The Patton courier. (Patton, Cambria Co., Pa.) 1893-1936, January 11, 1918, Image 1

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    Owing to the late trains, the ad-
vartised program was somewhat
changed but this did not detrnet in
any way from the success of the
meeting. It was unquestionably one
‘ of the most inetresting and most pro-
fitable Grange meetings ever hold in
During the afterncon, Mr. W. H.
Dunlinger was invited to address the
andience which he did in a balf hour
speech, referring principally to the
wir situation and the necessity of
every person getting behind the
Carl Steter Was First New Official |
Siworn in Yesterday i
EBENSBURG, Jan. 7--Mrs Jose- | District Na 4 of this county were
phine Muacuso, convicted of man mailed by the local board yesterday.
slanghter at the December term of As the questionnaires sre returned af-
court for shooting to Jdeah Barto | tor being filled out by the registrants,
Glass at Frugality Nev, 1ii, wus today | classification cards sre sent to the re-
sentenced to the Pennsylvania Indus. | gistrihts by the Jocal board. These
trial school at Morgana. Mrs Ma- | classification cards take the place of
cuso is not yet 18 years old and has | the registration cards previously ie.
never had any educational benefits. | sued and in addition to the notation
Pat Comming, aggravied assault gnd order number of the reg atrant
and battery, $10 fine, costs and six | There has been a little confusion
months in jail. - | among some of the registrants in this
Joe Gallagher, malicious mischief, | district, some of the registeanty think.
90 days in jail. ing that they must again report to
William: Hopfer, larceny, costs and | the local bonrd gpon receipt of these
The last of the Questiomnmires for |
The following letters have heen ro.
* EBENSBURG, Jan. 7.-Cambria |
(county today had $4,00 more a year
{mdded to her ulready large payroll
{when President Judge M. B. Stephens
evived lately from our soldier hoys '® 8 written decree sprung a distinet
in different parts of the United tSaton | Surprise ondhe public an well as those
thanking the women of the Red Cros ‘0 Sttendance at court by mppointing
Society for the comfort kits which three new tipstuves and William Ei
they sent them: | Mulhollen, the outgoing sheriff, court
terier. The court crier will receive
{$1,000 per year and ench of the tip-
| staves receive that sum. Until toduy,
December 30th, 1917.
Editor Patton Courier,
Patton, Pa.
lar session Monday night, Ju
with Provident Prindible,
Collar, Kelsall, Rogers and Shon
present. The minutes of the
meeting were read and approve
Other sentences imposed today were: ‘of classification contain the serial :
Dear Sir:
wish to thank the Patton Branch
i fort kit which they sent me It wure
dees come in handy and contains
{everything needfull for the comfort
iof a soldier.
Through the columns of your paper
{of the Red Cross Society for the com- |
Edmund J. Humphrey of Ebensburg, |
| hind been official court crier He in |
veteran of the Chil war wid bas hald
| the position of court erier for 25 years |
Tax Collector Gill presented s
of exonerntions amounting to $487.
64. Motion was duly seconded. Rx
onerstions granted Ha
jand seven months. The decree of | The following bills were rend and
Judge Stephens today abolished Mr. | on motion duly fed, ordes were
| Humphrey's office, at th lutter's re | ranted for same: ot
quest, and gave it to the ex-sheriff |
further sentence suspended until ar.
United States Clovernment and sup- gument court.
porting it to the limit. He urged
"ths members to become actively iden.
tified with the «Rd Cross movement
and subscribe Hherally to U. 8. Gov-
emmert Certificate Stamps and
- Thrift Stamps.
The evening wession was open to
the public. The Grange Hall Was
crowded with a very interested au.
dienice, Dr. P. J. Kelly, one of the
Four-Minute speakers deliversd a | paid.
re Dr pddtes which was | Fagan Jenkins, colored, native of
Sparas Fon nestor. tives oo | Alabama, breaking and entering. costs |
of the | La Salar, Pa Seifvere) Bo B10 fine and sentenced to Hoantingdon |
writers pleasure to hear for a lng | "EOE ATS
time. He gave his audience wothe- | :
thing to Bey sbout. He sketched "and 10 memths in jail Judge Stephens
: what be clamis to be the false. econ. | made little allowance for this defen.
fine and six months in jail
schofl is » Russian. He admitted cut.
ting two men during a boarding house !
compelled to do it in sell’ defense
Wasril Kotscho, defrandisg a board. :
{ing house keeper, costs, $10 fine and
i stand committed anti! the board Li is
Ben Miller, larceny, costy, $10 fine |
and America rticularty during Miller's father-in-law hygl irdormed
at he 3 the him that he was not of much account |
and did not provide for his family as’
he should.
Bailog Stufke, violating mine laws,
coats, $5 fine and 30 days in the coun.
ty mil. AH of the above-narned de.
H »
After disposing of motions and pe- |
titions and dispensing sentences, nat-
uralization court was opened. The
{brought with (hem to help them
Carl Steuer, who tixday became suc-
cessor as county detective to Sheriff
Roscoe C. Custer, was the fint new
| official sworn in today, the oxth of of-
fice being administered in the coerk of |
" office downstairs, and for an
Custer had no job. He was!
in as sheriff at high noon by
Prothonotary George Walker Wil.
MERI 10F + jiyree, who also administered the oath |
urged | Poor
Director Jobin L. Evans and
iry Commissioners Robert S. Lytle
il 8, Gordon. Gordon and Lytle
19 by "Squire
lA. J. Waters of Ebemsburg More
® Pro- names than usual are being placed in
ME the wheel this year, and more venige- 1
med off BY | men will be drawn to serve at ch)
ved him. of court than heretofore. There |
been a shortage of taleamen at al- |
most every term of court, owing to
{the large number of persons drawn |
; wish to be excused from service
OF various reasons. i
A romantic love story with the fire
youth making it fascinatingly
and life-like is one of the
ming features of “Betsy Ross,”
Paid $3.00 for which will be shown at the Majestic
> , sild at theatre on Friday, January 18 with
dozen. Many’ Alice Braily as the star. - Romance is
went home la-' the predominating feature in this pro-
to keep them duction, although the romance centers |
¥8. The net around the great historical event of
Sale were $48.70. In (he making of the first American flag.
twelve of the mem- The story is replete with startling |
¢ handed in their incidents, with surprising turns and
of the Red Cross with beautiful and effective scenes |
en ; Brady is immensely pleasing
tal rece 79 which in the title role. The whole produc-
ond the expectations of tion ia a treat.
transportution und everything con.
nected with the motion picture busi- |
the Grange for their gener. ness, we are flanlly compelled to ad-
in this matter. The real. vance our prices a little. Starting
will be used by the ladies for Monda¥, January 14th, the price of
special work they have in mind admission at the Majestic Theatre will
A PAE spety Thao
Triangle service at the Grand Sat- prices will, however, include the war
i .
On pccount of the high cost of
ters of the Red Cross tae
Rudolph Cornelius Schanschofl, fel. Ling the registrant in what classifica. |
onious assault and battery, costs, $10,
Sehan- |
brawl at Blandburg, but said he was |
(was held last Monday night at the #0
; Grand Bowling Room when the Pat.
SE Lams were closely matchod and both |
omic conditions existing in Europe | dant’s ples for leniency, saying that
| Mrs. Lacue, Mrs: Denlinger.
+ where he attended an important meet. “73 De awake and active.
The Red Cross in surely
cimssifications. These clunsifiention | doing a t work for the boys
ecards are for the purpose of inform.
Uncle Sam's service. i
tion he has been listed by the Joeal! Iam a member of & company com- |
board. If this classification compares | posed of men from Franklin and Hun.
with the marks the regivtrant has tedon and practically all of them
made on his questionnaire thre can [Je received sweaters and wristletas
be no appeal made to the classifica) IPM their home branches of the Red |
¥ ‘
If the classification har bee § Croan, } Beat belonged 1 Company
leut down by the Joes! bourd. the res iF of the 5th N. GG. P. but the 184th’
ia #. P. and the 8th N. 6. PF. wen |
gistrant can, if he feels justified, ap. |’ = P, nd He 8 y re
peal to hte District Board nly Jame An Ale h% Me 12 U. 8. Im
—————— and theres no N. GP
: i eri IE eau pedo & a Bp Cg 3
PATTON DEFEATS BAKERTON |! will now close again thanking the
Rid Cross for their kindness and the
A very interesting bowling mated i editor for the publication of this tee |
Corporal BE. R Martz,
Co. F H2 U. 8 Int
Camp Hanooelk,
Augusta, Ga
team defeated the team from |
Bakerton by 01 points. The twos
pluyed a splendid game. The line-up
134 Ladies of the Red
19 Patton, Pn
124) We wish to thank you for the do
165 sation of the comfort kits. We could
142 do without them. It's “where's.
me Tony kit?" here and “where's my kit?”
6} | thare all the time.
We are located in Camp Grant, JL,
and are getting fine treatment on all
tides. The boys from Patton ure all
seperated but we hope to be together
again some time in the near future.
It is somewhat colder out here than
in Ohio.
'} Nowe of fs have bad any mail from
home a yet. We will be here one
and then be sent down south.
, the undersigned are now st this
address. Wishing you all a Happy
New Year
135 147
706 &4p
Other high scores for the week
were: Duncan Wilkie, 233-255; Ruby |
Edward J. Cullens.
Alex Montieth, Ir.
Philip J* Mitchell,
John J. Callahan.
Huber, 228; Robery Honter 227.
es es essen.
The following is a list of the mem.
bers who have been sewing and knit. WH. Denlinger, Chairman,
ting in the Red Cross rooms on the | Red Cross Association,
following days: . Fatton, Fa. :
dapuary 3, 1918 Not wishing to take too much of :
| your valuable time, I want to thank |
Harry you for the Red Crow outfit I re. |
Mrs. ceived this morning. | am parsing in!
Mrs. | the - Surgical Ward of the general
Mrs. (bowpital and am on
Mrs. month so was in bed when the mail.
rs. man brought the kit, but when
w, awoke and saw where the package
le. wus from it did not take me long te
[Ret to the inside of it *If you could
{only see how eagerly a soldier rips
Mrs. Lacue, Miss Gayman, Mrs ithe wrapping from a package, you
R. Somerville, Mrs Sincox, Mrs. M. [could then realize
D. Bearer, Mrs. A. C. Winslow, Miss ting a package
Ada Mellon, Mrs. Dengle, Mrs. Woo. friends.
mer, Mrs. Culp, Mrs. Burn, Mrs. Den. | evirythin
Columbus, Ohio, Jun. 2. 1918
Hoover, Mrs. Jos. Karlhime,
Culp, Miriam Culp, Mrs. Kelly,
Pius Yahner, Mrs. Jas Mellon,
MacWilliams, Mrs Kusner,
Blankfield, Miss’ Ada Mellon,
Grassberger Mrs. A. C. Wi
Mrs. Mertens. Mrs. Rewel Somervil
January 5, 1918
And let me say this, that |
E in the kit will alwa
jof use to the soldier.
i place, the articles
| gether in the kit,
{important thing n
Miss dier, for everything is done in min.
January 8 1918
Mrs, Young, Mrs. Lacue. Delisllis
Farabaugh, Mrs Patterson, Mrs. M
D. Bearer, Miss Adan Mellon,
Francis Mellon, Mrs Kelly, Mrs. utes in the army and
Dengle.*Mrs. A. C. Winslow, Mrs. | toothbrush should
Lyons, Mrs. Burns, Mrs. Ed. Little,
Mrs. Denlinger.
Burgess M. H. Gardner was a busi. | "iY b sent to the guard Bouse, 3
ness visitor in Altoors Thursday, YOU OBR see a ut al.
get muplaend, it]
| would be impossible to waste ume or
{wp minutes trying eo find it, for you
, muy be late for roll call and that in
ia mark against your conduct, for the |
ing of the Altoona District Associa | (Give my regards’to my friends and
tion of Optometrists in the Chamber | ™ the good old towh of Patton, Al-
of Commerce Building. | though I have been away from there
Mr. Gardner for soi time TOF the past Year or so, it is my birth. |
been an active member of this im. Pe and I will always have a good |
portant association and a regular at. | ward for the tiwn and its good peo-
Senda. a; Na Meum. | Wishing you all kinds of success
Misses Francis and Ada Mellon, | 0 your Red Cross work and again
Hellen and Loretto Prindible and Mrs. | thanking you for the kit. | remain
Geo. 8. Good, Jr, attended a knit. | Yours truly,
ting party at the home of Dv. and | Private Robert G. Matley,
M=s. Anderson of Barredharo Monday, Tost M.D,
in honor of Miss Jessie Anderson, who Columbus Barracks, |
is a guest at the Anderson homie. Columbus, Ohio.
est to be relievsd
Fist position.
officers has beer incressed from two
bo wix, and the salary incrosse apgre-
| “That Bawund J. Hie |
pointed tipatafl to take offuct at once
iwho a few moments before had fin. |
ished a four-yesar terns in the sheriff's |
| office.
Mr, Humphrey told the court
sume Lime ago that his spe was be
ginning to affect his henring and ank-
However, the de
cree that revolies bi appointment
makes him a Cipstaff, at the sane
salary. In addition ta Mr. Humphrey,
Jusse N. Bolsingter, a veteran of the
Civil war, has assisted] in the court.
reer work ss tigetad. He atid] retaina
Eut the sta® of court
pintely in just $4,000 a yemr
Following ms he decrow of the Sour,
| veirbation, which sets forth the other
| Appointments:
Order of court relating to the re
vocation and appointment of a court
(etier and tipstaves for the several
[courts of Cambvim county:
“Now, Jan. 7, 1918, the appiontment
of Edmond J. Hamphray to the posi |
tive of court crhir in hwreby revokisd.
“That William E. Mulbollen is sp-
pointed to be court erier to take uf-
; wphyrey is ap:
“That James Kelley is appointed
tipstaf? to take sffect ant ome
“That John T, Bair is appointed |
Gipsta®? to take effect the first Mon. |
ay of March, 1998,
“That Joseph J. Davis is appointed
tipstalf to take effect on the first
Monday of Mmnth, 1918.
“That the appointivients
above | be placed at the siley near
: i Grange Natl. Bank, (Int. on
old orchers) ........
‘Dr. 8. W. Worrell ..........
'M. J. Shannon ....... si
DG Dumm
P. H Biller
| Patton Water Co A
| Star Printing C0 vi vvsuina va
DG. Dunm of
‘W. J. Gill . 75
John Zahursky B00
Having no other business on hand
the yeuneil adjourned, :
The Borough Council met for the
purpose of reorganization Monday
night, Ex-Burgess Long adminis
ve Fes en
(tered the oath of office to Burgess '
elect, M. Kl. Gardner and invested him
with the budge of authority.
Burgess Gardner then administered S00
(the oath of office to Councilmen-elect,
Calahan, Kelsall and Crowell. |
The clerk called the new Council ty
der and Councilman Prindible was
| utianimously re-elected President. ed.
| The various officers were elected:
iD. G. Dumm, secretary: The Grange
was, vn vote of council, directed
mnde will continue and be in force Cash Store.
until further omcler of the court
“The appointivs herein named are |
to be paid by Cambria county in|
| on as is provided by lpw, and shall
| pefform such duties aw pertain to
| their respective appointments as off.
ters of the said several courts of Cam. |
monthly installnvents, sock compenss-
ra county. »
“It is further ordered that while wn
duty these court officers shall be
which is or may be he
realtier adopted
by the court.
“President Fudge.”
night duty this _ The appointments came as a con. | EUS | b Io
| plete surprise to evervhody, ‘and this | ed tie id
I afternoon some very cdustic com. | vertised a hee
ments were indulged in muther freuly | : eal : as “the wickedust
by people here discusaing the matter.
With conservation urged on
hand during war times and wits
rourthouse improvements undergoing
fore their completion, wivted
descending so a
& tenure of office pa
for four Years
askance by many. It ix argued that
to conserve for the henefit of the
country. Why, then, should the courts
increase their staff of attendants at
soch salaries when the court attend.
ants are only called upon five or six
rany real service in return for the mo- eral prayer
oY paid them? some contend
- a
ture Corporation. Nevertheless, it is
not a regular Goldwyn program pies
ture but a big special production of
this company.
i ture scenurios is doing pretty
Lorelei Knight,"
how he enjoys yet. ! what will cost the taxpayers posnibly | There are three m
or letter from his three-quarters of a million dollars be- puture—iiy So
ys be | by the courts whan the hoard gf come. 1% : ;
Ir. the first ty commissioners chose tH exercise | millionaire; the love story of the snr
are all kept to- | their own discreion in the premises, DickMailer; the ecounterplot, engl
which is one very plenty of food far comment and eriti. Detred by the police, that rounds
ecessary for a sul. | Cism is furnished, Taxpayers are not these criminals, and the
big city for no other purpose
ying u big sslnry | :
looked upon with night life of New York and a daring *
| prologue. *
even the uitra-tich are cutfing down This feature will be shown at the
expetses. aml certailing Majestic Theatre,
of servants in these days « | 1918
Righ prices and war times, in order |
School 10:30 A
teverybody to be there.
'ship 6:00 P. M. Pustor Zwayer
! times 8 year during sessions to render prwach on “The Only Way ™
Upon motion, duly seconded, the
Council then adjourned.
ol 2 ;
The average writer of motion plo
tis generally agreed, when he gots ®
| Ine interesiing story into & :
iressed in the pegulution uniform Rex Beach has put eight inte his mo
hoa picture version of his own sue
'cwsful novel, “The Auction Block”
beutiful |
n block,
woman in the Worid,” and the story of
a mill girl and the rich man who loved
in the
taking kindly to the progam. The Vingeancs of a woman who became
if your soap or | fine fat plum of & possible life's job | sdventuress in the night life of
sruptly into the Inp |
of ap. outgoing sheriff whe Kas hud |
g¢ the death of her father
There is alse a picturiza tion of the
Friday, Januazy 18,
nae % Eat
At the Calvary Chapel Sunday.
- M. Let us try to pet
meeting Friday, 7:30 P. 1
IM. Everybody welcome to all meet
ings. i
| “The Auction Block” was the first | Notwithstanding the very bad wea Ny
‘big special made by the Goldwyn Pic i ther, nearly all the members at
Communion last Sunda
[new year opened wi
| for rejoicing because prog
: 4