will be held on Saturday, Ao
gust 19, at Sunset Park. The West.
inghouse Kiltie Band, with a troupe
of Highland dancery and singers, will
entertain both afternoon and even
ing, 1 o'cleix and 6 o'clock.
Lond speakers also have been se.
cured for the occasion. The program
will consist of the Highland Sing,
sword dance, satlors’ homnpipe, Seot-
Lish reels and old country dances.
Singers wlil present both Seoftieh
comic and sentimental solgs.
The Rev. W. A. Graham, of Pat.
ton, will give a short address in the
evening and Mrs. Grabam will sing
several Ncotiish songs.
Prives for the sports have heen do.
nated by John Lochrie, Windber: An
drew B. Crichton and County Treas
arer John DD. Walker, both of Johus-
town, and Richard Seolion, of Barnes.
boro. Round trip tickets on the
Northern Cambria Street Railway
ave been placed on sale at Gann's
drug store, Patton; Frank Booths
store, Spangler, and the Corner Deug
Store and the Scollen Community
Stores at Barmaborn. Round trip
tickets can be procured for same price
Las for one way.
The program of games and sports
will include the following: Poothall
game, five on a side, governed by as-
socigtion rules, gold medals for first
prize, sliver medals for second prive:
Wh-yard dash for men, fit prise
gold medal and silver medal for see-
ond prize; boys” race, 10 pears and
under, silver cap to the winger: girls’
race, 16 years and under, silver cap
to the winner: old ladies’ rave, leather
handbag as prise; old gents’ race,
losther satchel to the winner;
game, 12 yards, Seottish | fest
prize gold medals,
ith jie invited.
tlivkck Bids submitted sry
Lt i uns Contracting Foepens
« annual Ht. Lawrence i wie will
y the Greve at thal place on
of next week, Aujuet 10th,
¢ far the benefit of BL
: Catholle Choreh, of which
Pather Adrian. O 8 RR
@f Coorgir's Chamel Save,
aoadle dinner lind
vind wa asund. There
teiling readers of The Cour
they wv have goad cools at BL
We all know that. And
the meals will be up to the
ndard that has made the peo.
star with all classes,
soe’s Hanis Seven Ovehestrs, of
Altosna, will be on the job both in the
afternoon and evening. This will de.
light the young folks. There will be
various smusements ar nd ererybady
ws i
Bw Bw
A bas service will be In force dur.
ing the day and will leave the Paliver
House, Patton, every hour, for the
picnic grounds,
demain ms
Two New Highways.
Bids were “openesl a at .
Monday morning liy the Copsty Com
missioners sp two gropased road ime
vements. One vosd is to ran from
e No 62 conlinged to Park JEL,
x distance of 3507 feet. The road is
® be of brick and 15 feet vide. Bide
Sabir were as follows: John
sy, $46,808
wtown, 150.977.
The nr ponte a the I
Salix vaud in Adams Townabip.
fA oll be 18.000 feet long and pd .
evr be comructed, of
fect wide.
Hows: Met & Rian
24 158; F. La James,
Arthor James, Johnatown, 1 =,
2 x Keller, Somat,
‘onatraction Company,
re TE squadron fleld mee will he held on
There. Troops A, B sid ! of the Flest
the duration of whith will be
Cavalry, pow jtatian at the Wash
ington camp, will feninh the wm poe | H
ni pol fe
{he Bain, which the dren
Was i Month.
Cambris County’ will recvive more
than §2.000 from the State as its
share of the caecont-p-pillon tax for
the month of June, secovding to fig
grey given out ut Hurrivburg. This
jeounty paid during thy month of June
$291.34 In pasline tax, and one
Ball of the smount ie to he distribated
to the county in which the tix was col
letted, so that Camiiria should re
ceive $8140.08. The State ia at ths
present time preparing fo distribute
the shares of the counties for the flrst
six months of the year.
Receipts during the: mumth of June
lonped to the sum of $246.346.20, the
banner month this year, sm i is ew
pected that fguren for July and Aue
st will be higher. Tistal receipts
me the first sin months of the year
aggregated $1,000 823086, ap follows:
January. $TL.060.81; Pebraary, $135.
$5.40: Mirch, $150.800.00; April}
$176,800.58: May, » HOA.
Iwo Troops of Machine
Guan to Participate.
EBENSBURG Announcement haw
been made by Major Wdgne MeKinney,
in command of the Nalional Guan
troops station in this Utritury, thet
Sunday afternoon, August fi, at the
Pl Litche camping grovnds near
Squadron, 104th Cavairy, and Troops
A and B of the 83d Machine Gun
ron will purtiekpaty in the meet,
four hours
The Regimeninl Bind of the 104th
Whiteford, fection, William
Whiteford, John Edmiston, William
Walser, Hugh Smith, BH. Bain, Geo.
Asgostine said: “Oh, Ged! thou
hast made us for thyself, and ous soul
is restless Yl it find rest in thee”
The greater the perplexities of life,
the more we our need of God.
Whir do we feel so much better after
we have been af church, or Sundny
school or prayer meeting? It is be-
cause we live met God, and been
blessed by Him. “Oh, come, let us
worship and bow down; let us kneel
before the Lord our maken” Every.
body is cordially invited to surviees
as follows. Morning worship 10:90.
This will be She Cuumamion service.
fet every mem = w
Sunday school 11:45 A. ML. Evening
worship 7:40 P. M. If there is & un-
jon services in connection with the
Chautauqua as there usually is in the
ovening, we will meet thers ‘Bstesd
of having the usted svening service
at the church. Prayer meeting and
Bible study Wednesday 7:45 P. M.
Id you vax okies Row Sach bot
ter i. Beas, ar Ming
Goa penne, or we
in enum or 4.
uf God, and every we ect ou
fur the ueeasion. The jrenpral
Bas been Invited to ttand the squad
Jon meet. The | i will include
ing fling monkey drills, Another fon-
he Governmanl. ;
Ln Bro es 5 Ro HO A
wili be the bevaking in of sev. |
oral new colts recently purchased by}
HT Ris
heavenly Father, we fool t the joy ©
a. yb