eo mitt tn a ATA AAR i A Newspaper Devoted to the Interests of Patton and the CSrsrounding Community. The Ovals Paper in A Wide Section, | § i i 5 com ourter \ FEBRUARY Basket Ball News WO HE, BASRETEALI ~SCHEDE LED PATTON HIGH PASSER BEFEAT 87 a EAN es SAE LALLITZIN HIGH: GIR] TORS WIN WIN OVER LOCAL VIVE a] dct W on team ; Patton Nt. Boniface Prghranak | | | ne—— ——— td roman TRINITY METHODIST ATTEND CONFERENCE EPISCOPAL CHURCH] HELD IN PITTSBl RGH ENTERTAINS A] BRIDGE PARTY CONFINED TO HOME ENTERTAIN A) DINNER JARTY } i FRAME { ALY AR) h ott Wedded an in Philadel Marning é {1 hina % i Ti J William \¢ t HTL RCH ( HAPE] her | iti) A iainty i v prpment BY i v ries ALY of eddin me and Mr Lowes J: Marre PERSONAL AND LOCAL NEWS lowes, ” Kanty inst § ri La of th. hr celebs te tre ol the; a a Sin Nn! i WE La, i tthe re Prison: foliowir i hey, ar, Mr p Jr. Mr and a Mrs. Loon BR Rinken o iv Cavanauy: re. Thomas : i Jeni 3 pmmiit EI ZI 3 Te ES SER | Flne Job Printing Promptly Executed In a Modern and Up- to-date Shop. Try Us. Nothing too Large. Nothing too Small. a —— - a ———————— ———————— ——— a eres al oa (,000 4] SS Sr || WS | A | rt 8 SAI | rst 3 ——— SUBSCRIPTION | Crowd Miners” Hall J. E. Schwab Pas=- Away Pittsburgh ~peaker Holds Inter - wt i ; Ome of Original Carnegie Part Ex-Head of Steel { ompans t Talk Here oncSun dav Afternoon ners, INSPECTOR WARDROP § 2 irpsirabie offios cam afer and Hlank { i i i I AKM MARET LEiLL ec Meme Jviga Ye Aociation n on eT ernie Cs POY cre BB wks 8 ¢ PPaaR curds nco—- PENSION CLAIM GRANTED dam of M re, Bb. hos od } viet te iw “BIEN AS GRANTED Spe nhs Ln non 5 Wasik ah v8 Fleader Bernardin w a VINER IN Hastings 11111 Coa ries of wh { mx: anger : 5 fairisy PORTAGE MINER INU “AR mor ture ~~ BMITS REPORT) tal Production of Coal for Year 3 hid hk Lino tatal serious accidents Aerg recat PE The production of cos! as COMPAr: sd with per Lent, nO apie tile di wise ida +5 a ! 5 Re jIEAT, Slthiouyh rina Oo ; Co % * » wh 5 « Tons Kepor? “hows tor WB War im nous Qistirict AROUA Teport of Mireax for the wa years agro at foretio, where ents have resided fon more than 6 years. He joined the {arnegie Slee Company 1wo years afier pia Hroth ar, Chavies M. Schwab, became idm. fad with that concern. Sines that time the Messrs. Schwab bavp Dees Gknely associated a va ries ind i nande and 3 outside hat of 1990 was about 205 jess. Tamme warn 86 nmerend $ ta te aunty ing, when he DCR MAN TC Wi T Pe . : : a d K + : slow ager ¥ the NQuesne Works of the ad - peTIONS em Peoy- . - TR . v . i . ra When the United Staves wile . Nise pro wd : DATES prag cent RITeg e relia NR SS i % a8 an engineer for the Carnegie Stee! ARES i i i AY