The Patton courier. (Patton, Cambria Co., Pa.) 1893-1936, April 26, 1918, Image 4

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    BE i SR RS
astings Automobile Co.
_ Home of Ford and Dodge Cars
A 1917 D-45 Buick
1917 Maxwell which as traveled
only 2400 miles.
And a Ford Car
Also a full and complete line of
dros. (>arage
Patton, Penna.
{ Beptenmiber 1 to January | means $18.
ODDO to the American comsutper”
| Mr. Hoover sald *Nunirers of gon
: themes will tell you thal 10 cent sugar |
L photted 70 ger cent. of (IR normal mage |
iPr. Before the war tlw average sp |
annanl consumption during the war is |
1 34 pounds, und In France each person
‘this mation,” Mr. Hoover declared
| December bad shipped 8549 tons. In
confectionary and sweet drinks trade
tary, as the food sdusisisteation had
| Bo authority to tmpose them.”
| ore than 50 cents a btwdred—half a
i tent a pound-—on sugnr. By reason of
| recently: "Hales of sugar from 18 to
. pod and In evidence lisell of the prices
: at which conmuroers wagld have been |
| mullet had we not intervened We have |
! forfeited wholesalers’ licenses in az
E pravnted cumes and we have beged |
| warnings to first oendurs in a great
many lestances throgeh our lows] ad | mee——
mintstrators” :
¥$190000.000—Frowch Situ-
ation Helped.
AR —————
This Natiow’s Sugar Supply Reduced
to Beventy Per Cont. of Normal
Javs Btecks Unavailable
Sugar control has sured the Amer
ican public $180,000,000, Herbert Hoov-
or, United Bistes food sdministrator,
declared the other day.
He pointed out that sugar was sell
ing for 11 cents a pound last August
and that it would have sdranved to 20
cents a pound, with the world short.
age as 8 stimulus. hed not the food
administration secured he coopera
thon of the refiners and wholesalers
and fixed 8 sugar price that joday en
shies hiuwernives fo buy wager at from
34g 16 ¥ venis x pound
“Every 1 cent ralwe it sugar from
would have prevailed pnd the public |
robbed of $180,000.00 (his year if we
| had taken théte nitions” Later
: Mr. ven 0 attention to fhe feet |
: that ghnniroiled sugwr advanced fo
‘85 cena 5 poand during te Civil War,
France Got Our Runar,
Today the American paibiic has heen |
Baal botsebald ronmpnption here was |
50 pounds a person. Is England the
Is allotted a Mitle over one pound & |
“In Augont the French government
foum] Hself unable to maintain even
“An appenl was made to Ameriea
France serded 100000 tons. We
Agreed to BU this demand snd op to
the meantime an appeal was made to
the American public to sedace Its sug
Ar consumption, and requests were |
made to distributors to supply the
with 50 per cent of sormal supply.
This bas been generally followed, al
though such regulations were volun
Domestic Price is 84 to 9 Conta
Retail grocers throughout the coun
Iry are supposed to take a profit of no
food administration regulations, bed.
ing refioers and wholesalers. the re
taller Is able today to buy wegar at
from 8 tw $3 cents a pound This
enables him to sell 10 the housewife at
8% to § cents a pound.
There have been some violations of
the sugar relings. Mr Heover ssid
20 cents per pound have hven reported
and followed up vigorously and stop |
Effect on Military Bituation
Anericun sugar stocky could be 81 |
od to normal very soon if ships coal
be sent to Java, where O00 tons of |
sugar is waiting for shipment. Bat
the slippiny sitoation Is so acute ‘har
the sation canno! spew the eleven
ships needed to tranepart this sugar |
It woul! tke the boath one year *
haul 20.000 tons. In rhe same time |
they could be used for transporting |
200.000 soldiers to Franom :
The food asdminitrition bolieves
that the Amerienn publit will diminish |
He sugar opnsampiioy by 10 or 15 per |
cent. when It is made clear that sack |
sugar saving Ix = patriotic act and |
when it is understood that there are
plenty of sweeteners available to take |
the place of sugar. such as honey or |
corn AYTUD.
Why Shertage Exiets
The thres great sugar producing cen.
ters of the world are Germany, the |
West end East Indies German sugar |
Is, of course. used at home. The East
Iedian suger is unavailahile becanwe of |
the ship shortage
While U boats made big Inreads on
the world's shipping, Francs and [aly |
cessed to be self sustaining in suger |
manufacture England io the mean
{ tiene was cut off from German sugar— |
LARLD0D tons a year--becanse of tha
war, The result has beens that the al |
Hed nations hgve been Torced to tam
0 Americas ami the Wont Indies tor |
their sugar.
Food is Bought in Germany Surrepti. |
tiously in Vielation of Aute-
cratic Rulings.
Even the autocratic food control of
Germany bas been powerless to pre
veut surreptitious sales according to |
semiofficial reports reaching the Unit:
od States food administration. Niegal
' oinrine 1 te tA rents aplece. accord
ig 0 ewe reports. And bacom or
— :.
(wih is drilling and prospecting for
[FRIDMAN HALL. Barnesboro, Pa
i dN me le Bo A 0 SARE PE na Wa
By virtoe of an order of the Or. |
| phans' Court of Cambria County di- |
rected fo the undirsigned. notice is
hereby given that [ will expose to
public sale upon the premises on
Friday, May 3rd, 1918, at 2 o'clock
P. M., all the following described real
All that certain frset or parcel of
land sitoste in the Township of Clear.
field, Cambria County and State of |
Pennsylvania, bounded and deseribed
as follows: Beginning at a sugar on |
fine of land of Jamus McDermitt, de
ceased, thence South 81 degrees West, |
113 perches to a post; thence North
Bll4degrees Eeast, 71 perches to a
post; thence South 27 degrens East
83 perches to the place of beginning.
Containing 41 acres more or Jess, and
having thereon erected a dwelling
house and other far mbuildings. Ex-
cepting and reserving all minerals and |
mining rights and privileges which
were accepted and reserved in the
deed to Frank Nagle, deceased, by
deed of James Douglass. And farther |
being the same premises title to which
became vested in Frank Nagle, late
of Clewrfield Township, decessnd, by |
| dead from James Dempines ot ux, re. |
corded in the office for the Recording |
(of Deals in and for Cambria County, |
in Deed Book Vol. 271 at page 78
Termin of sale; Ten per cent. of the | #
{ purchase price wher the property in
(sold, and the balarce upon confirma. |
tion of sale by the Court and delivery
of shed,
Administrator of Frank Nagle,
The Fi ist
Capital paid up
The Oldest National Bank in Nothern Cambria
A general banking business transacted. We invite -
sou fmarviews o correspondence with firms 8
individu establish or +) change
banking relations ~ !
oe ¥ Tickets for all the }
Horse and Motor Hearses
Telephone Servien-~Office and Residence
Patton, Pa. $-12-3% ar
Notice is hereby given that am ape |
plication will be made to the Gover.
nor of Pennsylvania, on Monday, May
Sth, 1918, by George 8. Good H. 1.
Gregg and J. I. Way under Act of
Assembly entitled, “An Act to provide | #
for the incorporation and reguistiom
of certain corporwtions,” approved
April 20th, 1874, andl the supplements
thereto, for the charter of an inten)
od corporation to be called KEY.
PANY, the character and object of
conl and other minerals by the we
of diamond drills, for hire or other.
wise, for individuals, corporations or
such persons as may desire service of
pion 13 Eleventh Ave.
such chraacter; and for these pursos.
os to purilase, own, lease ir hire |
diamond driils and equiinment and |
operate sane; and for toose purposes |
to bave, possess and enjoy all the!
rights, ben fits and privileges of said
Act of Assemably an) the supplements
Patton, Ps April Lith, 1518 &12.3t
Dane 2g bas begun Sgain in full
swing. (cae with your lm y friend
‘and pats a pleasant evening. Dae.
ing Saturday night from 9 ti 12
(Office in the Good Building |
Powitiva—Convincing Pn rock
We publish the feeruls of Vind
> grove comwincing i> wl i hy Bie
power = Create sting
Ine P Lilvwr god Bod Poitone sy, Pren
204 Mogan » Fey Betas. Louk sud
Fourie Wit aie, Lewd Ghd Seen
Cis on Sppaampiiaiss, Ciara
An» woman wlio buys 3 Dottie of
Viool ior a weak, run-doren, nBervoss
condition and Sods aliec giving it »
fair twial it 63 nit help ber, wail
Lave her money returned.
You see, there is no gusss work
Vinol. Its formula
Shares Suthing Me &t foe oll eal 1
3 ort 1
liga hung
bet Pagromnn Soy ™
Lr. J.L VAN WRT, Vice President M. G. DUMM. Ass’
The Grange Nati
helen of Ford Sax are Sivised to
wire of “‘comnterfeit ’ voar
car needs adjustment here where
vou will find relinble service with the
complete mechanical equipment to give
the hig quality of Ford service ob-
tai nnbile, prt the Ford parts used ure
supplied by the Ford Motor C
You can not expeet your Ford ear b
give the service and endurance you de
mand anless you have it eared for by
men experienced in Ford methods. Ran-
about $435. Yourin ur Gar $400, Sedan
$640, Coupelst $355, $£595-—all
£. ob. Detroit, On display and for sale