Co Net IN le aber ns ~ W. A. Dinsmore, ~~ Thes. A. Owens, Editor-Manager ¥ filgl ATION CouRrier| BLISHED EVERY FRIDAY. * Owner Entered in the Post Office at Pat. ton, Penna, ai Second Class Mail Subscription Rates $1.50 Per Year | IN ADVANCE. HUGE FIRE aps be oe CARROLLT(WN, January 22. Fire of an unknown origin yester- fday morning destroyed the corner ‘hilding opppsite the Central Hotel, { occupied By [the Nixon Theatre, Ed RATE CARD. 3 ward Farabsugh's barber shop, the Notice, $1.50 per inch or | Young Mew's| Club, M. J. Farabaugh's ~~ Legal fraction thereof, for three insertions. Card of Thanics, $2.00. Resolutions, $5.00. Business locals, 10 cents per line, Business Cards, $1000 per year. Display advertising 15 cenmts per inch. Full position, 25 per cent. extra. Minimum charge, $1.00, must accompany all orders for foreign advertising. FRIDAY MORNING, JAN. n, 1920. Our Chamber of Commerce. What has become of the Patton Chamber of Commerce ! It has been a long, lo deed, since a meeting of body has been held. And right now is the time for them to meet, We know fromm newspaper shories from hearsey and from various other sources that here are many concerns for advantageous sites for Any titizen of Patton whe a little car tell you that. And why not have Patton selected dor these community building enter. prises? Daily we hear stories of rubber fac- of steel mills, of other indus. ial concerns siting up this section of the state for a ruil location. Patton has it. The water sutely can be made adequate here. The ping facilities are here, too, for Pat. boasts of two Railroad services. to the Chamber of Com- OW. Let's hope back to time, in- in sugust Suite time, more than a year ago the Patton Chamber of Commerce held an enthusiastic and well attended meeting, and since that time, we have been informed, the interest has conned ing. let's make “Fation Promotes Pro gress” car slogan. And it takes un active Chamber of Commerce to do this. i YEE THE PATTON Post Office author. | ities have found it necessary at times to Jock the door leading to the lobby of the office during the periods ir which the mail is being changed. The srowd becomes so great at times that it is nothing more than a mob, and greatly handicaps the work of the clerks. The greatest fault is that of children, sometimes several of one , crowding into the office for "Parents should see to it that —— more than one of the family calls for mail at the time of changing time tw shovel walks, bie it if one keeps aft. snow fall. 8¢ 8 She of those rt " we respectfully po B te Ordinance tL Borough «© ation, whic ds as follows: “Section 1. Be it enacted and or- i > by the and town coun. 3 dn of the oo he Buren, Patton and it hatehy orditined by the authority of the same: That hereafter, it shall be occupants of lots, and owners of He Jecatu lots, along whose premises sidewalks are now, ol may hereafter be he laid under the Or- therecn. within six hours same shall cease falling, and bet fhe of such occupants or own- 1 such sidewalks cleaned as foresaid, he, she, or they, xhall be the sum of One Dollar ans of cleaning of pavement, to as debts of like armount by law recoverable, and it is hereby made the duty of the Burgess see that suits are brought ugeninst gv may offend this ordinance.’ +++ THE COURIER is now in the hand: of penple who do not publish it niere as a political asset. And it asks all the. peonle for support. Surely a town of 4.400 Foals with a tributary palation of 3,000 more, can support home newspaper. We wi stand ood Patton: and its people and business places unless they refuse to stand by us. 4% RFAD THE ADS in the Courier Ninety per cent. of them are those of Patton merchants. who deserve your trade. A strictly up-tothe-minute Bewspaper is one that is replete with home advertising omly.” The Courier hopes it will not have to go outside the town to any its advertising col. Tmns, JF VOI wen wlassed with thiy rane nf the COTIRIER, shaw wvony rleasure slasars ow o con and it will be a to us to continue giving you | ¥ your neighbor's ome of your own. Studio and Frank Malloy, as a dwell The flames originated in the Nixon theatre ard were discoversd sbout 8:35 o'clock, (vhen the wiarm was giv. gn. The loca) fire SOmpany rss ponded and did excellent work in keeping the flames from [ipreading to the Glasser building, whith would have meant loss of the (entire square. Three streams of water were thrown and though the (iinsser residence butted up to the building burned, the flames were kept from it. The lows of the Nixon was total and it was going to close down lyst night, manager and owner, Elmel Schroth intending to move into his new theatre today. ! The furniture ir the club moms, as well as the hirber shop fixtures were | removed tuefore those departments be. came ignited) The household goods of Mr. Malloy were saved and a por tion of the studio outfit. The loss will total about $0000 partially covered! by insurance. The Glasser rewidence | suffered a joss b water to what ex. tent we are unable to state. The building wus owned by A. Al Lieb, who seine time ago purchased it of M. J. Farsoaugh. The property was formeriy| known ax the Julius {Stich property and was used as a brewery. : Elmer Schrinth's Joss is placed at $3.300.00, witli ne insurance. The Nixon had bees scheduled to clove aft. | er last night's show, all preparations PAYTON COURIFR Tih Sim at SR ae cong SH sive map of the roads in Putmuyivania by which the best routes can be pick. at a glance. The may diplays the roads now completed as wel us thosy taken over hy the state, that have not vet been improved Thise maps ean be found posted in the zarages of Patton, Ashville, Chest Springs, Dean Carrolltown, or wherever the North: ern Cambria Motor Club hits mem hers It is the intention of the Motor Clg to start an aggressive campaign for members in the early spring. At ures. ent there have been but few of the recgired mumber of directors chozen This has heen due to the facet tha many of the Northern Cambria town: are not, as vel, represented in the or ganization, und, it is falt thar all should have a direction in the affairs The Northern Cambria Motor Club in a member of all the prominent As. tomobile ssmociations of the rountry M B Cowher. of this place is the seeretary. So Aga PATTON HAD No c CEL EBRATION | The eve if Constitutions) prohibi- | tion last Friday night, had no notise- able effect on Patton residents. It] was much this way all aver, however, | the war-time act having depleted all stocks of the apirite worth drinking | Fattonites do not seem to take kind. ly-to the substitute “rip-gizzard” drinks, sither, as is noticeable arnonyg sme of the habitugls in other towns! we know of Miss Ruth Sellers and James Meo Dermott, hoth of Cresson, were mar. | ried Tuesday of ast week, at the! Xavier's Catholic church. The wed. | ding ceremony was performed by the Rev. Father Gravin, Their attendants were Miss (ermanine Eberly and Paul McDermott. Following a honey. moon trip te New York City and oth- er eazxtern cities, they will roside in| Cresson i Advertise in the Patton Courier. LADIES’ HATS. « CHILDREN'S HATS. THE LADIES’ HAT SHOP. 1411-13 ELEVENTH AVE, having been 1aade to remove fo the New Nixon tiday, M. J. Farabsugh's loss is 000 | with $1,000 iniurance. | Frank Malloy lost a set of tools val ved ut $104). Mr. Lieh carried only $1,500.00 in. surance on thy building. It is rumor. ed be will construct a modern apart. ment house in| the Spring. + BRA PR Comprehensive Outlay Of Penn- sylvania | Roads To Be Posted. 2]: ns ws ns | As an aid lo the motorist in his, [travels H M. Gooderham, of Patton,’ | president of th Cambrin County Mot. ar Club, has |received from M. H. James, of the litate Highway Depart. ment, at Harisburg, a comprehen. ALLISON & ALLISON Plumbing and Heating Contractors ESTIMATES FURNISHED FOR INSTALLING ALL VARIETIES OF HEATING PLANTS. Satisfaction Office in the Rear of Agypts Store, Patton, Pa. ALTOONA, PA. Guaranteed lian Mtr trot ee TEI preety Fete Crabbe ses sstPersabarranins iar Fe Rr Wert, Vice Pres. erger, Asst, Cash'r. + Vice Pres, The Grange National Bank Patton, Pa. Jd. A. Schwah, Pres. In Lester Larimer, Cashier. I. James West, 4 Per Ct. Paid on Savings Deposits 3 Per Cent Paid on Time Deposits ELIT LTTE DIRECTORS: J. I. Van Wert Lester Larimer Henry Leiden Leonard Lacue J. A. Schwab T. M. Sheehan John S. MeCoy D. A. Lather EE i con ihe ti A a a nh SHS CARROLLTOWN, PA. FUNERAL DIRECTOR AND EMBALMER. Careful and up-to-date service. MODERN EQUIPMENT Telephone Service—Office and Residence. a ! ice, Is away below prices shortly. b ilors y peer bo Ee a aa Ye SE Boe eg pre Be Lo ei Bn initio id ee the market price. G. arly Sprin Here we have something to offer that will make any intel higent man take First——-We have accumulated one of the finest lines of high class woplens inthe country at prices far below the present sky-scrapers. v prices of $45.00 Yo $75.00 per suit If in doubt, just look up what others are asl Ing. Jie knaw of sev- a eral that buy our same lines t $125.00 per suit. Now is the time to buy, as we warn you there is going to be a big advance get $75.00 to Dinsmore Bros, : & “Wllon, Sn. ‘we always shop in ALTOONA O1l DAY ‘Big savings at toona Booster