Sew —— VOL XVI, NO. 4. Major Bell's Son Writes a Has Seibel ¢ roe Bell In Heart of Ol The Tigh Scho the upper grades and | earivassing | vicinity for sul) Seriptions to the Courier. For this are to receive a very liberal com. 3 which will be psed in the pur- - of a Vietrola and records for schools of Patten. 3 some consideration, the Cour. pe decided upon this course, instead 3 a submcription comtest. benefits es {rom the sale of i - ne r will be girls in their efforts, ©. pt Hl the schools give Patton a truly rep- some time the Courier has besn ting in a listless, “Don't cam” | Since beig putchated hy the pent managem the! of Patton caphal and, will ‘Be te Ne, the tren of Patton : n 4 is the enti, of the munage- er vas bo ee better news. 3 by week. We can do this : the co-operation of all of Patton. By this we. support in the way of as will H+ vs Publ: Behe BAe but we ary iy od _- ahi Wisinity ~ hae wo must at all times to turn out a good loval ton’s merchants are supporting be to at They will benefit by es of the school pu also, r, for you 3 . You tra RE neys th in reading & hose ne will be clean "ut all will stick by Patton and you. leading chor aly kawwn by ctors, namely, . fame od nd nelp us ha be ; of the po hile schools will ou le Se Fields of Lonisanna, Knocks The State. i Major W, WB. Bell. of Patton, as i rereived a Jetter under date of Janu- | ary 21, from his son, Samuel E. Bell. [who is st present located at Shreve. | wt, Louissona, Mr. Heil states | PATTON, PA, FRIDAY, JANUARY 30, 1920, ay y 8 mk 1 PRR 1 WI) PR RAB 3 - PLANS FOR Patton Lads Rehearsing for the Biggest Home Tal- ent Show of the Season In Patton—Secure Your Reservations Early. AH GE HH AAS A A vd Hr ty A SSR) AE i 0 Ta i Chest Springs wept iiionsanpensues nese df runt ciarny Anniversary Mr. and Mrs. J John 8. McCoy Married Forty Years Ago In Old Chapel, A Mr. anid Mrs. John 8. MeCoy enle- brated -~ 40th swriiversary of their mattiage mi on Tossday of last wook at ware married in i ¥ | hool of Patton borough | patronizing | have, ‘a.m ng for 17:08: Carrelltown, 6:30, The car ar- n Wedne he iol i Larimer, Clara Erickspn, it Ar aa Rill EH my cards furnished .{ ment of the evening, while a t he has been there since Novem- | (ber 1st and that rainy weather is on The ninth annus! minstrel show undel 4 the auspices of the N. the card shout nine-tenths of the of Patton, will take place in the Miners’ Hall, this time. Bhraveport is a very busy | February ith st 8:30 o'clock p.m. The local lads town, and is at present in a state of | efforts to muke this the bent they have yet offered and the public in gene extitement over recent oil discover.’ will feel that they have secured their money's worth by attending. The gro jes. Forty miles east of this city | gram will consist of four parts, all of them interesting and amusing. The | the wells have starved off makin i program and cast of characters follow: from 5000 to 35000 barrels of PART L every twenty-four hewrs or Bell CAST OF CHARACTERS. states that the oil industry, in his! Director : - Mr. i opinion, is the only redeeming fea- | Imteriocuter ture of the state. He had been lo- | End Men—.Bill Reese, Tubby Winslow, Bill Denlinger, Bill Woomer. cated in Kentucky for some time and | Black Faco—Harry Kosner, Charles Wonder, Hayes Cornelivs, thought it desolate and barren, but | low, Harry Mitchell, Leonard Kasper, Francis Fitupatrick, J. comparing it witii Louisarna, regards | er. Ed. Goldman. it as a paradise. White -Mitchell Lacs, Jack Shunkwiler, Link Allison, Ernest Commons, | Blair Kelly, Ford Allinen, 1 Fisher, E. Wellwood Winslow, Joseph Kalu, Myron Larimer, br . Lackey, Thomas Buck, Raymond Thamp-; oe on aid gn a] ¥ | Ra Lester Larimer: & 3 i Larimer | Denlinger . Chas, ‘Wonder KE Woomer Thos. H. Buck Leonard Kostner Ed. Goldman _ Tubby Winslow Harry Kusner Ai. Kel u rives in Patton at 7:18, giving pas- Sengers sraple time to make connec ; jumber deal- Sue Ann Bauter, : lawrehoe Kuhnley, thin of sev. Minnie Snyder and Lillian : wool, ERAN ose. HONOR OF fonte, Mr. Wingard had the isto | tune to have a rifle ball penetrate Shroush his foot. He was siting down | at the time, Miss Rose Leehman entertained a her sis Wilkes on Bth av ter, Mrs. P of wounding him and ior through crowd, striking’s brother of Mr. Win- | gard in the Mr Wi w injury is not yet en. | tirely healed but, avoiding complica- | tions, he will soon be able to walk well. He intends ea in town | gntil Saturday. Pattonites who were with Mr Win. | Pd PART IL. (AST OF C HARACTERS*THEEE KNIGHTS OUT" si - Pullman Pete Ed. an Train Leaves Patton At 7:20 In Box Car Dan Harry Kuster The Morning—Street Car lenats CXR Tubby ‘Winslow Company Schedule. BILL & BART In » little Mystery, introducing MYSTERIOUS IDA, The World's Gresient it Xd Reader. : oe, fon, pameneer tein of, the “THE BEAST OF RERLIN KAPUT - | Patton left this place Monday morn-| A fourmctiet fares, toapedy, comedy drama, pesca all the terrible ing at 7:00 o'clock, and Patton once horrors of the lste, terrible, awful, horrible war, v no love scenes, bas a service that it has been! A A Nlistic porieaks I of thy things not shown in the moving picture films, ast of Berlin.” n reed of for the past few Ao CAST OF CHARACTERS varie | Recruit, a selected man with two weeks’ service oR ves ee the Com ip] gant. | Budnat, who is a4 hand ns he looks We wore | f error in the | Top R who ests recruits alive statement, as 1180 in Jn making the Deutsch mene, A mysterious German girl _ time of Per the Ber Sainen od former Jusidedt 6 of or rom own Prince, a close rilative o r Kaiser train arrives bate about 9 o'clock in Hindenburg, ward heer for Der Kaiser Dike to: E fact that this train 0 | Count do Cogn, 3 Tron ester fepresenting the French (ont benefit to all the N ie the or Buck Priv Privates in “1” Compan or er. TH Abi Logan Allison, Jue jy Cyril Fisher, Mac Denlinger, Ralph Winslow, ed its schedule a trifle for the first rancis Fitzpatric Beenie and battle effects by Raymond Thompson ar but of Sach i Tho F ig line, AG re Tope Arm Sussrcis, amp 1 Lee, Time 9:45 p. m. 35, the day remains the same, oA aria a I I EF. Headquartirs. the othe Lin Act Cars fri. the othr tien aon { Note: —Curtain will drop let ween somes 1 and © to denote x lapse of time} train sre as Barnesboro, ACT HY IVerSame hs Act h 5a Mm Dex: morning. Olikee entire cay S30 a mi be wer He ine, 8:56 Bt.| Music rN. N. N. Cluly Orchestra under direction of Harry Chapman, ! Sperial scenery a and elaettinal stioits. so reer eT “ion or School P ’ This A Visits Patton “Mies, den Wisp etertaind a guests at home mi Ph - - ST There Will Be An Additional — W. Wingard, of Wood-| Vera Show Monday — ard a dnagrhter Margret a al PO M Night . Pa. 13 G of delicious lunch were the features of Secure Tickets Early. the evening, which a RR Rehearsals have now hewn com. present were: Cather- and everythi is in readiness Cath- for the “The Rich Lit. Monteith, 11, Poor Girl” to be presented by the pils of the Grammar grades of the tton schools. It ov the intention o ot the faculty, | primarily, to ve produc- So, one Ron sath Friday and snd Satur. yn ° week, but it was i an ie later that an additional {show would be be necessary, snd next Monday evening was also named as a Sraiance date. sale of seeals has been re- markable. If you have not yet pur i Sed yours: now is the time to get bury” ie Cone. al Ti juneheon ra served at a Tate hous. id NS hich fomplets the able direc- Messrs. J tion of Miss Loretto H. Prindible. PW illiam Jon Jones, Wiliam or An admission of or fifty cents for Kener. J MeGoni- adults and twenty-five cents for chil- + dren will be A special mat- Xi | inee for children will be held on Sat- urday afternoon at 2 o'clock. The roceeds are for the benefit of the ibrary and Athletic funds of the schools. Miten, Gartrude Miller, od Fie Pitepatrick, Kathryn Gill, Anne Mari the firm of Wor” new Rem- several