PATTON COURIER | eid Arn | PR Ti ion TERE LST RE WL VRE - If you want to know what rare and unusual enjoyment Camels provide | se : : ag smoke them in comparison with any he greatest love FZ & hp. [sas cigarette in the world at any price! & W & AMELS are a cigarette revelation any story ever told, | ~Sga ES Seas ryytuseo zy or refreshing flavor and fragrance; or, that wonderful mellow -mild-smoothness you never before got in a cigarette smoke! Yet Camels are so full-bodied and so full-of- satisfaction you marvel that so much de- light could be put into a cigarette! Camels expert blend of choice Turkish and choice Domestic tobacicos makes them so irresistibly appetizing! And, the blend explains why it is possible for you to smoke Camels liberally without tiring your taste! You will prefer Camels to either kind of tobacco smoked straight! _— - You'll realize pretty quick, too, that Sanh ain 230 weecyvrhent among the many reasons you smoke Camels agen of JO sijareltes or dew rack ain {300 sigureties’ in 4 is theis freuctrn from any unpleasant ciga- Eagar vation. retty aftertaste or unpleasant cigaretty odor! crf for the Aone or Bue artis fot Hu vase a 9 Once you know Camels you won't take much stock in premiums, coupons or gifts! You'll prefer Camel quality! R J. REYNOLDS TOBACCO CO., Winston-Salem, N. C. a 0 AA OC 584 LA 2 Hoy r is Tracy’s hr" wr robin anti a SI: ie ™ EN E IEARS ALO A Tremendous Production from a Tremondous Novel. lems Gleased (rom Files o wary 24th, IR95. ROLL OF HONOR BANK W. H. Sanford, Pres. (:. E. Prindilile, Vice Pres. E. L. Brown. Cashier * » - No Advance in Price Patton is the center of attraction for F. E. Farabaugh, Vice Pres. W. F. Mears, Aast. Cashier. a large number of sleighing parties «of. H. Cordell and family are now repidents of Patton He has moved pe oy Lito the Yeager building on Fifth ave ' ¥ ene, J eit MTT TH Ere rat Th : - ; Walter Weankland, John Boyce, P. é Ist d { l 0 I d d Nl Se Be SL et : : FP, Young, T. W. Letts, Honner & J gun an Marks ane ew Diougliaes. have filed J SRN Lr IIR I na : : = Notas ar Desk bran in Pat PATTON, PENNSYLV ANIA. > A tan Mary 1, daughter of Mr. ard Mra Frank Pennington, dled Monday aft et suffering of eroup for three days A Urn Veleran Union, Post No 48, was organized on Saturday night in Patton, which iz the first lodge t¢ break the ranks in the way of a secret organizition here. The mus- ter was held at the opera house and | the following officers were elected: Rotert Tattle, Colonel; Ellis Howe, lieutenant colonel: Allen Me- Cebe, major; Geo. W. Cassiday qrartermaster; Samael Barr, ser wrant: George Degarmo, chaplain; Edward H, Beebe, officer of the day: i Charles Preseott, officer of the | Capital paid up £100,000 00 Surplus earned $160,000.00 Total Resources : $2.000,000,00 CSTABLISHED 1893. The Oldest National Bank in Northern Cambria A general banking business transacted. We invite per- ward; John Baltagiver, color hearer: ! yi ot atks . SLO ce with firms indi. | Nordman Richards. sentinel, Meetings sonal interviews or correspondence with firms and indi ' will be held every Monday evening in 8 viduals wishing to establish or change their banking re | Good's hall. lations The Patton Fire Co, elected the fol. £ ai | lowing officers: CC C. Crowell, ¥ -t ident; F. H. Kinkead, vice-president; 3 AND 4 PER CENT. INTEREST PAID ON TIME AND SAVING DEPOSITS. ; Sista RRR EET RANI AIRRIT NI NatItEs EOE IIRE EE EERE i L. 8. Bell, recording secretary; H. E. : Keller, financial sseyetary} Ed. A. - Mellon, treasurer; €. W. Martin, tehief: H. C. Beck, W. J. Donnelly, .Juhin Scheid, J. F. Bonner and John Boyes, trustees, | Michael Thomas, who lives between | St. Boniface und Hastings, is lying vary low with pneumonia. Mr. Thom. an has a large circle of friends who | hope for his recovery. i he people of St. Augustine held a big fair and ball in the hall at that: place Saturday night . Mrs. H E. Barton and her two chil. | , dren, sre visiting relatives at Bene DIRECTORS: Sette, Pa. Allsort. and. lady. of Hast- Geo. E. Prindible Samuel T. Brown en took a sleigh ride to this place Reuel Somerville W. L. Thompson : Sa ¥. oy A loca! teachers institute will be M. B. Cowher John Ott + held at Ashville next week. ; Ralph E. Good F. E. Farabaugh i Is an inkalation of the vapors from boiling chemicals into the lungs and direct ab- { Mrs Joseph Westover, Sr. of West. | Wr. H. Sandford § sorption by the blood. It is 4 genuinely Scientific Specific treatment for the cure of Con- Over. mat wil) quite a serious accicent d : A ont Sunday. Bkhe was going to a spring | sumption and other zymotic diseases. house near her home, when she be thon its wonderful action in pleurisy and pneumonia should cause it to be available in And fell dislocating Ber Mip JOINER ALAR h sommunity. Its tonic effects are quickly felt by the presumably or ap- She is about 83 years old, and it is } every home cr c ¥. ee 9 J as 1] | thought that she cannot withstand the I parently well person. shock, as the mecident has caused her Any Snwldering blood disorder debility or impairment of health should be looked cunsiderable saffering. after before it bursts into consuming flume, NAVAL FORCE OF 143.157. Health treatment acts as a prophylatic or cure. A specialist on Consumption who || | Washington, D. C.—An enlisted | has written for the American Medical Journal and who also is an inventor of serums, Rarval force of 143,157 for the 1921, I writee— After carefu! investigation, I find that Health Treatment smothers and thus kills | year was recommended by r Ad-| miral Washington, Chief of Naviga- the germ and effects a cure. tion, who told the House Naval Com- | Health Treatment strengthens weak parts and revitalizes the blood and is a bulwark | mittee that &0.000 recruits or re-en- against Cancer Diabetes, Eczema, Lung Troubles, Bladder Troubles, Tonsilitis, Quinsy, | | then wali be nevessary to reach Catarrh and all other forms of Consumption. ] . Shortage exists in all enlisted : Its healing properties are marvelous and its curative powers lasting. It is guaran. | || Evades he said and an additional WAS I waiting rene Wiser fees. Write Seduy teed pure under the Pure Food and Drug Act of June 30, 1906, No. 24,777. { {1:19.29 might be lost by July through, | L. GLASS & COMPANY Tr Er RRR EEE Steamship Tickets for sale, all leading lines; Foreign Draft and Travelers checks payable in the principle cities of the world. Safe Deposit Boxes for rent. You should have one or more of our Saving Banks in vour home, teaching the children practical lessons in ¢conomy. Pees tsdInebiitIa et ben R | H i H H 3 H 1 { i i } : exnration of enlistment. Price $50, which includes apparatus and box of 50 vials, each vial containing a treat- || Increased pay is the “only thing”! 33 FOURTH AVENUE PITTERUBGH, PA. ¢ | Admira Washington said, to hold the! : a —- men i man in the navy. He added that since! the armistice 469 officers of the reg | - afl Hons, rractically all for “financial” : } . | 6118 Jefferson St., W. Philadelphia, Pa. \. ''. y FLV, reasons. Altoona bakurs announce an in.| Found unconscious from gas TL As a part of the mavy next year (Tease of two cents in the price of from a lenky jot in his home \dmiral Washington provosed to use 10-cent bread, three cents on ldé-cent | morning, Walter Kocher — Sos se J) ) 8 054 reserves, enlisted for four l08ves and an increase of from 16! the Berwick High Si was (vesrs. and to gerve from 12 to 18 ents to 20 cents a dozen for rolls and conscious Tuesday uvening and Bene mm months on active duty. ‘buns. jto die.