ONO OOH HL MN MO and Size on, D. C.—Every farmer ‘borrowing money should ask certain questions, according ia No. 403, “Factors Affect. | Rates and Other Charges rd-Time Farm Loans” recently ed by the IU. 8. Deparument of T b. Very often the farmer does not ask himself these gues may find that the banker will p answers before he makes the 3TH gf becomes increasingly appar 0 quote the bulletin, “atten- |. be directed more and more } of am efis. How are the is of & proposed loan to be em: Are they to be expended for mctive purpose, such as would | fmprovennt in the farming 38? Is the size of the loan well ") It the purpose in view? Does period for which the loan is to oaform to the time the capital Wally needed’ All of these ques- ® have a direct bearing on the # of short-time farm loans. -. Purpose of the Loan. “The use of any given loan ought to § return suuicient at least to re faterest and principal. If, Teturas are not sufficient for this J ber of the council, to fill in the um , them ‘the money should not ‘tue only way in which } of credt can be directed so the intervats of improved tare is to control the extension 850 that they may be used for ive purposes only. This means, same time, a saler use of some localities banks offer | to farmers at reduced rates of when the money borrowed is Such as the purchase of live , Unless 5 higher rate were 8G on small loans, the point be reached where the expenses Med with such loans would be F than the interest. On the oth- ind, it pays the banker to handle Joans at a lower rate of inter Pe /-impottance of restricting 19 those for approved productive mes nd of having the size of the en rr a angers GH SCRA ER RIS epes SPANGLER Lewis Blankenbicker, of Glen Camp- sell spent Monday at the home of Mr. burg. : and Mrs. Frank Foster, * x x * * * Mrs. James A. Mclain who had Miss Blanche Lantzy, clerk at the |begu suffering with the grippe for Post Office has been confined to her | seferal days is able to be out again home several days, suffering with the : * x x ’ grippe. Ray Protzellar and Miss Christine ok ow { Caldwell, spent Sunday at the home Mrs. Edward Ramey left for her | of Mr. and Mre. Caldwell, of Nunty- home in Pittsburgh Sunday after | Glo. apending some time au the guest of | Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Reffner. * Mrs. Wilfred Lantzy bad as her! r guest over Sunday, Miss Mary Haley,!| Mrs. Lenus Kirsch and three chil of Bakerton. " jdren who had been visiting Mrs. { Kirsch’s parents, in Bradley Junction, treturned home Friday. * * & Miss Christine Davidson who for some time has been a student at In- diana State Normal arrived in town Mrs. B. D. Beaver who has been! Saturday to sepnd a few davs with confined to her home for some time her parents Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Da- suffering with the grippe is much | Vidson, improved in the past few days. ®* * *% Mr. andi Mrs. George Proud had as their st Monday, Mr. Proud's mother of North Barneshoro, * * * Miss Dora Means cf Ebensburg has heen the jruest of Mr. and Mrs. John Metzgar, for the pat_few dnys. Miss Flo Stranford spent Satur. day and Sunday with friends in Cly. mer. Mrs. Jar 8 McGlynn returned home Sunday eening after visiting for some tinfe with relatives in Canons- * * * R. P. Richard, of St. Benedict, was a business caller in town Saturday. x * * * ®* * Miss Louise Mitchell Indiana Tuesiay after guest of Mr. and Mrs J for some time. * * * returned to being the | J. Mitehall | * * * steller, spent Sunday with Mr. Wolfe's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Wolfe. * * x Frank Nicholson left Sunday for Philadelphia, where he will apend a few days transacting business * * Mr. and Mrs. Charles Graffis, James Bendle and the Misses Sara Dough. erty and Odessa Guyer spent Sunday at the home of Miss Lillian Lutman, of Cookport. - * * * Luke Ivory, of Cresson, was a busi. ness caller in town Saturday, * * * : The 15¢ supper held at the Ramee oe an. Jesse Ber, proved a sugress. « proceeds went to the bulldin fund of the New Spangler M. BE church. * * W* Last Sunday February 8 there was the largest attendance at Sunday school at the Spangler Presbyterian church that has been for some time past, * * =» J. J. Hogan was elected as 8 mem- expired term made vacant bw the re signation of J. J. Pleister x * * Hampton Long who formerly drov a team for Thomas Kerr. of Barnes. boro, is now driving a tesm for the Atlantic Refining Co., Spangler. * RX #* * * * Miss Janet Brumo, of Patton, spent Friday with friesds in town. * Ww * Léwis J. Bearer, of Hastings, was # business enller in town Friday. * ® » EK. Litzinger, of Cresson : for the Penmssylvanis Con! and Coke Co, was a Business caller in town Waodmasday, * * Mr. and Mm. Johw Spefbmun, of Michigan, have been wisiting at the homie of Mr. smd Mrx. J. J. Mitchell for the past walt. * paymaster The Conucil are trying for plans for the new Municipal building. As soon as the weather permits, the erec- tion of the building will start. * * * The old Susquehanna buildings are being overhauled and occupied by one of the loeal butchers, Euckanckas snd Sous. * * * Washington's birthday is being ob | Mr Fllerly, peesident of the Coal served in the public schools hern [dale Mining Co, of New York, was The teachers are busy training fow}s businesw caller in town lust week, the entertainments. | * » 8% 8 VALENTINE PARTY 87 SPANG- There is a body of Serine here for & LER ROME. the purpese of collecting money for || ot — the Seriam who have buen A very pretty affair waw hold at driven out their homes. the home of Mr. and Mw (series * * x Grafis Thursday right. The decerss W. A Welfe revvived word of the tims were made Cg of henrta of ail serious iTsmms of Rin sister in Olanta, | sizes and colors. Mr. Wolfe daving for that plece Mon- | with covered dishes , every person an. day. a covering thee own: dish. Evervme * * proment Hed' 8 vers enjoywble time Roy Artivy the somll son: of Mr. and i Mr. and Mrs. Paul Wolfe, of Mar. | The school cits on the following school supplies for next term of school All bids shall be mailed to fhe Secretary of the Board ' at the earliest possible date. Bids on each item must state | definitely kind and quality of mate- | rial that will be furnished ard sam. [les of quality of paper, ets, w submitted to the Board: 4,000 Pencil Tablets 600 Spelling Tablets | B00 Composition Books L125 Packages of Composition oH Packages of Moose Legal i4 Ib Packages of 14M i i : air Cap, | 15 Mooue Fool Cap, | % by 13 16 Packages of Krag Typewriter fier, : Gross of Pencil, FM Gross of Na Pencil, Soft HRB € Gross of No. 1351 Pen Holders T™ Gross of No 11 of K. B. Pens 20 Gross of Gygieia Craven 6 Dozen Gregory B. Board Frasers 2 Pints of Red Ink 2h Gallons of writing Fluid Dr. V. A. Murray, Secretary. : a wi, By. 13 i are 1 No. 482 M Lend | Saf] Artistic Bi WHY YOU SHOULD SER “THE RIRTH OF A NATION” “IC i a brilliant. masterpiece” wiv i i * Rupert Tu “It wilh take the whole Country by | worm.” : . gles. | Booth Tarkissgton “In the short space of three Bours | the audios wees, hears and {ods a | period of Meer vears” | Rev. Father John Talbot Smith, i “1 know (tt is true, bescause | Rwve lived throt the artual realities ” Rev. Fadher Thomas B. Gregury, “Never bofere has such a whird. wind combinmtion of story, spectsmele and tense drama been ian N.Y. Eve. Siem “It is worth $5.00 a seat.” C. FZ N.Y. Eve. Journsl “It is history vitalized— History by Lightening Fh Go to see it he esuse of t finally, go to see it hecmuse it will out of the baptism of Blood of the! Civil War was” Born the new natiom, sme and indivisible” Fs Er EXECUTINS NOTICE . Hetate of Henry Swope Deceased. Henry Buopey dieonsed, late of the woes indebted toe smd autaite are here Games avd music Tarnished the ome Mrs. Frank A . has bees suffer. tertainment of the evening. Thome’ ing for the past few days with ton- | presemt were: Mr. snd Mom Gamrge | wilitis, ® * & The Rov. Nielson B. Kline will spond | John Caldwell, Mr. and Mus A. iL | Shun conform to tue requirements of mound farm investraent has been rec- | jscd by some bankers to such am | 1 that they employ advisers wlio | i gaok questions with their farm- | Patrgne in order to promote the | #tar of their farm loan business, | Pina Bes beea followed by banks | the Central! West, in Now Eng #nd in the South. The plan of of the southern banks ray Le EO #8 an examnpie. The apr Mare er employed by this bank, aficr ounlorence with the prospect ve bor pr, decides whether the fiopcsdl 8 businessl, ¢ and expedinnt [f $urpoce of thy loan meets wh bi roval, he works out a plas «f po "with the fartaer. The (arm: Ry consider that be needs a loan of BLS00. As & result of his confersnce the adviser it may be found (hat sufficient. They discuss the : : Lambert. hr Thursday in Emeigh sttending 5 so cial given bg the two churches ob wrving Washington's birthday. Two of the speniumrs wil lbe Rev. Kline ynid the Pastor of thedr church. * =» Miss Sarah XMeCailfrey left for lows Tuesday, accompanied by Mra Stray 1 spewd some Lime of her cousin Mrs. Stray. Fox, Me and Mri Charview Graffis. Mr und Mrs GF. Gover, J. J. Mi tehell,. Mrs. ‘Searge We Hany. Mra | I. N. Qodkey, Mra Ceorge Lambert, vidson,. Mra thr! Misses and Marparet Kirkpatrick. ® * * SPANGLER BOY SERIOUSLY IN- HIRED Howard She or “the Thomas Faster, er where shan wil Ea he prasad * * Emma MeCombie spent Tues. & rstnas in Jonrstown ® * w “Loar Odessa Guyer left Thursday tte nigh where sho will spend toe with friends * * * PM. Means, of Ebewshurg, was snes endler in town Tuwsday, * * * ur. T. 0. Helfrick made a business ‘vip to Philndeiphia a few days last eek. ari sen of an the hospital hall. and face breaking twe of Ms ribs The boyw with whom Per was consting hurried Bim to Me Rougiticl, whore he People who willessed the ascokient remarked of Ris marvelous escape of being killiel, Este today ls condi. tion was much inpraved. x ww w» SPANGLER MAX OUND DEAD— MISSING TWO WRREKS Fo That Joba Polsky oll inte Siewam While Crousing Brides. The dead bedy of Johm Poloaky, who had Beem missing for two weeks, was found morning ia a small eveek, of the Susgue- hanna, in this place. The body was half submerped. Polosky had to cross a small liridge to get to his boarding house, and it is supposed he fell the stoaseture while geing home one night two weeks ago. A heavy snow fell that night and covered his body, whith was revemled this morning as a result of recent thaws, The body of Polosky was turned over to the andertaker, A. PP. Wyland of ler, and coroner C. A. Fitz- gernid, of South For an fukifled Urban Peters left Satarday for St. | A representative of the coroners Francis College at Lor after joffice was hers to conduct an in spending several days with his me- qoest Monday afternoon Polosky * * =» The Misses Vannetta lambert and Dorothy Bemver students of Indiana S:ate Normal arrived in town Satur- uy to spend a few days with the former's paresta Mr. and Mrs. George Sa : rn Buren KE. Mentch, of Crenson, spent Wednesday in sown with friends. * » P. N. Swope, of Carrolitown, made a business wip town Saturday. * Rudolph Hertzogg, freight clerk at the P. R. depot made a business trip to Altoona Saturda y. | Misa Janet Davidson left Thursday {for Pittsburgh where she will attend the Annual Millinars openings. " ¥r. Ivo Kirsch left Saturday for Indiana where he will attend the Ju- ior Dance to be held at the Iniana Norma! building. § * ®* = Mra Frank ladinsier, Mrs. VW RR Da fougise Witckell and Bentriew ctied Beko look te your kiineys, will make Mra, Desid Shests, wos serioosiy ine 3 jured Tiursday noon while esasting Patter, says: Tha sived' env wehiich (Ridewy Pills mive ave great he was nding ellided with & strip fiom dull painmsin my heek and speils of tiling, cutting him about Se head lof duziness § Price 0c, ot =i] demlers. has been confined sinee the secident. | simply ask foes oslliey remedy —gwt by notified to make payment to without delay, md those having oul, Mr. ind Mra Frank Nichol clams agninst said estate «0 present! son md son, Jamesg Mr oad Mre thems properly asBentioate] for SoBe Llavsent. Halen Swope, Executrix, Fatty, Pa, (RB Dl) Felwoary 10th, 1917 oh WHY THAT LAME BACK? That morning lurmeness thom slime paing when bending or Hftimg, ‘make work a burden and rest impos. sitde. Don't be handicapped by Ying allow mic (Wil no astakae by His Patton resident's examlie Mrs. JO Mh Doan’ rotted ase of I ofters suggest the nse tir do s0." got Dean's Kidasy Pils ar! am glad Don't Loan’ sKidney Pllls—the same that Mrs. McMullew had Foster M Dun La, Props, Buffalo, N. Y. A HS de i wm 1 rinmette Certain reips of social life goes the matterseof the arrival aniydegar ue soainily. Su.it ia true that comrtesy shows ib sell in a erowded -haifroom, where poshing and elbowing would be cen winiy a breach, to use s mild term, of the respect due hoat and hostess. An unwritten law (a that to meet amder ther Mrs. Anna Peters. was 63 years old and Jou married, ®* % % Mr. ond Mrs. TW. Guver of Pat.| J. F. F. CLUB ENTERTAINED ton, spent Sanday with Mr Guver'sl : parents, Mr. and Mrs. GF. Guyer. i The J. F. F. Club waa entertained * * * ‘at the home of Miss Odessa Guyer John Reilly Jr, left Saturday for Tuesday night. Luoneh was served at Indiana to attend the Juiner Dance a late hour. Evervame present had an to be bald in the Normal hailding. | enjorable time. Those present were: * * * | The Misses RBoherta and Della Sheets, Mr. and Mrs. Arch Gray, formerly Misa Anna Fritz, Miss Dora Means, of this place now of Windber are re- | of Ebensburg; The Misses Odessa and Joicing over the arrival of a baby boy. | Dorothy Guyer, Miss Edith Sheets, * * * {Mrs rnest Sheets and dwaprhter Leslie Davies, of Ebensburg collect. | Doorthy, and Miss Janet Davidson tor for the Bell Telephone Co. was | *f ; a business caller in town Monday. | LADIES SEWING CLUB ENTER- * % * TAINED Charles Radcliff the little son of Mr. | and Mm. Charles Radcliff, who has | been seriously ill with pneumonia, is | slowly improving. * * * The ladies sewing club was enter. tained at the home of Mrs. Will i Dumm Tuesday evening. Late in the {evening a delicious lunch was served. | Mrs. E. Welsh, * * * Mrs. T. J. M who was mitted to the any hospital iweek for trestmen for bivod poison- | ladies home in one of his big Reo ing, is much improved. | cars. C. E. Brown and sor Theodore, of Those present were: Mr. Laura Patton, spent Sunday with friends in | Shaw, Emma Byrne, Elizabeth Peters, | town. rs. W. J. Lauer, Mrs. | Will Whalen, and Mrs. Wm. Dumm.' ad- | After the sumptuous luncheon Mr. last Dumm seccompanied the Barnesboro i fhe roof of a hostess means that =» ! formal introduction may be dispensed with for the occasion, anywawm even ! i parties do not choose to resognize ¢ne another whee meeting atSerwards In street, or wherever the gase may be Introductions are In scder, of eowarse, hut plesasant converstion may pass between those persesally un known to ome another, the fact that they are resipienta of the invitations being quite anfficient, Nothing ¢an excuse a lack of cour iesy from ene guest to another; it in rae’s haatess, « Almost Missed (reation Let me go, Uncle Henry,” said the gall boy of the family *No, I am gotag up town and cannons wake you,” said Uncle Henry. “Well, Uncle Henry,” declared the boy, “if God had known how mean nu were going to treat me he would mot ; have made you." BIDS WANTED fo board of Patton soli- | Load | § 5 ih + stirring frst 8 We take subseriptions to all Magazines and News i» Papers. Mail or Store delivery, Office and School Supiphes. Books, Stationery and 10 Packages of Typewriter paper, #16 | § + if taere We are on the upof, if wh any complaint-—come and see us, Ip THE STORE WITH THE BIG STOCK )$ SIA Patton, Pa. CLO o pietures themselves, amit] make a better Smericmn of you, fom | Dorothy Dix | Letters testamentiery ao the estate) o tate wow sot | off tomnsbio of (heat in the County oll Cambria, and State of Pennsyivanix, | having Leen provvwd So me, all peme! In Full Variety OLEMARGARINE A Specialty 25¢, 28¢ and 30¢ a pound Send for a Trial Order ur RK I rE AE A AER ee ae ie te iE MeMullen, Fifth Ave, i BORO OPERA ONE MIGHT ONLY ay, February 28th JIMMIE HODGES In - THE BIG LAUGH FESTIVAL 2 w FEE ERENCE JEAN TYNES . And a big New York Compacy--20 Broadway Show Girls-— Augmented Orchestra—Six Big Scenas PRICES 25¢ T0 $1.50 exactly the same as a rudeness to | ar IS SAFE FOR EVERY MEMBER thorat and head and killing the cold OF THE FAMILY gels. UF RE FP ! There is not a drop of dangerous Most cough and cold rmedies con. rugs in it. Just as good and safe tain dangerous drugs, such as Opium, for children as for grown folks. Morphine, Chloroform, Beroin and One price only—25 cents for a big Codeine. They paralyaze the nerves, Lottls at any store in city or country. They are dangerous. Everybody buys it and takes it. The Not so with Old Bimck Joe Cough } : ; Syrup. It cures coughs and coids Diggeat saller use; it gives the by loosening the phlegm, soothing the most satisfaction and is absolutaly safe. irritation, opening the air passages of ADERTISE IN THE