died at his home In Wind: She went. toi drive the oold sway. He is improving steadily. Civil war Amma na Denlinger and iss Marin Herman, of Pitts in Latrolis this weuk at-| f3e first of the week BE 8 wesk ot Os home A at Baier with ) er. ihryn (Good has returned to ven after spending several ‘with relatives in town. ,Latman has returned from me n Baron after spending | ‘weeks at the home of Mr, ws | Property om Bewch avenue. 1 painted white with 34x4 tire .. | where hetweun Hastings and Ashville’ day snd spent the day with reistives. n property and paying for this motice. veteran whe died yours Ago, 's im a serious of disease incident to old Li WANTED CIE fryer IRIEL ie Botilly vinllolwintgglbitide % to start to work Monday Juve ssi mpi 1 i Work ¢ days a week all year. Living spend her vacation. rooms at mine Take Altoona Bus! Born—To Mr. and Mrs. Fred Koha Jdne to the Buck Horn Hotel. In ley on Tuesday June 17th, a son. autre for Figarts Mine. | Both mother and son are getling : akong nicely. LITTLE ADS I Mrs. Wiliam Martin and daaighter Theee insertions for 50 cents for ad Florence left on Wednesday morning ! wertising not exceeding five lines. |for Renovi, where they will be the POR SALE-~The Christ Johmson' guests of the former's brother, Dr. ‘Witam Ford Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Deblinger and | family motored to DuBais Wadnes LOSI Automobile Wire Wheel, | Home ‘vis Patton P Reward if returned to Miss Margaret Brown, who bas A. M. Riddle, 17133rd Ave. Altoona, | been attending school in New York Pa, Phone No. 137x. |e i } { t has returned to Patton, where she will spend her vacation. Miss Bertha Tiperry returned the FOR SALE--Will sell good payiag bakery, 2 Jee Machines and Ice Cream "Factory. Good proposition. (. M. Cronimilier, Patton, Pa. FOR SALR Seven room house om: Beach avenus Easy terms. Inquire at this office. LOST—Ladies Blue Fox neck-plece sponding several days at the home of ber sister, Bre. Howard Woomer. in Wilson, of Closrfinid, inquire first of the week to Philipsburg, after mis ‘week at the home of WES PERI SRR BT in Chest Bpriogs. Matt Collar, E. J. Callahan, John Thomas, Lem Fisher and Moge! Cox were In Wasington, DC, last anti-Prohibition parade. Lester Latimer, {at Lancaster last weak. Fraels Gillen, of Akron, Ohlo, spent sever! days tlLis week with kis mother in this piace Do not fail to send the children to’ the matinee Saturday afternoon. Harold Lockwood in the Man of Honor” at the Grand tonight with | Priscilla Desa in “The Wicked Dar ling’ and “The Hed Glove” at the Majestic. | James Bacon, of Barnesboro, who returned fron services with the S0th Division. spent several days in town last Sunday evening somewhere De it {wien Ebensburg’ and Patton. Liberal 1 reward if returned to this office. FOUND — Lafies Wrist Watch, FP ‘Owner oan have the sams by proving MANY LIKE THIS IN PATTON Similar Cases Being Published In Each Issue The following «case is but one of, many occurring dally in Patton It is § An easy matter to verify it. You! cannot ask fbr hetter proof & Mary Ann Fisher, Lang Ave, Pat § ‘ton, says: “1 had weak kidneys for || five yeurs and my back ached so IIS was afraid to bers over. 1 also felt § dull and my bead ached very much. I saw Dosn's Kidney Pills Yocom 4 mended so much | bough some a | Gunn's Drug Store. The first box | : gave te relief and after using a sec EB ond Hox, the trouble disappeared. § | Every titne | have a cold it settles on | § my kidneys but it does not bother me much, be cause | always have Doan’s Kidney Pills in the house and they . I would not be without Doan's” Price 80c at all dealers Don't | simply ask for a kidney remedy-—get E Dosn’s Kidney Pllls-the same that § Mary Ann Fisher bad Foster-Mil- | § ‘spurs Co. Migrs., Buffalo, N. Y. Miss Laurs Winslow spent Sunday en etme }- For Liberty Bonds NO DELAY. BRING IN YOUR | {BONDS AND GEY YOUR MONEY PATTON COOPERATIVE STORE ET . REUEL SOMERVILLE Attorney at Law Office In the Good Building Patton, Panna. pow HE HOWARD Watches If higher railroad circles there is a very natural ambition to carry a HOWARD Waiach, It is well known that the HOWALD has a bir stund. ing among Radroad Ofiscicls ard trainmen, as well as among prominent men in budness, ia the industrics, the professions and ofhcial tircles. And it is often the man in the racks, impelled by bis self-re- spect, bis professional spire and his ambition for the better things of his calling, who saves to geta HOWARD. MEL GARDNER Ragisterad Optometrist of Penna. | Scientific methods of testing eyes; adjusting snd fitting frames. TOZER JEWELRY STORE, PATTON EE INTE SOR Han fe | SPOT CASH FOR | LIBERTY NDS "TWH also pay off balance : 1 your unpaid Bonds for you Get my price belure selling. MARLIN BOUGHER Office over Corner Drug Store, Barnesboro, Pa. {Ogani3 AMtIPM Lyra Du RY TYRONE MAN I8 Altoona, Pa., April 29. down by an autimohlile and in an Altoona hospital. PARNELL, COWHER & (0, With Ruth Rowland Sabportad by a distinguished cast | including George Larkin A Pathe Serial Do not fail to see this serial amag- | ing adventures of the west and far east. A complete line of Howard, Gruen, Hamilton and Elgin, Solid Gold and Gold Filled Watches, | ishel, Sauter Jewelry Co.,Ltd. Fates Pa. the first of (he week. St Si A SD HAIN a et AR IS rh AAO i A H{ OW ALD Watch w always worth whit you poy for n—540 3 BRET boi 5 Mr. 104 Nr. Wali Por, br parents EE Refractory ST days Just week in Psxsutewney at | town, week as delegates from Patton for tending tha wesding of che formant Mr. and Mrs. Fink spent several | citi ’ the orn Cashier at py Thomas Willde, on goers ot convention of the Sons of Veterans, | mem SH “ THE LADIES NAT SHOP 1411.13 Kleventh Ave. ALTOONA' PA. to £170, a4 FOSWARD How ARDY model ax 8350, tha When ving ror resdy ta buy year HOWARD woe i AN Iterestag ASMOTTIDAE E 6k Lous state to choose from. i ae ST A oA STI STO Fp INJURED BY AUTO While erossing the street in Fol lidaysburg to day, Andred Chaehino, 35, Tyronie, was knocked is dying from a fractured skull We protect the oar owner in such cases by AUTOMOBILE LIABILITY INSURANCE PATTON, PA ) i i Oto poise foie 4 fo aR J. A. SCHWAR. President De 7.1. VAN WERT. Vive Hees LESTER LARIMER, Cashier I A. OVERBERGER, Asst Ca JAMES WESTRICK, Vice Pres. J ASHWAR J I VANWERT JAMES WESTRICK T. M. SHEEHAN LESTER LARIMER A. O. SOMMERVILLE JOHN 3. MeCOY HENRY LEIDEN CJ NOON. D. A. LUTHER LEONARD LACUE ne BR TAA PINE] ACE ORE WY rei ARTI PA SS ENS CORT MUA 04 Sh A That I am now ready to supply the public with all kinds of building material at a reasonable price. Asphalt shi a speeinlty. No 1 Cedar shingles all kinds of Pell Things all kimis of finish lumber, asphalt roll roofing, plastering, lath. Locus {ence posta, roof cement for stopping leaks around flues and valley and all — roofs. LN LLY Or iar PEFT ORE I a C1 GOOD NEWS 1 Good News in a Grocery Store advertisement is represented by 4304 valu, god and nt saving. Here is good News Buiter 2%c. Use it. It is nourishing and only a Ts, Dried Sweet Corn, 25¢ Ih. Young tender evaporated Sweet Corn. Something very nice Brooms at $1.00. A well nude broom and of high grade stock and beautifully finished: This is & real brodm bargain We have s broom at 49¢, good value for the price. Produce and fresh Pruits, Here is where you get all the good fresh goods at the lowest market Fresh Fish every Thursday snd SPOT CASH ST ORE IEEE PATTON Fh i Be CARROLLTOWN. PA. J. EDWARD STEPHENS FUNERAL DIRECTOR and EMBALMER Careful and up-to-date service MODERN EQUIPMENT Telephone Service—{Office and Residence