Courier. E THSASIC 12.00 £€ “inl, AA ed Na Heri 5 AoA OT —- fe gran the ch Any £1EY hes tae grog work and amount you I HAD TO WHIP unfindelied work, sak : MYSELF TO WORK, home find fash I ASSERTS YEAGER | would put all vour Lime iH sewing and | knitting: have sweats and socks | YH, ad | Luiited: those are very much seeded. | emplied tol qu Wastmont Schon! is the first | : interruption | Bex the Jonlors and te ! “1 sure was dows and put there fore | STAR PRINTING COMPANY Morrow they will be Prenented with 2 time,” save “Charlie” Yeager, an Educational Work. [8 Red Crows flag, 32 x 45 inches. We 2XPert assembler at the International Patton, Pa. President fan Mrs. Zwayor, the chairman on Edu- | inn bury any so I made the flag. factory, whose nhone is at 18 South . | cation, ard "Registration for the Wo- | In one camp, 1 was told, the boys i detfervon street, Allentown, Py. “1 man’s National Defense” hay an. | 1 nounced herself as ready to enroll] no appetite and I couldn't got a | were so cold that they wlopt in their | wan nervous and all run down > | clothes. Do you not think this will | . 3 ~ | members for a class in Hygiene and | They will #00d night's rest and used to pile | Nursing, Also ready to regei ’atton 4 then spi QUILnwed front Plage One) a Assembler Says He Was 83 Run Down | That He Always Felt Tired Established 1593 » Pri that Pation pressnts to her bo many tives they must be make sure, should an ooCaY. ies} Bopian ational Bank in Nothern A general banking business transacted. We sonal interviews or correspondence with ing to establish or «, invite appeal to the women" want to banking relations, | enrollment of worsen for Natio ¢ the | i De- | i minke sweaters and knit in 091 in the morning feelin & more tired § their sleep. INTEREST PAID ON TIME than when I turned in. individuals wish » f fense, which will be explained at the | The little aint “I hadn't a bit of ambition, and n ¥ 2 Legal notices $1.50 ineh 1 . .- thee inertia ns BE 9 | ! wo ne, BNL Bunks be | per E = I advertising 10c per line or neal: display, payable strictle Foreign sdrertising mast be paid | fo Brera advance. No com 00 advo ime agents. HOUSEWIVES ARS Wanviw AGAINST BUNCO' GAME: ~. WATCH FoR 1%SPECTORS Representing Government, Clever Chaps Examine Supply of Preserves Ba Siaatitd / % SHE fi the use ding to the namber of family. They quickly umount whith should re- house and suggest that be turned over to them in the country § i £3 5 ! in E i i i iF on fg ENTHUSES WHEN SAMMIES GET INTO THE TRENCHES “Long Delayed Victory Assured.” One Newspuper's Comment on Event LONDON, (ct. 20.~The British FOR TAX COLLECTOR I S——— ‘already totalled 8 goodly sum, but to making money to pay for those for! ti Drag Store. Let everybody patronize [them to save all fat cuttings from jin ervock This is weed to fry pota- room for registration—-Dr. Kelly's office, Saturdsy, November drd at 8 eloek { Expense of Branch Work Now in order to mairtain this great and noble work of the Red Crows it takes morey, and as explained to the Fatton Branch at their monthly busi. | ness meeting last Friday, October 26, | by the treasurer, Mrs. Daniel Shan. | non. ‘The soviety can use only nuch | money as she earns or way donated to | hr. All membership money is used | fer Hospital supplies snd is handled ¥ i i tg She treasurer, Mr. Sandford. Therefore it can eastiy De Under. ntood HM is very necessary for the Pat. ton Branch to occupy herself in not | andy making Comfort Kits, which are met honpital supplies and which have which we now owe, Ways and Means Proposed for Mak- ing Money. It was proposed at the busiress meeting that a datice and a food sale tui given for this special fund of She Red Cross. | The dance to ba postponed for the present. The food sale to be held next Huturdny afternoon, November 3rd at two o'clock in the window of Gunn's ‘ § 1 § i i 2 i : i this most worthy cwuse. Boys Comfort Club. The Boys’ Comfort (Club was held over wetil more thoroughly thought otit and a suitable head be found, whe | would be willing to take charge. Food Conservation. A class in Food Conservation met ali the home of the chairman Wedses. duy. This clans was in charge of Mrs. Arron Goldman and dealt principally with the prevention of waste of fats, although wheatless days were also discussed. It was proposed that me. Bidens with their receipes should be plblished in the Courier snch week fir & Mmestlesn and & whentloss day. Mrs. Goldman in her talk advised bief and poultry, potting these through a ment grinder and then ten. diving them. When it is about dis sodved add a tiny bit of onion, or two small omions finely chopped to five pounds of cod fat, just as the onion begging to tury, strain” and set away toes, or is umd wherever you wanld wie lard, excepting in pie crust Chicken fat is an excellent substitute for butter in both biscuit and cake PENNSYLVANIA SENDS s are kritting 6 x 8 Steamship Tickets for all the leading Lines; Draft payable in the principal cities of the Safe Deposit Boxes for nse of our patroris furnish You should have one or more of our Saving F in your hotwm, Will teach the children preatical sons of éconotng, WM. H. SANDFORD President squares of bright colored yarn and MOTRing after morning I had to whip making Afghans. They are, when MY to work becuse I felt so tired i finished, 1% by 2 yards. The squares 9% that 1 could hardly drag one foot are Joimed with black andl they ave (after the other, and vou know there's very pretty sy No pleasure in that kind of life. : kE will ship a box of sun garments | 0 hes ! read what Tanine hag ta sou tomorrow and Beps you will done for they talks here in Allen. succeed in securing more helpers and Sh a , tang it myself, and in any way I can help you, 1 will be | re hay feed a up fine, ang H : CARAT JO ae good word along most happy to do sy. Just let me | = . 1 Know PPE 8 « "My appetite has come back, and 1 Many thanks, for your sssistance in |" ke a wolf: that tired fooling has thiv work. I am very sincerely POOPY ,: : an tte fy fo § Mrs. Daniel Morrell Stackhouse | " Yeuted ind ready for my duy's | Work. Tinlee, the famous mmonstractive tonic, is now being introduced and explained by the GUNN DRUG COMPANY STORE. AFTER SIX YEARS Patton Testimon In proportion to the number of men | ———_— onjraged in its work, the Pennaylvania Time is the best truth. Here is a department of forestry chiims the dis. | Patton story that has stood the test tinction of having more men enlisted of time. It is a story with a point than any other branch of the Mate which will come straight home to government. The total number is 32, | many of us. and this number is just {1 por cont of |G. W. Patou, farmer, R F. D. No. 1. the foresters in service whet war was says: “For 8 long time I could hardly | declared. The operation of the draft stand the severe pains in the small is altogether likely to take nine or of my back and sides, cxuiped by weak | 10 more, which would lonve the de. kidneys. My head sched and’ I partioent with less than 4) pe reent of coubin’t rest at night on account of i its original field force of farvsters. In the kidney secretions passing too | wddition to the number of men Moen often, The seeretions were full of | above as enlisted, three of the state's sediment. | didn't And anything that foresters are serving as listing of. [relieved me until I weed Doan's Kid- | cers for the 20th Forest rugimant, and | vey Pills. In a short time they pave P atton, two ex-foresters are already in France ood results. The headaches lefy me, with the 10th Forest reyriemnt. Wal. the pains in my back were relieved | : ter D. Lodwig of Johntavam is one of and the kidney secretions cleared up the three listing offeers, {Over six years later, Mr. Bates uaid: w E. A. Eigler, formerly director of | “Doan’s Kidney Pills made a perma. ‘E the State Forest academy, where state Pent cove for me. [| havn't had 8 sign Li foresters are trained, holds & commis- | of kidney trouble sinee ” i ¥ion ax captain in the cosnt artillery, ! Price 60e, at all dealers. Don't Hi and is instructor in militiry mapping | imply ask for a kidney remedy---get. | bl ut Fortress Monroe. W. Gardiner Doan's Kidney Pills--the same that | Conldin, formerly in charge of the | Mr. Bates had Foster- Milburn Co, Ei reforestation and nursery work of the | Mfere, Buffalo, N.Y. fdepartmont, hea 8 commission 8s first. | lieutenant with the 20th Forest regi. ment. E. H. Simth, formerly in charge of the Bald Eagle state forest near Williamsport, is first lieutenant in the 318 Infantry regiment. J W. Reltzer, formerly forester in charge of the! Penn State forest at Coburn, holds a commission sa second heutenant with the 10th Forest regiment A nun. ber of other foresters are non -Com mis. sioned Mera. The training and excellint physical (left me, and I sleep fine all night | Clong and wake up feeling refreshed | + (3 i" de % * « habe nid wore hms linsens H6 we ni 88 Mr. E. W. Bostic of Harrisburg, will take charge of my holm da Nov. 5th, he has had 15 years experience and is one of the best in Pennsylvania. MAKE AN APPOINTMENT TODAY Edward Patton, Penna PERERA FAR 0 A A a MANY FORESTERS TO GOVERNMENT SERVICE wera Walter D. Lodwig of Johnstown Is Claussed as Listing Officer — y Remains Unsshaken a 3 Careful and Up-To-Date Service Horse and Motor Hearses Telephone Serviee--Office and Residence ak All pieces of fat Wo old or dark for coking save snd we will teach ¥! how to make soup. The Patton Bratch of Red Cross extend their thanks to the Dinan: Brothers for the use of their thea ani their kind courtesy in help eotiduct the moving pieture she night they dorated the proceeds the benufit of the Med Cross. A very interestin ire, is piven as follows: My dear Mrs. Brown In reply to your letter of October 2th, wu ecertaily will be pleased to recive your box of goods and I am sure they will be very well made. I was in Philadelphia from October 1th until October Mth. snd felt so prood of our workers in Johnstown and Cambria. County. 1 could hardly whit to retarn to work. I visited ali § ou | $ § Are ng to | w the | for j¢ IVIL WAR VETERAN ® Metter from the! chairman of our Red Cross Chapter | Johnstawn, Pa. Oct 30 1717. | Evan Lewis, sped 58 years, one of the | {best known residents of northern In. | condition of the forester pives them | dore than usual fitness rar active Brandon Hotel, Spangler Pa. | | EMINENT SPEACIALISTS. PHY. service, and their experience int hand- | SICTANS AND SURGEONS, | you lon and conducting harps se-| | lepNSPD REGISTER AND fonts for the high proportion of ofl-| (UTHORIZED BY THE STATE, Nr Lodi oe Who lave enlisted. | NOW VISITING WERE REGU. Mr. Ludwiy has enrolled 12 mien mi LARLY IN THE INTERESTS OF Johnstown fur the forent regiment. | HEALTH AND TREATING ALL RE mp MANNER CURABLE AILMENTS. CLAIMED BY vA The Sick Wil Be =t ! [ALL CASES MUST CALL FOR PER. diana county, died at his home SONAL PHYSICAL EXAMINA. Saicksbury Mandsy morsiwg. Mr.| po AND NEE NG CIRCUM.- | Lewis was a member of Company A, STANCES ARE INCURABRI ES 8th Pennsylvania volunteers, and (People Whe Cannot Be Helpod i the Civil War, His command took part | pn UNDER TREATMENT | | EORER EEA a AA Ca he earaped without a wean 25 | Positively the most saccemtii trent |§ J. A. SCHWAB, President » M.D. BEARER, Cashier ? OBR without & wound & Was i : 2s fom } : * member of the Veterans’ Birthday |") K0OWR are given. All chronic 3 Dr. J. I VAN WERT, Vice President M. G. DUMM, Ass't ATR ER rik ok w Aa i AERA A aad ¥ a INDIANA, 1411-13 Eleventh Ave. i 3 y Red Cross officials.—don't think | missed nny, and find that our work in many cuses is better than some I saw and our- number of workers more. Our work is very commendable I was told, and as for Junior Mem. berr—our schools are the first in the state. Oh, how I Wish every school in the county would get to work—en- courage snd enthuse their children They cari save a quarter ou of their of the future will depend Juniors. Help them to GARFIELD WILKINS VOTERS: —Consider this: The school records show thas he col. lected during 1915-16, more money ex- ceeding the amount of his sulary than any collector in the history of Patton. Adv, REVEL SOMERVILLE ATTORNEV.AT.LAW Office in the Good Building then: how muck good t and how very much we Could you not ask wach workers to promise to bri member to your next m them wee want to one of your ng one other evting? Tell make our December ! shipinent tha largest one and thei | asotinticn mie ont af te diseases of men, women and children p edie The Grange National Bank dot : social oryamizations bo are tremted. If wick, ailing or any- | the state. ®ach member of the asso. | NO MAK 4 OF PA N PA TTO J ciation is a veteran of the Civil war famous isietigy Bind Do net jute and the birthday of each is celebrated to operations and have your life un. by the association as it veeurs. Mr. | dangered by lance, knife or needle he- Lewis was a member of the Mahoning fore consulting these Specialists. It wife ded vert pears sone le | matters set what the £2 ay ut children, 30 grandchildren and 29 ports a ha Stason from al great grandchildren, are living. The source; it matters not if other specinl. || hide are M. K. John W. and E}- | iota have failed and you have been told | you are incurable. You owe it to your. | ; self and your family to see these sue. | cessful specialists without delay, who || a Me. (have been doing such wonderful good | Neb.: Mrs. | throughout the state, and if thers is § the finest thresd upon which to hang % hope, you will find hope with the x i treatment that will lead to health, con. 1 : | tentment and happiness. Remember © that {the day of next viit and hoars— § 4 | 3 Deposits Dee. 31st, 1906 ** Dee. 31st, 1907 Nov. 27th, 1908 _. _. Sept. 1st, 1909 . Sept. 1st, 1990 ,. . Dee. 5th, 1911 .. Nov. 26th, 1012 | Aug. 9th, 1933 . Sept. 12th, 1914 . . .. NEY. ad a oh is . James Stiteler of Cozad, Ella Minich of Panic. NOTICE TO HUNTERS i 4 4s Wr — Hunters will kindly take no the Reservoir Hill has been ®i Ni 3 PER CENT Interest Paid on Time Deposits ean help. We do wunt then: Ask them to come spend a day with UR, 50 Wi ean show them the war: Knitting rarties. Ast to your hire: serve Cach one wl 20 have ta re Tim 4 asp 4 3 RE DEE 4 } A Patton, PA, - the season as { rabbits Eos ¥ $4 | and + fen aed £45 $ howe : far im. to 3 p. ir .,DR. BARNES Specialist Co. 0 flee SAFE DEPOSIT BOXES FOR RENT Drafts Issued on All Parts of the World A Gene. ri] Banking Business Transacted We Solicit Your Account Pole 3 » bas haw fie ther plaveod fr ad and the $n = 5E iin # » "Wednesday Every Other Week SRANDON HOTEL. SPANCLER, PENNA Next Visit NOV. 14th mers desire hays #4 an Xi FEE Raine ’% oa Peon wed bond ¥ that ther mivhe pa Ee 5 WE wks ik Pik i EIN 5 ¥iay 1 Bive PRIVEE 2 WT Cm Ee MN