‘ Nie Ne SE Ca bh Sa ra Fs Se Ee AA Sa Trial of John McHuzh, State | The Carrolltown Public school! i which had been closed for a week on cgecount of the prevalence of sick. Trooper Is Slated For March 8. The following list of cases wiil come | before the grand jury on the dates un. der which they are placed: Monday, March 1. Earl Richards, Paul Rogers, John kee. Edward Harrison, Francis Lap ondanona, Peter Bell, Joseph [La Clifton Kantner, Gouge Seigh, Kath. erine Doika, Robert A. Swope, Steve Jakob, Edward Quinn, Merle A. Beam Frank G. Enen, Albert Donough, Cy- vil Mulson, Toney Melkosky, offenses against morality. Tuesday, March 2. Frank Farrell, et. al, nuisance; Emma Coleman, bawdy house; Gar- field Wilkins, W. A. Mackie, ember- slemen; Victor Mantilo, John Dow. por, Michael Barsko, liquor laws; oseph Watycho, et. al, robbery; Stephen Balough, felonious assault i battery: Stephen Nagy, assault battery: J. . Hoffman, Mike Stavoich. et. or William Dogan, Jos- i vl E. Parrish, Joseph Kurtx, H G. ile, larceny; Max Silverman, et al, Borhala Nak, bs MEgrevatod assault and battery: rf, fraudulent a Everywhere | ness, reopened Monday wip Twelve patients, 11 children and) | one adult, were admitted to the State | | Sanatorium on Thursday, the regular | weekly admission day. There are now 3 i i 633 patients at the institution isis during the last week in February | has been postponed until the last week | in March. Inability to secure speak. ers was given as the reason impos died at bur residence in Lilly, last Thursday afternoon, following an ill- ness of about two weeks. Her death was doe to influenza-prneuamonia. Her husband died on February 16 of the same disease. eo Pron Elien lee, aged 16 years, daugh. ter of Mr. and Mrs. George Lee, of Jamestown, died at the parental home fate Wednesday afternoon. Her death was doe to influenza. She is sur. vived by her parents and several conversion; Rex Roberts, bresking and enteri w March A Q. Margione, Tole pretense; Dom mick Lavalla, felonious use of dyna- “mite; Harry Bonnel, John Pickle. Jo- seph Ziburt, accessory; John Migut malicious mischief; athe Wright, burclary: Frank Mardis, auto laws, ISAAC J. WEAKLAND. Isase J. Weakland died at his late home at the X Roads Sunday mom- ing at 6 o'clock, after an illness of more than two years of a complica t on of diseases, Mr. Weakland and Miss Annie Bag- ley were united in marriage in St. Benedict's church May 15th, 187TH. They took up their residence at Bak- er's X Roads near here, where he en- in farming. is survived by his widow and the fol children: Bertha Weakland, A i Lottie, at home: D. A. Wenkland, a li n. of ha * Adolph, who is in the coal business at Hostetter, Pa; "Otto, at home; Urban, at Josephine; Earl, at Nanty-Glo; Earnest, of this place, and Gordon, at home. One sister Mrs. Emma Lantzy, of Hastings, also survives him. nr ata) Yak place Wadnesday morning a 9:90 o'clock from Bt Joseph's S Auieh Interment was made in the church cemetery. is emer po JAMES A. MeCLAIN HEADS BAK. ERTON BANK ING HOUSE. At a meeting of the shareholders of the First Natiorial Bank, of Bak. erton held Saturday of last week | James A. McClain, cashier of the Pirst National Bank of Spangler, way elected president of the new institution, E. FP. Reed, of Bakerion is vice president. i x hirothers and sisters. simmons Joseph Bruno, aged 9 years, died nt the Miners’ hospital at 6:30 o'clock Wednesday evening, death being due to inflaenza- monia. He was idmitted to hospital on February { 17. The deceased is survived by his widow and several chilifren. sane The condition of A. J. Leonard proprietor of the Leonnrd hotel, Gal itzin, who is & patient at the Mem. orial hospital, Johnstown, is improv. ed. Be is feritig from an infected foot. Leonard was admitted to the ‘hora on February 3. Pi Mrs. Angelina Covaz aged 25 years, of Mineral Point, wife of Em. hospital, Johnstown, at 3:45 o'clock Monday morning. Her death was due to pneumonia. She was admitted to the hospital at 6 o'clock Sunday eve- ning. a Lawrence Glasser, sed 41 years of Cresson, who is employed as » freight conductor by the Pennsylvania Railroad Company, is un patient in the Miners’ hospital, suffering of an in- jury to his back sustiuined Tuesday when he fell from hix train. He is resting comfortably at present — al Robert Elden, aged 65 years, died at his home in Hastings at 6 o'clock Sunday morning, death being due to inflyenza-pneumonia. He was ill about one week. The deceased is sur vived by his widow, three sons and two daughters. Funeral services were The convention of Cambria county | school directors which was to be held | Mr. and Mrs. obn Sumerville, of Sus. Mrs. Peter Rishan, aged 68 years, anuel Covaz, died at the Memorial THE PATTON COURIER. § : ge | eld at 2 o'clock Wednesday after. ‘noon from the late residence. Inter: | ment was made in Union cemetery sums { Pramas Mr. and Mrs. Henry Flood and family of Rhaway, N. J, visited at the State Sanatorium last Thursday! Chapter, A, R. C., indorsed by the! ithe home of Mrs Flood's parents, My. {and Mrs W. HB Sandford, the ‘week. Mr. Flood returned ta Rha. way Tuesday while Mrs. Flood and family expect to spend some time in town, mn Miss Bridget MeGlenn, aged 26 years, daughter of Mr. and Mrs : Barney MeGlenn, died at the parental ihome in Nanty-Glo, at 7 o'clock Sun. day morning, death being doe to dia- betes. She was ill about three months. The deceased is survived, hy her parents and severa! brothers ; Land sisters pie Verna, aged 18 years, danghter of quehanna township, died last Friday | evening at the parental home. Her ‘death was doe to influenza. Funeral | services were held from the parent: ial home. Interment was rande in the Fast Ridge cemetery. She is surviv- ed by her parents, three brothers and three sisters TO THE VOTERS OF CAMBRIA Cov NTY. PENN A. Many of vou Mave written and oth erwise communicated with me as to my being s& candidate for re-election to the State Senate in 1820 | take this means to sav [| will not be a candidate. I wish to thank the volers, how ever, for having twice elected me to this high office both times over very worthy opponents Yours very truly, H A OMPKINS SUIT BROUGHT AGAINST GER. MANIA BREWING CO. An action im assumpsit has been instituted at Ebensburg by the Far mers’ & Breeders’ Mutus! Reserve Furd Livestock Insurance Compsny of the United States, a Pennsylvania corporation, against the Germania Brewing Company. The Plaintify, seeks to recover the sum of $144, interest Trom June 12, 191K Tor ih leged unpaid premiums dae on a pol. wy covering livestock Attorneys Davis & Burd represent the plainti ¢ SA 5 AOA PETER CC. MANGOLD. Peter C. Maraold died at his late heme in Carrolitown Thursday at 10 o'eick, of meriogitis following an at- tack of influeroa, aged (2 years. Deceased is survived by hin widow and the following children: Mrs. B. Itell, and Martha Manga'd, a of Youngstown, .;: Ira Mangold, of Cleveland, ©. Leo. Marcolline, Ros- elin. Clara, Rov, Florence and Dor ald. al. at home Faneral took place Monday mor. ing at @ o'tlork from St Benedict's church, ’ Having completed rr VeRrR As a member of the Odd Fellows, Martin {licenses issued for the sale of oleo- JOHN T. MENTZER DIED AT! FRIDAY, FEBRUARY i. magnon te A cr 4 SSA At A dn. GAA i 5 SI, RAN 2S SON 3 Wl ERS. Soi FHA HE A AS | Miss Clementing Kirsch, daughter al teacher, as well as 3 pretest CRESSON SANATORIUM. lof Mr. and Mrs. M. J. Kirsch, of nuise and having years of experience as en | Spangler, received the appointment | in both profess John T Mentzer, aged 58 years. a | of instructor in home nursing and! former resident of Altoonn. died at eare of the sick, by the Lancaster! Forty students! Saving Society, evening. His death was due to tuber. representative of the national com- f ried the message of dusie. He was admitted to the in- mittee A. R. (. service in Philadel. homes and succeeded in etitution on February @ from the phia Miss Kirsch is especially fit-| parents invest $1,570.48 i Hamburg sanatoriam. The body was ted for the position, biing a practic- ment securities shipped to Martinsburg for burial’ funeral services being held Sanday | afternoon. i FOOD RECEIPTS LARGE. | Harrisburg, FPa.— Receipts of the bureau of foods of the state depart: ment of agriculture were 3541 487 last year. This breaks all records and is largely due to the numerous . margarine. In the same period the bureau expenditures were $8796]. The chemists of the bureau analyzed & Rivl samples during the year. CARPET RAG SOCIAL AT CRES. SON M. E. CHURCH. The Ladies’ Aid Society of the! Methodist Episcopal Church, at Cres- | son, will hold a carpet rag social in the basement of the church this eve- ning. The general public has been! invited to attend. A lunch will be| served. The ladies have been re-| quested to each bring nih them one. half pound of carpet rags and the | men are to bring a thimble Those | failing to hring the carpet rags or aj thimble will each he fined ten cents. i 3 £ ASK AID OF FARMERS. Washington, DD. C.—American far. murs were asiked by Recretary of Ap ricuitare Meredith to give their hear- | ty co-operation in securing a full and! accurate census of the farms He | reminded the farmers that according | to law information, they furnish the! census enumerators is absolutely con. filential and cannot be given to in. come tax cotlectors ar LAX assessors. GEORGE LEITZ DIES AT HOME| NEAR ERENSBURG. George Leitz, aged about 55 years | a prominent farmer of Cambria town. | hip, died at his home Thursday death | bein~ doe to pneumonia. He resided about four miles north of Ebensburg. ‘The deceased in survived by his wid- | ow, Mrs. Mary Murphy itz. Hel was a member of t Holy Name Catholic church, Ebensburg. Inter || was made in the church cometery. i WAR CAMP COMMUNITY SER-| VICE. ESTABLISHED. ! i % Miss Mae Dillon, of Johnstown, was in Bakerton Tuesday night of last ‘week in the interest of the War | Camp Community Service. She gave a lecture to a number of people at! ‘the Miners’ Hall Tuesday night Al £ clans of twenty has been arganized ‘and will be taught hy the Rev. DD. A Slower, assisted by Sins Ellen Reed | {Tuesday ard Thursday nights were! (get antde as the regular meeting! nights of the clus, to be held mn the | Heed Hall. A special invitation is) LL. Gable, a Shamokin pioneer, was | extended to all who wish fe acqul re | tendered a banquet The board of directors ure: Jumes} A. McClain, E. P. Reed, William Ja} mont, John Muir, C. J. Myers, Frank Zavacky, John ine Jamas Flora Helfrick. J. Harrison West over, Esq, and C. H. Ager. The bank is capitalized at $50,000.00 and was considerably oversubscribed. | RUDEY CHILD DIES IN EAST CARROLL TOWNSHIP. Pr Mary, the two-year-old child of Michael and Annie Rudey, of near} the Cross Roads, died at the parent-| al home at 1:45 o'clock slay | morning. Her death was due to con. vulsions. Funeral services were held at 2 o'clock Thursday with interment in the Fairview cemetery ut Patton The Rev. McAfee, pastor of the Pres. uytenan church, conducted the ner. vices. Undertaker Stevens prepared the body for burial. ————————— on Sms FARM ACCIDENTS INDUSTRIAL Harrisbarg, Pa---Accidents ocouts) ring in agriculture are to oe coma ered industrial accidents within the meaning of the act of 1019 providing for a system of rehabilitation of per. sons handicapped by injuries due to their empioyment, according to a de- cision given by the Attorney Gener- al’s Department to the Department of Labor and Industry. It is held per- sons hurt in going to or from em. ployment are not be to beconsidered as coming within the scope of the act : if they are injured while on trains or} in other kinds of transportation. Sse MEASLES EPIDEMIC IN PENN. SYLVANIA. | Harrisburg, P.. Health department | officials Saturday called attention to the prevalence of measles in Penn sylvania. In January the state had 8,905 cases or 2.97 more than in De- eember and 6847 more than in De- eember and 6,547 more than in Junu-| ay, 1919. : he January record has been ex- ceeded only once before in the history of the department, while mortality figures show measles cause more deaths than scarlet fever. EDWARD BURGOON DIES AT HOME IN CRESSON. Edward E. Burgoon, aged about 25} more knowledge, lew Arrivals Here This Week Ginghams, Percales, Figured Voiles We also have received an advanced shipment of Ladies’ New Spring Suits and Skirts AR ——— ————————— WO STIS & i WA i A Sa Jeary, died at his residence in Cres-| son Wednesday of last week, death due to pneumonia, following aj illness. He is survived by his widow . Shree ehikiven; J his| Parents, r. rs. Luke Burgoon,} Summit, and several I arst BI ral peryiens were held at 9 o'clock 4 Baa rcny with inter- morning from St.| Is Still Going On This is a goodie chance to save on needed merchandise. A —— A Wo LF DOO A PO TT Spo BCAA BAA SAA 7 RB A Last Opportunity to TAINS SS SR SR SCPE TNs IAD | These Reco Whenever Victor Records are withdrawn from the catalogue and are no longer obtainable. we know that a great many people will some day experience a keen dis- appointment. In an effort to avoid such a disappointment on the part of our customers, we wish to call your atten- tion to u few of the records which we have in stock. we also wish to direct your attention to the large display of these records in our show window, {Spanish Dance—-Violin Pilzer 17206: {Petite Valse--Violoncello Bourdon {First Heart Throbs— Orchestra Bells . Reitz 17238! : Good Night Quartet from “Ermine” Vie. Brass Qt 60051 Melody in F (Rubenstein) Victor Herberts Orch. 64667 ~The Old Refrain—-(Kreisier) Clup T4497 —.1t Was Not So To Be---(Nessler)—Witherspoon R7240— The Mother Sings— (Grieg) Schumann-Heink 87258. Thy Dear Eyes-- (Bartlett) Farrar dner PATTON, PA. TOZER JEWELRY (0. * BUY YOUR NOW We have received our new stock of garden seeds and are prepared to supply you with ev- erything for the garden. Our seeds are all in bulk and we keep them fresh. We destroy all old seeds that will not germinate. Some of the best market gar- deners in this section use our line of seeds because they grow. Place your seed order with us and watch results A a I a a