The Patton courier. (Patton, Cambria Co., Pa.) 1893-1936, February 24, 1922, Image 14

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VWHEN Joseph Phillips, famous baritone, sang in
direct comparison with the New Edison Re-Cresli.
ation of his voice, at the M. E. Church, Thursday,
December 7th, the audience had to watch his lips to
know when he had stopped singing!
No other phonograph in the world could meet such
a test successfully. As the deep, rich notes of the sing-
er filled the Church with glorious music, it was but
natural to expect a decided contrast in the compara-
tive sound of a mechanical instrument. But the art-
istic New Edison Chippendale cabinet beside the sing.
er was no ordinary phonograph. It was indeed a Re.
Creator of the living voice — the only phonograph
that could sustain this exacting test.
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The singer paused. Gently, confidently, his voice
melted into the Re Creation; the new Edison had taken
up the song and alternated with him to the end.
Of the large audience who listened to this test, not
one could distinguish a shade of difference between
Mr. Phillips’ voice and its Re-Creation by the New
Similar tests were made by the Fleming Sisters
Trio with the same marvelous results.
The spectacular triumph of the New Edison, here
in Patton, is an event long to be remembered and dis-
cussed by music lovers. They have made a final
decision on the phonograph for their homes, the only
aphonograph that actually presents the voice of the
“living artist.
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“The Phonograph With A Soul”
The Official Laboratory Model used Thursday, Dec. 7th
to make this remarkable test is exactly like those in our
regular stock. We will gladly give you a guarantee that
any Official Laboratory Model will sustain this test.
Come in and learn more about the matchless realism ot
the insttument. And do you know that you may have
such a New Edison for a very small cash outlay. Let us
tell you about it.
M. J. Commons (QQ. Sons