\'V 2 P| nN 1 Seunge National Bank, Treas, Audit i ] : - 1% tube pnb Peli evi . f : IW 1 Sm Collet ir i mtn. Ae RE Sr rean x is Fivwsw | i licenses Loiguece LacwnseR. |... 0000 Moves fo Bive Bell Phone {Poly lent) |... p C1 & PF (Pale lent) Foreign Fire [nnutande § Hlents WN bw Millions For Defense. |= : Paviogs Asxsdssremet | Nurthers Cambria St. Hy A LARGE DUSINESS The poultry business is supposed by many to be a small business-—not Northern © | worth serious thought of our well to i nerds | hae motectod our pouttry same | IB WAR FUND SUGBESTED| roma | fiterent on old rere i fully. It Is estimated that there are Init erent "ton bonds HAY | 2,000,000,000 dotens of eggs consumed Fiierant on bonds Jed In Endeavoring to Keep Up Mouse is in the United States, and {f the aver | Besides Contributing Financially te] lnrerest on bondw 191 Interest on bondk 1% ; Likely to Labor Owvertime-—Capital 389 price per doten paid were I cents | gtate Defense and, Thereby, Uphold: Piles »»--: truck survis ores Lae Punishment, State Police Incrasss.| 000 S00 Eiqu. much of this money are| 9 National Government, Measures | ives EI Toes Clvil Service for City Firemen and | we getting? Are we getting our share For Military Training and Other Mat | printing dee sas : Cf ” ten 10 \ Other Messures Being Considered. | OF 470 We letting (he others pet it? ters Pertaining to Criss Under Way. Board of ‘Health miaries earn) hee i rrisburg, : pron ; ter bwnnch or side | Harrisburg, Pa. April 10-~That|gunniies (Fire oo a “24 J abut Pa, Avi) Bills of farming will pay as much? The above | panngstvania will be no lnggard bs the Collecting Daplles te phe dita es ie Bn \ | calendars to be voted on by members | IEUTes are for exss only. Our fowls | gitar of assisting the natIonal EOV-| Tianater to Sink Fund wo 4 we 4 » 1s been shown by investigatiors Of the two branches of the legislature that we sell to the markets would |omment in the war with Germany was | Fire co loan repaid fils 1.000 40 uxperimierts in the Zoological di | In & short time. It is expected that the | SIUAl Ihe above figures. Take our tur | shown by the introduction of & BI kn | Cogh™ on™ hana | 1000000000 Sa n of the Bureau of Animal Indus | DeXt ten days will bring forth adds. | XK6YS geese and ducks and we are safe | the senate and houses calling for an TOTAL various species of dung bee | tional measures of general tatorest and | 10 saying that the income derived | appropriation of $3.000.000 for state AL the source from which sheep *iSns polnl to every legislator having from same would be at least §500.000,- | defense. Senator Buckman sponsored become infested with the DM hands full until the close of the 000 per year. We see by the above | the measure in the senate and Repro Benerst Lighe' and Staking Petal hese dung beatles session. Many anticipate plenty or | figures that the poultry business is sentative Woodward in the hous emp or is iran ANSE Puna ay night work In trying to» keep up with | 50 small business. No person cun give a I Pe Viale "a po : 20003 ram Farry GUPOS | the output of the committem. | a8 & correct figure of what our pout 3 per come ULL Teed TREE TRIM | The general appropriation MI made | 1¥Y Will bring in one year. Miny will Hee ing a ar ribs dis 23 $s tte.2t fts appearance last week, but has | #tart In the poultry business thin 8 For £313 we. Wince been returned to committee for | OBly to meet disappointments. re of the re ua Iu p necessary changes. In regands to de- | re many ups and downs, enpocially HB—————————— Bl ERE RAPER P TOD ay. eekly 2 MAY WORK EVERY EVENING TF LISETT 8S ANRTS AIS 9 i} BERRY wr 1.41897 rs Pini § 5.650.238 § LIsETT § 300078 W. J. INL, COLLEOYOR 1516 DUPLICATE fi. IT ana ee. TOTAL : OER RIIAME KF 2237.86 FF LG FF SLM Laan Certificatisd 1 15.68 1.58 moist. When the beetles eat the -Eanure they swallow the gullet worn eggs which have passed down esophagus through the storaach and intestine and out in the manure of the infested sheep or cow. As xoon ap the manure becomes too dry and bard o work the dung becties abandon ft and | erawl into the ground or fiy to other partmental appropriations a sabeem- mittee Is at work looking into various ftams and as soon as this lavestien- tion task i» gotten through wit: the two chairman. Buckman and Wood | ward will be ready to wily apprepria. tions Intn shane In addigden to the MI to increase the state polices forces, Mit weal's | house ca sndar contained the Tomp | downs, in the poullry busines. And right here ia where the ones who gre successful make nmuaney, If every one that took up poultry mnde a picenss of the venture our markets would | soon be gintted { The successful poultryman of today | {started i6 a rointl way, He cond rive | bis tite to hin small Sock and studs | thelr wants, thereby sod Intstered | 4nd fresher deposits. In about a month kins B11 tn abolish custial panivh. | the nggs which were eaten by the ment whieh passed the sents a fon beetles have hatched and developed weeks arn. as well ae the kind ad | f the business Never sisvt in the pond i iry bhasiness 11 Tol have he pedi ry § P kousen hollt in the way they ghouls | PLVING ARSRSEMENTH UNPAID ERWER ACCOUNTS UNPAID into an encysied stage In the boily of bill iving a jury the powitr to dee | he Bailt Awa the bectie, ready to continue thei: do cide whether the panletimont tn a A= velopment when the infested beetle is degre cave shenld bo dea’h or 11 ¢ hudld them pd ax to } aus Remy shi h alr d unlight : SENATOR CLARENCE J. BUCKMAN : I See that no Jdinlts con reach the fowls | 3 hilrw Wak swallowed by a cow or sheep. Imprisonment | Drafts will give the fowls colds and | Bariate ED pSpriaton trade. Smith The opportunity for sheep and cats Township Code. colds will develon lato roup nil roup | oy ade Sit) tie to swallow (hese beetles comues The townsnain eoade bs alm on tie will soon pit sour fowls utiler thes | Int is enc tint the amoant AT, when the beetics {iy from one manure calendar. Thiz is of great caneern Ls sod. Keep your fowis healthy with : fed in fais BH] qons me Ani ‘i Meposit fo. another. The Night usually Ne townships of the eomdinwes 2.) plenty of from air and exerchie apa | pov SOMES SEEPS CET Nx |. wnds by the bouties landing on the It codifies Into one yuseral law Uie | yoy wim have no trouble tn petting! eer varie. Within 8 a, | LE LB inme Shot | © DASTUTe SOTIOY . Ben : hundreds of arts ther hive bean Hise desired bills agrroguting as high as $5000, | Co = Grane Ae” SGMOSRUTe esr & sinure go. have b 4 he BRIN, § 4 yoy are! 500 will bo presented for the san: S5hbPutton H if PF Co feeding for resulis g oil, and as they crawl about through ®F affecting townships of the ‘wo Stl—Patton H. #4 ¥ lasses. This code was prepsrad b | purpose and probably passed without Jo. 0770 LL Cay Mee Uo the grass toward the manure, attract. © prep ¥ ! : ] ints on Clag! Meg io | tra. ary $ he | EY, Al the legidative vefessncs bureau and aoe young Shicks die each Yonr | any difealty. 2885--Sterling Hpeclaity he swallowed by grasing aniranls. The the object is Zo sioaplify township the FavuENS of lice than from all | The bill as origloally drawn gee]. S770 o Paine - ng, a laws, as was dons in the matter of | TDF causes pat together, Provide 8 | ing governor discretion power In [ioe J Bander no dog! elon gnc. borough taws two y ars ago. - Pe dust bath for your fowls nnd it will § expending thn war fund, 1 the pln ob ie Harts wen] borough code Is proving & Kreat ccp.| DOP You to keep down lice. Cleat pow ig to create a board conmiating!isxi-.¥ H. Kinkwau venience to lawyers and officials of | TOUT houses at least twice 8 week. of the governor, suditor general state | 1738-8 L&E Ci such municipalities nod ft is believed | Disinfect once wvery day the drinking | treasurer and. probably. representa. | iit dtar Printing Co. . the pencral law covering all township fountains amd you should have ttle tives from the two branches of thei’: Stay Erinting Coin EL acts will Hkewise ho of invetimable | 1TOUBIE In keeping your fowls 8 a | legislature. They will sapervise thal so i © Tansberry it is perhaps a matter of more or less as persons interested in town | Pealtbyr state | fimd and take sxecutive charge of the oe i A head them If they are cot nin, Representative Higgins has in| The man who keeps pure lived fowls work of placing Pennswivania in he | ins iarry Ibeandt the presence of Insocts In 8 poguceq the township code, will find a certain demand for eggs feat as an soxiliary to the govems. | 00td Herawell oo is especially Cutlin's MI giving fremen fn top | 10f Batching, and cockerels will be mnat at Washington, HiNS Patton Water On... class cities the benefit if civil services | Wanted by many just starting in the | ‘Military Training In Schools. 1 * x. ule such - went through this week and is now up | Poultry business. A good thing 0 doi 0000 Con ae offering of the Init oP Jum pen = Find : F3IENI. N. sufi man to the governor for his approval. As. | to sell your surplus stock. | fam bitte, commifers wore named to | tus Metlon it (alahan | other Catlin bil regulating boxing| Dou't try to raise fine poultry snd |. 0" 0, question of miMtiry | [HZ—John Duneires & Co ‘ontests has paused the senate and is | lice at (he same time, for it caonot te ha al io | PR i-Fatton Clay Mg. Co (training In the pable schools. A Bl | iee-Mike Hein . # house committee. done. Decide first which It will be, . ah Mike Kirulte | equal suffrage amen‘men: “as | then yo abead. | to bring thin about will shortly De pre. | Lo, 0 ew Jricots re ” Ta . ok ah a : sented and there is but litle question | 57 Win. Asthiry ported Sut of comm Res wi - | of Its passage POY Bundur ecommen / . ARG With ft KA py aly the Ry I Scan dation and '8| KEEPING THE YARDS FRESH There are several billy before thel toss 3 Gra Health INSurance ‘ors. Where the poultry flock ls confined | legislature on physical training tn the] 1088-1. HRiomberg flofaaH W. EHrande Considersdble attention has beep at | 10 small yards on farms, (the usual | schools. The advorstas of these] pe..N © I, 8 a P Ch we oxi = = 1 is to make a Arrow te! raeasures lelleve that military train i185 Binder * tarred : ! tracted among the members by t pia is make very By $100attar Printing Company nted by Representative J J | for entrance so the fowls will not os | IK Is too revolutionary a step andi at ww 1 Donnelly Co of Lawrence, to - 2 a Wao mm mis SE CEuUEnoERTEENEIRE IRIE IIH EG Ba we glove “Chm a. - w ‘a 5 % a Sas on Bre boo ww a Fe -. * i 1 : i : ; LE pe of 1 To 3. 5 i 5 ii pe EEE wr R i - » 858m, $vi3eiis ig - § £ : a1 §f5 . { feed that the same object can bs met | 11086-Patton Clay Mig. Co : ne when the attendadtl enters or Co | tA 3 stablish a avs 1 to ne . {by piysteal training. Indleations wee | $1033 J GH f health Insurnncs ta Penneylvy. | PAFlS 11 randt It contemplates state part'eips 2 Whtle this srranmement stay seve 8 | CO FUL i Sian ihe | HEN" Pipes : and was prepared after f ar yra's | fille ! a that reg " right of way and s hill cal'tag for 1 H ‘DD » Na investighton and study under toe | not provide any way to get & horse oo on. overnor for his appro- | 1136—c BP Waity of the American. Asscelati'n | 2nd plow inside fence, to turn over 1142 Labor Legislation ecoopsra‘ing | the ground frequently. i > ) i 4S—Patton Fite 170 the American Medien assoc’'a ! n If the flock is confined ty small ra Hel NR lect ey a Aw and reprepentatives of labor und 12 nu. | range the soil wili foal quickly, ana fer to transuertation of troop 1S 4—Mike Hrits .. This Bill fs being fatroduced 11} the Lost way 10 sweeten It Is by Tra won war yeliiotes bills for eortatn ron |, oo 20%, Yenoso this year. THN. CL. H&P Co provides compessati-a for i gk 5 ; I woe BL Mummery $e : EeX Ce H&P Do * fii | ing over and raising quick growing | wupronriations are being vigoroms'y | (82-Wm Asthury | pushed, '} $m WW. irs to sickness to all maraal A § foot gate will permit of passage | [aet week a Dill mopeared gw=v | iss) Yencho and all others earaing ims | for one horse attached to small plow ingyrance companies the right to @ | ,|,. 0 Asis : or other cultivating instrument, and imsurance business in this sted | cl8ZHaery Brandt the ground will get stivnd oftener | ggainst bombardment during a war | 7° 0 J la # a than {f the work has to be Jone with Certain large munition plants desire 8 W._ Worrell s band fork. ‘Two poultry yrds are te take out this kind of Insurance an h—Pantun W swer on : being used while green on account of restrictions ta the law | (222 Patton Eire Cie : maternity benefl s ting a start to the other. | are unable: to do so. zit--Mike Hilts... .: ; cash besefits fr a m*x. be transferred to : FaNps Hatilwin may be ! new So Soldiers May Vote ¢ daa - Wonikhind aie re} imran * thw Oa, ia hh Seastor Willlam 3. MeKee. of Ale $28 iN LL, 0 & Pv On, ik gheay, oe i culoanl ot ne Jame 9 di iiss —state Workman's Ins. Fund | artillery nsylvania, presen . - MI which will provide a better means POTAL for scidiers to vote at elections, wh! ¢ in service. The bill provides that the |... 4 water Punt i as ; : Those who decide to grow old fash commanding officer of each armpany | dining Fund HERE an EE HO ‘ rae Lats toned Mowers should not attempt too | battery ami troop umit, shall furnish tc $2.331.5¢ many kinds, but rather have a chose the adjutant general the names, A |General Fund overdrawn | ; i Ie ES . an command. She Of a3 vo Sinking Fung Ne 2 - nking nd Ma general In turn is to transmit this 'n formation to the commissioners of the ed abundantly. as they will spread and respective counties. The commission. : . : tai ors must then prepare the dallots fori pa Assewmthents u fd | n | Pk few oid favorites inclade: Single | Ch lection precinct tn which wol Sewer. Asewmmreits wpa Municipal Bullding t double hellyhocks, lar) ders reside and forward them to the! 0 C0 nand j creasing the compensation from fify pars, lup secretary of the commonwealth, whe | to sixty-six and two-thirds per cent of | ina, Canterbury bells, foxgloves sweet |, o_o 4 them to the reg‘ment-! the wages fur disability. Another William, columbine, har dy pb Haz, 438 commanders. The hallots must in| a amendment wonid start the paymen's | TODS iris, grpaophila, baby's 2. | clude the names of all officers to be i ene for disability at the und of the f at | Polysatbus, clove scented pinks, lillea, | voy gor at such elections. 1903 Band Tswe seven days Instead of fourimen as at | "8 Javendar, lathyrus or hardy pea.| any jegisiators participated n the 1914 Bond Lssap present. | valerian, wallllowers, violas, tulips, | ye patriotic meeting here on Thurs | ed { Another bill resarted by the sims Byucinths, daffodils, lily of the valley, day evening and at which James W Liabilities in axcess of Resources ; committee provides that the payment | Fosetaary, lavender and ferns. Gerard, former ambassador to Ger |" SOME swallowed by (for medical and hespital services| many, was the principal speaker. He : rarely, | We. the uridersigned anditors of Patton Borough, have examined, checked shall not exceed the trevall'ng rae. | Applying Poultry Manure Deseached the American people to eX | ua audited the foregiing Watement aod And the same to be true and cormwes eattie Ihe Toi, uieo was Int-oluced hy Repre- | Poultry manure is recognized as the ert every effort in upholding the gov. |e the best of jur keowledge and belief. practically ative Woodward, guard him | richest animal made fertilizer obtain. | emment and sald in that way only can Respect tally submitted, ddg fleas and i is H ie iil EAE EE FE Les 14 EA a. ———_——— MRSA EARP NORE reported favorably tre TOTAL CASH ON HAND making a series of Fst V i $hodaduy » » od ww : : £8233 gd FE 3: Jt oh A 22 Wo» Fee 2 : Under the terms cf a HI «feed tn | able, and sometimes the problem of the present trouble he brought to a : { f: BROWS. RER, sell a EB. ge: WL the house by Representative Black, of | properly applying It to growing crops | speedy and successfMi end, Pal: BHOWN, | ~ Hee and | ather ux as well po. risburg. sorts will te mode 'n t e deters owners from its use. A garden: | The United States must enter the as dangerous consequences by obDSer™ ruiure to reconclle t's «'ntenlirg! er in New York takes a tub or halt | war Gerara declared, in order that ing greater care in his relations with parties in divorce su's. | barrel and fills it half full of the ma. | the door of hope may not de swusg pet animals, particularly by excluding The measure provides for the ap-| pure, using water to scak out the ele | In the face of awakened Russia, in or ‘them from his household, which is the pointment of a proctor by tie ciu-'s | ments of fertility. The liquid fertilizer | 30r that the might of militarism nad | ply certain way of preventing the of common pleas to act ay am Muterme.| 0 houred around the roots of those | despotism may not blight & movement of their external parasites diary in martial troubles. To¢ pre | Lanes which need foreing, being put 5° Wide End so potent in its poasitdll.. ‘which children and O™ gor may be a man or a woman, wo : ties that it is one of the most signif: are liable 10 swal gball te paid $2000 s yesr. A-atst. | “2 8% BiSht so evaporation will hot be! Lo, jramatic events ta aR human sncouraged ht. The re sat may be appointed also. have ey Be Vala history since Cavalry. k