lo wer mere IB INI RIO ho 1 Established 1493 Published Every Friday by the 'AR PRINTING COMPANY Patton, Pa. President Manager | Entered at the Post-Office at Pat. ton as second class matter. Subscription price . $1.00 per Year a in Advance ne Ss No papers discontinped until all arresrsjtes are paid, unless at the | ansacted business in town Monday Sjtion 9 of the publisher. er xa Advertising rates Legal notices $1.50 per inch for three insertions. Cards of thanks 5c per line Resolutions 5¢ per line, Political advertising 10: per line or ite inch display, payable strictly | . Foreign ndvertising must be paid for al ly in advance. No com- mission paid to advertising agents. mms Bat LITTLE TALKS ON HEALTH AND HYGIENE —————— By ; Samuel G. Dixon Commissioner of Health, THE COMMON EV ERY-DAY PIN The pin is born with millions of | brothers and sisters, who leave home to travel all parts of t their journey they come in contact with us human ire and it might ; " rh t CETL i he infietesting to take up, What same- | (i% nied times happens when they do so. Suppose a pin found its way into the lsandry of a shir! manufacturer, We ‘would ~ likely to hear of it, first in the mouth of one of those folding th shirt and preparing it for shipment. This pin, as well as others, might perhaps be making its first intimate acquaintance with the germ that produces sore throat. The A to the consumer who starts it ready for use. the poor pin finds the a: in, its abiding place. this oa it gets into an ul- 2) mouth, thence it gets into the : cushio some r receptacle. fa Cushion 31 ome ther ee persons who these, can- Bot Jetogeize disease germs by the and therefor the pin thus far, to think of .. y & : © uses pins in Tastiming ® child's dress to gether, doa the sume thing. By this time, in : the pin’s life history, it is cuits wed! armad with scores of gering and reall is scecountable for much harm A its path of travel. And now as it #8 getting old and about reidy to close e its tile, a little chiid fay be stream tomibiitis or dipthieria er even semriet fever, because sammie sf these Bre easily communion from threats so recently aucied by ; the disease that the danger i Rot Te cogtized. The presence of the germs thei have heen referred to on the Pp i= un reul danger, as the aby Hat or Fa worker knows be can plant ve taken from everviday use, pint them in focd stuffs that Raat Khem grow ud multiply jreater numbers, colonies can be by the naked eye und they can injected ito other living beings and prodiace disease. The habit of putting pins into the not contitnse: fur a moe ‘ment ivelyone knew this. w Moral of this little story in, ul jad pins in ties mouth as the , even fatal dikesse "i cs that 0 per cent of raised by Pennuylvania farm fed on the farms. of the State. # worid, On For the | HOME ITEMS OF TIMELY Telling of These Who are Visiting, and Those Who Have .: Yistors, With Other News of Our Busy Little Town Dr. I. Baldwin, Dentist Ba Loretto Prindible called on friends in Johnstown Saturday * * *» Attorney Arthur Simler, of Johns. town, spent publ days the first of the week with friends in town. * ®* *® ; Don Stewart. Sunshine salesman, * ® * Alex. Montieth, bas accepted a po | sition in the Sauter Jewelry store * ®* * Mins Augusta Johnson, of Clearfield, | spent Sunday at the home of her { parents in this place * * -* Derr Winslow has recovered from an attack of the grippe ®* =» Mr and Mrs Fredman Williams who have heen on the sick list for (some time are able to be around again * * * J. OO. McMullin was eslled te Al berta the first of the week on account of the death of his brother. * ¥ * William Radcliffe who had his leg broken in mine 33 last week ix get. ting along as well ne can be expectad ®* ¥ =» Mri. J. RB Cornelius was called to Mahaffey the first of the week on sc- count of the serious illness of her sister, Mrs, Clara Hayes * * ww Wiliam Eims, RAG Wan seriously injured in mine Noo 38 last Wednes day is recovering but ix still badly * * Francis Gillen, of Lombier City, spent Sanday with his mother, Mrs Mary Gillen of this place * * =» Miss Linna Forsberg has recoversd from an attack of the grippe * x * Mr. and Mrs. William A. Mellon, of the Windsor Hotel, spent Satur. day with friends ia -Sohnutown, ®* * =» Miss Josephine Dinsmore, is able to lw around agsin, after suffering from a severe attack o the grippe. + Raymond Thorn of Johnstown, spent Sunday at the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Thomp- ‘son, of Palmer avenue. * & = of Patton but who has been located in Colorado fer the past fifteen years, visited friends in town last week. * * * J. E. Spaid ard family, of Five Points, were shopping in town Satur. sant fault, shen you know day. * * * Miss Mary Shannon a student at Mount Aloysius Asndemy. Cresson, spent Sunday at her home in this piace Ww IWilliam Kibler who has been suffering from a stroke of apoplexy was taken to the Mercy hospital in Johnstown Wednesday afternoon. Mr Kibhler's condition 1s reported as very erties * * *» William Jenkins, 72 years o 1, is recovering from a stroke of pare xis. * ® » Mra William Simpson spent se cral days the fired of the week with fr ands in Johnstown * * =» Bertha Chapman, aged 11 year. of near No. 20 mine, died on Weadne: lay from an attack of diptheria. Foneral was held by undertaker Buck Wad! nesday morning with interment in Fairview cometery. ®* * = Mrs. William Denlinger retorted home after spending several days wit friends in Johnstown * ® Modestus Farabaugh spent Toes. duy in Johnstown * * » : T. H. Wirtner, the photographer, is attending the Eastman school of pho tography. * * * Major W. H. Bell who has been con. fined to his home for some time suffer. ine from a severe attack of guinsey and rheomatiam is peeovering * * = Mary Sheaka spent Wednesday with friends an Johnstown * * Mrs. WW. H Bell is recove R serous altack of hav * * =x Mra I. A Bessersan of Barnes Wega, soent Thursday with friends in town sorseh lb * * ww Eimer Cooney, of Williamsport spent Monday evening in town Ck x ow Francis Fitzpatrick has resigned his position in the Kisner stire and will devote his time th other business interests or the White Front Cafe * ® Garfield Wilkins hays closed his bar. ber shop and has accepted the sition with the Parnell and Cowher Insurance Company recently held by William Kibler. * * = son and brother at Derry, Tuesday * : I William Willis, a former resident BE Se Tr Miss Gertrude Dinsmore, of Punxau. tawney, spent Sunday at the home of her brother W. A. Dinsmore of Fifth avenue. | I * * = Ralph Winslow, Raiph Khunley and Cyril Fisher spent several days the first of the week with friends in Con pon. ®* * = Richard Smith, of Jersey Shore, pent Thursday in town FRECKLES” $4 oy PRR SNORE RTrRNY WRY Amerie all Trevklod boys andl girls amalaiel free to the lug matinee next Monday Hew ROT &% The “silowing fries uncalled for in the FP for the week ending Mr 1. F. Hoskall Miss Mary Chearly Mr. Jobn Padlock Mra H FF. Howes Persons culling far $ . * . ead 88 aay & x e Special ndded attire sektic w Ser eaday *slace of the Kirg' i e, riesmyTan AN CHURCH EPR ses WESSNER BARNESBORO Rev, Gore A ‘Duvall, pastor of the joes Method; wit church, 3 proach. ing tonight at St Benedist whore re- vival sarvices sre nn progress under the direction of the pastor, Bev. HF Babeovk of the Bakerton charge, * * Superiniendent Fdward Nicholson, the Madeira, Hill Con! Co. pent oe of the past week in Tyrone * * * Hugh Green, of Philipubury, was in town the early part of the week * A * A.M. Fisher, of DuBois, spent part of inst week mn town, in the interests of the hw Bois Iron Warky * * A Mock Leap Year Diinee van held in Fridmain's Hall, Monday night, A mre and enthusiastic crowd was present. and everybody had a good Lime * * * Last Saturday morning the car hound for Patton collided Huether und Gauntner livery team at the corner of Philadeiphia avenue and Caroline street. The livery hack had the right single trse aplintered and broken off but ne injury to fhe team ar driver, ®* * ¥ A very pleasant letter wus received yesterday from DL. Rumpay, of Wil. der, Virginia. Mr. Rumgay takes great pride in saying “1 an old resi. dent of RBarnesboro.” He states that DOsIneEs 8 fine. * * =» Wim T. Welsh, of Nanty-Gio, dis- trict moresentative of District No 1, UM WW of A was in toon yesterday Mr Welsh was recloted for the second term, at the recent slection and starts on his new fermi April 1st * & =» Mex James Dwvker, of Patton was Pstymithenen vimiioare wn yesterday 1 % oe Ntgw Hi sunday visitor in Buarnoxhoro ® * Ww Miss Fannie Attiemnn, of Philips hry, spent Sunday amo ng frucede in Lown ®* * =» 4. Baron, of the Family Shoes Stare, ix confined to his home with a severe attack of grippe * * » Frank Cole, of the Chestnut St garage spent several duys of the past week in Johnstown and Pittsburgh, being in consultation with the peneral Buick agencies. Hurry.up orders are trump * * » Mr. John Westover spent a few days lsat week with his brother in | Houtzdale. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Swabb and | family attended the funeral of their * * Mr and Mrs, Fred West departed thix maming for Houtzdale, having been cailed there on account of the identh of Mrs, West's father, Mr George Griffin, who died yesterday evening st & very advanced ag * XX » Mre N. L. Deim has rocovered from a severe attack of diptheria * ® * Supervisor Archibald of the P. R R ix confined to his home with the Erippe. rr * * Miss Lavia West, of Philipsbure, i visting among old-time friends on Barnesboro fr * » wi Mei. Henry Newrsar uk home with a badd aid Jorald, the irfar {i REPHARYT IN CHANGE PANAMA CANAL PO EI wii Mas DUNCAN B. ArTIST ( HU RC CH At the Bayitist chit eh worshin aw | ganado at LEO A Mound T:30 PM In the morning pastor EG. Zwaper | will oreach oa the suliject “Men wud | Women Just Like Ours g in the | veming fhe topic will be “The Rian. Jeulgoment. Poy What Nun. Al Goad Judge?” Sunday Schoo! at 2-00 P M Errors metgher of the school ix requested to he oxesent aod anvone who dein not go to Runcny School iz invited, You will find oar school a splendid lace to spend an hour on Sunday afternaum Y. P. meeting at 6:45 Alwayn in teresting and helnfal General raver riod ing Wednesday af 7:45 PY A meeting whers § rood spuditasl fest s always dngoved Freryhody wel. oie to all meetings THE WASHINGTON SUPPER Tickets for the Washington supper are already selling rapidly. For yours this supper bas been one of the roast events of Patton Last vear hetwoeen four and five hondred persons pars took of the feast CAkV ARY BAPTIST At the Calvary Chapel Bunday Rekwaol and worship as asus! an 10:30 AM Eeory momber of the school iw urged to be there und hring others with von. Presching service nt 8:15 P.M by Pastor BE. GG. Zwaver, sulijwet: meeting nt 7:80 every Friday eve. ning. Al who ive in that neihtae. hood are cordially invited to all ner. ieeg PROMISING CLASSE IN HIGH SC HOO The Tesahman clade of the Patton wehos! promises to be ong of the famines turned aut of the wir based The olga consists of tombe ahich is the larpest lass inom in the aehand 458 #11 Mgr the Ware eleetadd Af a mating falliong officers Pros ident, Thiednre Herawn: Vice Preanderd, Frank Calite: Sevretary. Maria Salter: Trmipirer, Edwin MarNamars:; Sergent.at-Arms, len F Prindibis METHODIST EPISCOPAL on RCH tm Sunday the Methodist come gation will have the plesiure of Baterane 10 Hev. Mellardy, of Clear. field. He will sovapy the puloit both morfiing and evening Morning preaching services 19:30 and evening iat 7:30 Class meeting at 5:80: Sunday School at 2:00 and Fownrth League at 8:30 Prayer mestine every Wed. nendny ovoning at 7:45 You will receive a cordial welcome at any or all of these services. Come and worshin with us Bert A. Salter, Pastor. * [NRE EY wo We can save you money. Ne Sagur, per Ih, only tent Cane R Ea Whoat vy MAC YY ent id i 4 4 ¥ 4 Haine Loe Annie Butler, otis AE | arly June Peas. per can, only prt ory Yur Ate Ba ASA hand John D'Ander, John Galairdi, G. E. | Prindible, and a local party of others interested in permanent construction with concrete are making plans to vixit the Tenth Chicago Cement Show at the Coliseum, Feb. 7-15. The Chi cago Coliseum is one of the fans convention auditoritms of the coun try. It bax housed perhaps more national political conventions than any other building in the United States. (Concrete is so widely used and it interests so large 3 number of people, that the Chi Comment Show is re- jarded, not only ss the barometer of the building business, but of business in geners! for the ensuing year. This wear the barometer is at a high point, ws is evidenced by the large number of exhibitors who have applied for wpace. They have such con in the boiling hoom that they have sp- plied for space in greater numbers than ever before. For the first time in the history of the show it will be necensary to gee the baleony of the Coliseum in addition to the main floor grid Annex. Practically very type of concrete constraction will be exhibited at the roement show as well as all the varioos kinds of machinery for its manufie- ture, : r ithe natural place to hold i a : HY “Growing” Bible stody and prayer mith a national exhibition as it is Hn three hours’ ride of the center of the population of the United States and because it ix the world's greatest railroad center Over 30. 000.000 people, or half of the popula. tion of the United States, live within a night's ride of Chicago. As the convention city of the country, it has ample hotel ascomodations, In sddition to the rsement show, there will be held, during the same seek, several conventions of allied in. terests, including the national earven- tions of the Ameriean Concrete Insti. tate, Nationa! Builders’ Supply Asse. elation, linn Lumber and Builders’ Supply Dealers’ Association, Amer- wan Concrete Pipe Associntion, and American Association of Engineers T housands of contractors, engineers, huilding material dealers and city and government officials from all parts of the United States and Canada, will be in attendance to interchn whens on the year's progress in building con struction, and our local representa. tives will have ample PE ty to profit by meeting these well-inown men. a — SCHOOL M ATIN EE SATURDAY vompany not i Rarneshoro as — as was expected, the school matinee will not be held un. til Setarday. Regutar show wr firide night and turday night and nee Saturday afterncon at 2.30 P. M HEA a AEA SA ra SPOT CASH STORE p “The Store that Saves You Money” Keep Your Eve On This Spare Every Week For Real Genuine Bargain Wa can sell you cheaper because we do not have the large expemsen and big rents to pay Add you pay here is low prices on groceries, 15 ar abe 1 PRICES Walter Baker's ¢ hecolate, per Ys cake, only * I Pah i tranny oiher £2 fi a TEE ard 1388 NW ’ Wire Giemoes, CC ratiherries, 1 THE and OYSTERS, most every day Halibut Steak and « 'RGETABLES Evervthing in ses. 4 3 Aattnee, Tomatoes, Sp pinach, Spot Cash Store Patton, Pennsylvania Fol Be Me LL li el AR A Marvelous Aad 1 dague ® OUENIC PRODUCTION ie by arovas NG PLAY | ¥ STRATTON. PORTER 2 w WIT, MUSIC AND PATHO HERE i8 A CLEAN, WHOLESO! BULLY YOUNG PLAY Presented By PERFECT ASSEMBLAGE PLAYERS Duncan 2,30 AND | Seat Sale At TUZER’S 0 A Rags ¥ ® “ ly ik RN Fa Ret