The Patton courier. (Patton, Cambria Co., Pa.) 1893-1936, April 06, 1917, Image 7

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Bis Upsets MOYEN! | iciore propos fo Make! Calendars of Two Houses Are
For Fads.
alsing Measures Would |
| and Third Directed at AlLNight
oe n say |
| is probable that the movement for 'frobidite treating fn har-rooms.
' the state's Income The bill makes it snlawful for a
and that additional saloonkeeper to farsinh lquor to any
fmposnd for peace person who has not pald for the same,
{or to permit any parson who has not
loaders in the senate pald for liquor to drink it upon the
yet certain of maloon premises. This makes the
be wise measure not only satitreating. dut al
% | #0 “antitick”
several The bill does permit liquor to de
deals with or rather specifically
Well Filled.
et A MA
MHelds Reception in Lieutenant Gov
orner's Rooms and for Hours a
Steady Line of Visitors Greets Him.
Appropriation Committess Quietly
Probing Certain Departments.
Harrisburg, Ps, March 17-—The
something to do with the present ae | YOUT photograph.
tivity, or maybe, it can be attributed Make Appoirtreent At
to some other cause. The fact re y i
mains, howover, that the Pennsyivania
lawanakers have donned thelr hustling
clothes with the result thal the im
portant committees and the active
legislators are working overtime.
a * AE nis
(ommors” Building
third readlag; twentysis ou second | 9
reading and ninety-nine on first read Headaches’
Gives Quick Relief
bills it is onsily sean that the upper ld
are even larger than In the senate and | pn in
A glance at the senats calendar the BARNESBORG, PENNA
other day showed fortydwn bills on ' SH——
i“ + 9)
ing. [Inasmuch as not more than a
half donen of these ware appropriation
branch is putting In some heavy work. | (Cogs Omly 10¢ a Package to Try It
On the house side the dally calendars Bald at Al} Stores
certain new membors are deginntag | Vour hindacke stor: aching almost
to realize that service in the legisin. instantly when vu inke "Colery.
legislature is now steaming up. Per |friends, the gift that conveys the *
baps the arrival of spring has had | most of persoral thoughtfulness i;
Our designs in La Valliers is just ri
mond set Brooches, Bar Pins, Ear Rings, and
Rosaries and Scapular Lockets are ve y
ate gifts at this season. A gift in Jewelry is just
thing, as this is the Jewelry year. *
Order your calling cards and stationery from us we §
have the best. :
The Store with the Street Clock
Patton, Penna.
MEST rape i Ut A SCS Sh og di a SB A S ISMN OR I Si 4h SS i 1a
t The First National Bank
into the millions for
ture ia not a sinecapn,
| wife, adult sister, adult daughter or Panrose Meets Loginiators.
[parent of any person. This is the| A feature of last week's sessions |
only exception. The penalty for vio | Was the presence of United States |
Mist” Eelief and comfort follow at
at ence. Thousands of people say It
is fine. Superior in quality to reme.
dies thal cost twice us much. Con
: tains Mo opiates or narcotic drugs.
tation ta 8 Ane of $570, or three months | Senator Penrose tn Harvisbure. He yu on get ou sackage for only 10¢
met requires that at the first election the third class. The mayor would like
. Iollowing the expiration of the coun. Wise bo selectsd by the partisan plan
- cfimen’s present terms the two men: The salary of mayors is graded a
receiving the highest number of votes Conding to popalathm. There % re
thereafter all will he elected for four An erxaniinafion of the MIL which
. tained as there will always he at third class ofties to the old form of
least two experienced ecunclimen in Kovernment, with the Important ixesp
tis recognized It In Jafl, or both, Just an the court de CRme here to attend the biennial ban
congress to creea.
Almeé at Cabarets.
The second BUT aimed st saloons
pertains to entsriainment in saloons,
cans. It was introdated By Repressntstive
in the face of th eat- oy
i she dette wil ‘na BR. Smith, of Dedlind, and sent to
I "The baby member of the house ™ sa
be a known, because he Is the yous yg
set aspemnblyman In Penasylvania, this
pring pleturea as an in
td have men line op at the
| give orders to the bar
tenders and In addition would be »
of many prominent! cafes operated In
sonfanction with a saloon.
The bill rewids: “That from and sfter
the passage of this ait It shall He un
i lawful for any persiom or pervoes ieee.
sed to sell vinous, spiritaous, malt or
| brewed Hguors 10 maintain or conde
rry the come any public dxnees or dancing, whether
on work of faforming the by say performar or performers +n
1 of asssinbly in the aged for the purposes, or by any
of appropriations. There has Euests, customers, patrons or any oth
that the report of the com- oF persons whatsoewnr apo any part
will contain recommendations of the phemises so llcensed: or anv
: all over the public staging thersin. or any esbaret
shown, vaudeville or theatrical enter
talents. or exhibitions of moving
pictures upon xny part of the premises
20 Heonsod” The pesalty fs a fine of
1 six months’ imprisonment or
severe blow to the diningroom festure |
amendments to the me
, troduced at the seaniom of 1912, and
quet of the Legislative Sons of St
about noon of the banquet day and
up until the time of the dinner was
kept busy receiving a steady line of
senators and representatives and eapl
tol attaches, who salled to pay thelr
respects. He held forth fn the rooms
of Lisutesant Governor McClain,
Received Great Feception,
evening. He remialieinily referred fo
before Bis election me Dnlied Serise
senator and the fant that he attended
the frit hanaguet of the sssoeistion,
rick driving the snades from Ire'and
thing if he could de reincarnated snd
visit Harrisburg In order to dry
“snakes” from cestatn Hills that wu
sppear In the Imiaiatare. !
closed Bis sldress wih an ap
peal to the patriotism of Bis Hategers, |
that in times ke those or dar |
orisis, all good Americans are
to stand by thelr country sn
ry. fight few 3. Re declarer
Patrick. Senator Penrose arrived from griope. One trial will convinen |
Who Pald Visit to State Capitol and
his service In the hopes snd sesate
Senator Pearose told about 8: Par
aud mdfed that Nt wight be a good
at any store. Also relieves neural
gis, cold in head and aches, and pains
iyou of the merits of “Celery Mist"
. The banquet spetch of Seaator Pen |
fose was easily the festure of the
wey by pv
Is OW flick Joe Cough Syrup
i Where er introduced, Old Blask Joo
Conght 3.¢
elitis md irritated throats. The ren.
sof ia paln—t in absolately safe for
children as well as ror groon folks
} Coptalpaidup - . . . . . .o. . $100,00000
} Surplus. - oo cee os 00000%
| The Oldest National Bank in Nothern Cambria
| A general banking business transacted. We invite per-
sonal interviews or correspondence with firms and
individuals wishing to establish or +) change their
banking relations
Steaunship Tickéts for all the leading Lines; Foreign
Draft payable in the principal er of the world.
Safe Deposit Boxes for nse of our patrons furnished free.
You should have one or more of our Saving Banks
in your home. Will teach the children preatical les
sons of economy.
President Cashier i
ni osonn Leunmoy toe Tel | 8
pedir reeds for conghs, colds, Dron.
aml it does the work quickly and |}
surely. Thers ix not a singie drop ¥
i opiates, chloroform or narcotic}
drugs an it Jt jocsens the LooEr: 4
tha ri-; 3
opens the alr paasagen, #0)
tations and kills the coli germs A
' (big bottle coats only 25¢ at any store
Lim city or country. ,
Vinol Restored Her Strength
| Canton, Misa~"T am T5 years old and.
| becasse very weak and : from the
. effects of La Grippe, but Vinol has dose
ime 8 world of geod.
. Barowrny, Canton, Miss
{ Vinol is a constitutions! remedy
. which aids , envichas the
<i blood and creates strength Une
| equalled for chromic coughs, colds or
the Clark set. the jofat approprintion committe has bronchitis. Your money buck if it 3
of 1859 as to been quietly conducting an investign fails
tion Into the manner In which heads | .
two years.
Until such time an the committee's
1 ant | endments ronsist of n mayor snd single branch recommendations on contingent fund TRY A CUP Of
} those providing that the terms of of council rasde up of a representative Appropriations are announced the re
i mayor and councllsyén shall all from each ward These councilmen sult of the probe will not be known.
Ur years. The term of the would be chosen on regular politica! | It is sald the committees will be guldnd |
is now four years. and those party dallofs, thas wiping out entirely in its recommendations by what this tomes
counciiman two years. The new Tie non-partisan system In cities of
shall be chosen for four years and the #alary or compensation of any kind
other two men for twn years, bgt for cownclimen.
years. Under this arrantement eflici- oonsists of over 1100 sections, shows
ency In the government will be main- that Hs enactment virtmally returns
of a dl-camera! coun.
there be a single council
Wasituied a mpiined shove,
an only two men will be elected tion that In
any ons time. ofl
E owe Ra ee
Investigation reveals. Other commit WITH A LITTLE “CELERY-MIST"
tee investigations will be gotten under S 1
WAY a5 an early date. : a,
As n result of the probing delng po wniTer from headache?
done the joint appropriations commit Then try this: Take some of “Celery.
tee boper to he able to offect seme | Nias” and follow with oo cup of cule
real ptonomy. Thousands of dollars Is fee. Youll be surprised how guiek
expected to be saved by the reduc vour haed will stop mehing
tion of departmental expenses, therely sands of peop Gnd this Rod gia
directly hemefitting the taxpayers of (nelant and p ame FI. ook ull
the state. This will man that all of * fn “wl at™ at: Als : good atore.
the additional taxes considered by the °° F070 4. What cost twice
joint revenue commission will De used =~" 4 ico cued for nearesleia,
for schools and to Improve the road 11 in head aw aches sal pains of
systems of the commeawealth. grinpe. Contains no opiates os nur.
cotic drugs.
built ar
nie and wal gine Luzie | §
; Theu- | ¥
i 8
i 4
The wonderful new Edison, invention is
# the only sound-reproducing instrument which literal
8° recreates music-in other words, which gives a r
unclistinguishable from the artist's voiee or instrum
And Hear The Wonderful Instrument
3 Drop in any hour of the day—Stay as long as
3 likee—Come again and feel that vou are welcome
only tomorrow but any day vou choose to come.
i 3
| 8
i 8