3 carried the ‘addy § Charley CHAPLIN in . KID” Real Estate Transfers Coming to Grand September 16th. ——" wt ial "re wir] Inge et ux. t £ During the celebration of “Hud et Asso eer ee bmet week, 8 ay of 24 American Lagion runbers OR JUDGE | of the Court of Common Pleas we proclarsatior ar Ir erst Harding at Washing wr of Baltimore dveral eastern Ted] THE Tis ww » Xi ¥ Massachunell Texas, Oklahoma, 1 hanzas an an ry 4 os Advertising Stimulates HAVE that Picture framed at Buck's FURNITURE STORE. Fnd of Street Car Line* Patton, - Pa. ee — tno at eS Sy ag ps tim i rh Aa Atm HS og earn er tn eg Ho Sa Ft Po is » og rma rn ~— on gr tem meant PsP a gto mar Pp omer pn rs PO te Stn oma mg i Be Catarrb Cannot Be Cured etn TIMER oy 43 by LOCAL APPLICATIONS, as they Catarrh is 8 local disease, greatly influ Republican need by constitutional conditions. HALL'S : CATARBRH MEDICINE will cure catarrh it is taken Internally and acts through | the Blood on the Mucous Burfaces of the | System. HALLS CATARRH MEDICINE is composed of some of the best tonics | known, combined with some of the blest blood purMersn, The pie: combination of the ingredients in HALL'S CATARRH MEDICINE is what produces such won- derful results in catarrhal Sonditions. IDruggiets Ton Vestimonials free, ¥. 4. Cheney & Co, Props, Tole” ™ REPUBLICAN May | ask your vote, your support, your influence? THANKS Business Rp AO AIAN ON A A A SM SI SARA CNN SAAR - ¥ f “l: No Job to Steer a Buick” Buick cars steer just like they drive —easily and comtortably. And like every other Buick part the Buick steering gear can be trusted. Ride in a 1922 Buick and see for vourself. Buick Sixes heee Pasa ¥ aids 13 5: Five Pasa 1 3 Six FAhron Pas 33 - Bs 47 Five Pass id Sin 8 Flu Pane 3d Six 4% Seve Passe 3d Sin Hi Sevens Poa 3 8x > PATTON AUTO CO., PATTON, PENNA. “HI PL 01 FEE WHEN BETTER AUTOMOBILES x 4 EE i SARE CATS Wi oe by ia meagan Mihi wig ira A. a PAI A i R