STATE NEWS Al the - GRAND NEXT Week BEAR BGIBIPPLEPISPPIPIFAHLP3+9D hs PEL P EL eB rABIIBPLEAPILISAPBLPERH EDD MN Nn £5 TA wY WVAGHAdaAY «gil William Russel: 1n ‘Bare Kntickics’ William Duncan mn “Fighting Fate’ Tuesday Night Louise Glaum in “Black is White” also an episode of “Ghe Son of Tarzan™ Wednesday Night Constance Binny in Something Different Caozlart Special Attraction. Thursday Night ‘Dangerous Moments A Universal Special Attraction featuring Carmine Myers. F riday Night nceqne fram Mare H IbouUuL outll U Featuring Bert Lydell Saturday Night Itt? PURP A Realart Special. BINDER & 51 Hardware ae “a RE ABP ol BK Be SP IO ro HII ATITTES ATRT LE - : i= useful arid ol a Cuaranteed ati ears + Rishells ok oq : » Pog y £ 5 api bye - 1 a § in ) i PARTON. eke 3 { i | § § { - fo hi ys 3 tr 8 iq rec Rl ast Rit Shc at 8 4 fren i. hi cine] & EANASY BRAKEM AY hil 0 Bestop Tyrone n (posson K 1 Branch rn) housand Dollis “ Repu 47 Friday of this week ‘The off Shore Pirate’ FEAT JRING Viola Dana Saturday “THE LAY of the YUKON” A Realart Special Attraction with an all star cast. One of the better kind of shows. Admission 10c and 20c See this. pp A RA. A SL and with neatness any painting you may be in need of. £8 AOI BOY STRUCK BY ALTO = i - iin STUDENT \VKLE BROOK in MINERS HOSPITAL | - * aR i a wider Me Si vee sme | Lots Po Merrow a BUILDING. PATTON, PA RL CRESBY FTERIAN (CHURCH French Me Afee, Pator wn To $B ome, Ba voy ag w 4 ln irvine 8 wi