asa » v kano + The First National Bank PATTON, PENNSYLVANIA paid up ESTABLISHED 1803 $100,000.00 . 75,000.00 The Oldest National Bank in Nothern Cambria A general banking business transacted. We invite per a interviews or correspondence with firme and individuals wishing to establish or +: change their banking relations. INTEREST PAID ON TIME DEPOSITS Steamship Tickets for all the leading Lines; Foreign Draft pias | in the principal cities of the world Safe Depos wes for use of our patrons furmshed Pree. You Paid have one or more of onr Saving Banks in your home, sons of ecanomy. WM H. SANDFORD President Will teach the children preatical jes FRANK L. BROWN Cashier Coming Attractions At The Mishier Theatre Altosma, Friday Matinee | and Night, | Fol The essful New wid Y ork a ‘omedy ‘Mother Carey’ $s soryiedy of bore | and basik Chickens.'’ hy Kate | Rachel Crothers 1 af the same hitle : teed best comedy of OTH, J Wiguin rin the {A gaaran the sen Monday, Feb. 12, Birthday, Matinee ar wd] Night- rene Stratton Porter's play “Freckles. Wednesday, Feb. 14, Matinee and Night—"The Military ‘Maids’’' Burlesquers. A clust er of mirth, music, ine wlody , ba oY, gaiety and girls Three days = Thursday, Feb 15, na done a ans nb ss EAE ATA # ¥ ld bib Y a 3 Barnesboro, Dancing from 9 till SH A Bp SO Law HATE AAS SARS A Lr A AR ws THE Penna. Admisson 79¢ Ladies: Free Everybody Welcome BE ae aa lalla ea el on aa and Night each day, David W, Grifhth’® 8 ( ‘ollosssal Million Dol lar Spectacle ‘‘Intolerance.’ Love's struggle throughout the | ages. The magnificent motion picture production ne all time, In rss % a Monday, Feb. 19, and Night--The gripping emo- tional drama of unusual power | | "The Guglty Woman": Jresent Amn" entitled (rerham’” at Wednesday, the Pug Felr rary Dh If vou suler from headache or neurnigis, ® will cost you easly 18 tn bily ome of the best pemedies on “the market. Tort judge the lity by the low price. “Celery. oe bo FRB AB ENN PRL Na Ea RRL EEE A Dodge Brothers BELIEVE in Dodge Brgthe rs Motor have gone the finest it bears. I believe in this car beesuse 1 know that beneath the fous exterior 1< Lie SXProsision if hon ely THIN d integrity Hi Huila in every polishe fd geanng are whieh manifest themse he es in nll reat acliievenionts, Brothers Motor Car | know that 1 am selling a machine and character and maintain a priceless reputation built on My faith is not alone a faith in a ear--it | for i know Ww thi it back of 4th B I know that bound uy f iron and steel master. | believe, And so janes? Omen | We han 4 the clans A tse df The Creed of It ] winks for 3 thoughts of a a vehicle that m 84 bhai vs these Dae ar because two Master Men whose ust and ~ enum] Hf rol superior to x highest pred semedns. Gives vole! and comfort in 3 Tew minutes store sellin “Celery Mist” One trial will convinee you of Hs roerils HAAR AAAI AAA Salesman mito its making name fustre of a match. form. those qualities Dodge made ize tal In offering that 1s dows svn cna foun kom * at oe a FORRES Of en, EVOT iE «rated suena 1s Speicher’s Garage Barnesboro Pennsylvania Lincoln's rent ! Matinee | 18, Matinee - “Umscts only Toe a Package at any Store | Every | FORMER U.S Canvindy, the Barber * * * FOR BALE He ail modern corvette {¥masire at thin oes * ® pee on Bawek av PETG FREY Terns. Taide iK, ¥ Og WEES x 3 FP w rT Appiy Apher ahrastown, ra » * * (ine pair mules 9 and 30 HH mowds each RE tu tha ines “ectr oang Oa a. Fras FOR RALE Lyeeprs, weigh aboul Suitehie for delivery or farm awe Incaire at Unmmm r Stare, Patton, * * * wiphe mpssige oF shim Brodkers Baroer * * W “Frwekien” * * # FOR RALFE- Pans in gound © Ingsire st this office ® * * Freokiom the the century. (lene Stratton Peo new Son play by the wathopeo! “Lad. di” Harvester” and “The Girl | of the Limbermost,” at the grand {theatre February 16th * * Report all items of interest to Mee. They will be appreciated and | each item will help to reike the paper that mack more mteresting. ® + » A wellknown preacher who {pet an ¢ iat Cass 5 Fins Riss oir Comming SARI aon thoy | bE eh it as follows: | don't te contribute who have not paid their | subscription to the home paper, for country papers need money & great doa] more than do the heathen. The | Pminater knew what he was aiden I sduoat * * * Beart “i the pew serial ad the Ma. # Th & " “ % # sai that they arday Ep iN * » NOTH EH the person who took | tiyermsometer from the pored of the i Bearer home on Beech avenue will {return the wkme Bo questions will be | noked, otherwise persectition will |e. o£ SUR M.D Beurer * ® » FOR SALE-«If vou are think ing of purchasing a home we enn tell of a good mix roomed plastered house rps Wt laguire at this offew * * =» FOR SALE House on Bowed avenmpe, all modern rOnveniences, eazy terms, Inquire at this office * * % MAID WANTED Warted a maid for homseweork. Permanent home { or & good piri. Mrs. M. B Cowher, | Patton, $ 5 =» Reliable reports from White town. ship state that the thermometer said | 16 degress twiow zero Monday. ® ® * If you can ny a good word sky in Like 8 prime. If you sre fall of hile and disposed to say something mean keep your mouth shat * * Shoes six of Dan theatre Saturday Meotdsrea™ ose 8 RIEL "The ¥ Rae Mian {hai fed! the Farmor's wien (will be manner { Aprwaitare, v tonide: Deiryimg: Front cultura; ‘Baray og Trait i Loaf po gl seins wil Ereditest suceess OF § ELHYS | id —— AE i Sn SR Lh NEWS OF TIME EX PECTED Bit, The 1 1 wil TE kus Hime iiet br FERC ith Febrosry 11 eTaTy body i mv fo atiend Juivn Semmmereile and Anmier Weak tan. whe have Been appointad com. mittee on arrangements for Patton, nue secured reduced rates st all the motels here and all who will atlend looked &ffter im a Brst clnss i plemsed to stale sin the Math. Fx § $y Ya — Rao dor Aig A £ mE, tipi Wednesday In fel ETS Jon Ha of ale joes be present Fred milton, deputy seenttary of Hor, George T. Powell, of imutitutes for the state York: Semutor N. B Urineh. felid, of Somerset Souiny. Px., sel at er pr Ve thent stitute WOrVers, address - Moy 3 Let tr LET Sse the follwing hub ype in Jae reads: How cliver pdditian to the Lat tere Wild Hie Loreeln? riches {¥en fartilomers; farming; Potato calture; forests; Crimson Injuricux meets; Fences: Filoeation HET Commerc] horses: Tennnt trees ‘rur Pennsylvania clover: Taxation; Burnsard smanure ne arpart ak Care of Lf farmers, and Agrcultaral depres. i Hae : had | hewn premching a begging sermon ton. | aded want any % ¥ i { i fi cheat § Seger her with notee fan Tega hope wOPpTiNed Of Admission free. * * * SNEAK THIEVES IN PATTON Om Monday morning when Broce Warren, the engineer 3t BF. Wises gaw mill went to work he discovered Lact } Semriy ail his toods whieh were in had been stolen by sneak eves, snd Mber in the (ay some wes who were jaying about the heard yard discovered the stoden toni, wther articles tak- Amen the articles taken was a Mage piece of Hes off the planer. whieh wogld cerlamd Pe Bg wse of ampeme I+ = ropaused wars sibhoen on Sunday sight ararn habden vimder the Fangrdd pide Sees ba AR Ph wT wae FE his amen ked TWEET W in nn mterciew wits Mr Sas thar he would mot have they bund Wage smoke staeh, as the waler, ¥hwb wappiien the baidur, had been taken and they were on mipenilind ty chose ther willl down until it haul been recovered. A Swentchman” in mwesded there suns. ®* * * CHANGED BRANDS ns Fa the member of the Putten Insuranem | Agency, has been changed, Mr Pat | tersen sell his interests to M. EH. Cowher, of Houtndale, who was form. erly a partoer of Mr. Parnell at that place. Mr. Patterson has resided in| him soccess in whatever business be ray be engaged in. The new firm will be known as Parnell & Cowher and the Courier wishes them abundant | specess * 0 SPECIAL SERMON TO ODD FEL- LOWS Next Sundsy morning at 9 o'choei the members uf the Patton Lodge, Na. oj throueh thie Lubin on is Nn ri Very ithe Cemmnie Wasi PE OvaTR : - {FOR SALE. Piano i Inquire at this “Freckles” he irand Thea! | Friday ever nyt Feb rary 16k -* 10% My EIEry Fs a The LMBASNSAIMDER PRESSES IMENCE AY ENEVERSITY POMINICK NOON DIED AY HOME NEAR LORETO Dram ine well known far (ty, died at his hom town and Loretto ' Tha arsday mara { The Jdeconsedd was abant 51 years old | and is survived by hig ie and sever: fal children Funera! services will he held Saturday worning. \ N\ SL WT Carradl- i § Wf a SR ae § (ES gi! i Pin this district Bey brought ST. BONTFACE erm ating selntiies * = AFR; Yeas Visita Week 4 % = Inder kind Antdany Henry Gt, oh 2 PATER NT 4 5 = i ; Phomun worsd wife, Sgrsiny at the home ; £4 Martin of Pation, af Edward * * =» F.OX, D2 and H tx Wa rorespective indi pd emstierg on Tuesday * ow» Miner pegiEtoreg vi Maria jf n E The Sharm Hs Teles il ih or GRIN, 188% % their Lik The hooks were Live % a a tadad i fron Mich “FRECKLES Seats Tozer's Jewehy morning-— Prices 35, on sade a Me and The ‘DeHaven & Co. of Al taken the The firms of Putterson and Purnell Patton about three years, and while here made many friends who sil wish store Wednesduy | ied, dependant Onder of ou Pei. Fel levies will aussie in the ee eecned in the Cood Building, snd procend inn beefy to the M ¥ htireh where Rev. Chas. W. oil preach & sermon to them st Toon A dordial imeitatiom is extended to all ta atiend thas serviee. WwW. A Baver secrets Bain Coney Matos! Crmmpany, of the Cam- Invarance caller at this oe iy Berd h pisaunt * ® » H 8 Lingle, superintindent of Mager & Lingie's mines in Patton, spent Sunday ri with his parents * During the recent heavy rains W. i. Donnelly, the west end lumber mer chant, took adv of Boy driving some is Je Little Chest creek to his mn * * =» Chas. W. Goodns representing: . Was b Patton Friday looking after busines aterests, (has. E * * * Patton, of Curweturifie ‘whe i oa property holder in Patton spent Tuesday and Weinesday =n fawn LO ‘Hotel on Caer idl * * » Mr. and Mrs James \ ware residents of Patton, Philipshary on Monday. nuany friends here who regret to iid ir fepartare. - The Courier bas been informed iw lwripe mamber of dwelling Rooms will Be bualt in Patton the coming Boring. They will be necided as there i met % vacant Rouse here tow. and wy the frst af April thers will, with it denslat, be f bare andre mire patie hers * * » Brown or Pittsburgh. re #1 the Cewtral hotel on session % & istered Monday. * * * VY. HEH Hasen® of Willinsmebure stopped at the Commercial botel Tuesday. S H Haley ant Geo, Fox, of AL toons, stepped at the Palmer house Monday. * " w - JM Furgeson, of Pittaborgh, was a guest at the Commercial hotel on Tuesday. «x Xt " Frank G. Grinnison, of Huamting- ton, stopped at the Central hotel ane (day inst week. * ®t» Fill C. Negley, a tw saan of PY Palmer house on x» He a Beaghmas, of the firm of bt x ughman, retursed from Brookville on Tuesday. * * =» * Hayes and Duve Wilken i the woods gunning last bagged two large coon. beauties. shies were oul week and They are BAKERTOWN BOWLERS TOO FAST FOR PATTON TEAM Om Grilin's sileys Friday evening. the Hakerton bowlers took twe sgt of threw games from the Patten shooters. Fakerton wom the and third Flan, Lhe sevomt Des TL by the Patterson i t 45 £ PT ie w » Rt oR % Cele WTP The resglits Baker on 124 a8 good a Lge ded nd ie ¥ BEES x Tok ae 5 Bortman Tatas 3 AMONG THE BOWLERS Regulars X &7 Je AT 108 Alison Met annell 122 W ike oy i. MeConnw i BS . Chul 112 " = 1 w) N ! ¥ - XN 3 N 146 1i8 Ng 114 Chapma! ii8 Dhegrsca 195 { masiay » estan 1% Total Matinee at the Majestic Suturday aftermogm. aU hl ee