The Patton courier. (Patton, Cambria Co., Pa.) 1893-1936, March 16, 1917, Image 7

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    i fie2
£3 i!
. Cambria Steel Works atl Johnstown, |
tomstic device which he says will stop
railroad trains whether or sot the en
, thus differing from the New York
train stop. which is electrieal.
a steel rod which connects tha?
arm with the rail lever an}
on the transoin lever principle.
the signal arm rises to the dar
gor point it pulls the rail Jever to an
a~ect position. Another lever, which is
- attached to the Jocomotive, is set In
bearings and extends down until :
meets the rail lever. It has an arm at |
So ek pd fen §
3 od. i
| Huge Cylinder Arranged te Carry On the other hand, employers feel
Many Persone
A life saving buoy vented by A. A.
Unruh of Portland, Ore. Is 9x13 feet ia
size and resembles a huge can. It pre
sents & cvlindrical exterior to the ws
ter, a conning tower ertending from
the top above the waves and a ballast
tank below bo:img it upright
Provision is made In each buoy for
: 115 to 150 people. The pas,
aro arranged In tiers about
of the buoy and strapped in
as. Stairways on either side
from hatches which can be gulch.
For the camnfort of passengers 8 toil
: tent Is built about the air
and water shaft in the center. A small
| band operated air pump assists the in
"flow of alr from a valve closed auto
n tically when the water strikes Jt.
Fred and drinking ‘water are catried
jockers under tach passenger's seat.
Locasional Periods of Fasting Aid the
Health, Professor Says
Occasional periods of starvation, say
once or twice a year, In the case of
Pealthy adult persots, may pot only
add to the joy of living, Dut also to
. the length of life, scerrding to Prof.
Antos J. Carlson, hutiger expert of Lhe
Jnbrersity of Chicago.
Civilized man” be says, "has trav.
eled far ‘trom the conditions of life
«mong animals and primitive man
with whom starvation periods were
- And are not uncommon.”
Portugal's Valuable Colonies
Portugal was the ra:ijest Europesn
_ colonizser Ia Africa Hot ia her various
. wars Jost much of ber possessions.
: Today she bus the Cape Vertes Islands
ofl, 480 square miles, with 150.000 in-
. habitants; Portuguese Guinea with
© 12.940 stpnre miles and §50.000 peo
p ¢; Principe and 8t. Thomas Islands.
containing but 380 uguare miles amd
41.000 zouls; Angoin. covering 454 500
{ sapamre miles and the bome of $200,004
panre moh two gunces nf butter, add
one aod a Ball cunces of flour; mix
ll smooth; add three quarters of a
pint of milk very gradually, a few
pepper anil paprika.
- Btir the whole and boil fur five min
ots; strain nod sdd a quartér of a
pound of chipped cooked lobster, re
beat and serve.
MR Sagne~Chop fiawly four table
spoonfuls of mint, put into & small
two dessert spoonfuls of
ful of anchovy extract, a little salt,
1 Fhire tivers.
{| materials not produced hy the mother
baacis and Mosambiisue or Portugues,
East Afrita with =n nrea of 2¥iLo00
square miles and 1.200.000 population
Outaids of the Portresese officials, «
gmsil representation from the arin
snd 8 few bunineds men ded irucers
of Europtan tinh (he entire pepsin
ton are literate Macks, Dut Hide bos
been done to improve the coumiry of
fs habitants, The shind possessions
sre dovoted chiefly to agricaitare, en!
fer, millet, coca, rulibeir an cis hora
being the principal products.
From Portuguese Guinea ivory, oil
seeds, wax, hides aud timber are ex
ported. This territory Is one of the
most backward potsensions Im the
© Ahgola has a const. line of cvex 1.000
mins. Ita chief products arc coffe,
rvblier, wikx, sugar. vegetable olls
s:8al, cocoa-nuls and ivoey. There are
deposits of petroleum snd asphal.
which fre aL presint being worked by
a Dritish syndieate. Malachite, copper,
slestm, asphalt, salt, gold.
yearly axports and imports each reacs
approximately 35,500,000. There are
shout 1.000 miles of poorly equipped
railroads in the territory. i
Mozambique or Furtuguese East Af |
rea, of which Lourenco Margues is
| the ‘capital is perhaps the best knows
#8 African possession. Its ef
Jents, like Angola's are cotton goods, |
ammunition, arms, provisions, tools,
hardware, candles, cutlery and liquors.
It has less than 500 miles of optiatirg
railways and much of ita traffic is
carried by boats on the Zambesi and
* Portugal éndeavors to coniroal boik
the export and the import trade of her
African colonies, tut Cormany and
England supplied a great shure of tne
country. While the larger cities bave
Canncial connectiones with Eurone
Julk of the trade hare, as in all parts
of Africa is Cone by barter. trading
fosts are to be found throughout the
land. The methods of the Portuguese
officials hinder, rather than aid, those
fxelined to develop this territory.--
Laulios >
‘gral Thomas Stewart could not be In
| Hine.
They Say That Liability and Com. |
pensation Laws of Two Years Ago’
Should be Given Longer Trial Be!
fore Medifications Are Made.
Harrisburg, Pa, March 13-<As a re.
sult of nearly two yoars' trial of the
employers’ ility asd workmen's
id ton AE Su = :
tn thelr operation are advocating num.
erous additions and change. They
contend that the enactment of certsin
things are necessary in order to per
fect the system by :
workmen and their families, as well
as the families of men killed while at
work, shall be adequately compensat |
that fhe Inws have not had s sufficient |
tryout to warrant numerous modifies.
tions at this time. Heads of large |
corporntions are nol willing to siy
that the suggestions advanced In Wiis
before the legisiature, and those in|
contemplati#a. are asking in merit;
what they do say, however, fs that the
1915 acts should De given at least tw |
more years hafore ani attempt i= made
to improve upon them, i
Following are some of the proposed
additions and changes ts the work.
men's comnensation lwws:
Compensiticn for portions of hands
and fingers: +ame an New York set
Compensr ‘on for defective hearing,
due dn ace''ent In course of employ.
ment, ;
Com»ane ‘lon
(bars, ste)
Compenea‘ion fn all casex where
deat} taker place at employment,
eliminating the contention that em
ployen in some cases die of Beart fal’
for distgurement
Eliminating entirely the gasstion of
dependency. snd to pay compensation
for all doaths regardless of heirs or
absence of heirs: that the amount so
compensate’ he distributed accordine
to intestate "aws, that Is to the estate
of the decedent :
Wage rate should be incresssd from
$0 to 88 per comt, as is the case In
the Ohilo act.
That the ‘ourtsen duy period In ton
long. That the law should ba chang
od to make the period not more then
one week, or to pay the victim after a
covtaln length of (Menem. cal uinte’
from the date of the sccident,
Method of computing wages should
be entirely modified: rates should ne
be maltiplied by 544 due by 6 and a
man should be paid for overtime, :
Compensation for death of #'nn‘e
mar Is tos low: 20 por cent to father
or mother 1» not gufMiclent: should be
mada 50 per cent.
That a minor over sixteen he rom
pensated for a period of weoks fo-
deaths of father
Enployers should he penslized bh
giving employe right of notion an wl
eased where injury was sustained
throteh the emplover's disregar’in-
the safety laws of the commonwasith |
Borsuehs and Towrnshion Could 8a)
afer the terms of the Fowler hi!
introfersd In the lonininiure cities oo
tha spoennd and third elnse mnt Bo-
ough snd townships wonld be emp vr
ered to Hay food preducts for sale to
the residents st cont. This bu By [=e
with he legislation proposst Hy the
Philadeinhin city ndmintetration ¢
meet the high coer and scarcity of
foodetafts In that ely, i
The Fowler Bi fx Seiaf snl ta te
point, merely providing "That som
ells of rithis of the second and 00
clans, towns and horas and tows
ship commissisners or lownshin an
petvisors miry by ordinance ar rev 'y
tion nuthovisze the pareiisse «f fon’
products and may soll the same to
residents at ccet In sgch manner nnd
at such time as may be deemed exne
dient, The proceeds, if ary thereon’
shall bo nt the dlapesal of sald ecru.
ells, commissioners or supervisors™
SAT A A A Ki a 8
Senator Maries A. Snyder will tne
his cath of office an suditor genera!
on the first Monday in May.
The hahy member of ths house Is
Edward Bmith, of Bedford. He Is
twsntysiz years old. Ssaator Cat'in
of Lugerne, is fhe oldest In either |
branch. He fs seater to eighty than
Governor Brumbaugh and his ster
attended the Inauguration and hemlet
the Peansylvania regiments. On se
count of poor health, Adjutant Gen. |
Domosrstie legisiators say that »x
Congressman A. Mitchell Palmer wil
be the nominee of the Democrats for
governor. Ta 1914 Palmer ran thir’
tn the contest for United States sena
tor and he has done notding since tc |
grow in atrength.
According to a MI Introduced be
Representative Rimpson, aay person
who recelvss an injary apon the
streets of a municipality and for which |
the municipality muy be liable must
notify tha authorities within sixty
days of the accident,
which fafured |
A—— A. AA irr
eieedy=in tablet
fren anbe, Be, 0% 1 bike Mo
tus eae naples after effects
Cares elds in 34 hoam-Grip in 3
Cash Moses book if it fella Get
the gunsine box with Red Top snd
Me, IVs pleture on H-125 cents
The commerce of the United States is growing at 2 phenomenal rate,
Tonnage on the New York Central Lines has increased 76% in the
past ten years.
About $50,000,000 worth of new
rake care of the increased freight a
$600,000,000 has beer
on the
‘away in a few minutes after you take
“Celery-Miat” >
Your hesdsches will simply fade | Stantt
Comfort and relief
come almost at once. It iw
Thousands of people say so.
perior to remedies that cost twice aw
mach. Safer and bettur in quality.
Containg no opiates or narcotic drugs.
Try “Colery-Mist” just onne—-you'll
then prefer it to any other hemdnche
remedy. Also fine for neumaigis, cold |
in head und grippe aches and paing,
New York Cent
‘only lle & package at any store. So |
yoa of
i |
nd for
g Up With Uncle Sam
equipment was added last year to
nd passenger traffic. 3
1 expended since 19C1 for permanent improvements,
“America’s Greatest Railway System’’
We must look ahead, plan ahead and build accordingly, to be sble
to meet the demands of coramerce for increased service and fa
This the railroad cannot do from earnings slone. New
uired which will come only as the publ
ats taxation and wage dem
ands are fair,
permanent return ofl the investment.
rf Ret RE ce
ic sees to it that rat
- ts } 4 Fa I SR Sa
a Sma A —