: Aa PUBLIC SALE Of PERSONAL PROPERTY AND REAL ESTATI bbe hed { Nw wy VARY (HPE] I ARieT Nt. Ansastine ems EE EP SRT I I —— SOMERVILLE i! i RESOLUTIONS OF RESPECT mesh | rags of calit he p bu women pec exqu t trac BROWN {4 po Lamy: Qesreiary n'y bwly WR raven on the far § 13 L 3 fle Killed Man in Harn o Carroliteen rid v VY remmmsane WINCHESTER TOME - | goods \ 's glove, a cat her’ you play a better will fin 4: 1 Ti bres Wi ine N er. > 18 headquarters for. all outdoor ShOTTinE goods. New spring stock of: Winchester .22 Caliber Rifle Tennis Goods Winchester Fishing Tacks Winchester Knive nes are complet 7 Binder& Starrett PATTON PENNA. a sia ol an Sn CR “= Tnr WINCHESTER Stomtt———1| » WGI WV 00 Kgs ont atte FOGERTYS DRUG STORE FIFTH AVENUE PATTON, PA. Revers (_hocolate Rabbit- 5¢ & 10 Fruit & Nut Eges 5¢. 0c & Hx Jelly Beans per pound A \ fresh supply of Whitman= and John=ton= famous candies for Fa-te: aa SAE rr rae i Dia wonlls Silverware © Watches Jewelry Watch and and Jowery IS Repair! SHES JEWELRY 1's JEWELRY SORE, agee Ave Pat al D a. ¥ LP RAN 5 ON OT WN chi in / Gr BS I ——— i ET TT A RTT SRR ERE LR Ne EE EER Sa ‘Easter Week at GRAND TERE OE RENE IY Ge TR ag re ames EN EN FHE WORKILD EG SE a ——————————— I LC i YB BE mcm ns : ¥ 32 Ba d hecome keenly discrima- + appealing only when Es ove) so tite interest In Candice? thatresources, nanut. wir : 1s * r bhi bod els ie » ~}] FNL iS CAIN DAE Lai L Xiilisi . : oela ales Lure is Tic ADO £ i . heap cars. [ his 1s the most : Ey rym deve lop ment of (Yoo. 1s the lowest priced car ot er. [here are bigger auto- re and stroke, but they cost cestment, and their greater . ol Cer Maintenance ouliay. success of the i indler mpeting manutac- el on Belarad fowest | vosstble nd other toremest ever prod ¥ % 1 tor Quality. central Garage, Pa.