nln Seg ht = HATER ,OF CONNEC, ICUT “A grudge arainst Connaciicut seems «8 Bave been the ruling passion, strong #m death, of Lewis Morris of Morrt -=mmia, who died in 1816. Purt of the ~ -wr'll of this Connecticut hater is print. «af in Case and Comment as follows: | # "My desire is that nothing be men-| “flomed about me, not so much as a _amingle line in a newspaper, to tell the ~porid it is my desire that | 2mmy son Gouverneur Morris may have | ale best education that so it be had In | I am dead; or America, but my express directions are, that he pever Le sent for that purpose to the Colony | 9 Comnecticut, least he should imbibe | 438 Bs youth that low craft and cun- smiling, #0 fheident to the people of that Lwomutry which is so interwoven in _ Ibelr constitutions that all their art ~ «ampot disguise it from the world, tho ~ ,mmay of them under the sanctified > gard of religion have endeavored to ~ dmposs themselves on the world for —— men. The Life of the Sun ‘4%he reason why the sun retains fta Beat in spite of the quantity that ft ives out is expinined by the fact that 1 pat is generated by the fall of part «4es toward its center, The diameter _, «ff the sun diminishes annually by 150 . Smeters, a little more than the ten mil | Month part of its total. According to estimates made, thirty . ¢Gemsand years will pass hefore the «minx radius diminishes enough to pro 1h + dimes an effect appreciable by the most v fastruments—always suppose 4 me that the astronimical instruments eof the future will be similar to the 2mstruments of the present. By like «saleulations it is estimated that the Joun will vend beat to the earth be ~ Bween six millions and eight millions ull years longer. Radium, which emits heat spontan ~mously and without sessation, is pres «aut In the sun. One gram of radium .«fvens enough heat in one hour to raise 4% grain of water from the tempemture - «af fee to the temparsture of boiling *wmiin: Hons the presence of Ris sie. iim. Twe tam of per tow . wi the sun's elements would be enough SAN the satire regeneration of all the . Removing St Stamps from Paper «Care should be taken In removing vaper from the lacks of specimens be Sore mounting them, pulling off hinges, «Be, often damngicg the stamp Most stumps can be soaked preferably .n hot F awater and dried on blotting paper. i A flew like Rassians, early Bulgar Suns, current United States due stam ps “A888 issu of Chins, recout British 5 #34 British Colonial stamps bavi, . gremm ia their cgloring, and stamps printed on chalk surfaced paper are wilected by water and should aot be . dapmmorsed in it. A piece of wet biot zing pager placed against the hack un _ «il the paper is damp enourh to re nove is the beit way to treat them ~~ OF course mounting is only to be _alcos with hinges, and care should be | «eed not to roil the stamp or page when it Is done. How Chinses Trap Ragles Thousands of Chinese hunter trap wild eagles in Mongolia every year by Ske employment of tame eagles as dv «08. They carry the tame easler ou anal shoulders and when a Likely io Ln Is reached they arrange nets, , Salon needle Se magnitized by Jodestone run through a piece of a” — floated in a sancer | large reptiles. . must work? SEA FRUIT Fruits de mer (=ea fruit), this is the somprehenzive name hy which the au merous little shellfish of the Mediter ranean are known; the term, affectics ate if you will, which the French speaking of these contributions of the sea which are at their best in Mar seflles and all along the Riviera, over tte border into sunny Italy. ] Marseilles is the great fish marke! | of southern France and Leghorn of! rorthern Italy, while Naples of course | is the center for southern Italy. Along | the quays of all three cities an epicure on his ranbles will find much of inter | eet and many 8 new pensation for has | palate. | Bouillabaisse, even before it was | made fapious in literature by Thacke- | ray, was considered the piece de resis | tance of southern France and matelotl | de poisson a close second. Hut for my | part the most luscions morsels of the fruits of the bine Maditerranean are the little shellfish which are sold from the bootlis along the quays or in the open air kitchens where amid odors of garlic and ofl, a whiff of the salt air from the sea and of great masses of wet seaweed upon which the shell fish are temptingly arranged make tho nostrils dilate even as the sight of the seducive wares tickle the palate and | force one to stop and investigate. Snake Killing Birds A number of birds throughout the world are known to ba enemies of rep. tiles, and several varieties make 8 reg- uiar search for snakes and other creep ing things. In South Africa is to be found the champion snake killer of the bird family. It is known as the secretary bird The name seems an odd one but the Sird received its name {rom 8 crest or tuft of plumage rising from the back of its head, which reminds ont of a secretary or bookkeeper with a bunch | of quills stuck behind his ear. The bird has sshea gray plumage, and its tail feathers are often two fos” tn length. The male bird stands ae much as four feet in height, but =a great portion of this is neck and legs. Jts wings are Jong when outstretched, snd it in strongly bufit and is sdapted | them for the peculiar work of destroying i As a nile it sttacks smaller snakes tie preference to the very powerful ones, and in doing sO wees every pre caution against contact with the pole mous fares or strong coils. It does pot | srtack its prey suddmily, but after walking around the spot Oueupmd by | reptile suddenly spreads its wings and g'ves the reptile a sadden but sharp blow or the head with its very hard and sharp talons. This In done 0 Guickly that the reptile has no chance te resist, : eh BR AN Elephant's Toothache It i= not ensy to te) when an ele phant has got a toothache, but it is Lest 10 keep out of his way whesh you ¢o know it. A London surgeon, who iad been for raany years in India, says re would soofer risk s milway sock dent than meet an elephant with a toothacive, | It appears that a toothache affects | an elephant in & more severs manner | hen ft does any other xnimal Ele | "atx have very sensitive nerves, : ok a tocch of toothache often brings | at madnisa, Vroviding you are able to chain | eon an elephant and draw out the | ol ‘ridin tooth the brute is corain to ’ re re tional * to you afterward Here | ig An instance: An elephant in Bengal India, bon ame affected with toothache, but the | . reopers maniged to secure it walle a’ jentist drew a» decayed tooth-—the | cause of the trouble. After a time the | clephant seemed to understand that | the dertist was trying to do something | tor his pain, and he gave every evi fence nt appreciating the attention. | when {he operation was over he frisk- | ed around the dentist like a young | ‘amb, sau Better Off Working Lives there the man who has not | righed for leisure? And lives there the ' man who, In hia more sober moments Ja4 not been honestly gold that he Homan bpature, which sweetens under toil, sours in leisure and it #4 hv no means sure that the fall from innocence which brought work into the world "aad nil our woe,” was not bringing salvation disuived as ber, Faithfulness will Sanity | rnd begtity even drudpety. no mat tor wha! the work |a, provided it is honest, if it is well done, It comands | our instinctive respect Fewides if we aid not all have to work so bard % Arep alive the lails would have sland ing room only. The Largest Flower The largest of all the flowers of the | world is said by the Scientific Ameri. can to be the Rafflesia, a native of 8u | matra, so called after Sir Stamford Aaflles. It ix comporsd of five round petals, each measuring a foot across These surround a huge cup, the upper | surface of which is eovernd with pro | jections like a miniature cow's’ horns | The flower weighs nbout fiftecn Ibs | and Is very thick. The Soil and Man The Kansas Farmer siyvs: “Aside from the vicissitudes of the weather. practically all of the misfortunes tha come lo the farmer or his farm can be | traced to the haste to secure the pre: | ent dollar without providing for the! 3 future pod of his soil Take care of thé soll and it will take care of you and any other metiod ix a dowsk!l pull” : i BARNESBORD, ‘PATTON, friends, the gift that thou the SOnvevs most of personal shtfulness. your photograph. Maks Appointment At THE THOMAS’ STUDIO Balding Commons’ PENNA HEADACHE ? TAE ““CELERYMT” Costs Only Ten Cents a Package. First in Quality, Sick headache, nervous headache, any old kind of headache varnished at once when you tawxe “Calery-Mist.” Same with neuralgia, grip and rheu- matic pains—-“Celery-Mist” cures them all—quickly, EX leasantly. Costs only 10 cents a package at any More Better quality than higher remedies. Buy a package » iced will agree to the merits of “Celery. | Mist.” "lone for a horizontal fnereass of one | mill upon all of the present subjects of taxation. but objection was raised Dufty’s is Healthful! Because it differs from the ordin- ary or beverage article in that it is especially made for medicinal use by the Medical Profession and Public and serves well when a reliable tonic- stimulant is required, Duffy's pure MALT misrey is one of nature's foods; processed from the finest grains of Tie fiekd and freed from possible impurities a as to give an articie of uniform strength and rebability. The whaole- someness, purity and rich malty favor of Duffy's Pure Mait Whiskey permit it to be retained by the most delicate stomachs when other fonds STATE REQUIRES | MORE REVENUES : Sh ides. Committees on Ways and Means Hard at Work, bn ————— WANT SOMETHING TO TY s— Many Suggestions Made But Nothing | Definite Has Heen Agreed Upon. Bread Must Weigh One Pound Per Loaf, According to Bill in Legisis ture—Automoblie Measure. BHarristurg, Pa. Fed. EE re ARERR REARS REAR A RE ak 17. With | charities demanding more aporopris- tions than ever before and the expenrce of maintaining great depariments of state govarnment constantly piling ap, | the login'ature is confronted with the big problem of raising more revenies A committee specially named for this purpose recently organized and d's cussed the probable ways and means of petting additional funds by. means of taxating Following the conference a state ment was issued setting forth the vi. | rious plans presentsad to the commis sion, with the announcemennt that no | final agreement had been reached upon | It was the | sonse of the gathering. however that | aot less than $5,000 004 a year increase | any particular measure. must he had Among the suggestions made was to this upon the score that ft might work injustioe fn many ways and the Viea will prodbadly be modifisg A tax of one mill to be levied Hy. the state upon all real estate and cor porats property wag proposed. but in view of the fact that Pennsylvania has | bad no direct taxation upom real oe tate for many years, there was oppo sition to this festure. Some advocat od » one mill capital stock tax upon manufacturing companies. This, 1! was stated, would yiald over $2000 0060 sanually A plan to tacrease the minimum an | tomoblle license fee from $5 to $i making no changes in the other class (oa, It way declared. woud net $304 G00 additional revenue for state highw vy maintenance Other sugeestinne Incladed sn fa crease in he hong on charters Takes ‘omt In Pornsylvania from onet™ird of | one per oent to onehal! of sne pe- cont upon the authorized cana! stoek This wae sstimated xs rle'dinr aban BBO0000 a year Additions to the tax on corporsts loans snd gross receipts were also proposed and will probably be favorably considered. Bread Must Weigh Pound. : ry a i ETN RRR Sane : No loaf of bread weliging less theg one pound ean de sold In this state un. i der an amendment to the stats pur food act of July 34, 1913 ‘ by Senator Endsley, of Somerset coun- i by. one pound and two pounds ss stand ard weights for a loaf of hread introduce? The amendment would astahlia® heyy | would permit a loaf weizhing more Sve Lady saing heath ShroNER profes imonia. In aid- the infirm to a better ing She iva of life, Duffy's can be re- Hed upon. That is why so many | than twn pounds to be sold “In no case howewvnr™ it unless the weight thersof is plainly and sonspicoously tagged or hrande! thereon, nor shall any bread be so'd In wrapped packages uniass the en | touts thereof shall be plainly and eon. | splenously marked oc the outside in i i ! terme of weight ™ reads “shall any bread he sold uswespne Another gaction of the set would he . amended hy the HU offered dy Jens tor Badsley so that no dry commodity | for which a standard weight is provid § i i § z 3 i i I wales the ! ronapiraously marie fa terms of weight cold is the peglect= ed cold. Get a box of— cf Sema, mt the Ns FETED will Introduce the atata hizshway Criver to Impose 1h imposed upon Penna! ‘od by law walght, and poultry must be sold hy (weight. All meats sold ia wrapped packages, the HMI sars. shall de eon sidered commodities and no mich wrap ped packages of meaty shall he sold contents are niainir and on the ontslile AMects Motorists. Senator Buckman nt 5 of Backs *h » remy leginiature Mil providing for the appointment hy omrriizaioner oF fa apectors at bridges over the Delawesrs ¢ ame rawtricrigma upan anfomoblies hearing New Jereoy Heenses antering thin state an are now vania oars going i Inte that state appine bor wih w--28 GM Asy Dreg Sure GUNN DRUG COMPANY AFTER GRIPPE Mrs. Findley Made Strong By Vinel Severy, Kana —"The COrippe left me in a weak, nervous, run-down condition. | 1 was too weak to do my housework wad | could pot sleep. After trying different | medicines without benefit Vinol restored | my health, strength and appetite Viol | is a grand medicine and very weak, pervoss, run-down woman should taka] it."—Mra Geo Frxmezy. i Vino! sharpens the appetite, aids digestion, enriches the blond, and’ builds up natural strength and ederygy. Try it on our guarantee, GUNN DRUG COMPANY QUICK LUNCH E-MADE ICE CREAM | PATRICK'S RESTAU.! RANT | PENNA | ™M » hO a men od le Cod | reciprocity privileges soming Leorded ears Jicensad In Peansyivania | cane of Now Jersey automobiles from | [prore than Meer taking tha . BGT i Bi srt fy fag 8 New Jarsey Heense after It has he The sutomobile act of 1311 spnonenr hy Senator Packman contained a clanse by whi are accorded anmtomobiles other stafes As are ge those commonwoalths a In the fron fn shall be sold eaxcept hy Rh the same | there are permitisd to enter Pennsy’ | i vania at any time and remain for any period up to Aftsen days At present however | Sanator Ruckman, Commissioner of i Motor Velicles DU1 of New Jormey, | who evidently construes the law in that state 'o mean that no ear from Peansvivania can be ina New Jemi-y das 11 any ona vans has Inspectors stationed at the rider sambars of Pansavivan 5 entering ha! gwnars they m acrarding to en obilos state ad 18 ‘ake n | shi yan thule that state Sean Al present any may enter Pennsvivania rematn hese fior fourtewn lars wn io New Jar sey for « day. and again come beck to Penasrivania for fourteen dars ars have days in heen in CI TORY “rr Pav No Now Tapa ss ¥ waar ONE NIGHT ONLY . THURSDAY, MARCH 8th ara a— : Jack Kessler presents the Fanny Ger- man, Richy W. Craig and the ‘Merry Burlesquers’ Company of 25 People ni 3. v hr Be w Extra added Attraction LA QUINTA Prices 25, 50, 75 and $1 00 SRNR BR LR AERA ER ER Ck RRA ial SR A AA J. A. SCHWAB, President nu D. BEARER, c usher Dr.J. 1. VAN WERT, Vice President M. G. DUMM, Ass’t The Grange National Bank : OF PATTON, PA. Capital . . - . . Surplus - . . . . ORGANIZED AUGUST, Deposits Dee. 31st, 1906 Dee. 31st, 1907 Nov, 27th, 1108 Sept, lst, 1909 Sept. 1st, 1910 Dee. 5th, 1911 Nov. 26th, 1912 Aug. 9h, 1913 Sept. 12th, 1914 | $60,000.00 20,000.00 1908 $ 76,773.52 201,983.10 226,286.03 279.279.00 321,625.73 421,612.64 509 559.52 576,741.96 .. 617,447.39 ke id is 4% ~ 3 PER CENT Interest Paid on Time Deposits SAFE DEPOSIT BOXES FOR RENT Drafts Issued on All Parts of the World.. A Gene- : ral Banking Business Transacted . We Solicit Your Account Dr A A A A I NL J The First National Bank PATTON, PENNSYLVANIA Capital paid up ~ - . « « «oo +. -. $Y Suitdpidp - - - -- - i... SI0U0ES 75,000.00 ESTABLISHED 1893 The Oldest National Bank in Nothern Cambria A general banking business transacted. We invite per- sonal mterviews or correspondence with firms and individuals wishing to establish or - : change their banking relations. INTEREST PAID ON TIME DEPOSITS Steamship Tickets for all the leading Lines; Foreign Draft payable in the principal cities of the world. Safe Deposit Boxes for use of our patrons furnished free. You should have one or more of our Saving Banks in your home. Will teach the children preatieal les- sons of economy. WM. H SANDFORD H. SA FRANK L. BROWN President Cashier "Over Fifty Thousand Indiana Siles In Use You knw of same machine or implement Bas a larger sabe than any other similar article? You know that the ronson lies in the fact that the article rou have tn mind ix shout perfect, gives the own. er both servies and satisfaction? Wall Silas are ust coming TORE section and you may not knew that among the thousands and thoy sanda of sthos in gee, and made by hundreds of firms, it is a fuer thet every sixth Silo is an Indiana. A number of farmers within vour reach are axing it and we would like to have you ARK THEM how they like it and to ex- amine their silos YOURSELF This would be better than to do a ka of reading about it Let as spend vou their names and also our FREE Catal ogae with prices and early buyers discount ete. You will thas save money if you intend to buy a silo. Address : The IndianaSile Ca, Amderson, Ind which Blo 2 NPE aide feat EEE Eas wis AAA A A PAINT mint fur every ose, made of best pigments, colors and oils, and teed for § years, sold direct to consumers where ne agents or are hamiling ‘t. at a Remarkable Low Price. fim — bo pans unsolicited Mansfield weather proof painti—30 5 vhades of interior fat whil wa will send 5 LAA OREN AN Many WEE rH. ant, » shades af roof & oY teil G3 your wants and yeu sntmates Mansfield Paint Co Mansfield pW Penna. FN A SA AS AR a Bite AR RR PAR EAER RF NEAT ARERR CRS NR SN RRL