expiration 1 our members hoe scqiisinted he, tice, - shall DO wae Brother MeAllinter have always aca 1a 1o4 Rants of he Holcttr “rik Brother MeAllisias have atware Patton Borough, whose duty Uw... oy & Brother And we fon that his ar Tong Suit tht Order ui gt 34 wha awa presence will be sadly missed id the | Aerie Rooms. Monday for » vielt with relatives in Brother McAllister das gone, his Punzsutawney. lite on earth is no more but be has Miss Ada Mellon returned last : ft bSebind Him memoriss In our weak from a week's visit at the home order that wil never die nod we|Of Ner brotherdnisw and sister, Mr. KNOW that what our Joss is Mis eternal | 80d Mrs. Chas Demnelly, of latrobe ale i. . C. C Callshan snd family loft this He wis 5 true Kage, one whose ww i Sere: ta Hite we may all strive to smulate with on he | Magny A PANTS A RPE sana - = -e posts pms on ‘Approved by he Burgess of Patton | Borough this 3nd Gay of June A. D. PN ter mi ig, | may be hed by writing or calling on|3 [i | 29 J. A SCHWAB, President Dr 2.1. YAN WERT, Vi the Severetary, bir. V. A. Murray. All} Y | 4 " i : RIMER, Cashier I. A. OF o ay on ot Silene. June 30th, "el {The Hoard reserves the right to re iy Joct any or AI ids. ow, Vo A Murray, ni, Secretary; wig Aas ] POR SALE: Pull blondsd Barred | Plymouth Rocks 1 Rooster 1 year ; DIRECTORS old or Rooytgr and 3 Bena, also flen|l : : , with Chicks Mm PH Kinkead | i" : ee ost smart 3 \ Mies Marie Herman, of Prusbern, JHN 8. ¥ >) HE) ‘RY LEIDEN c. ¥ NOON its mast wi chon frien In om. i | da | ). A. LU LEONARD LACUE ~~ BARTH YOUNG 2 Denlinge ll r ; : Misses Frases MeGoy anil Esther Johor left on Monday wfter.con for in s visit at the home of Mise [Em ———————— rl mOWARD Watches ng 19 That I am now ready to supply the public with all kinds ! ME SAMY fA of, building material at a reasonable price. In higher railroad circles there Asphalt shingles specialty. No 1 Cedar shingles all kinds of rough lumber, is a very naturzl ambgion to cary fr ee al Kinds of finish lumber dsphalt roll reefing The following persons went as dele-| ‘§ a HOWARD Watch. PE lath. fone cement or oppin ents around gates this week to the Clearfield] Ir is wcll known that Cie AFRGT a Locus June Passa, raaf v for flues and valley and Baptist Association st Sykesvilie, Pa: TOWARD hes a hich monde wy all composition roofs. Rev. and Mrs. E G. Zwayer, Mrs! § ing among Railroad Oficizls:nd Fo 24710 «3 ¢ oy | Contractor Geo. Lebrun, Miss Glayds Mitchell{ § trainmen, as well #s among © Sr aL > . : ! and Annie Waters. Mr. Zwayer prominent men 19 business, 1a J" | : and Builder : preached the Introductory sermon} the industries, the profescions A OVAR | Wednesday morning. aa bis topic the '§ and oficial circles, A ROWARD Wi boi 3 shways : Golden Star. \ And it is often the man inthe ¥ ory wh ~~ L 7k Fowa 9 ranks, iapclicd by his slfre- 22 hk 4 CIs bat E JWARD spect, hiv professonal spinit and +OWALD ls 52 pd his ambition for the better things Then voy ret pendy fa hay seer of his calling, who saves to guta FBFOWAR wveuwi find an interesting HOWARD. MOITInE BE AL Lies Bure to Choose from, $a 2 : a Lf ates WS IPI #8 51 BU Sond DRI | EC ree FL — in a Grocery Store advertisement is represented good goods and at a saving. Here is good News sf Butter only 2. se 8. Bs nourishing and only A compleic line of Howard, Gruen, | Dried wast Corn, 35 I. Young tender evaporated Sweet Hamilton and Elgin, Solid Gold and | Brooms a1'$100. A well made broom and. of high grade stock and beautifully finished: This is a real broom bargain Gold Filled Watches. We have a broom at 49, good value for the price. Produce and fresh Pruits. Here is where you get all the el, Sauter Jewelry Co., Ltd, | "= "=n Patton, Pa. | SPOT C I CASH 1 STORE PATTON ; Fed pai Bel Als SoU TRE a UE EERE ES sr gC —— Po a rH Sy SY SI TYRONE MAN IS INJURED BY AUTO Altoona, Pa., April 29— While crossing the street in Hol lidaysburg to day, Andred (Chachino, 35, Tyrone, was knoeked down by an automobile and is dying from a fractured skull in an Altoona hospital, We protect the car owner in such cases by AUTOMOBILE LIABILITY INSURANCE PARNELL, COWEER & GO, PATTON, PA. A TH NR i