Wo IRE NT REE wn war a i i WR ARB Ae SIA RR LR STI Go, oh nes wo So ¥ RES (ylarving in the Knowledge Sunday school 2:60 P. M People's meeting 6.456 P M neral prayer meeting Weinesdany small Masonic charm. Fioder 7:40 P.M. Everybody welcome to alk suitably rewarded for lev. mestings ing same at Corner Drag Store, Bar- “ Pa Read the Oficial Bulletin Lia 1 5 4¢ Mrs. A. Vale af the Peng Central A8e away: Fol bs 3 ; ST And the » : AGE & Power company of Altoona. : eo 1 Barsesbors to Je: of mil thet | ran do PA a Err ' WE. €F In town this week Le ns : HN ria ine & t + 4 Bat I'l sing of Freedom's triumph piv Committee recommending an m0 J will and be pay TW Ee i Mrs bh K. Rivhe! aru little ®OG ATE O a x ? . : : NETERRe IN WAROeS WRT omrades, on to gor © Pha fama | ¥isiting relatives and friends in Rich. ' 3 The nersms ae {yoni 2a wy : A A $ ¥ ¥ ¥ aun a 5 ag : i UNE fers thoy 3 rey pas aut Yi ; i + A . 3 Bw accented the hepor. he recor mended Majentic rR BOTs, the Fm which are Louise, Systam® and Mrs and righ. t 4 4% the ttle dmughter of Mr. Wm. Mellon is serious! v iH, suffering An atinek of plearisy 1 tt 1 Misses Eth! Anderson and Gadde has te. Allison were Johnstown shoppers where she Saturday, How of 1 ¢ 4 Miss Elizabeth Merrpwesther ol $0 Lie i Barnesbore, wes 8 Patton "visitor | day. } + 4 Misses Jemrette Brunens wad Mar garet Kelley visited friemds in Oxy. rolitows Senday. yf 4 4 Mr. and Mrs. Alex Ratowsky Imve ireturned from a business trip to Wew if York City. f+ 4 4 | Mr. George Boyer, who has been on L the sick list for the past two weeks, Lis somewhat improved ut this writ Et + 4 3 ! Ruth Rowland {wereen stir whe “Tae Bed sarele” serial and the “Wha Pave” seri will appear amen nn vesin in “the series, “The Price of Folly.” Back 3 rriplete vy hag td is not 8 serial but a the Sra of which = 4 : | Ma jontic on Sabarday niph 4 4 4 4 T Mel WW, Maurer 2 znd iter, Mildred, let We {for Palm Bea oh Fi | Join Mrs Ma tnd son. past movin the welik: featured in court ut geries of peetures 3 5° 2 3 £ oy d weaia be Hennetl Barneshors Beroaeh: Central Hao ied, Bank Corner, Sevilon’s Store. Bas. el 1st Church, No. 7 Tipple, r, the (3. Crossing, 2nd 81. 3rd 81 : Raibwny End of line Carrollowns Brawh: Hsrwood's relating Crossing, Kline's 1st Gute Fair Every Ground, Arble's Petersburg Crossing, i an ox. Nil Street, Stolte's Market, Ape in the Hetel, End of line s will be sr ——————————— sopping INDIANA DETECTIVE 58 will of this and gly. Com- | fhe fol- 3 S218 Ni. RN An ss INDIANA, Pa. March 5 Detective Samuel L Indians hospital in = serions dithen as the result of a» hrutal stack | mad- on him a! Lucerne, this eamnty, Saturday night while be wan secur. Pad Alley {Near s Carver, Ling formation in an allegnd speak- 4 White | (easy. The officer was disguised bat in 8 Cmotis- | some manner his identity wus diseov- Stine | ered and the astack followed Dusing ) od, | the mix-up he was strack over the t Paik, head mnd rendered uncomscious. He Craws- | was then dragged into a wearby field let, Fux- and left there in an unconscious con- sr Howe, dition. He was found sewers! hours Crossing, | later by Sheriff Barry A. Boggs and No. 9 Sie. | District Attorney William KX. Liggett of this place, and brought to the In- Naglt's | diana hospital. One side is paralyzed Patrick's | and he is suffering from a blow on St, ist 'the head. Lucerne i six miles south t Mine, of Indiana and alleged speakeasies Mine, wm that territory have been under the Aefingtan | surveillance of county officers for | seme time. ATURE at the SHOW tw “oP oo County | 3 or co inser isin the | 1hET own pheces, and they were ap con. | Propriate and perfectly rendered in i § a { egtagt . Brae, td # y 1 ehabeira is and Begutityl LAE GE, LC Re Crew lof Carrolltow fn, was kil 3 s 4 ¥ Oh, cheer up devedones, we wf “And benesth our eourirys flag We {large and beautiful mond, Pa tory complete will rome! Daliey Compile Then in M shal} Lhe fH the free. land iv borne.” thers bresths “Tramp, tramnh marching!” trams the bicvys are } come! shall breathe the sir ava n freedund in sur ~e pra helsced home In the battie front we'll stand. the fierewst tharpe is made When our men by husdreds wounded | fall ant’ die Fell advance in Freedom's rape Coward Hung will be dismayed When they hear cur shouts of vit'ry | rend the sky. Do your part at home as nobly! up ved ones, we will come! “And bereath our country's fay We shall bresthe Aenin Cheer the sir ” oo Eng WHS Hoge wy As thrilled with Al patreolic eninud sem. public and the Flag Song Those whe | recited or rendered solos had selected | every case. Many of the movers il. luastrated by emblems and appropriste rostames which added much {Roll of thirty names, and a large pum. | ber of imeresting letters was read | from the boys. Two little children hoisted the Service Flag, which is Paster lwayer| had arranged a special seag for the boys to the tune of Tramp, Tramp, the boys ame Marching, which was rend. | ered ian solo and chorus form. A girls’ chorus sang “Keep the Home Fires Burning” The climax was reached when, at the close, a large chorus of young people which filled the spaciems platform, rendened the national airs of England, Franes, Italy | and America. Before each anthem | a young lady stepped forward with | proper flag. The Belgian flag was | displayed after the French anthem and the Pastor offered a prayer for | Belgium. After the Star Spangled | Banner, the congregation joined the | chorus in singing America and God | Save Our Men, and then came © beautiful tableau. But it is impos. | #% the who witnessed it ean possibly realize its beauty and inspiring effect A SS SS Wo HS. | WELL KNOWN CARROLLTOWN RESIDENT KILLED IN MINE Benno Stich, a well-known resident ied of coml in the Pleister min {day afternoon at 1.45 tock. He was working with his son, Benno, Jr. when the accident happened. The de- ceased was forty-five years of age He is survived by his widow and nine children. The funeral! services were held Thursday morning at 9:30 o'clock with a solemn requiem high mass and interraent in St. Benedict's cemetary The decemsed was a member of the Knights of St. George and the Moose at Patton, both of which lodges at- tended the funeral in a body. FOUND--Near Red Cross rooms, a ladies’ ring. Owner may have same by calling at this office, proving prep- erty and paying for this notice When jolted in | IN SERIOUS CONINTION |*mging the Battie Hymn of the Re. | to thei effect Mrs. Zwayer called the Honor | sible to tell in words how splendid | whole program was. Only those | EA mae kine dav WOrk, and for be The committees pecomrmonds dav that a wperators of the the t ince 10 Ht meslinge with district be hod, be fixed later refime the Foiicy Com mittee will cotvention nmi y i he Poin y Jo me and p wf wh oo demands of the miners emis Lomp tte based cimim for an increase in wages on the [fact that the Fae! Administration ab | cents per ton Opposition to the acceptance of the | report developed during the seavion | | this morning, sme delegates believing | thet the increase should be greater in | sorne sections, but President Brophy | held the delegates to the report of the : Policy Committers and the sonvention adopted the repurt The € popu ey a iy ory oR ¥ pa B THEO SE Eh that the doen he Sb dC TUE GLORGE 2 JAUKSON Dies FOLLOWING LONG JLINESR Condpete ter on ( kk C(. ranch of Pennsylvania Rail a road Expires-at Cresson My Lows and the Order Ba way (on. dastors. He sl for 14 : Wives by h | Ma Mr Jackson in Mors Mage alr Esters Jackson, one sen, TERMS vs Wedow, Me. ters and sisters: Bobet Jackson. Newport, Pa: Fred Jacksen, $s Pe» RTE S { Pitts. Mrs. Proder » Fozer of Akron, Funeral services will ing The body will be shipped to- | ; morrow morning to LaJose, Clearfield | County, where interment will be made. | % NEWS this place enlisted in the rational | army at the Cresson recruiting office | Saturday. They left here Morday | for the army barracks at Columbus, | Ohio, — Four men were returned from | | Camp Lee for the convenivnce of the | ski, Kinpart: John Zuby, i Michae! Solamanchuck, Hastings; | Andy Kovaloreski, Blandbury. Call No. 34 is hereby announced for | ithe U 8 School of Aerial Photog | i raphy, Rochester, N. YY, for | dred and fifty (1540 photographers | {fo report 0 the Commandment at that point on March lith more Barnesbore boys in the Barts Justlam aod H FYyidw % hy » Lae A or Wednesday Harrishor: a fall n, Mop. ! { MES. THOMAS NUGENT SUCCUMBS AT CRESSON | CRESSON, March 5-—-Mrs. Edna | Kaylor Nugent, aged about 22 years wife of Thomas W. Nugent, died yes- | tenday at the home of her parents, | Mr. and Mrs. John C. Kaylor, of this | piace. The gl was united in marriage bere last August. The bedy will be shipped away tomorrow after. nool to Swissvale, Pa, where funeral services will be beld at 9 o'clock, Thursday morning from St Anslem’s Catholic church Interment will de made in the Quivary Cemetery. Pitts- burg. fn case the operators the | another | ts lowed the operators arn increase of 85 | WRE 3 resident of (ros. Ur. Dean Jack. | | som, at home, ani the following broth. | of | ow : $ Mrs. Sadie Willians, of Gallitzin | be held from ithe late residence at 7:30 o'clock this | OF LOCAL DRAFT BOARD logis Lewis and Thomas Brown of | i i Government. They are Wasco Romon- | Hastings; | r one ham | * AR * ab ue ¥ SARSER * A > RE hn . AVEARSS ATL ARE 4 RETRACT RTAPTRT NPR RT AR * 5 AP ASASAS ASAE AS rr RE RRR RN fa # ¥ a“ COLUMBIA CGRAFONOLAS Costing from $18.00 to 3250.00 EDISON PHONOGRAPHS Costing from $35.00 to $265.00 RECORDS TO FIT ANY MAKE OF TALKING Rishel, Sauter Jewelry Co., Inc ln A Ap LA MACHINE Patton, Penna. PENG ME RE RRL RE Lee wl ¥ WA Br eB Lr i Br i Bo el Bel (See er Ear Re Ee OE Tr ; - Peee bei pee i Lens an HEARERS SERS SERS PIES PRN pa yo And tobacco now tastes much better toasted. You'll know this when smoke the famous Cigarette, the real Burley cigarette. It's toasted to develop and seal in the Burley tobacco flavor, INA SNs en aren