" i i ! ¥ i i i k RT A hn A pig = / - T Weekly Review of Events ok me SS, YR SIE SAT : “an SSI IMI ITIL NINN recently passed by both houses pro | gs viding for increased pny for the ser. t : E THURSDAY. 1" vice pen. Boauynunuuuanrnunuun ‘Bannnusouammansnn a Champ Clark of Missoury, tandidate Av . for the presidential nomination ei ht FRIDAY. " years ago, came out unejuivocably today £oF eletion of uninstructed del. HRB RN gaan egates to the Democratic national Three farmers were instantly killed convention. ! Wednesday when their motor truck An indictment charging conspiracy was struck by two Roek Island pan. in violation of the lever fuel control! senger trinins passing in opposite die | act and the federal crimiral code, rections near Ottaws, [iL naming 125 coal operitors ard min- Classifying the plight of families ers as defendants, wis retdrned In in the drough regions of Montana ann federal court late today by a special North Dakota ss “smounting to a which has been investigating nublic disaster,” the American Red the con] industry since December 17, Cross appropriated $560,000 for relief 1919. More than half of the defend: and to meet obligations incurred by ants sare operators, it is said. local chapters. ed Cross officials Ten persons are known to be dead, gaid the situation in the drough r- one is reportnd dead, two ary miss gions was such as “to demand State and eight injured as the result of a and Federal aid beyond the resources tornado which swept through the val: of the Red Cross’ | of Turkey Creek near Branson The nomination of Louis Titus, of and Hollister, in Taney courly, Mo. San Francisco, to be a member of the today. Shipping Board, was withdrawn from Governor announced today that he the Senate today by President Wil. would call a specinl session of the son, acting on the written request of legislature to extend suffrage to Teo- Mr. Titus. nessee in the event two mote states The bodies «f about 50000 Ameri ratified the federal amendmert prior can dead in France will be returned to the next rugular session. This will t, the United States, and betweer be done, the govertor expisined, 13 20,000 and 25,000 will remain perm. preclude the posyitithy of contesting anently interred oversous, Secretary elections in which women voted with- Baker informed Chairman Wads. out previous enactment of state laws | worth, of the Senate Military Com relating to payment of poll tax and mittee. : istration. | Enactment of legislation for the nable “tio make both ends meet.” control of the meat packine industry on their prosent pa officers are re- was advocated and opposed today be.’ men deserting | fore the House Agricultural Commit. discuss the Navy's policy or its work | sustained the conviction of some of- from the army and navy “in droves,” tee. Joseph Mercer, secretary of the, the Senate was told y by Chair- Kansas Cattle Growers’ association | man Wadsworth, of the Military Com- urged the legislation on behalf of the mittee, and Senator Poindexter, Re- producer, and L. D. H. Weld, of Swift publican, Washington. They com- & Co. continued his statement against plained of the usal of the House the pending control bill, to agree w 8 srence on the bill Senator New’s bill making it illegal! sg Siete AAAS A rn AT RASA SI) S100 oh BIT 1 50k for civilinpe to wear army or navy | held for ransom by rebels in the vi- uniforms while participating in labor cinity of Salina Cruz, Mex. Advices THE CARROLLTOWN NEWS. AN A HG 5 AN SU A eT ¥ disturbances was ordered favorably ito the State Department from Salina reported today hy the Senate Military | Crus said Summers’ release was ef. Committes. The messure was intro. | fected yesterday, and that the Amer. duced because of charpes that persons ican had returned in safety to Santa wearing army uniforms hid partici: | Lucrecia. pated in riots of striking steel work-| Approval of a proposal that if rs in Gary, Ind, Persons violating <.onsistent with the general interests the bill would be fined not more thar of the United States.” American 2300 and imprisoned for not more | steamship companies take over the than six months trade routes and business of the Penitentinry sentences of four Laton- Hamborg- American line was vole wm, Ky, men found guilty of violating today by the Senate Commerce Com. the espionage act, was affirmed by mittee 10 to 4. the United States Circuit Court of | L'Intrasigeant Oar that th Appenls 1a Cincinnall, today The Franch government has acquired the cases passed on wire those of ( 5 | patents to a new gun which has a Schoberg, Henry Feltman, J. Henry range to four times that of the Ger | Kruse and Peter Wimmer helt iman “Rig Bertha.” trials were conducted before United | Salvador and Veneroels have de. States District Judge Cochran, ofposited their declaration of assent to i avington, Ey who sentenced Felt. {the covenant of the Taoarue of Nn man to serve seven years in prison tions, thus completing the list of 1 and to pay a fine of $40,000; Scho. | nations invited to become original berg to Berve five years; Kruse five | members of the league, : years, and Wimmer one yoar. | Increased charges, ranging from The Government has decided 10110 to 75 por cent. and estimated to take over the entire oil production | yield 25.000 000 additional revenue of the Osage Indian nation totalling | innually. were asked by the Ameri 15,000,000 barrels a vear to insure it | can Railway Express Company in 4! supply of fuel oil for the Navy, Ship. | petition filed today with the Inter. ping Board and War Depurtment, it | state Commerce Commission, was learned today. Fuel oil produc] A Jofinite plan for commercial re! ers ave aaking such high prices thi! fisrions with Russia without recogni: the Government on saveral occasions tion of the Roviet Government has! has rejected all bids and now faces # | hoen presented hy the United States serious shortage to the Supremes Council. State De- mp Sis partment officials today declined to BRR RNRRRIBOABRRBA ve the outlines of the plun pending | wu $i receipt from the Allind governments wn SATURDAY. 8 of their views on the proposal, - 2 . ay fie interest of Jcanumy. the Pes BAY construction programs BNR RRBBNVBRARBABARN ommended by Secretary re Herbert Hoover called inte the Sen. depending on disposition of the peace! ate investigation of the Navy's con. (treaty were disapproved today by a duct of the war at the request of | House Naval sub-committee. Rear Admiral Sima, refused today to] News of the revolution in Germany during the war. He told the commit. | ficinls and diplomats here that a test tee of inquiry that he had little knowl. [of strength between the Socialists and edge of the subject. | the military and conservative element $exican Federal troops have was inevitable. They said the mili- brought abopt the release of Petar! tary and conservative parties bad W. Summers, American manch own. | seized upon every demand of the En- er who was kidnaped last week and tente for enforcement of the armia. — (tice and peace terms to goad the a ad 7 7 ie 4 hye: 2150 PENN I YEA IAL LAE LIE Fr / Vir of F ELS IF ey » fy Fi 2 i FL f # F Fu Fda oll i ah | Pennsyival done — Make adjustments department will be ing, or Pennsylvania are profits. make it possible * We have our own kept up. of Pennsylvania i on A BSA ESE, KY SAA SONS CHANT on SAC ER AA IU BTU FE HATE pay its own way: N any well managed business, if a branch is losing money, one of two things must be Close up that end of the business. Bell telephone operations in Certain units of the Bell Sys- tem in other states have been 1 : granted increases in rates which meet their CXPENSCs. ! fl fact on the woman suffrage amend. | Today, Pennsylvania is not in that class and we in Pennsylvania cannot ask other states to shoulder our responsibili- 1 | Treasury officials estimated that ties. We must face our own problems. In Pennsylvania right now, we are tax payment, treasury certificates not making ends meet. payrolls, Our own dividends to pay. | sell 5,000000 barrels of soft whea! We can't ask other states to pay them. We must have increased rates in Pennsylvania or the service cannot be The Bell Telephone Company (pride of the German people into re Pxiatance, and had not found it diffi endl to fasten responsibility for the {acceptance ofthese terms on the Eb cert government er EE op a 5 Boab Sais TA SRR ie A, SA a SR OR OY Sony A AAAI od sansa 'n n = SUNDAY. nl 'n an! sass usuanEuIRNNn Lieutenant Commander James R. : Webb and three members of his crew twere lost when the United States Sabmarine H-1 went aground at the [entrance to Magdalena Bay, Lower { California, according to a radio dis. i pateh received today. i Rear Admiral Marbury Johnston feommander of the Fifteenth United i States Naval district, who, while fish. Ling with three comMpBROIONS, Was Car. ried oul to wes on Friday when his munch was disabled, bag reached Rul [boa safely. Sabmarine chasers oa i planes, destroyers amd tugs searched all day yesterday for the rear admir- {al's Imurch, which was finally picked fap B0 miles from port. ¢ Cables from London and Paris re- porting the uprising in Germany | reached the state department today i but only direct word from that coun- {try confirmed press reports of the arrival at Dresden of President Ebert | rand some of his assistants in the old! | Berlin government. i A detachment of 3) United States | marines, the last to see duty in France {arrived today on the French Line | steamship Niagara, from Bordeaux { Five men were killed and three died {later from injuries during a head.on collision today between a westbound | Boston and Montreal express and a { freight train, east bound, on the sin- {gle track Rutland railroad three miles inorth of Bellows Falls. Vt : CA presentation af labor's cause tagninst men in public life was made! thy Samuel Gompers, president of the {American Federation of Labor, at a labore passa meeting held under the faunpices of the Mercer county P— itral Jaber union in Trenton, this we | {ternoon. He declared that the men | { } + ust, so that the self-support- yielding no Lin office who have nor carried out lah for's winhes should be elected to a va. poatinn ; Baas RuRzLLOoERRNY MONDAY. 2 2 3 nNuuInaLaInILIRn i Governor Holcomb tonight formal. | iy refused to call a special session of | ithe Connecticut general assembly to for them to iment. He issued a statement setling | { forth his reasons for declining to call ithe legislature and outlining his con | stitutional position on the question | when he refused to act. the first installment of income and | profits taxes, due today, one fourth lof the total, would amount to about | $900 000,000. Coincidentally with the {aggregating about $775,000,000, ma- | tured, which must be retired with the | money collected. { Food relief for Europe was assured | today when the House passed over i whelmingly a bill permitting the [ United States Grain Corporation to bills, our own | flour on long term credits to Poland fand Armenia, | Cosstwise shipping interests today Lcancelied all passenger bookings and | placed an embargo on freight con- signed to southern ports, because of the strike of longshoremen for high- er pav anii sBorter hours. A Berlin dispatch states that an agreement has n reached between Chancellor Kapp, of the new govern- ment, and Gustav Noske, Minister of Defense in the Ebert government, and {that the government crisis in Germ- jany has ended. A revolt has broken out among several units of the Japanese troops in Siberia, according to a wireless dispatch sent out by the soviet gov- ernment at Moscow. The soldiers ripped off their shoulder straps and substituted red straps, the dispatch at ths time and on previous occasions | Says. The executive committee of the de- The Stone Rings in which the Stones Do Stay, are SOLD ONLY BY THE TOZER JEWELRY CO. IN PATTON, PA. + WE ARE NOW SHOWING A COMPLETE ASSORT- MENT IN BIRTH STONES AND A WONDERFUL COL- LECTION OF RE-CONSTRUCTED RUBIES AND PINK SAPPHIRES. EMBLEM RINGS FOR ALL LODGES. K. OF C, MASONIC, RED MEN, OLL FELLOWS, K. OF P,, EAST- ERN STAR, P. 0. 8. OF A. REMEMBER, IF IT'S RINGS, WE HAVE THEM, AND ALL GUARANTEED. .Gardner Optometrist TOZER JEWELRY (0, PATTON, PA. OF THE BEST QUALITY For fiteen years we have been in business in Patton. and have always handled the best quality of meats. As in the past, we will continue to handle none but the best in the future. Cheap ments and cheap quality foods are cheap in quality, are dear at any price Ws ———— FRESH FISH AND OYSTERS On Hand at all Times. bani Satisfied Customers our Motto. We solicit A Trial CITY MEAT CO, Opp. Commercial Hotel. PATTON, PA. partment of Rhode Island of the Am- erican Legion voted unanimously to- night against asking congress fiw a money bonus for former service men. A resclution propesing legislation | to “tax into the United States Treas- | ary” for the benefit of former service, men, surplus war profits held b the | Standard Oil Company. the nited | States Steel Corporation and other companies or ¢ rations, was in- troduced today b presentative Lit- | tle, Republican, Kansas. { ———— semen i Sunbury Council unanimously passed n daylight saving ordinance. nr - . Killed | Hin Money, JH siovet: : the charred body of Pron nd vears old, of Edge Grove, § vail of the Haffolfinger wall in de lant which was destroyed by fire W day, entailing a loss of S250 Shultz, an employ seen a the discovery ofthe but had been missing. It now is Delieved he Pe entered the burning ding to t , and - sum of money, und. being om | son survive. 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