The Patton courier. (Patton, Cambria Co., Pa.) 1893-1936, January 27, 1922, Image 5

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ERE ee Hormpatt sate?
15, JAN.30, 31. AND FEB.
A Daily at 1, 3, 4 and 9 P.M
dmission, 28¢c and 55¢
of the <ity, and af one visited hii
sister. On Sunday he telephoned that!
she Bos ajpain been attacked with sp
i pendicitis lrom whieh she has softer.
1985 fed weveral times within the fiveil
yours, and plating that the physicians
inninted that she must be aetated etl
aturds her pavents staried for Philadel n,
8 y Mine Zwayer was graduated Jant Shin.
at the S. W. 8 Normal school, and |
her eredily were such that she wy
able to ewler the junior class at the
& {asiversity where abe has Deen doing |
o | enrellenit work, - |
Tins “n D oY ET of the | without as On Tuesday morning
8 %
A J ly, manager of the Penn
Central Company in: this district, st
tended a hutnineds Messing of Sut con :
we loam o Crarier corn in Aljoonn on Monday $
The Mrs. WW. BH. Sindfesd. of Palmer ef
floor avenue, left recently for Philadelphia
{where abe will spend some lime i:
4 Mrs. Frank Faber, of Fitlh avenue!’
fin visiting friends In Pittslwrgh wali
Mrs, Hugh Whiteford and dengh-
Jackel, were revont callers at St,
Pecent aller in Patton. | Mes. William Denlinger has return
; a Pommuw a etutdud vis with her |
® | parents at York, Pu.
Howard Sommerville, of Westover,
(WES Breet © i : 2
Mrs A Sommerville and daggh
ter, Miss Elizabath, were recent vis
ftors in Clearfield.
Mim D ris Drm has
Gesrye ook, of Philadalpbia, trans. |
"of Mr. and Mrs. Guaree 8.
Wisma Allstovm. of St. Bene!
wt on friends in Patton the |
Mrs. Zwayor received word |
| Miss Loterto Gill is able 10 be shoo
pio Univaits- after sn nes of several days.
$ at Berspabere Tuesaday.
DW. Walker, of Mabhafley, vi a}
{business ealler in our town on Mow
A. B. Matthews, of Connenns, Ohad, |
spans the week end with friends
Ruiscll Welsh, of this place, vas
a butiness caller in Johratown ob
Mra. Adar Smith. of Magee avenns,
attended the funeral of ber grind.
ier. Fansie Van Seoyac, of
Johnstown, Monday.
Blair ¥. Kelly, of Fifth avebus,
made a business Lrip fo Fitisinigh
last week, returning Ssturday eren-
ng. While there he did some extons-
jve buying In preparation for the
spring clothing semson.
Philip Anronson, whe has revided
at 2} place for a couple of Pars,
cing employed in the clothing ntove
Hie manele, J MEronesn, }
e New York Saturday, where hei
8 to romain for scveral an
with Ns parents. Mr. Asronsnih
{troubled with & broken koenesp!.
whieh be sjostained some years age’
moa fall, and will be under the sare ;
of specialists while in New Work, | {onsinten
His many friends hare hope fur a [FW
fv and eomaplete eeovery.
Jerry Hayes, of Corvolitown, spen
Batgrday evewing with friends ot th 4
piace, fund opel
Howard Verger, of Cronson, spent. is the #8
the week-eiid st the home of his Mes 3
mother, Mis. HL. C. Vergw, of Pal- | tty pet
may ATER.
Cladre Weskiand, of ‘wrvelltvem, |
visited friendy at this place Cos |, ly
pending » ow day
friends and relatives
n KH. Eclienridde has rotirn=< to Nis
home in Crimson, after spending |
d | fon days here with friends snd rvelp-
fof {et Springs-—a deughter.
Miss Margaret MeCormnick has rol
pei | med to bes home here, after spond
Cage thee lant dow days in Altoona wilh
hier sister. Wiss Genevieve MoCar.
George Rafletto of Panmeutawnn
Spent toe last few 4 here on had
Miss Mae Leiden recontly visite
. Spangler hospital.
af] and Mow: Mark
foi. {Hastings weve resent Paito
I Mr, Ge Ww. Stephens, nmi
ty superintendent, was
was a | caller hare Thunsday.
me | Mr. and rs, A. 1 -
(ear mught am
set ac oit: the tiple of mine
, | Nin, 39 a the Pennsylvania Cond snd |
The musclea the calf
» week lot the riaht lew were torn, oul ne
secant. | Doves were hiroken. He vas removed |
iborated (10 Nix home snd is vesting fairly
tractive will.
LJ. B Bertman, of Johnstown, wis
[s lasidest enllur hove this week.
Wen. P. MM. Swope sand doughtue
Gruee of Careolitown wire visitols
i 1k
be held in the Grange if
Chest Sorings this Saturday |
Ee {her brother Greotige, who ia a patient]
i Pittubargds.
demo an operation,
i" Y
“ na
cimfingd to her home bir illness. ( Monday Moses B. Ki
Mrs, Ben Kring, of SL Augustine, | Rarshberger wert a
is ill i hier home’ I that Hpluce lors, om petition
Born to Mr. and Mve. Martin Btor, [in the form of &
ugh fof all the estate,
Pel Storm, a Tormer resident of belonging t6 Ros:
Chant Rprings, who left that ploie | er, geatiod in Adams
svt wakes ago for Colorado, hum
bean removed to the Mewy Huepital, |
rod rae
hore he will shortly ws | Judge he . Rood y
tof pon-support, priferre
| Agnes Monebe
the Court te
sum of $15 per
Lanwes Jiros. this week purchased the |
perty owned b Mrs. Lawrence IL.
Hower, off East Carrell Township, en | of thelr ehild
Mage avenge. lowes Bros. by this!" hid
purchase, intend increasing their pap| A petition pres
lant ourt by William ¥
iwie Rhone, kis wile ros
i theough thelr
| Benny Header Falls to Put Inigo or 1
Appearance at Court and
Process Is Issued. win granted.
dh —— ling at the Rh
ENSBURG. Lesarton ana 3 -, ge
an Can wid Monday the ated at Willi
lowing onses web hoard and $0 had been placed
ois imposed by Judge John its parents 5. Charles
Evatis: ¢ mother of
Michael Makar, non-suppout, Mary , finanelaily to
Makar, prvsecutrix, directed to pay ; maintain it, ss the
the costs of proiseution and the sus tributed towards in
of $10 per month for the support «i's wear
g wife and children The monthly!
| tiotied the Ca
| paymenita are to be made fo Clerk of | GPTS PEN:
Courts. Frunk C. Rebib. oy
Herman Livingston, non-sopport,’ wn
Agno Livingston, proasecutrix, sen. WASHINGT
tomead to fey the conts. man John MN. Rose.
fn the (ase of the Commenwesith Pennsylvania 1) t,
ve. [Benny Bender,, th Seld by the Pension
defendant falled to appear, forfeit. the claim of Irving
ing his ricognizanes snd a proces) Wilmore, Pu. has bien
was |seved. : rate of $72 por swath
’ ay bhi % ig ihe
tig tn ol,
wed 0 etal. 4 x tod Ewes 3c
po EER
TH RS Se ie ee se