The Patton courier. (Patton, Cambria Co., Pa.) 1893-1936, February 06, 1920, Image 5

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crm a e—
Charles Swab is able to he atiout |
again aller a phort illness,
Mr. Carson, who put in the new ma-
an chinery for the Patton Silk Mills, left
oe sa. a for his home last week.
fend Us Ever Item You Know, and Help Mes. Norman Baswart, of Brook
Swell This Department. ville, Pa., is a guest at the homy of If
veh A
ia FF 2 we X -
Mra, Winslow,
srpadNssscr nares ntaahrrand EI EE EE RE REE Ld HS, 2
Peter and Henry Farabaugh,
i . at : wit # $ rare in hi 67 05% |
Tick Quinn is able to be about again Gib Tozer, of Ladoss, wad attricted East Carrol] fewistip, were in Pati
after a short illness. ts Patton on Sunday. n business Tuesday |
fre ni aii : arb i
John Delozier has retarned feo Paul Strong, of Bakerton. was co ie] Larimer, of Ebenshurg :
argh, on ha it tton Kat HY. i, b Sok -0ng With hig pRTNLS,
a business trip to Pittsbu ¥ among the cal Hers Je Pa t aturday. of. nd Mrs. Loster Larimer,
iy : iL ni
Henry Leiden, of St, Lawrence, wis Henry Hoppel, of Spangler, was a is x : . "
a Patton business caller last week. pleasure caller here Suturday evening John Faratmugh, of near Bradley
: (Junction, was i business caller in P
Andrew Rhody was a business call J. E. Emmit, of Bellavod, wma ‘oP 1 esday. .
er in Patchinville, last Friday. noticed on our streets last Thursday es
yy » Hay {ile 1s if un ; Papas ait of Taw
G. A. Clark, of Punxsutawney.! J. 8S. Barry, of Puncsutawney, | She fune Tas ot Miss Lioitvies at Ca
transacted business in town Thursday | spent Thursday in town enueh sanesday monvng.
bf id i sono
Price, of | Pittsburgh, called Mra. H. C. Yerger was a Carroll. | Soot Mr, eter! in Wir fpent
Di town call eadny. i gs. 3 Riatives in Vy INDOTIN
on caller Tu Any | and vicinity.
Ty _— wow
C. L. Bone, of Spangler, transact. A. A. Grambling, of Cherry Tree, |
ed business in town Friday. was a Patton business caller Monday. |
. A number of Patton folks attended |
Barney Blansfield and Harry Kus.
i ner spent some time in Johnstown lust
D, Ww. Walker, of Mahaffey, enlled | Glen Gates, of Conlgort, spent Sat. | week. Both Slam the city still hay the
on Patton friends last week. iirday among Patton friends. Ame appearan
sobs — wmf oe | 4 A eh i
w. H. Hoover, of Harrisburg, call Jos Delezier was a business called; Rev. Saiter, of Altoona, former pas.
: . itor of the Methodist church, of Pat
ol - Patten trade nn wank. B Jolmgtows m Friday. | ton, vinited with Patton fiends ro
B. F. Frazer, of Tyrone, transacted | Philip Caufield, of Johmitown, w ax | I8tter part of the week.
sine } i on nday . po
business here Retently. & bu ss cal or 59; town Monday. | Mrs. Samuel Weakland, Mrs Sue
Ww. H. Patterson, of Johnstown Mrs. Mand Richards visited Cres. | Wentz Reitv, ard Wise hasdan, at
» yr. | ROn ahr ends lis an kt » o fre a :
spent Thursday ae a Patton visitor! son and We rm {riend lst week bart in Carrolltown Wednesday morn.
T. E. Bergh, of Ebensburg, was n Mrs, Plan Wilkie spent Sunday with Ping. .
recent business transactor here. friends in Westover, : : ee _
: $- oH J. Krumanacker and son, Gd
Cc. Geisman, of Pittsburgh, was a Rteele Clark, of Hastings, spent bert. of near Niektown, were in ale
: | Ley t £5 { .
trade caller in Patton last week Monday in Patton on business } ten char re at the meeting f the Farm
mili ors’ Tale ph ane “Orn pny Wivre 1 Ck
a o—
BR ba
a Font
A. M. Steckman, of Altoona, was Miss Jane Paterick spent Sunday al
a Patton business caller Tuesday last. | her home in Blastings. !
i and Mrs John Campiell have
ap mag Se
Mrs. Charles Fletcher, of Hastings Andrew Kingsberry, of Philadel. | ¥On¢ 10 Baker Wate they wil baw
called on Patten friends ast week. phia, was a recent business transact. {up house eaping in the near future
i or in Patton, Mr Campbe Hon empliryed by the Stor.
Dr. H. 8 Hiding of Westover, wl ling Coal Company.
called on his many friends Thursday| Frank J. Hollar and Frank A M Large 1 ye ir
of last week. | Herab, of Altoona, were recent guests | = arge Tarnbail has scctpled
IE, at the Palmer House : Lhe position a4 Manger of the Co
Last Saturday night, a sled load ame: | operative store during the absence of
from St. Boniface, sttended the dance! W. G. Reighardt, of Altoona, was] 2 Permanem maAnRger. The new
in town. in Patton Thursday in the interest) manager is expected Monday.
rn Be of hig firm. The Pat wo pe
Mary Elizabeth ani Bernard Flynn tha } [he Patton LL € T. U. have hee
t Sunday with their sinter, Mrs. | Isaac Straw. of Westover, wis re. | SUPpOrting an orphan - F ranct ard
D. R. Lovette, in Hantings. [ newine wequainLane in Patton, oni: O83 nutty 2h Janday ai Pu
ste i Thursdayof last week. doc ided 14 200 allover = rhea
J. BE. Weaver, of Davidsvilie, Pa bees Hitle anes . :
J.known in Patton, was circulating! Miss Marly Sanker spent Tuesday | : b : I ——_——_r A
: § $s wh averted Be the 1 e
in town Wednenday y. taf tarnoon as the goed 5 CU areoiitarwn 11 job work executed by the |
nif ias friends er x gusrantesd to satisfy you
£ Fak
i dss 3 twp hime avd ae ] 3 a
George B. Keller, of Altoona, ‘was etfous understand the busivess and can do af That's Wali they a are
seen in Patton Wednesday of lasii H A. Weskland of (arroliiown & that will be & credit to Your hu :
week. (was reginterid at the i vige | ES (rive the new Courier a Uris
wef 3 F Monday. bo wor Foi
D. Deitrick and E Brown, both of | a, Jukn, the
> sl Bove Paes Tan ne Bae Ina aod §
M., spent Wednesday after. | Mrs Fred Smithtower sper the | Fred Kuhnley, whe has been
i |
noon in Patton on buiness. : Ww end with relntiver atid friends in X ih 0: poeumMmGn A gettin roa :
wi Yon i Orensan and Altoona nicely and ix fut of danger 3 ed 9
Ii. F. Davis, of Johnstow Bn, Wii a present time
‘among those registered at the Pall Miss Mare Anna, of Hauling vd =P aren ]
mer House on Wadnesnday lust {soen® Sanday in town, the goest wf The new/board af trasties lected | ;
4 : 5 : last week Tor the Baptist church, cond
aie § iy M £4 Be redia Farabaug? : 3
Charles P. Kofron, of Bt louis | SH aists of the following Goro ipe
i : i" - : : $ x 2 ane { 4 Pion an win mv ph
_. Mo., spent Thursdey in town on i a vo Dre. Sammervilles, of Cheat MNnrings, Davis, Frank Fregley, Daniel Peters —- ST TS ’ - : —
Whitehead a §f Jokn Hi prion a . : ae oP A RE I 0 OA RI 20, i, ee me
ness mission. L gnert Monday with hix brother, lawy { T. H
nit gsm we
Ler Bommerville, sme ee
lawyer Sommerville was in Ebens. | ions i Miles White, Samuel Byers, (lers | J
ednesdiny transacting legal | Mrs Williams Denlinger, Jr, and {Gates and James Peacock, rame ur TH ;
Mins Anna Mary, weve callers in Car. from Coalport em a husiness and pleas.
steep 2 rolltown Saturday afternoon ‘ure mission last Butarduy and while]
Mrs. Don Coulter has as her guest ene pa lin town registered at the Palmer
her cousin, Miss Sh nk: Miss Ada Winslow has accepted the House. Our desire to win your satisfaction is our constant incentive to be minutely
] £4 ® . . a >. is orton Bane - :
sof Akron, Olle, pout bn & the Patton clay Works! wo. members of the Junior Class of thorough in all that we do for you. We can better satisfy you because all our
3 Edward Stevens, the (arrclliown wernt ithe Patton High school, enjoyed » work 18 executed under one system and one roof.
, wis & business caller in| Mrs John Kubnley and Mra Clark sleighing party to Barnesborn and
last Friday afterncon, Hiack. were Johnstown shoppers last | Spangler last Thursday night. They
F-- Thursday. were accompanied by the Misses Lei
ption list ix ob A iden and Wirtner, teachers in the High
by Ws, nd bounds, A | Scho
fing by Ma : ., te] Miss Gertie Delawder, of Cresson, ™ op
¥ (and Mrs. Bider, of Philivebury, were ses as
i visitors in town last Friday. ! The many friends of Mr. and Mrs
an £ roy
— Larimer, pL, Eoetwtury. | rues LF Frank Trinkiey. fener Paces or
at S par-| Cluttos 1eComte and fam_ly, attend | ple. who now reside in Ha Wo re
ents, Mr. p= Ma | Lester Yarimer, {ed the funeral of the former's brother, | * glad to know that the Stark rial ited
je of Sat os thelr ame riday J Ani w win i
LE Donaghy, te Ehrenfeld, was] ord LeComte, cn Satorda¥. [naps “oth mother and babies ure di:
Patton on mes riisaion lant | Russell Williams, a former Patton MK fine. +
+ | resident, who Dow resides in Houston, | , Madigan. \ Crestiabuie. wi
a— Y—- a... ET 5 ; er ; nn, FT eé 12 isan ’ gC
Lewis Jonws, of Ebensbury, wis Tv 1 of yoncumons . at present is located in Carrolitown
among the out-of- spent Monday as a Patton bosinens |
town last rg callers in our Miss Margaret Miller, of Hastin Wud rd r Mr. Py gan han io)
— spending the woek sith a el the construction work on re all
P. G. Moses, of Johnstown, trans. ontleth. hs
acted business in Patton on Thurs-| - i Bradley Junction road
W. L. Thompson, the well known Bn
tunes ! elothier of town, ix suffering from an’ a: o monthly meeting of the © F
Diamond Drilling | “tack of arippe, this weak. 3. held last Tuesday, a good |
ve one of their drilling! TT class was initiated. About fifty mem
located on the Wentz farm Mr. Gles Humphrey, nf Johnstown, hers were present and all arrange
Carrolltown. attended the funeral of his brother, ments were made for their annaal
fi ' Norman Humphrey, in town, on Tues. banguet to be held at the Brande
+ 5.8 8 Pari! mn Fah we OEE ke
: Charles Heist, Who has heen econ- day HT Hotel on Febroary Mth
fined to his home this winter on ac-. gp LO th: il
wount of rheuma i 3d 8! Tig ra inister, ; tip ly
then, is improving <n) . ). L.. ir Meth - i ink Te} ashinatan | Repa. 1
wicely, but still unable to be Sut 3 hits teen contited to Mis hime HS rn hi soliiers of the nrmy
4 week, suflering fron a severe ata %
mn fp
; of grippe, is ahle to be nhout again,
Miss Mary Fitzpatrick, who has = © 70° a
‘smployed by the Bell Telephone Mr. Alex Montieth has soon con
s at Elmira, N. Y., bas re- fined to his home on 5th avoaus nis
a — ae
town Patt: wr Briek road, 89 well as th
turned to hur home in this place. week, suffering from a severs
Mrs. David Kline and Miss Clara of #rippe. ;
: of Hastings, were visiting Miss Porter, rT farme MR NAZLT Ho
Patton friends the latter nart of the the 5 To ent store tow,” spent +4
week the week with Mr. and Mrs. Simpson, B WANT ADS,
at their hume on 5th avenue Bs :
mong tie out-of-town visitors! oy HnguBuERRRNBRARRRNINE
noticed Patton the latter part of F. E. Law, of Cresson, well-Enown WANTEL. Cir! for general house |
Tne. Norman FP. I'uncan, of jin the north of the county, was in work. Apply to Mrs Fred anki »
! tton lust wee and while here hours, Patton, Pa i iy i Y , . Li rd
| was registered at the Palmer House i Latest ana Complete me of Reco S
Mea uy “general superin- as ne WANTED A good setadb woman i
. the Commercial ining Don't forget the N. N. N. Club Apply to GG. Giatras, Candy Kitirhe
¥ own fas , was a business | Minstrel this Thursday evening. An'en
r in town Wednesday. .enjoyabie time for your morey is as- an
es Serie = Bones spon the _ _FOR SALE A Studebaker Sic Machines sold on small deposit with ten
| monthly installments.
part of the week visiting with, J. S. Sprout, of Ashville, was tion Cood reason for selling
and son-in-law, Mr. and | among th: many outsof-town people nuire of Reon I) Beunier, Ruy
nan Burk, of Cresson. ' noticed on the streets of Patton Satu v« Carrier. Route
: , day. cf den
ber of persons from the Cal- | em WANTED Good girl for genera’
1 and Baptist church at-!| Mrs. Bertha Marton, and Mrs. Flora housework. Good wares te right |
Forward Movement con- Havar, both of Altoona, were among party. Apply Mrs Foe Kusner
Westover | last week. ithe visitors in Patton Thursday of Patton, Pn,
last week. ad
ge F. Daxis, one of Pastons wife FAR SALE _.An S-room hu
"respected citizens, fell on the Mrs. John Dengle was taker sud. anire of Mr. Jerry Flvin
week and received a painful denly ill at her home last Friday Pa
Mr. Davi is improving nice- night, but was somew hat improved
an at this writing. !
: —os as | Pay vour dog tax and get your tn*
Kelly, the local tailor, has! The ground hog saw his shadow (for 1920 from Binder & Rares All]
s home the past; Monday. The poor animal found that dogs must wear a tag. tJ,
pn severe: at-|it was unnecessnry to come all the FOR SALE. '
was taken way out of his hibernating place, as! Ten-room house, near Silk Mill ‘IR ; . ‘ —
from a the sun was there to greet him as soon Reasonable payments. Address LI. J. ee eee EEE Ty
“as his head apprared, Bearer, Hastings, Pa. Faltpd
Patton, Ya.