The Patton courier. (Patton, Cambria Co., Pa.) 1893-1936, January 23, 1920, Image 1

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Coot dpa al
a od 5 uae Hp te Suen
tt A
| Aryan at which
This issge of the Courier rewchus
many. and pearly all, the homws in
Patton. The reason for this is that
Ew OD A home paper.
home interests pur.
EE it is the inten.
fom of he manages try to pro- |
newspaper that will at ail fines
proms Th the uterets of Pattor ami!
Yo do this we must have the support
lot the : ae Are placing a copy
the paper i gr home with te
idea ot ono Bo QUR support. Look
1" Hing to the Tae: tat
editor a comparative strunyer
it may net be gp to the ton
we hope to reach, bat we
OUR help to reach that
TE is swagger.
For a nomber of years ¢
not been up to the ane :
Justified this community
. poms to ‘make an effert to
g te that standard, though,
bran Sou help.
Your help is but a doty you owe lo
the commanity—that of subserfuing |
for the home paper. At the way pri
es are soaring in the paper en. fii
these days, the Courier is being offer. |
od at a price that most weekly news.
do not quite, The present |
of this paper is but $1.50 per!
year, but we cannot. promise how long |
we will be able to publish it for that |
price. So, we respectfully solicit |
for any length of
may wish at t amount. |
a few months, anyway.
Clair Caldwell and Ralph Cowan | fn
visited in Ebensburg on Monday. |
Miss Jess Davison spent Sunday wt |
he home of her parents, Mr. and!
visor. |
Jess Wilson, Lucy Jk |
Davison were Patton cnllers
on Friday evening
is Jean en who was taken to:
the Miners’ "hospital, Spangler, on
to underga an operation for
appendiciis is much improved y
George Sticker ‘was & Patton caller |
on of ania « evening.
for Robert Coun hus am an tine |
ry. ow Wee
: Si Mr W. D Moy.
H rh
y nt Sunday at the |
3 Se rere in Barnes. |
Flue Fire Last Week Proves
There Is No Laxity Among
Local Lads.
A flue {ire “in the Co- operative
Store building, owned by Barth
Young, last Thirrsday OLE. about
# o'clock occasiomed un fire alsrm. Al
thoagh the fire amounted to hat 3
trifle. and was easily extingaished,
sas instrumental in showing that Pat.
ton has a volunteer fire department
to be prow of. In a very brief space
of time the bows had three streams
‘ready to play on the flames. This,
| too, despite the fact that the streets
were covered with snow and the night
was a cold one, This is the first fire
alarm that Patton has had for some
time, and in some places this fact
would have demonstrated a great lax.
ty in the efficiency of a volunteer
fire department. But not so with Pat
The Volunteer Fire Department is
worthy of the town's peoples’ consid.
eration in all benefits they ask. Sup.
port them, show that their “thank
you” services are appreciated.
A ———— i Te
(Of The Shareholders of the First
National Bank of Patton,
The Twenty-sixth annumi meeting
of the Stockholders of the First Na-
tional Bank of Patt ton, Pu. was held
{ut Banking Booms 7 Taesduy, January
13th at 2:00 o'elock nm
The statement of last veur's busi
ness submitted showed a very surcess-
ful year and large increase in de.
its and volume over any proceed-
year in the Bank's history.
he old bound of directors, consist.
ing of Geo. E. Prindible, Reuel Som.
prville, M. B. Cowher, F. E. Fara
baugh, W. L. Thompson, John Ott,
Raraue! T. Brown, Ralph E. Good and
Wa. H. Sandford was reehsted.
The Board organized and re-elect.
wd the old corn of officers as fol-
Wm. H. Samtford, Presidont.
wo, E. Primlibie, Vice Presi ent.
E Fifstagh, Vice Prexident.
¥ 1. Brown, {ashier.
W. F. Mears, Asst. Cashinr
The Bark paid the cual snnoal
dividend of 12 1-2 per cent. during
Now has a8 paid up eapital of $104,
: 000.00,
Siarplus—all sarnad $106,006.00
Resoorces af $1,750 0068000,
And = more fully prepered and
| oquiipped to meet Lhe fisancial re
| quirements of its patrons und grow.
ve often heard of & car froes- |
stood out in the snow
about it “Supie?”),
om hear of a ear
y it is going. That's
to Sapt. A. J's oar |
ago, snd with all the
his companions |
gave hiss, still t had to
{ from “little Italy to Bene. |
ing clientele.
ca a a
The following officers of Camp No.
221, Patriotic Order of America, were
installed recently by Mrs. Mary Lo
| Patterson, of Lilly, President of Dis-
trict No. 2: Past President, Hannah
| Jomes; Assistant Past President, Ida
townsh schools snd |
carrier for this dis Georganna LeWartz and Charlotte
hresk- | i
couple. loft 1 bride,
or x tour to
They will take up
in ic aan, after Febru-
place Mr. Strohnvire
in the Pennsylvania Car
snows of last
3. the Northern
J |
way almost as fast
be removed, ard on the
branch, shovelers were en-
all evening. The sweeper was
bony on {¥he main line tracks.
Proud: President, Minnie Rowland;
| Assistant President, Gearyaina Le-
Bem; Vice President, Mary G. Wil-
Assistant View ilent, Edna
Beckwith: Recording Secretary, Alice
Swisher; Assistant Recording Secre-
tary, Khule Catherwood; Financial
Marion Blair; Treasurer,
Kate Catherwood: Conductor, Mar-
Fisher; Assistant Conductor, |
va Swisher: Gunrd Mildret 1 Holland;
Bertinel Katherine i Chin
lain, Minnie McNeely; Rance Guar
lda lLeBeum K Mary Crovemauller,
De wan class of eght new can-
didates initiated. Following the busi.
ness session, & hanch way served.
Homans imi
The Patton Fire Company held its
annual meetityg recently and elected
the Sola wing officers for the ensuing
President. R. W. Since: Vice
pt, W. Gill: Secreta C.
Swab: Treasarer., George Le man:
Chief, James Blake; Foreman, Adam
Weaklard: Assistant, Albert Lacue;
i Chief Engineer, William Gabrielson;
Trustees, R. W. Sincox and W. Gili;
| delegates to Central District Conven-
‘tiem, Adam Weakland; alternate,
William Gabrielson; Drill Captain,
; William Rees: First Lieutenant Jos-
eph Blake: Fire Police, George Leh-
man, William Gabrielson and Havs
Carnelic; delegnte to State Conven-
ition, ¥. A. Kuhnley; alternate, Chas. |
| Swab. ‘
Dora MeQuinn, teicher of the
ty to St. A tine. A good
whS by the little folks
ng that George 8. Good |
Jr. bg 4 purchised & the interest of Le
4 without foundation ar’
M a Maurer Conl Compan:
Thie article n the ‘0
j isd to soreet *.
The Courite was misinformed last
A aE a a
Of Belgium Is Received oriwu Be Held In The Municipal
Superintendent of Patton Building, Tuesday Febru-
Sunday School. ary 3rd.
i Hs a i
This beautifigl name, “The Ang of | The fifteenth annual masquerade
the Trenches,” was given to the pood | hail of the Patton Fire Company. will |
all, this
{queen of Belgium by the soldiers for he held in the Municipal
whom ashe did wo much self-sacrifice. | placw, Tuesday, February Jrd. Plans
ing work during the war. The peo-| gre now being formated to make this
ple of Patton will be interested 10 so the preatest affair ever. Four prizes
a letter dictated by this noble wom will be awarded—two to the gentie.
an, : men and two to the ladies appearing in
| All through the great war the ind-0 the best costumes. The grand march
in End giris of the Calvary Baptist: will take place at o'clock sharp. Am
fd splendid work along all) intermission will be held between
Shas pel war work, knitting, sewingd 11:3) and 12 o'clock. Refreshments
ete, constantly for the Red Cross, und! will he served by the ladies auxil
they and all the members of the chapel of the Patton Fire Company. No chil
engs in all kinds of relief work, dren under 16 years of sge will be ad-
and inally undertook the support of & mitind.
little French orphan. Towurd the) This is an annual affair held by the |
close of the war they began to make! fire laddies. They deserve your sap |
a quilt covered with pictures and with, nort @ithe Patton has had ne
the names of all contributors embrokd- serious fires for a Jong while, sever.
ered on it, the intention being to send theless. the boys will be right on
this quilt to some hospital in Earope. spot when it does have a iy thei
where the boys wounded in the st
The intention was to have it placed
in a hospital where the boys from Ane £1 20: ladies unmasked 25 cents
lerien might have the benefit of this Sani ti smi
work, But the war closed before the ADINTION AL DAY FOR SC HOOL
guilt could be sent. snd so it was des SHOW.
cided to present it to the Queen of aes mas ’
Belyiom ax a token of appTiciation, Monday. Fob
giving her the privilege of making included as one of tie dates for “The
seh gee of 1 us sbe might wish Rich Little Poor Girl” to be present.
A short time age Mrs E.G. Zwave od by the pupils of the grammar,
ev, the Supt. of the Calvary Sunisy grades of the Patton schools, men |
sehonl, received! a beautiful letter tion of which was made in last week's
from the private Secretary ot Queen Courier. This will include three days, |
Fligabeth, written at hey dictation. J& Friday and Saturday, Jun. 30 and 31,
Fxnresses deep appreciation of the and Monday, Feb. 0 Meats are sells
“beautiful remembrance and the splen. | ing rapidly for all performances und!
did work of the Calvary peaple Carpe attendances will likely result
The Stork, having an extes baby THONS.
on har this week, aller sone cone rts sm
sideration, derided. that since it was The following Pattonites have pe
such a gond baby, it should have a titioned court for license to sell HE | che firectorate
good home er on Thursday morning sors for the womr beginning March
lefe it at the home of Mr and Meso Isl:
Ralph Good We all thought that Thomas Quinn, Hotel Patton, re.
Ralph could not wear a hrosder wmile tail; Albert Thomas, The Arlingon
than what he displayed when the bay retail. Jos. Wendkier, Central hotel
arrived, bot now wince his famil #tail; Adam Smith, Commercial He-
again increased, all you see of baie Toh tl retail: Matt Collar, Miners’ Hest
im a big grin Hotel, retail; Anna B. Mullen, Pal
Mra. Good sid baby are bath pete ser House, retail; Patton Wholesale
ting along nicely. Lisgiior Co. whaolueale.
I B iS SH So a
Home Mer chants Are Reliable Red Cross Christmas Seal (am-
and You ( an Examine the paign Netted Handsome
Goods. Results.
Buying without seeing in like de
g 4 iy Ag ne kr & BF a crt whist
pending apon lock. If you jret what asl dibe Chinn
as * ” ¢ vw, | wh fo than id who so
you think you'll gel, you i wil of arg a ank all
you don’t, you lose. Pictur and de- gerierously conttibuted to the success
scriptions in catalogues, ne mutter of the Xmas oa Lampaign in Pu
how faithfully executed, cannot tell ton, by a using Seals, snd ni
rou the exaet quality of the article. the Lbs Xe oct ho assisted wk oe
ou must see it to tell its rial merits. (FN TU 8 He See; BY
If some Patton dealer ware to sell you Jor TF Ae AE, er ¥
on the same plan as the mail order het pod in the work by advertising in
house and you found the quality just r Lig Feats he’ check t
a Little below your expectations, you Amount of the check sem io
: ould make him replace the article Johnstown by the Patton branch waa |
with something better. But twying I. ejuiink | he Bosh Som,
blindly you unaaily take what you get: Ror
a0 hope for better BAXL gihe. Patton. | ($100), and the Patton Branch of the
merchants acd help hess. to» re (Eon Auxiliary of the Red Cross
honest the right {
Sua wih Your quality af is published the letter sent
siwill hel them to fed gat oe as Bet Shy Cyrus E. Brown, Executive |
stocks. Trade at home, sapport the So TeLary for Cambria county.
town that supperts you MRS. LESTER "LARIMER.
wi | Johnstown, Pa. Jan 6th, 1920.
Friends Of Mrs. Charles B.
Lester Larimer, Chairman,
Strohmier Gather At Her Patton Tuberculos's Branch,
In behalf of the sommilies In
Patton, Pa.
My dear Mrs. Larimer:
ne Your very interesting report of your
A miscellaneous shower was held Senl Sale has reached us. You cere!
on Wednesday of last week at the tainly have done a splendid work for!
home of Mr. and Mrs. Paul McCon- the first year. As you say, Patton is
nell. near Patton, in honor of their always willing snd ready to do any
daughter, Edith, who was married on good work, and we feel Tuberculosis
Wednesday of this week to Charles is a very important work in Cambria
B. Strohmier, of Chest Springs. Mrs. county. Labor conditions did affect
Strohmier wns the reciptert of many the Seal Sale al ower the country, hut
aseful and beastiful gifts, and music we have made un wonderful begianing
games and a luncheon made op 8 most in Cambria county
'enjoyuble evening. Those resent Your check for 3572.50 received for
were Mr. and Mrs. Paul McConnell which we are very grateful te your
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Thomas, Mrs. brunch. Patton is sver ready
Patrick Ryan, Mrs. John Butterworth. come to the top for an good cause.
Mrs, Flo Kelly, Mrs. F.C. Nagle, the The little School News reached’
Misses. Angelia Ryan, Genevieve and every home in the county. I have had |
Marie Malloy, Olive Strokmier, Hal. 3 letter from Dr. Kart C. Schuffle,
‘en Storm, Catherine Durbin, Ruth Stute Director of the Tuberculosis Di-!
Lansherry, Oriena and Bertha Dune- vision, complimenting the splendid
gan, Bertha Butterworth, Susan, Ed- work done throughout the county.
ith Rose, Emma Thomas, Edith, Myr- ‘We will keep you informed on the |
tle and Madeline McConnell, and the progress of the work, the next step to
Messrs. Walter and Pan! Strohmier te taken. We will plan for the cot-|
Charles Malloy, Paul Ducloes, Delbert | taves and have Cambria County Day |
McConnell, William and Jumes But. at Cresson.
| terworth, Ernest Kelly, Bart Thomas (in behalf of the Johnstown Society
for the Prevention of Tuberculosis, 1!
PATTON HIGH TRIMS CARROLL the | ig a rkers ord
- th us hearted ple a}
Jast | Clark School in Clearfield township oh te ie
near Patton, on Friday of last week
treated her pupils to a skighing par-
Charlies Storm and Leon Thornas
TOWNERS. tort who supported this noble work. I
Patton High School easily defeated
the Carrolitown High aggregation in
‘a basket ball game pla at Patton
‘on Tuesduy evening. final score
i was 35 to 6. DRAWN ON JURY.
. The line-up: Meade B. Cowher and Joseph Fish
Carvelltown, Fatton »r hoth of Patton hove heen drawn
Uheine F _..... MecNamare -s nett Jgrors for the March term
Yours very truly,
‘Hipps.._ .........F _____ Dimsmorc -# (onset gt Ehepahore. FF. E Fam
Ha en... Weomer “enoh Fidwin Hobe snd Harry Dei
i \dems, ere} isa Gil" ‘wk -¥ East Carr" township, have’
Kerri. 8 Larimer "io hoon chosen.
(— x
y x
tend the ball, have & good time, and
gle might amuse themselves with thy #0 doing wise sid a worthy cause. |
The mission will be, Gentlemen, |
nd. will also } el
af Patten, held iy the D¥rsitors’ roam
Loretta, was lant wesk re-eiveted bid
Branch of the American Red Cross!
Executive Secretary.
Despite The Inclement Weuther |
! Large Crowd Attends.
Many Prizes.
Smo SOA i
¢ The Cinch pert} held held Tuesda
ning in the Municipal building for th
| benefit of the Cutholi: righ, wef w——
a successful affair both socially and! Tuesday evening Mr.
financially, and, despite the imclem. ter Larimer entertained
ent weather ¥ large crowd was ml ty of friends at &
attendance. mer bouse, the affair |
The following prizes were wwani. 'nemoration of the twa
| ySentiomen-.. First, A. RK #9. niversary of their
ight, tie pin; second Herman Yab-
ner, slag “Heinin" Kase, was An elaborate affair
red handkerchief. Ladies--First. Row. ations ere fitting.
ells Christof! $2.50 pold piece: second the
Mrs Sthelsberger, box o candy: toon
by. Anns Fitspatrick.
Following the card garnes a lameh !
consisting of coffee, ute cream und!’
cake was served,
Ten-room house. near Silk Mill
Reasonable payments. Address L. J}
Besrer, Hastings, Pa. Fisapd
| Larirner is at present
| Grange National Bank of
has agent the greater part of
st work of this nsture. He
Th term as Dressarer of rH wb ong
C. 1 Schwab “Added To Diree-
torate—Officers AR Con- | WBS. GEORGE FLU KE PATTON
tinue. | -
ue, Sears Palm, formerly Miss
_: ae Monteith, of this place
AL the annual | meeting of the shar. | 3 0 3
¥ sturday 10 Washington, D. Ap on at
nolders of the Grange Nationa! Bank which place she is snploged by
0 : . t. after » several days Hii
of the loeul institution January 13th, Rovethme friends and
1H, the entire retiring board of 41 3 amony Putten that she hos Bad
regtiory were re-elected and ap addi nee
| onal hume. that. of Charles’ M1 interesting time of it in the nation
Schwab, the sted] magnate, sdded ta] a Supa Javing attended the Stn
opportunity afforded, xs well as haw.
Following the election of di ing seen all the of interest in
the following officers were ne
: : wd | the District of Columibis.
for the ensaing year: President, John e Flake. who A 3 :
IA Relwab: Vieo President, De. J. Li, Mr Fluke, who SAE In pao
FC VanWirt: Vice - President, Jams |
health for several months, is now re
Westrick: Cashier, Lester Larimer; pints Bo the he CARER
Avnistant Cashier, 1 A. Overberger;
Roskkeepers, Ms. Ursula Davis and there in December ranged from $4 to
May Yeager 95 deprvex above. His health is very
+, i 2ums Ta Rad , much maproved and Mrs Flake ex
The President John A. Behwab, of pects to join Kim in the Spring.
ithe pres done for the 15th Hr seis. R WISHES Us LUCK.
thw time, mod brew ebd thts slosation | Ar
postin in the hanks wa WE HI EuiiBor Wa fuer Herald.
: ugateoul Fa : Thomas A. wens, Tormesly fore.
in meaTporala. It ote in great) man of the Mountaineer Herald, has
part. been due to Ais efTorts LRst the resigmed Rix position sw editor of the
Portage Dispsteh taking offer: last
Satarday Mr Owens has scoped
& panition with the Patton Courier su
sditor and manager and sssumed hin
duties Monday, Good lock, Tom.
Pressnt prospersus condition of dhe
neh on exits, :
A dividend of 1 per cmt. wm de
bared By the directirs, oul af fhe
esrnings for (he past win monies, pay
stile Jasuary 2th, and in addition th
thin, ER .OOG 00 sms added to the sun
plus Tand
The directors of the Grange Nm
tional Bank sre as follows: J. A.
[ehwab, Dr. JL VanWirt, Jumes BAPTIST CHURCH.
Ww astrick, T. M Sheehan, Jahn 8S. Me. i Notwtihstanding the snow and cold
Coy, Henry Lewlen, C.J. Noon, 1X A inst Nunday., a ~ood number managed
Luther, Leonard Lacue, Barth Young. | to me to the services at the
A. 0. Somerville, Lester Larimer aml chuneh and enjoyed the comfort of the
C. M. Schwab. Swarm bailding and the presence of the
The Grange National Bank was n-' Lond 13 is hoped that the wenther
corporated in 1504, twill be such this Sunday as to enable
- Seventeen ma all to come out.
RESOLUTION OF RESPECT FROM Morning worship 10:30 5. m
BRANCH NO. 0. KNIGHTS Evening ‘worship, 7:45 p. m.
OF 8ST. GEORGE. : Sunday school, 2:00 p. m.
| General prayer meeting Wednesday
Whereas, Our beloved Brother Thou 7:40 pom.
{ John McConnell, by the decree of war Let us all try to De ut ail services
over-ruling Providence, has heen onl. and invite ghers, Ewrybody wel
led from his eurthly suffering to « come.
home where pain and sorrow is un-i The Baptist Ladies’ Aid will hold
| known and weary friends rest. Be it. the monthly meeting Thursday of next
resolved: te a fire Gage Dore
That in the death of Brother Thos (is. A full sttendance is requested.
{John McConnell a member of this
Branch, we do vecogaite that they :
have lost one of our good members, | Last Swilaj the Tu romids were pretty
who #t zl times was imbued with! well blocked, a nue
the pure principles of the order und ber managed to get to the services at
whose life and conduet suffer no mv the Calwary Trak Chapel and found
proach to his character, either ai a it warm sand comfortable. let us «ll
‘Knight of St. George or fellow citi try to get there this Sunday.
Ten. Sunday school 10:50 a. m
Resolved: that the sincere and, Evening worship 6:15 p. m.
heartfelt sympathy of the members Pastor B, GC. Zwayer will 3 preach as
of the organization are extended (0 usual. Everybedy welcome welcome
the bereaved family of our deceased to ull services.
Brother, whose loss we with them: ——————
Resolved: that as a token of love PAL CHURCH.
and esteem for our deceased Broth! Rev. L. Dow Ott, Minister.
‘er, the Lodge Room nd Charter be Preaching Sundsy morning at
draped in moming sd that these 0:50 o'clock. Subject of sermon,
resolutions be recorded on the Mim! “The Best Institution In the World™
arial Page of the records of the Sunday school at 2:00 p.m,
Branch and thut the Secretary deliv-| Fpworth League at 8:45, tapie.
er a copy thersot, properly endorhed “The Changing China.”
to the widow ard family of the deo-! Az 7:30, some § minute talks as fol-
conned. . (lows: “Why Join the Win One
ANDREY FORNADELY., Legion? Revel Sommerville: —~ hy
ISADORE LONG, Become a Christian 7 El Steir: hy
Gi. A. LERMAN, ‘Join the Church®™ WH. Sandford;
Committers. “Why Not Do It Now *"” the minister.
Junior League at § p.m Wednesduy,
| MR. DENLINGER IN JOHNSTOWN and prayer meeting at 7:30.
t————— A cordial invitation to strangers
{ Saturday's Johnstown Democrat son: | and visitors.
tains the following: po ip nt
Postmaster W. H. Denlinger, of WwW. C.F Gt.
Patton, was in town westerday on a; The W, OC. T. U. will hold —
business trip. He says business isily y meeting an Monday evening in the
| booming in northern Cambria and the Baptist chamsvh. It is requested that
outlook in good Mr Denlinger wa fall the members make a special
| enthusiastic advocate of the League fort to sttemd. John Barleycorn
{of Nations. | dead and buried, but there is still
: — i Lty of work to do for the W. C.
LAST CHANCE, | This organization in Patton has
| Cosmopolitan, Henrsts, and Goud [ly a hundred members “rom the ¢
| Housekesping Magavines are ner | ferent, ciggrches, und is one of
selling at $2.00 per year. After ‘he most sctive branches in the Bly
ist of February these magazines willl is doing Wt of work that: of
sell at $3.00. Harper's Brusar now | making tho world :
sells at $4.00; price after Feb. Lat. | other things it is sup
will be $8.00. Place your order with orphan in P mod
as now and save money.--Kinkemd's of the members
| Stationery Stere, Patton. Pa. | oth or orphan in the same
1 ty, retiring from that office four yes
¥ SR Es a